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Derealization- feelings of unreality Page 4 of 19

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I have to be careful when offering help in your case because there always is the possibility that you have a medical condition that warrants attention. DR for the most part is a psychological and not physical disorder (although where one stops and the other picks up is kind of a mystery to all of us). I will say this though. Many people who are dealing with the onset of DR go through a denial phase where they convince themselves that their problem is physical and unrelated to mental health. This is not unusual and in the beginning, I did that myself. Remember two things: (Wow...I sound like Dave Matthews)
A)Your issues may be very masked and hidden deep in your past. They may not be easy to spot right away. Usually an event in the present helps to trigger a subconscious remembrance of this buried event. In my case, it was my parent's divorce, and so your relationship problems may be a place to start your examination.

B)DR isn't necessarily triggered by an event. It can be a form of "lifeshock" where you come to realize that this ride(called life) is too wild to stay in touch with emotionally.

The way to handle both scenarios is to work on finding where you are hurting emotionally and deal with feeling the pain. In my case, I asked God to help me, and he/she did...but I'll leave that alone for now.

Again, I need to stress that I don't know all there is to know about these disorders so I would suggest you do go the medical route for safety's sake, but also experiment with trying to find emotional issues that may need to be dealt with but are boiling somewhere beneath the surface. I wish you well with this. Keep addressing the problem! Do not run from it. Whether it is physical or emotional in your case, attack it head-on. A large percentage of all our problems in this life result from our failure to deal with issues when they are still small and manageable.

God Bless!

tchill2 last decade
I have to be careful when offering help in your case because there always is the possibility that you have a medical condition that warrants attention. DR for the most part is a psychological and not physical disorder (although where one stops and the other picks up is kind of a mystery to all of us). I will say this though. Many people who are dealing with the onset of DR go through a denial phase where they convince themselves that their problem is physical and unrelated to mental health. This is not unusual and in the beginning, I did that myself. Remember two things: (Wow...I sound like Dave Matthews)
A)Your issues may be very masked and hidden deep in your past. They may not be easy to spot right away. Usually an event in the present helps to trigger a subconscious remembrance of this buried event. In my case, it was my parent's divorce, and so your relationship problems may be a place to start your examination.

B)DR isn't necessarily triggered by an event. It can be a form of "lifeshock" where you come to realize that this ride(called life) is too wild to stay in touch with emotionally.

The way to handle both scenarios is to work on finding where you are hurting emotionally and deal with feeling the pain. In my case, I asked God to help me, and he/she did...but I'll leave that alone for now.

Again, I need to stress that I don't know all there is to know about these disorders so I would suggest you do go the medical route for safety's sake, but also experiment with trying to find emotional issues that may need to be dealt with but are boiling somewhere beneath the surface. I wish you well with this. Keep addressing the problem! Do not run from it. Whether it is physical or emotional in your case, attack it head-on. A large percentage of all our problems in this life result from our failure to deal with issues when they are still small and manageable.

God Bless!

tchill2 last decade
I have to be careful when offering help in your case because there always is the possibility that you have a medical condition that warrants attention. DR for the most part is a psychological and not physical disorder (although where one stops and the other picks up is kind of a mystery to all of us). I will say this though. Many people who are dealing with the onset of DR go through a denial phase where they convince themselves that their problem is physical and unrelated to mental health. This is not unusual and in the beginning, I did that myself. Remember two things: (Wow...I sound like Dave Matthews)
A)Your issues may be very masked and hidden deep in your past. They may not be easy to spot right away. Usually an event in the present helps to trigger a subconscious remembrance of this buried event. In my case, it was my parent's divorce, and so your relationship problems may be a place to start your examination.

B)DR isn't necessarily triggered by an event. It can be a form of "lifeshock" where you come to realize that this ride(called life) is too wild to stay in touch with emotionally.

The way to handle both scenarios is to work on finding where you are hurting emotionally and deal with feeling the pain. In my case, I asked God to help me, and he/she did...but I'll leave that alone for now.

Again, I need to stress that I don't know all there is to know about these disorders so I would suggest you do go the medical route for safety's sake, but also experiment with trying to find emotional issues that may need to be dealt with but are boiling somewhere beneath the surface. I wish you well with this. Keep addressing the problem! Do not run from it. Whether it is physical or emotional in your case, attack it head-on. A large percentage of all our problems in this life result from our failure to deal with issues when they are still small and manageable.

