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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Help with Acne

I've had acne for about three years. I have tried so many things in an atempt to get rid of it. It has just gottne worse and worse since it started. It is now very mild on my forehead, and almost none on the rest of my face, but it has taken so much work to get it that way. I also have it all over my back. It is the worst on my chest and shoulders. I am so sick of washing it all the time and putting so many different things on it with no real results, and when I find something that reduces it somewhat, as soon as I stop it comes back as bad as ever. I know people have got much bigger problems than just some acne, but I am very frustrated. I am willing to try anything anyone thinks might work. If anyone wants a full list of the things I've tried, just let me know, and I will be happy to post it. I am going to be trying Silica as soon as I can obtain it (hopefully in the next day or two) and I'll post results from that. Again, I'm open to any sugestions.
  Sally Lue on 2006-04-14
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
If anyone has any ideas whatsoever, I'd be glad to here them.
Sally Lue last decade
Okay, I am having the best luck with an topical antibiotic used in combination with a vitamin D cream, but still it's no where near gone, and I can tell I'm going to have another break out here shortly on my forehead. So, I'm reconsidering trying Silica after some of the things I've read.
Sally Lue last decade
Sally Lue - Ms. Girlie girl,

I think you are going to have to visit the doctor for this. I'd tell him about your tonsil stones too, because I think both things are caused by low grade bacterial infections. But...I could be wrong.
If you really don't want to try that, I'd try the balancing pH thing we are talking about on the other forum.

Good Luck!
justmebyanyname last decade
I'll have to read the pH thing. I don't have the "tonsil stones" as often as I used to. I have talked to a doctor about my acne, and the antibiotic and the vitamin D stuff was the perscription. I know I may come across as a girlie girl, but really I'm almost exactly the opposite. I'm not really worried about how I look, I mean, most of the acne is on places like my back that will hardly ever be seen. I'm just ready to get rid of it. By the way, could you tell me where the pH balancing thing is?
Sally Lue last decade
Have a look into Kali Bromatum.

Am not a qualified homeopath, but this might be worth looking into. Perhaps another homeo on this board can look into your case further???? I'm sure you can be helped. Acne responds very well to homeopathy, so don't dispair. If no help on this site, I strongly recommend you make an appointment with a homeo where u live. Good luck ! : )

PS. Pankaj Varma recommends Echinacea Q mother tincture 5 drops in water 3 times daily - with success for healing of acne..
carlotta last decade
Thank you so much for your sugestions. I'm new to this site, but so far it has proved to be an excellent resource. I will definitely give the remedies you sugested a try, and post the results. I had almost given up today when I noticed how much worse the breakouts on my back and chest were getting, but I'm going to keep at it. I do know of a homeopath in the area that my sister and I used to see, but I'm just going to see if anyone here has anything that will work before I go to them. Besides, I doubt my mom would take me, because she just considers it a normal teenage issue, which, of course, it is. I really really apreciate your help. Thanks again Carlotta!
Sally Lue last decade
Alright, I've changed my mind yet again, and I'm on Silica right now. It doesn't seem to be helping yet...But we'll see. I'm hoping to get Echinacea soon.
Sally Lue last decade
Thanks Adyla,
I'll have to try that. I've also discovered that some of the acne on my face that I've been trying to get rid of for a while has turned into rather large hard bumps resembling cistic acne. I'm putting tea tree and eucalyptus oils on it, as well as witch hazel with no luck. I've just put some homeopathic anti itch and anti inmlamatory stuff on it as well as some hydrocortisone. I'm hoping it will help...I'll also definitely watch the stuff I use on my hair and what not. Thanks again,
Sally Lue
Sally Lue last decade
Okay, I've been advised to take 30c Arnia in 500ml of water. Can I use 6c and get the same results?
Sally Lue last decade
Please read my 2 posts today on this same subject which you can read above.

The remedy that I have recommended is Arnica 30c for immediate disposal of the Acne and after the current crop is eliminated the lower potency of 6c is recommended on a once daily basis to ensure that they do not recur.
Joe De Livera last decade
Once again, sorry I posted that question so many places. I'm sure you're probably gotten tired of answering that question.
Sally Lue
Sally Lue last decade
Okay, I just checked the arnica bottle, and actually, it's not 6c, it's 6x. So, just thought I'd mention that.

Sally Lue last decade
6x is not the remedy that you want.

