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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Stomach Issue Page 8 of 13

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Thnx Doc for your response.

No i was not over weight. i started loosing weight since 2008 , sometimes i used to gain a little weight and than loose it in a few days again.

What exactly is diarrhea can you explain it.

The crack on the corner of the mouth started last year and sometimes there is a white substance on it, it may have started after taking silicea 30 but not sure.

Yes i have sense of hopelessness in relation to my health.

No i don't feel worse after taking 1M but the first 2 doses of 200M gave me better bowels.

I eat something and i get sour gas pain/cramp and i need to rush for a bowel.Again yesterday night i got some gas pain and cramp and there is always a feeling of something in the intestines just below the left rib.

If i eat anything even little spicy next day my stomach will feel hot and burning and stools will be hot and burn in the rectum and anus.My bowels or intestines never clear.

Awaiting your reply.

paintthetown last decade
Your stool, it can now have a kind of green color?
Diarrhea, you do not know what it is? Loose stools, sometimes almost like water. दस्त.
Can you feel a little anxiety about the need to travel? Or if you have an appointment with a doctor for example, or other things. Could it be that you dread, before such a thing?
Can you also get claustrophobia? Do you like sweet, chocolate etc.?

When you wright 200M, you mean 200C, i hope ?

Parakletos. last decade

The stool color is dark brown, maybe 20 days back a couple of times the first motion may have been slightly green but can't say.But right now it is dark brown.

Thnx for describing diarrhea not don't have it. No loose motions except 3 to 4 times and very little today but not like watery again it was dark brown.

I don't like traveling i get very impatient for reaching a certain place.Yup impatient to wait for the doctor, even for meetings the next day i want to get it over with quickly. Probably nervous before a meeting.

Not sure about claustrophobia, like some sweets but not all types of chocolates.
paintthetown last decade

The stool color is dark brown, maybe 20 days back a couple of times the first motion may have been slightly green but can't say.But right now it is dark brown.

Thnx for describing diarrhea not don't have it. No loose motions except 3 to 4 times and very little today but not like watery again it was dark brown.

I don't like traveling i get very impatient for reaching a certain place.Yup impatient to wait for the doctor, even for meetings the next day i want to get it over with quickly. Probably nervous before a meeting.

Not sure about claustrophobia, like some sweets but not all types of chocolates.

Yup i meant 200C :)
paintthetown last decade

The stool color is dark brown, maybe 20 days back a couple of times the first motion may have been slightly green but can't say.But right now it is dark brown.

Thnx for describing diarrhea not don't have it. No loose motions except 3 to 4 times and very little today but not like watery again it was dark brown.

I don't like traveling i get very impatient for reaching a certain place.Yup impatient to wait for the doctor, even for meetings the next day i want to get it over with quickly. Probably nervous before a meeting.

Not sure about claustrophobia, like some sweets but not all types of chocolates.

Yup i meant 200C :)

Doc, again from yesterday the stomach has been very bad. sweet itching on the anus (noticed that i am constipated badly and there is gas) , in the morning it was burning when passing stools also the it was swollen. Stools hot and difficult like they are stuck to the intestines. Again bad smell in the nose with itchy scalp and hair fall.Face became oily again and also acne came back on the face / neck / chest.The intestines are not clear today.

Some kind of burning with gas which makes me go again for a bowel movement.smelly gas.The stools seemed slightly lighter in color today.

I have taken an ayurvedic medicine called as Bael for constipation today.

Awaiting your reply. Thnx.
paintthetown last decade
Hey Doc awaiting your reply for the previous post.

Please do note that i have a fear late in the evenings and even a small noise sends shivers through me. I think i also have/had some kind of a noise in my ears.Actually i am not so found of chocolates but just sometimes.

My bowels/digestion is different every day.

Should i take Calc 200c one dose or would recommend any other medicine.

Thnx Doc.
paintthetown last decade
Doc hope you are reading my previous two posts.

One thing i wanted to mention is that i don't feel tired in the morning or in the day. Could be due to because its summer.