God Bless!

tchill2 last decade
Hi there. I have been reading what everyone has been writing and I have experienced many of the symptoms that you all have. It has affected my life greatly. But I came across a website that talked about my symptoms and the condition that causes mine is called reactive hypoglycemia...it is a blood sugar thing. When your blood sugar falls too quickly and too low it causes foggy thinking, a feeling of being out of it and the feelings that you talk about when you talk about derealization. I also had many many other symptoms such as congestion, fullness in my ears, fatigue, shakiness, I had many of the symptoms of depression and anxiety...etc etc. I never would have thought that all of these could be caused by blood sugar imbalance!! I started to change what I ate and as time went on my symptoms of depression diminished, as well as, the other symptoms such as the derealization. Anxiety and depression do run in my family so I am aware I am more predisposed to it than some but by eliminating sugar and eating differently, it has helped me immensely. I hope this information may help someone. I know first hand how hard it is to be not well and not able to find a reason. If anyone is interested in any of the information I have accumulated just post a reply and I'll let you know more of what I have learned about reactive hypoglycemia. Anita Flegg puts out a book called the other sugar disease. It is the book I began with and if anyone thinks it may help them then take a look at it. You would be amazed how much what we eat affects our well-being.
hanne last decade
hey i thought i would tell everyone my story, for a while i didnt even hear of dp or dr until i searched on the internet and realized im not crazy, I tryed mushrooms a few times no problem and one time i had a bad trip where i didnt no who i was what life was i thought i was going to die and everything i saw scared me it wa slike ive seen everythin before knew what it was but it just looked so different after that i never touched drugs and i was fine but every once in a while i would think about how i felt but just shrug it off this all happened when i was 16 and how i am 19 but just a few weeks ago i took diet pills and took more then i was sopost to had a panic attack and ever sinc ethat day i just havent felt the same i hate feeling like this for me its like being in hell il feel ok sometimes but then it will just go back i am scared to do things and talk to people but i find when i do hang otu with my friends i feel alot better but normally i just need to feel better and i was wondering if anyone has any suggestions on what i should do ? should itake anti depressants? i dont no if i want to cuz i hear you get really sick and gain weight and no way im doin that! does therapy help? please w/b
pinkgurl19 last decade
hey i thought i would tell everyone my story, for a while i didnt even hear of dp or dr until i searched on the internet and realized im not crazy, I tryed mushrooms a few times no problem and one time i had a bad trip where i didnt no who i was what life was i thought i was going to die and everything i saw scared me it wa slike ive seen everythin before knew what it was but it just looked so different after that i never touched drugs and i was fine but every once in a while i would think about how i felt but just shrug it off this all happened when i was 16 and how i am 19 but just a few weeks ago i took diet pills and took more then i was sopost to had a panic attack and ever sinc ethat day i just havent felt the same i hate feeling like this for me its like being in hell il feel ok sometimes but then it will just go back i am scared to do things and talk to people but i find when i do hang otu with my friends i feel alot better but normally i just need to feel better and i was wondering if anyone has any suggestions on what i should do ? should itake anti depressants? i dont no if i want to cuz i hear you get really sick and gain weight and no way im doin that! does therapy help? please w/b
pinkgurl19 last decade
I don't agree with the elimination of sugar theory, at least it was not true for me. I find that I feel best when I am eating sugar/simple carbs. I had read that sugar/simple carbs can cause anxiety.. so I tested out the theory. When I eliminate sugar and cut down on carbs, my dp/dr gets much worse. I tried it for months and found that I did not get better (worse if anything). I tried the Atkins diet before too.. and that triggered a series of dp/dr events too. When I slowly start introducing those foods back into my life, I start to feel better. I don't think carbs/sugar are the solution, either.. but they are a part of the puzzle. I think there's different things going on (stress/emotional issues/ not being ones true self, etc) that can play a part in it.. but from my experience, eliminating sugar did not help me.

