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Some questions about the stomach and stool.

1. Can you say you have a sense of uncertainty regarding the stools, what comes, it is gas or is that excrement?

2.Kan have a sense of constant bearing down in rectum?

3. Pain in rectum after stool? Maybe burning?

4. Can you have pain under the ribs, right-sided?

5. Is it worse in the morning?

6. Can you get headaches after stool?

Parakletos. last decade

Yup i can say that i have a sense of uncertainty regarding stools, if i feel like passing a stool than sometimes it's just gas.

Constant bearing down, do u mean the whole day or just before a stool or a bowel movement ?

Sometimes burning after a stool.

Pain under the ribs is more like gas.

Well i did get some pain on the ride of the ribs.

gas and stomach tightness is worst in the morning.

No headaches after stool. or maybe i have never noticed it.
paintthetown last decade

Yup i can say that i have a sense of uncertainty regarding stools, if i feel like passing a stool than sometimes it's just gas that passes though the stools are still there in the intestine.

Constant bearing down, do u mean the whole day or just before a stool or a bowel movement ?

Sometimes burning after a stool.

Pain under the ribs is more like gas.

Well i did get some pain on the ride of the ribs.

gas and stomach tightness is worst in the morning and in the evening if bowels have not cleared completely than gas with pain and thick loose stools.In fact the gas and tightness is there most of the day if bad bowels.

No headaches after stool. or maybe i have never noticed it.
paintthetown last decade
How do you react to see blood?
Do you have itching, in the case where

Is the following what you think?
'Why Can` t I have a normal stool? '
'Where is this conditioning going?'
Am going to have a normal stool or not? '
Etc. ...
Do you have such thoughts? Preoccupy your mind so much That you can not think of anything else?
Do you feel an inner irritation, almost hatful, but calm and stoic on the outside?

Parakletos. last decade
When i see blood. I feel weak and have fear / nervous.

Itching ? What kind of itching ?

Is the following what you think?
'Why Can` t I have a normal stool? '
'Where is this conditioning going?'
Am going to have a normal stool or not? '
Etc. ...

Do you have such thoughts? Preoccupy your mind so much That you can not think of anything else?

Yes i think the above.

Do you feel an inner irritation, almost hatful, but calm and stoic on the outside?

Inner and Outside both ways irritated.
paintthetown last decade
You may have spastic or ulcerative colitis, but it's really not my task to say. You must go to an allopathic doctor to examine it, if you like. Notice that I say: you may have!
In any case, a medicine that can help in such a condition is 'Aloe'.( Aloe Soccotrina)
You know the procedure, 200C, one dose. Wait about a week, or if something special would happen, before you contact me again.

I hope that I have found the right medicine, and that it can help you to get back to good health.
Good luck, Parakletos :-)
Parakletos. last decade

I just hand a feeling you would say Aloe.

As you said that 'I may have Ulcerative Colitis or spastic' , as i understand UC has bleeding and very loose motions. I have some loose kinda motions but not watery, the bleeding i dnt think i have, i get dark stools sometimes and also sometimes i have noticed some dark spots on the stools is that blood ? Does UC have weight loss and skin conditions. I may be anemic if i that is blood in the stools.

Yup i know the procedure for the medication i will go ahead thanks doc. Later i shall get myself checked for UC from an allopathic doctor.

Will keep ya posted.

paintthetown last decade
Hello again
Would like to point out that I am not qualified to give such a diagnosis, but based on your description it may look like it is, at least something similar, like this you are suffering from.
But you should not take this as a definitive diagnosis, it must in case your allopatic doctor decide.

I can show you some of the symptoms of Aloe, and then see if these match your's.

This medication is primarily an effect on the digestive system and especially in the large intestine. The liver, abdominal and rectal.

Someting that is characteristic of an aloe patient is that he is very concerned about his pathology. Preoccupation. The patient takes on a hypochondriacal attitude Towards his 'stool' and the disturbance That accompany it.

