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Help with Acne Page 2 of 12

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Okay, I'll stop the Silica. I read somewhere else on this site it's good for scarring. I was really using it for scars on my back and shoulders. I am so thankful that you suggested the Arnica, because it's working beautifully. My dad is 40, I'll have to ask him what his blood pressure is, he's out right now, but I'll get back to you on that. Right now he is sharing the Arnica with me because he is pretty sure he has a hernia. He has had one before, and he thinks he has got one again. Even though he needs surgery to fix it, he says the Arnica is helping the pain and sorness quite effectively.

I want to thank you again for prescribing Arnica. This is the first time in a very long time that I can say I have almost completely clear skin.
Sally Lue last decade
I'm afraid that Arnica cannot help your dad's hernia. If as you state he experiences pain from his hernia, I would advise him to consult a surgeon who can repair it. You state that he has already had one repair and I presume that it is the other side that is now the problem.

The pain is due to the temporary strangulation of the gut, if it is on the right side and if on the left side it is the Sigmoid Colon which is more problematical and can be dangerous if it does not reduce when the patient lies flat in bed and pushes the lump back into the abdomen. If the hernia enters into the scrotum it must be repaired on an emergency basis.
Joe De Livera last decade
Thank you for the info on hernias. I had my dad read it. It is actually at the same spot as his last hernia. Also, my acne got better, but now it seems to be coming back with as much vigor as ever. It have small pimples developing on my neck as well as my lower back now. I know in some homeopathic remedies, the condition is supposed to get worse before it gets better, but I don't know if that is the case here...Just let me know if you have any more suggestions. I'm starting to think I may just have to live through it, and hope it disappears eventually.
Sally Lue last decade
How many days have you taken Arnica and can you indicate the progress of the therapy. When did it get better and when did it recur ?

What is the potency of the Arnica you are now using and if you followed my instructions please repeat the exact method you have followed to make the remedy in the wet dose.
Joe De Livera last decade
I am following your directions using Arnica 30c. I've been taking it for about 7 days. It just started breaking out again yesterday/today. I think it could be due to stress. I'm very stressed about various school things, causing very severe insomnia. Do you have any remedies for that? I'm taking Melatonin and Valarian, but it is not working at all. I get up at 6:30 every school morning, and I went to bed at 10:30 last night, and didn't fall asleep until about 2:00-2:30 in the morning. Right now it is about 12:30am here, and I went to bed at 10:30 again, and I've finally gotten up. I've also tried Coffea and Ignatia before. This problem started the first day of school at the beginning of this year. It was really bad for the first part of the year, but then it got much better. It has suddenly come back worse than it ever has been before.

The problem is, after a certain amount of time lying in bed, I get anxious about sleeping, and then, usually, I end up hysterically sobbing, due to lack of sleep and anxiety. Then, I'll switch between my bed and the guest bed or my parent's bed a few times, and then I'll read or get on the computer when that doesn't work, and then I'll try to sleep again, and sometimes this works. That's usually the pattern. Right now, I've gotten past the hysterical part, said a few crazy things like I'm never going back to school before leaving my parent's room, and I've gotten passed the switching beds part, and now I really hope to get to sleep.

Sorry this is such a long post, it's just sometimes I feel better just telling someone about everything, and my mom has kicked me out of her room, and basically tells me there's a lot of other people who have much bigger problems, and I'll be fine and everything will stay the same in my life regardless. This is all absolutely true, and perhaps and am selfish, but at night when I can't sleep, sometimes sanity almost abandons me.

Sorry I'm dumping all this on you, but right now, you're probably the only one that's going to listen, and I really felt like I had to right this all down or something. Just let me know if you have any suggestions for my insomnia. Just thought I'd metion, it's just sleep onset insomnia I have. Once I fall asleep, I don't have any issues. I wake up sometimes in the middle of the night (if I'm not up all night) but I fall right back to sleep. It's just getting to sleep for the first time.
Thanks again.