Things will get better. I've been dealing with dp/dr for about 10 years now and I go through periods (up to 2 years) without any dp/dr. I tried paxil initially and that didn't help. Ativan helped with calming me down.. but the paxil didn't do anything. All it did was make me gain 45 pounds. I think accepting that you have what you have and knowing that you will get better helps a lot. The worst part of dp/dr is the fear of it. The fear that you will live like this forever.. that you're going crazy... that you're going to lose your mind.. that you'll start believing and acting like things AREN'T really real, etc. It gets better, just hang in there. You will be okay again.
toggle last decade
i just dont understand how i can feel this way like when i had the bad trip n everythin i felt like i was going to die so maybe i was just never able to get over the fact that i tripped out and saw the world in a differentt way? and how can i feel like this and know its all in my head why cant just tellin myself that make me better? I mean its been 3 years since i felt that feeling and by takign those pills make me have a panic attack so maybe know im just living in the fear or feelin like that again? its so confusing!! i just wanna no what i should do to get better i dont no about antidepressants i hear there not good..no way im going to gain weight now when the whole reason this started was from wanting to loose weight! also I used to have epilepsy but not abad case of it it was more like i had twitches lol but takin medicine make it better could that relate to it? also i have a thyroid imbalance and it was hyperactive and a symptom of that is anxiety and derealization comes from anxiety so i really dont no whats wrong! but all i no is that its anightmare i dont evebn like talkign about i feel like so depressed and im just sick of this! i feel like i am CRAZY!!
pinkgurl19 last decade
Yeah ill tell ya i feel the same way it sucks i dont know why i feel this way but ive been like this for a long time for about 6 years now but relly bad for the last 2 or 3 years i feel so out of it that i dont know what im doing anymore i cant feel myself walk or talk its like im not even living ive been stuck in my house for like a year now not doing anything cause i feel so bad and the depression and anxiety dont help but the only reason i feel anxiety and depression is because of the dr/dp i just dont understand it its like it neavaer goes away its a constant thing even right now as i type this its like im not even doing it its crazy the worst is the talking and walking thing i cant feel myself talking its like im not even doing it and it scares me and when i walk its like i cant feel it its like how the hell am i walking when i cant feel it it scares me so bad that i have anxiety and that makes it worse i just dont know what to do its like a constant battle i cant win its not like i just have this off and on when i get scared or something cause everybody feels alittle out there after somthing like that happens NO THIS IS CONSTANT ALL THE TIME FEELING and it just wont go away ive been to all the docs ive had all the test MRIS CAT SCANS BLOOD TEST EKGS EVERYTHING ive tried all kinds of meds paxile,effexor,zoloft,lexapro,ativan,zyprexa, evreything and still nothing ativan helped me calm down but that was only for anxiety not DR/DP plus ive seen theropyst and still nothing i just dont understand all i know is it really sucks its like the owrst thing in the world to feel like your not even here ALL THE TIME and dont know what u are doing i mean mine is soo bad that its not even funny i can hardly sit here and type this right now wee need to figure this s h i t out like now cause i want to get on with my life and do somthing with it not just sit in my room all day and hardly move around or do anything i mean come on what kind of life is that? im am 22 now and i feel that most of my life is gone because of this s h i t and that sucks but i dont want to make u guys feel down i just want to get to the root of this cause im sick of it......
weird last decade
i get that too especially when driving on highway. so watch out for me:) Mine is off and on. Sometimes it just hits me. Im 24, so pretty close to your age as well. I still get out though so Im not too bad. I think its just a mental thing. Ya gotta say this is real. maybe smack yourself if you gotta. not too hard though. I know thyroid can cause symptoms like this. any treatments for that?
hotty198 last decade
for sure it comes on and off its all in your head just tell yourself its not real lifeis real and its all in your head!! go on with your life just get ur mind off it!!
pinkgurl19 last decade
for sure it comes on and off its all in your head just tell yourself its not real lifeis real and its all in your head!! go on with your life just get ur mind off it!!
pinkgurl19 last decade
Wow, everything that "weird" wrote about it basically EVERYTHING that i feel. I've had all the blood work done. Im having an MRI done tomorrow. This freaks me out all the time. I cant even drive without spacing out. I hate going anywhere, i hate talking to people, i hate doing all the things i used to love doing. I cant take it anymore. I have no idea on how to make this go away.
ashleygrl last decade
Hi, Mom of the 15 yr old here again. My son has now been seeing a child psychologist for over a month. He says it seems to be helping. The psychologist had told us at the beginning of his treatments that the DR was a symptom of what really was bugging him. She said that once the real problem was uncovered and my son learned how to deal with that the DR would cease to exist.

It seems to be working, albeit slowly, but working. My son is learning how to deal with problems in his life rather than trying to run from them. He is having more moments when he is feeling more like himself every week. And he's not speaking of being in "his bubble" as much anymore.