Get the Arnica 30c and follow instructions.
Joe De Livera last decade
I will get 30c ASAP, but until then, should I keep using the 6x until then? Also, I have arnica cream...Would that do anything?
Sally Lue last decade

The Arnica 6x must not be used as it may even cause aggravation of your Acne.

The Arnica cream is only good for joint pains. Not for Acne.
Joe De Livera last decade
Oh, okay.
I'm very interested in homeopathy, but as you can probably tell, I've still got a lot to learn!
Thanks alot for your patience with me in my ignorance.
Sally Lue last decade
Okay Joe,
I think I'm going to be able to get the 30c today. I've also heard that chocolate can aggravate acne. Do you know if this is true or not? Also, on the same subject, do you know if there is anything I should do as far as diet? Or just the Arnica?
I really appreciate your help!
Sally Lue last decade
Okay, actually, I don't think I'll be able to get arnica 30c today. But definitely this week. Also, I've read that you live in Sri Lanka and provide free homeopathic treament to people there. I thought that was very interesting, and a very nice thing to do. Have you always lived in Sri Lanka? I would love to here your story if you have time! If you're busy, don't worry about it.
Sally Lue last decade
I got the Arnica 30c!
Sally Lue last decade

Yes chocolate does aggravate and usually promotes a fresh outburst of acne.

Drink plenty of water. Stay away from canned drinks and cola drinks. Exercise.

Yes I live in Colombo SL. It will take too long to tell you about myself but if you are interested you can insert my name joe de livera
on Google where you can read accounts of my method of cure using Homeopathic remedies which are different from the accepted classical homeopathic method which involves a long case taking process which I usually short circuit by prescribing a remedy which I am confident will help cure the ailment.

After all the patient wished to be cured ASAP and I provide the remedy to do so in the shortest possible time.

Report your response in 2 weeks or earlier.
Joe De Livera last decade
I've been eating alot of chocolate this weekend, due to the fact that it was Easter, but I'll try to stay away from it now. I'll keep you updated on my reaction to the Arnica. I think that your aproach to homeopathy is very interesting. I wholeheartedly agree with it though.

I know I say thanks kind of alot, but I just appreciate your time and suggestions!
Sally Lue last decade
Okay, I know it hasn't been very long, but I seem to be having a positive reaction to this Arnica. I'm taking silica as well, for scaring. Do you think I should stop the silica and just stick with the Arnica? Will it affect the effectiveness of the Arnica?

My acne seems to be clearing up, as do my scars, which I am very pleased about. I just wanted to make sure I'm not doing anything negative to the effects of the Arnica by taking two remedies at once.

Thanks again!

By the way, my dad is very impressed at the rate with which my acne is clearing up, and he wanted to know if you had any suggestions for wrinkles. He's got some pretty significant wrinkle on his forehead, probably from being out in the sun to much when he was younger...

Just let me know if you have any ideas about that.

Sally Lue last decade
Glad to learn that the Arnica therapy has helped you in just 4 days. I too have observed that it works like magic almost overnight but it must be taken in a reduce dosage in the lower 6c potency for a long time in the future after your lesions are cleared.

I note that you have used Silicea for scarring but I did not prescribe it to you. I would prefer that you use only the Arnica 30c for the moment. The immediate need is to first stop any new lesions breaking up and to slowly eradicate the old. Arnica will do this without causing any scarring on your face.

You may like to know that Arnica is not listed as a remedy for Acne in the Materia Medicas and I observed this response accidentally when I gave it to a patient for some other ailment.
Joe De Livera last decade
You asked me for a remedy for your dad. You can share the Arnica with him as he too will benefit from the increased flow of blood to his skin.

He may like to know that I am 76 years old and do not have a single wrinkle or other sign of old age. I am convinced that this is due to my use of Arnica 6c for the last 10 years every night.

How old is he and what is BP ?
Joe De Livera last decade
Okay, I'll stop the Silica. I read somewhere else on this site it's good for scarring. I was really using it for scars on my back and shoulders. I am so thankful that you suggested the Arnica, because it's working beautifully. My dad is 40, I'll have to ask him what his blood pressure is, he's out right now, but I'll get back to you on that. Right now he is sharing the Arnica with me because he is pretty sure he has a hernia. He has had one before, and he thinks he has got one again. Even though he needs surgery to fix it, he says the Arnica is helping the pain and sorness quite effectively.

I want to thank you again for prescribing Arnica. This is the first time in a very long time that I can say I have almost completely clear skin.
Sally Lue last decade

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