The other thing is at times i get that shifting feeling in the body.Explaining would be difficult.

paintthetown last decade
I will look over your case again, see if there is something I've been missing. Coming back to you today or tomorrow.
Do you feel that it was worse when you took 1M, please feel free to take a dose of C200.

Dr. P.
Parakletos. last decade
Oh thanks for replying.

Well the 1M dose did not have the effect like the first two doses of 200c.

As the first two doses gave me a better bowel (multiple but better) and make me look healthier, after the third 200c and the 1M dose hardly any effect.

Thanks Doc.
paintthetown last decade
Doc, i have also written on one of the posts that i have this sharp or pinching pain since many years on the right side of the abdomen somewhere near the appendix. It is not daily but just a few times in a month.

paintthetown last decade
You wrote that you had pain on the left side just under or behind, ribs?

Parakletos. last decade
Yup Doc, apologize if i have caused any confusion. The pain on the left side under or behind the rib is a gas (not cramppy or severe but uncomfortable like as if a lot of gas or stools are there) type pain this goes away once i clear my bowels.But it has been reduced quite a lot.

And the one on the right near the appendix is a sharp or bad pinching pain.This pain comes around once or twice a month.

There is also the tightness around the stomach and ribs which has gas/acidic/stool and it is a burning/stitching type pain which shoots to the back (again if bowels clear pain sensation goes). oops my explanation is not good hope it is clear to you though.

Do you want me to write down the symptoms once again according to homeopathy?
paintthetown last decade
Yes, please.
Parakletos. last decade
Ok Doc,

Give me a couple of days i shall go through my symptoms and post it.

Thanks Doc.
paintthetown last decade
Hi Doc,

Below the symptoms list.Don't know a few of the medical terms so probably could confusing.

Mind.— Loss of reason , irritated, impatient, confused, no confidence, cannot argue , loss of words , mental tiredness thinking power has become less. Depression usually comes in the evening. Sad. Specially tired in the morning or when nose is blocked and head feels heavy due to cold. Talk to my self.

Head.— Itchy scalp with hair loss especially when not passed any stools or constipated. (Male Pattern Baldness is present). Problem of sinus. Cold weather makes head feel heavy with left nostril blockage. On bending head spins. Dry scalp.

Eyes.-- At times light hurts the eyes. Dark circles around the eyes. Yellow ness of the whites. Sometimes eyes are reddish. Itching and stinging some burning. A few times black before the eyes

Ears.— Some kind of a noise at times. Cracking under the right ear when the jaw is moved in a certain way. Acne on the ears especially on the ear lobes and behind.

Nose.— Left Nostril blockage due to cold or climate change resulting in heaviness in the head. Burning sensation. The mucous removed by blowing is yellowish most of the times. Bad smell in the nose when constipated or when not passed or able to pass any stools. Get small boils in the nose which are painful to touch.

Face.— Looks emaciated , sick , pale, looks old due to weight loss. Eyes are deep seated. Dark circles under the eyes. At times pain near the right jaw shooting to the right ear. Its sometimes red. Oily face when constipated with increase in acne. The lower jaw feels like its got small in height maybe due to bad teeth decay.

Mouth.— Bad smell. White coating on tongue. Teeth ache with cold air and even with cold or hot sometimes. Tip of tongue burns after eating anything spicy. Occasionally Get white spots like ulcers in the mouth which hurt or burn but has not come back since a long time .

Stomach.— Digestion is bad. Nothing gets digested. Sour eructation’s, something sour rising from the stomach to the chest resulting in nausea and feel like vomiting to feel better , the vomit is sour and acidic. Tightness in the stomach in the morning like a belt tied all around the stomach and back with shooting pain in the back (but has been reduced now). If the bowels get cleared the tightness and the pain subsides. Acidic gas around the stomach and abdomen which makes me go for an urgent bowel movement.
Gassy creamish hot unformed Bowel movement immediately after eating.
Eat everything, though I like eggs but tend to avoid. Beef cannot be digested. Not sure about any food allergies or sensitivities. I am heavy smoker and Tea drinker (with milk) , was a very heavy alcohol drinker but since last few months have stopped it. Chocolates don’t eat much. Like sweet things.
Appetite is very good.