The psychologist has suggested that what is really troubling him could be so deeply buried it may take some time to get to it. It may be so deep that my son doesn't even realize that he has been bothered by it. Have any of you thought of seeing someone? Even if you don't have the money to see a professional is there anyone in your lives who you feel comfortable talking with? My son seems to think that talking is helping. He has also been journaling; getting his feelings and thoughts down on paper. He feels that this in some small way also helps.

God be with you all.
sherisse last decade
hey mother of 15 year old! what caused your son to feel this way? was it drugs? also the problem that was uncovered was it a serious one?
pinkgurl19 last decade
t chill:
did you go to see a phycologist to feel better?
pinkgurl19 last decade
i'd like to thank everyone who posted on this thread. ive been suffering from this for two years after smoking too much cannabis when i was 13, i had a bad trip and suffered these symtpoms then, which have come and gone, but never fully gone. i feel so much better already knowing other people suffer from this.

does anyone get scared of the most random s h i t? literally anyhing.

thanks so much.

sam lee.
Muler last decade
I usually freak myself out over stupid little things. I hate feeling like this. I had an mri done over the weekend to see if there is anything else that could be making me feel like this.
ashleygrl last decade
me to..but then im like dont be an idiot! its all in ur head!! whats an mri? i feel stupid tellin the doctor i feel dp and dr cuz i feel like im crazy!!
pinkgurl19 last decade
me to..but then im like dont be an idiot! its all in ur head!! whats an mri? i feel stupid tellin the doctor i feel dp and dr cuz i feel like im crazy!!
pinkgurl19 last decade
me to..but then im like dont be an idiot! its all in ur head!! whats an mri? i feel stupid tellin the doctor i feel dp and dr cuz i feel like im crazy!!
pinkgurl19 last decade
me to..but then im like dont be an idiot! its all in ur head!! whats an mri? i feel stupid tellin the doctor i feel dp and dr cuz i feel like im crazy!!
pinkgurl19 last decade
i was just wondering who hear sees a thereapist and does that help also is anyone here goign to a nerologist?
pinkgurl19 last decade
Homeopathy works on the principle that a thing which creates disorder in our system when taken in large quantity, the same thing when taken in extremely small quantity(called infinitesmal dose,whose presence or absence in the potentising medium cannot be established by the time it reaches potency 30, in the process of dilution, by the existing scientific methods) will cure the disorder and its associated symptoms will disappear.

I suggest the Homeopathic medicine: "Cannabis Indica" for those having ill effects of Marijuana/Cannabis/Hashish but I do not find it on sale by the store on this web-site. Those who can get from some other store can benefit from it. Put one drop of medicine of potency 200 in 1 ounce(30 ml) of distilled water/rain water(after it has rained for a few minutes and washed the atmosphere)/boiled water(to drive out chlorine)and shake it vigorously for 1 minute. From this mixture give one spoon as a dose and watch the effect. Give next dose when the improvement due to earlier dose starts wearing off,each time shaking the remaining mixture for 1 minute.

Those who cannot get the above medicine may use the Homeopathic medicine Nux Vomica 200 in the same way as detailed above. This medicine restores the system to normalcy in general.

Stop all smoking(if possible, even cigarettes) during treatment and do not put strong smelling/odour things(eg. spices,tooth paste,smoke,peppermint) in the mouth 1 hour before and after taking the medicine.

After you become o.k, stop Drugs as a good citizen.
sahai last decade
imnot sure if i feel comfortable takign medicine because of the side effets what r they? and what medicine is this would my docotr approve?
pinkgurl19 last decade
There is no side effect.
This is Homeopathic medicine. Homeopathy is a system of medicine, like allopathy.
Your doctor will know what is Homeopathy. I find no reason why your doctor should not approve unless he is already treating you by allopathy or some other system of medicine.
sahai last decade

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Information given in this forum is given by way of exchange of views only, and those views are not necessarily those of ABC Homeopathy. It is not to be treated as a medical diagnosis or prescription, and should not be used as a substitute for a consultation with a qualified homeopath or physician. It is possible that advice given here may be dangerous, and you should make your own checks that it is safe. If symptoms persist, seek professional medical attention. Bear in mind that even minor symptoms can be a sign of a more serious underlying condition, and a timely diagnosis by your doctor could save your life.