Severel stool a day, without being satified. Stoll is not diarrhoic, but soft, unformed and Can come Several times in the morning, for Several days, and this in a crescendo, Three times the first day, four times the second, five times the third day, etc. This can then be followed by an obstinate constipation for two or three weeks, whith very little stool.
Stool. Cream colored
Stool: first hard and then soft.
Stool: Hot, burning excoriating the rectum.
Stool: lumpy and liquid.
Stool: Sputtering.
Stool: Watery, bloody, yellowish-greenish.

Predicts the time of death.
Problems seeing blood.
Fear of doctors, of hospitals, of being alone and of high places.

Dreams that he is soiling himself, amorous dreams, of monsters, or of becoming insane.
Wakes early, 5 or 6 a.m. With urging to stool.

Sedentary habits.

Well these are some of Aloes symptoms. Can you recognize any of these symptoms?

Parakletos. last decade
Hi Doc,

Yup i do understand that this not a diagnosis by you, i let my family physician decide.

Severel stool a day, without being satified. Stoll is not diarrhoic, but soft, unformed and Can come Several times in the morning, for Several days, and this in a crescendo, Three times the first day, four times the second, five times the third day, etc. This can then be followed by an obstinate constipation for two or three weeks, whith very little stool.
Stool. Cream colored
Stool: first hard and then soft.
Stool: Hot, burning excoriating the rectum.


'Stool: lumpy and liquid.(MAYBE)

Stool: Sputtering.(MAYBE)

Stool: Watery, bloody, yellowish-greenish. ' TIHS I DO NOT KNOW.

I never predicted the time of death. Yes i have problems seeing blood , have a little fear of doctors but very little.

Yes i have a fear of high places.I like being alone,

I think i did have dreams about soiling myself. Insane don't know. Yes i get dreams of Monsters/demons almost 3 times a week.

Yup i used to wake up early in the morning at around 6-7 a.m. with an urgent urging for a stool with gas.

Sedentary habits.

After eating urgency to stool.
paintthetown last decade
When it comes to your case, I have not been so sure before that I am now! That is, in relation to which medicine is right for you.
Sincerely hope that this can help you, but stay tuned.:) The vital energy can suddenly change direction, and symptoms.
Maybe you need a different medicine for this, can not be absolutely sure who, but I think I know which one. But this is, in the case far into the future. Should you encounter to get warm, or burning, feet, let me know. Especially at night.
Well good luck, we will talk later.:)

Parakletos. last decade

Going ahead with Aloe 200.
paintthetown last decade

Don't think any response or improvement with Aloe 200.

The Cal-c 200 first 2 doses had helped , Cal-c 1M did not help.

NM 200 single dose did not help. NM 1M 1st dose helped and the 2nd 1M dose helped a little.

Aloe S 200 single don't think it did anything.

paintthetown last decade
How long ago was it you took the Aloe, 2 days? It may take up to fourteen days before anything happens, and most likely you have to take several doses before you feel any reaction.
As I said wait at least a week before calling again, and stay away from alcohol and tea / coffee.
When a homeopathic medicine works very quickly, it is likely that this is the wrong medicine. You must be patient. Aloe is the most likely medicine for you, no other medication is so similar to your symptoms like this.
If nothing happens during the next week, take a second dose, for example, on Saturday.
I understand that you would like to have a quick reaction, but that's not how it works.

Parakletos. last decade
Alright Doc,

It's just that it's been so long with this illness /disease or infection that i am tired.

It has messed up my life, just cannot empty the bowels. And removing them manually is very tiring and painful.
paintthetown last decade
Alright Doc,

It's just that it's been so long with this illness /disease or infection that i am tired.

It has messed up my life, just cannot empty the bowels. And removing them manually is very tiring and painful. The stools are so difficult and pasty sticky stinky.