God bless,
Sally Lue last decade
I hope that you have followed my instructions and are only using the wet dose which you made by insterting 3 pellets into a 500ml bottle of spring water which you shake hard before you sip a teaspoonful twice daily.

Arnica is an excellent remedy for insomnia and I am surprised that it does not help you to sleep.

Stay with Arnica and let me know how you respond from time to time.

Do not drink any stimulants like coffee, coca cola and tea after 3 PM. I presume you exercise to make your body sweat as this is essential for sleep.
Joe De Livera last decade
I haven't had any caffinated drinks in quite a while. I have followed your instructions and I'm only taking the wet does of Arnica which I made by putting 3 pellets into a bottle of 500ml water, which I shake before I use. Yesterday I was to tired for exercise due to the lack of sleep. Today I'm not at school because I was up so late again, and I'm completely exhausted.
Sally Lue last decade
Okay, I just have a quick question. In general, when does teen-age acne usually start going away?
Sally Lue last decade
The incidence of Acne usually passes away by age 20. Let us hope that you too will not be affected by that time.

In the meanwhile, follow my instructions and take a teaspoonful of Arnica twice daily.
Joe De Livera last decade
My face is doing much better. It definitely seems to be working, but it's kind of strange. The acne seems to be shifting from one part of my body to the other. First it was my face it was bad on. (I only have a few small pimples now, plus a few small scars) Then my chest got very bad. That's cleared up, now my shoulders and upper arms are very bad. But the Arnica is definitely helping, it just seems to make each area worse, then eliminate it.
Does it matter if the dose is a little more or less than a teaspoon? I just take a sip, I don't actually measure it out. Is that all right?
Sally Lue last decade
Stay with the Arnica 30 twice daily. You have already discovered that it has helped you in just about 10 days after you first started on the remedy. Stay with it for the moment and let it stabilize the tendency in your system to break out in acne all over your body.

When you are finally cured of your pimples you can then take the lower potency of 6c in the same wet dose for as long as you wish. I have taken it nightly since 1996 and am convinced that I owe Arnica my present state of health at age 76.

You are only wasting the remedy by not using a teaspoon as the measure. You may also use the bottle cap as otherwise you may use too much or too little.

You should observe if certain foods trigger an outbreak.

Exercise daily if possible and shower with a wash cloth to open the pores in the skin. Use Johnsons Baby shampoo on the cloth and on your hair as this does not have the harsh alkalis that soap is made of.
Joe De Livera last decade
I'll do that,
also, is there any particular soaps I should be using to wash my face with? Should I use Johnson's baby soap for that too, or just water? Right now I wash my face in the morning and night with a tea tree oil face wash. Is that to much for my face?

My dad is also taking Arnica daily, and he is convinced it is helping his wrinkles go away. I want to thank you again for your time and suggestions. My face only has one very visible spot on it, and that's because I was picking at it, even though I know I shouldn't, and I'm going to work hard at stopping that habit.
Sally Lue last decade
Glad to note that Arnica is helping your dad. Please tell him that it works very slowly and my example is a good case in point where my skin is that of a teenager at 76. Absolutely no wrinkles and it is only my grey hair that indicates my advanced age. Your dad can take a sip twice daily and it should help him with his sleep.

How old is he and is he over weight ?

Johnsons Baby is the best equivalent for soap you can use throughout the body.
Joe De Livera last decade
He is 40, and no, he's not over weight. He has a very fast metabolism.
Sally Lue last decade
In my haste to get rid of my acne, I seem to have really rubbed my chest and shoulders very raw, so now it looks like a severe rash. I'm going to stop putting stuff on it, and just gently washing it with a wash cloth. Is there any thing I should take or be doing to heal the rawness faster?
Sally Lue last decade
Okay Mr. De Livera,
I need your advice once again.
I feel as if I'm just making my acne worse by washing it twice a day and putting medications and stuff on it, and I want to stop treating it period, to see if it gets better. When I say stop treating it, I still want to continue the Arnica because out of everything, I seem to be having the best results with that.