Pain just below the rib joint like acidic.

Abdomen.— Feels sour and acidic. At times intestines feel sore. Gas pain is present resulting in an urgent bowel movement which is unformed sticky and creamy. Abdomen feels hard at times.
Sharp or pinching pain on the right side somewhere near the appendix pain comes on once or twice a month.

Stool.— Irritation in the rectum, stools are unformed pasty/sticky , hot and creamish in color. Incomplete evacuation, straining but very little or only gas comes out. Need to use the fingers to evacuate. Stools feel stuck to the intestines and just below the left rib. Itching and burning. Bowel movement at least 4 to 5 times a day even then its not clear. If first motion is clear or if its not clear, within half an hour feel like going again which requires straining and is difficult. Bad smelling gas with gas cutting.
Many times very less stools like very thin or like a pebble.
When constipated or no bowel movement body heat , skin oily , and bad smell in the nose with foul smelling gas.
Weight loss since last two years. Some times I gain a little weight and then loose it in a few days.

Urine.—Pale yellow (may be due to less water intake). Frequent.

Male.— Good sex drive but ejaculate soon. Used to masturbate a lot in childhood and still do a couple of times a week. The erection is less hard.

Respiratory.--Tickling cough
troublesome at night. Due to climate change or cold weather get a cold and heavy sneezing which than goes in to the chest than I have to cough out yellow mucous. Cold lasts for a week.

Heart.— Probably did feel palpitations in the night

Extremities.— Little body ache

Sleep.--Ideas crowding in mind prevent sleep. Starts at every noise in the night . Did have bad dreams at times like death. Fear in the evenings. Sleep at 2 or 3:00 in the night .

Skin.-- looks unhealthy and yellowish. Small Acne with blackheads and some with pus all over the face /neck / chest/back / arms / ears. Get some kind of eruption on the lower lips which is different from the ones on the face . Dry skin with flakes and pores pointing out where the watch sits. The skin on the palms of the hand have a yellow tinge.
Becomes oily when constipated or no bowel movement.

Modalities.—Feel Emaciated in the cold.

Had Asthma in childhood which was cured by Dr. Batra (Homeopath). During childhood suffered Typhoid. No family history of diseases except mother has Migraine and sinus. Elder brother has Lactose Intolerance.
I smoke a lot, have lots of tea with milk , have less thirst , I eat a lot in the night like 11:00 or 12:00 or 1:00 a.m. as during day time I hardly eat anything.
paintthetown last decade
Hi Doc,

Below the symptoms list.Don't know a few of the medical terms so probably could confusing.

Mind.— Loss of reason , irritated, impatient, confused, no confidence, cannot argue , loss of words , mental tiredness thinking power has become less. Depression usually comes in the evening. Sad. Specially tired in the morning or when nose is blocked and head feels heavy due to cold. Talk to my self.

Head.— Itchy scalp with hair loss especially when not passed any stools or constipated. (Male Pattern Baldness is present). Problem of sinus. Cold weather makes head feel heavy with left nostril blockage. On bending head spins. Dry scalp.

Eyes.-- At times light hurts the eyes. Dark circles around the eyes. Yellow ness of the whites. Sometimes eyes are reddish. Itching and stinging some burning. A few times black before the eyes

Ears.— Some kind of a noise at times. Cracking under the right ear when the jaw is moved in a certain way. Acne on the ears especially on the ear lobes and behind.

Nose.— Left Nostril blockage due to cold or climate change resulting in heaviness in the head. Burning sensation. The mucous removed by blowing is yellowish most of the times. Bad smell in the nose when constipated or when not passed or able to pass any stools. Get small boils in the nose which are painful to touch.

Face.— Looks emaciated , sick , pale, looks old due to weight loss. Eyes are deep seated. Dark circles under the eyes. At times pain near the right jaw shooting to the right ear. Its sometimes red. Oily face when constipated with increase in acne. The lower jaw feels like its got small in height maybe due to bad teeth decay.

Mouth.— Bad smell. White coating on tongue. Teeth ache with cold air and even with cold or hot sometimes. Tip of tongue burns after eating anything spicy. Occasionally Get white spots like ulcers in the mouth which hurt or burn but has not come back since a long time .