I have started having pure aloe vera juice which i bought from a Homeopathy Pharmacy. Hope it's ok with Aloe S 200.
paintthetown last decade
Now that we finally have found the right medicine, do not ruin this, please.
This raw aloe vera will not help anything, in fact, it can damage the effects of homeopathy. Please wait with this!
Parakletos. last decade
Alright Doc,

My Anus is swollen and it pokes and burns, what is that ? Are they piles? It burns and hurts terribly.

Still bowels are the same like before, difficult sticky unformed. Very little comes out and have to evacuate with fingers and still everything does not come out, and due to the anus swelling it hurts and burns.

Bad taste in mouth, Yesterday the same bowels like i get on a holiday hardly bowel movement which increased heat in the body , oily skin and bad smell in the nose.

If i feel like passing a stools sometimes it's only gas which comes out. The gas smells like acid or ammonia or maybe eggs.

I will write again, if my bowels have not cleared completely than once or twice a week i get this sudden gas pain which makes me rush for a bowel movement. Sometimes after eating i have to rush for a bowel which is very gassy and thick loose.
paintthetown last decade
What you describe is very similar to 'Aloe'. Burning pain in rectum, very sore and tender. Hemorrhoids are also a symptom of Aloe.
Can also be a form of paralyzed feeling in the rectum, stool will not come out.
In the mouth you can get a taste of ink or iron, that is a metallic taste.
Cold water can relieve or ice.
I understand that you are desperate for healing, but the raw aloe will not help as quickly as Aloe in homeopathic potencie.
This condition you are in now, did not come overnight. This is a result of that you have not taken care of your health. It took time to get in your present condition, and you must expect that it will take time before you get better again. This is completely logical.
Hard words, maybe, but true, right?

Is there no change, for better or worse, after taking the first dose?

Parakletos. last decade
Yup i understand that it will take time for me to get back to perfect health.

i applied warm water to my anus.

There's no difference after the first dose.
paintthetown last decade
1.Yup i used to wake up early in the morning at around 6-7 a.m. with an urgent urging for a stool with gas.

2. After eating urgency to stool.


Point towards Sulphur.
Symptom No. 2 is the golden symptom of Sulphur.

Again when well selected remedies fail to give a favorable response....the rule is to give a dose of Sulphur >>>>which gives a kick start to the vital force.

However, Sulphur is not to be given immediately after Calcarea Carb.

Just added my inputs to the conversation for benefit of both involved in the conversation.

Pankaj Varma
PANKAJ VARMA last decade

I see a lot of symptoms of Sulphur in your replies.

If you have problems standing for long hours, have aversion to bathing, wake up at night frequently specially around 3 am ......then you are close to the Sulphur drug picture.

If your room is strewn with stuff in a dis-organised way then you can be doubly sure.

Itching of genitals at night, acne etc., burning in rectum....all point towards Sulphur.

Pankaj Varma
PANKAJ VARMA last decade
Thanks Mr. Verma,

The urgency to stool early in the morning is not there since more than a year now, yes i had taken a few doses of sulphur 200.

After eating it is not always or on a daily basis, it's just probably once or twice a week depending on my bowels.
paintthetown last decade
This pain in the rectum was not worse after taking aloe, nothing new in this area ?

The golden symptom of Sulphur, is varm feets.
You must have your feet out of the carpet at night, because they feel so warm. Also hot head. Do you have these symptoms?

Parakletos. last decade
Do you still have dark circles under the eyes ??????
PANKAJ VARMA last decade
The pain in the rectum is not worst after aloe.

Doc, I don't know about the warm feet , but hot head could be there, i am sorry i am not sure.
paintthetown last decade
Yes i still have those terrible dark circles and a pale sick emaciated face with acne all over.

My teeth have also rotted out, don't why i think there is even gum problems but not bleeding gums, gums are very sensitive at times.

Any thing for the teeth too ?
paintthetown last decade

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