But, I've worked so hard to get it how it is now, and I'm really scared that it will get a lot worse if I stop treating it, but it would be such a relief to stop worrying about it. Do you think it would get worse if I stopped washing it and stuff?

Any other suggestions to get rid of my extremely stubborn acne on my back chest and shoulders?

I've given Arnica to one of my friends who has really bad acne, and she's having the same results I am. Extreme improvement on her face, but just a bit on her back and chest. What would you suggest for that?

Thanks again!
Sally Lue last decade

You seem to have a fixation about your acne and you are advised not to irritate your skin further by rubbing as it can perhaps spread and cause further distress.

Leave your acne severely alone. Do not pop the lesions. Use the Arnica as instructed and report results in a week when you should normally expect to see positive results.

Your friend has already experienced some improvement and this will continue and results will be seen in a few days.

After the lesions are stabilized you can use Arnica 6c and reduce the dosage to just once nightly for as long as you like to use it.
Joe De Livera last decade
I all of a sudden do seem to have a fixation with my acne. I will stop doing anything to my acne and report back in week. I don't know why it has suddenly become a big deal for me, considering it has been there for three years, but ah well.
Thanks for your patience.
Sally Lue last decade
have you had a look at kali bromatum remedy pic ?
carlotta last decade
No, I haven't. What is that?

Joe, I will take this post as an oportunity to update you. One of my shoulders is better, and my other is showing improvement. I don't have any active acne pimples right now, just a lot of red marks where acne used to be. Any suggestions for getting rid of those?

Sally Lue last decade
I thought I'd add that I have red marks and scars all over my back, shoulders, and chest too. It would seem my acne is almost gone, but my skin still looks terrible from scars and marks and what not.
Sally Lue last decade
THe improvement in your Acne will continue and you will observe that this improvement has conformed to the usual routine that I predicted. I believe you first started to use Arnica in the wet dose about 12 days ago and you do not have any new lesions forming on your skin. The marks on your back and chest will take some time to go down but the main thing is that you do not have any new pimples breaking out.

You can now use the lower potency of 6c which you will use in the same manner and you can report the response.

You can also use 2 Silicea 6x tablets twice daily as this too will help the discolouration on the skin and also fill in the little abrasions on the skin caused by your abrasive treatment a few days ago.
Joe De Livera last decade
That is really fantastic response you are getting from the arnica . Great stuff Joe.

I would stick with this course of treatment for sure.

You have to be patient with the pigmentation. There is no miracle i'm afraid. it's a process of cell renewal - again, a good moisturiser that will not block pores but re-hydrates skin will help, as with supplementing with Omega 3 and Evening primrose oil.
carlotta last decade
To Sally

I would prefer that you do not use the moisturizer and the other supplements you suggested. You may however use one Fish oil capsule daily.

Arnica has invariably helped hundreds with their Acne and you may like to know that I discovered this unusual response which is not listed in the classical texts and hopefully will be added some time in the future. It would be too much to expect them to give me the credit of discovering it and also recording it for others to use as the Ultimate remedy for Acne !

Silicea will fill the pores instead of the other skin aids which can perhaps do some harm by blocking the pores.

Keep reporting your response for a few weeks so that others too can appreciate that my 'This for That'
method which has been subjected to heavy criticism does really work to help cure ailments like Acne among many others.
Joe De Livera last decade
I will try to obtain Silica 6x as soon as possible.
Sally Lue last decade
One more question,
I do have just a few, barely noticable pimples on my forehead that do contain pus which comes out when I squeeze them. (Even though I know I shouldn't) I also have a very big one on my temple. But besides that I'm having a lot of improvement, but I was wondering if it would be okay, or if it would be harmful to put my 'tea tree oil concoction' on my forehead. I had been using htat before because I had read that eucalyptus and tea tree oils, along with witch hazel all have healing or cleansing properties. The solution I made is one part witch hazel, one part of each of the other two oils. So it's all evenly mixed.
Sally Lue last decade

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