Stomach.— Digestion is bad. Nothing gets digested. Sour eructation’s, something sour rising from the stomach to the chest resulting in nausea and feel like vomiting to feel better , the vomit is sour and acidic. Tightness in the stomach in the morning like a belt tied all around the stomach and back with shooting pain in the back (but has been reduced now). If the bowels get cleared the tightness and the pain subsides. Acidic gas around the stomach and abdomen which makes me go for an urgent bowel movement.
Gassy creamish hot unformed Bowel movement immediately after eating.
Eat everything, though I like eggs but tend to avoid. Beef cannot be digested. Not sure about any food allergies or sensitivities. I am heavy smoker and Tea drinker (with milk) , was a very heavy alcohol drinker but since last few months have stopped it. Chocolates don’t eat much. Like sweet things.
Appetite is very good.

Pain just below the rib joint like acidic.

Abdomen.— Feels sour and acidic. At times intestines feel sore. Gas pain is present resulting in an urgent bowel movement which is unformed sticky and creamy. Abdomen feels hard at times.
Sharp or pinching pain on the right side somewhere near the appendix pain comes on once or twice a month.

Stool.— Irritation in the rectum, stools are unformed pasty/sticky , hot and creamish in color. Incomplete evacuation, straining but very little or only gas comes out. Need to use the fingers to evacuate. Stools feel stuck to the intestines and just below the left rib. Itching and burning. Bowel movement at least 4 to 5 times a day even then its not clear. If first motion is clear or if its not clear, within half an hour feel like going again which requires straining and is difficult. Bad smelling gas with gas cutting.
Many times very less stools like very thin or like a pebble.
When constipated or no bowel movement body heat , skin oily , and bad smell in the nose with foul smelling gas.
Weight loss since last two years. Some times I gain a little weight and then loose it in a few days.

Urine.—Pale yellow (may be due to less water intake). Frequent.

Male.— Good sex drive but ejaculate soon. Used to masturbate a lot in childhood and still do a couple of times a week. The erection is less hard.

Respiratory.--Tickling cough
troublesome at night. Due to climate change or cold weather get a cold and heavy sneezing which than goes in to the chest than I have to cough out yellow mucous. Cold lasts for a week.

Heart.— Probably did feel palpitations in the night

Extremities.— Little body ache

Sleep.--Ideas crowding in mind prevent sleep. Starts at every noise in the night . Did have bad dreams at times like death. Fear in the evenings. Sleep at 2 or 3:00 in the night .

Skin.-- looks unhealthy and yellowish. Small Acne with blackheads and some with pus all over the face /neck / chest/back / arms / ears. Get some kind of eruption on the lower lips which is different from the ones on the face . Dry skin with flakes and pores pointing out where the watch sits. The skin on the palms of the hand have a yellow tinge.
Becomes oily when constipated or no bowel movement.
Have brown spots at the back on right and buttocks and shoulders some with a round circle in the them.

Modalities.—Feel Emaciated in the cold.

Had Asthma in childhood which was cured by Dr. Batra (Homeopath). During childhood suffered Typhoid. No family history of diseases except mother has Migraine and sinus. Elder brother has Lactose Intolerance.
I smoke a lot, have lots of tea with milk , have less thirst , I eat a lot in the night like 11:00 or 12:00 or 1:00 a.m. as during day time I hardly eat anything.
paintthetown last decade
Hello again.
This with alcohol and smoking, and teadrinking, I was not aware of this.
It's good that you have stopped drinking alcohol. This, as well as tobacco and tea is an antidote to homeopathy. And not least, dangerous for your health. Tea contains caffeine, and nicotine destroys your defense system.

Based on this and other information, it seems to me that you have a large appetite for stimulating things?
You talk about the yellow color on the eye, and skin, have you used alcohol for many years?

Acne all over is a sign of abuse of stimulating things, such as alcohol.
If you do not stop with your consumption of nicotine (alcohol), and tea, I'm afraid it will be difficult to treat you.
It looks already like you have some liver disorder, perhaps hepatit. Not saying this to scare you, but good advice: stop all consumption of alcohol, nicotine, and limit use of tea. Drink green tea. Best is to drink plenty of water, so you can cleanse your liver.

