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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Help with Acne Page 9 of 12

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I am sorry, I meant, are they granules or pills?
Talat last decade
They are small round ball shaped pills...but not granules.

barora last decade
Hi Barora,

These will work just fine.

Good luck!

Sally Lue last decade
Thanks Sally...I was just worried because it seems too less of a dose in 500mLs. But I will go ahead and start using it.
barora last decade
I know it seems like a very small dose, but in homeopathy, small is beautiful. Keep us updated on the results.


Sally Lue last decade
I know what you mean when you say you've become less social. I'm not a very conscious person but after my acne it’s a different story. Will check out the sea salts thing. Thanks.

I’ve heard of proactive but not heard very good things…don’t want to do a number on my face… I’ve heard its pretty harsh…like you mentioned. And I’m thinking of giving arnica another go…I think I used mineral water instead of spring water. I don’t know if it makes such a big difference but I guess I can give it a shot.
malika last decade

You are right about proactiv being harsh. It was a bit much for my face, but it helped my back quite a bit.

I would give Arnica another shot. I don't know what effect mineral water would have on the Arnica, but it would be very interesting to find out. I wish you the best of luck, as I know what you are going through.


I didn't used to care one speck what people thought of me, or my clothes, but I do now after acne. It could just be because I'm 'growing up' (literally and figuratively) but I believe a lot of it is attributed to my acne.
Sally Lue last decade
Hi Malika and Sally,
Most people say 'Clear Skin Regimen' is better than proactiv. They say that proactiv stops working for them after one year or so. Both use Benzoyl peroxide for acne prevention but in a different way. Google it if you don't know what Clear Skin Regimen is?
Talat last decade
Thanks Talat,

I have heard of the Clear Skin Regimen. I haven't yet tried it.

One thing that worked pretty well for me was a solution I made. It was one part each pure Tea Tree oil, Eucalyptus oil, and Witch Hazel. You and Malika may want to try that.

Best wishes,

Sally Lue last decade
Thanks Sally,
Your solution looks good to me. Do you apply this solution to your whole face or just on the affected areas.
Some people also mix tea tree oil with pure aloe vera gel.
Talat last decade
Glad you guys are discussing more natural alternatives. We never know what the long term affects of more synthetic chemicals can have on your skin.
Pat2006 last decade

I try just to put it on the affected areas of my face, as even the fumes make my eyes water for a short time. I also put it on areas that may be clear at the time, but are very prone to breakouts.
Sally Lue last decade
Thank you Sally,
I'll give it a try some day. Can I get Tea tree oil, Witch hazel and Eucalyptus oil in regular stores like walmart, meijer or Do I have to look for them in some health store
Talat last decade
Hi Talat,

You can get Witch Hazel at your local pharmacy, but as far as I know, you need to go to a health food store for the other two. I got mine at Whole Foods. Do you have a Whole Foods by you?
Sally Lue last decade
I have bought tea tree oil from walmart before. If you have a Trader Joes near you, they definately carry it also.
rxmom08 last decade
Thanks a lot Sally and Rxmom08 for your help. I searched on ebay and each item is available there, so its easier for me to order from ebay than to look for them in different stores.
Talat last decade

That is very interesting that you have gotten tea tree oil from walmart and Trader Joe's before. I have never looked either of those places, but I will do so next time I go. I was actually just at Trader Joe's today.


I took a long salt water bath today, but in addition to salt, I but a couple handfuls of whole oats in as well. As you said, it is a process for the skin, but I noticed an almost instant result on my hair. It seems much softer now than it was before the bath.

Thanks for the suggestion!
Sally Lue last decade
Thanks for an update Sally. I am not sure if you should soak your hair in the salted water twice a day. Some people complain that their hair/scalp gets dry and itchy after sometime. Your hair feels soft because of the oats and not because of the salt, I guess. Keep us posted about the progress.
Talat last decade
How is everything going Sally? Are you taking salt water baths? What are the results?
Best Wishes,
Talat last decade
I am not sure what to start with first, I am writing for my daughter who is 14, she has had acne since she was approx. 10 year old. She has it on her back, chest and active pustules and red scars on her face.

She has been to a dermatologist for over a year and I don't see any improvement. She is currently on minocycline 2x a day, she uses Cetaphil for washing, duac gel in the AM and Tazorac in the PM.

Also she has stretch marks on the top of her legs that are white that have been there since she was about 5. She has never been overweight or lost a lot of weight to cause these.

My question is:

Where do I start? It seems the active acne would be first. I have seen the remedy Silica and the one for Arnica. I have been reading a lot of posts and don't know which one to use.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thank you
Cindy JD last decade
You can start your daughter off on Arnica 30c in the wet dose which is made by inserting 3 pellets of Arnica into a 500ml bottle of spring water. You shake the bottle hard every time before the dose which is a teaspoonful is sipped twice daily.

You can expect to see results in a week or even earlier.

Stop all other medication and ensure that she is off chocolates.

The Silicea will only be required if she does not respond completely to the Arnica which the majority of cases do positively.
Joe De Livera last decade
Hi Everyone!

Sorry I haven't posted (or emailed for some of you) in so long. I've been quite busy.


I have only been taking occassional salt baths due to the lack of salt and time. But they seem to work well when I take them. I've actually seen a lot of improvement on my back now that I've stopped everything I'd been doing to it, which is a bit odd, but hey, whatever works.


Good luck. Tell your daughter not to give up hope. I've had acne all over my face, chest, back, shoulders...this list goes on..since I was about 10 or 11, and I'm 13 now. As I mentioned earlier, I had really terrible acne on my back, and I stopped using all my perscription creams and over the counter meds, and even the homeopathy stuff I'd been putting on it. I am still taking Arnica, and that has had the best results for me.

Got to go!
Sally Lue last decade
[post removed - clearly kaseyanne is just trying to sell something]
kaseyanne last decade
Thank you Joe, I have ordered the 30C so I can start as soon as it gets here.

Sally, thanks for the encouragement.

I will keep everyone posted on results. I took pictures today of her face so I have something to judge progress by.

Cindy JD last decade
I fear you were on the wrong site and purchased the wrong product. It is at skinfix.ca, the smallest size is 58 g for 5.99.
kaseyanne last decade

When Cindy said she purchased the 30c, she was talking about the Arnica 30c Joe De Livera has recommended, not the Skin Fix paste. Thank you also for your imput.

Sally Lue last decade

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