You also need to go from calc carb to Nux vomica. Same procedure, 200C 4 to 5 pills, or 4-5 drops in a glass of water, take a spoonful of this water.

Parakletos. last decade
Thnx Doc.

As you have advised Nux Vomica 200c i will take it.

But i have already taken Nux Vomica 200c for 15 days in 2008 with Nat Phos 12x. And did take it last year for a few days.

Do i take it once tomorrow morning and wait 25 days for the results ?

Will cure the acidity. Also this gastric trouble was before i stated drinking alcohol.
paintthetown last decade
Yes, it is best to take Nux morning, a half hour-hour before food.
Do not take any other homeopathic medicine.
Wait for 5 -6 days before you contact me again, or if there's something special.
Do you remember how many doses you have taken of Nux vomica? You will also need 1M nux.
How long ago is it that you started with alcohol?

I know it's hard to quit smoking but is it possible to smoke less? For example, 10 per day? At least have this as a goal?
Be careful with the tea, maximum 4 cups.
If you go down on the consumption of tea and nicotine, will your stomach get better.

Parakletos. last decade
I started drinking alcohol since 1994-95 and this stomach trouble has been there before that, but it was not constipation or difficult bowels at that time it was just gassy and creamy stools with incomplete evacuation and urgent bowels.

Nux Vomica for 15 days morning and night, and then after a few months for maybe 5 to 6 doses.

Ok will go ahead with Nux Vomica.
paintthetown last decade
15 days, morning and evening? At least 30 doses. What was the point of this? If medication does not work after 3 doses, it will not work after 10.20 or 30 times. Then you have to change the potency.
Well, you do not need more than 1 dose of 200C, about 4 - 5 days, take 1M.
Actually, you can take 1M next day, preferably in the morning.
But starting with the 200C.

Parakletos. last decade
The Nux Vomica 200c and Nat Phos 12x for15 days dose was given by a homeopath and it gave excellent results like one clear bowel movement per day. But after stopping it came back to the same problem within a few days.

I have also taken Nux Vomica 30c with sulphur 30c for a week around 2 months back.

Doc, i have taken Calc 200c a few days ago and today morning i took Nux Vomica 200c pills , hope that is ok.

Doc, i just wanted to know one thing is that i have mentioned like sharp /pinching pain on right near the appendix and a few other stuff like getting gas cramps which makes me feel like i need to have bowel movement and the yellowish of the skin and eyes. Don't mean to question the remedy you have advised but Nux Vomica does not have that sharp pain i checked up Materia and it shows as Magnesia Carbonica as before a bowel movement i do have that gas pain/cramp. What about the weight loss / dark circles / restless.

Does Nux Vomica cure Liver diseases like Hepatitis ?

I will take the 1M of Nux Vomica in a couple of days and wait.

Thnx Doc.
paintthetown last decade
Det er bra. Ta 1M om et par dager. Etter at den har fått arbeidet en tid, kan vi se om det er noe annet du trenger. Men først Nux slik at den kan rense kroppen din.
Ja Nux vomica kan helbrede hepatitis, renser leveren.
Som sagt vil jeg lete etter en annen medisin senere. Det kan være flere forskjellige medisiner som passer til, smerte høyre side. Spesielt før avføring ?
Parakletos. last decade
Hey Doc what language is it , don't understand it :)
paintthetown last decade
What, you do not understand Norwegian? :-)
Sorry, but is a bit absent-minded sometimes, but here comes the post in English.

That's good. Take 1M in a couple of days. After it has worked for a while, we can see if there is anything else you need. But first Nux so that it can cleanse your body.
Yes Nux vomica can cure hepatitis, cleanses the liver.
As said, I will look for a different medicine later. There may be several different medications that fit, pain right side. Especially before the stool?
Parakletos. last decade
:) The sharp pain on the right side some where near the appendix. No this pain is not before a stool it comes on its own once a month.

The abdomen feels tight and gassy.
paintthetown last decade

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