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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Stomach Issue Page 6 of 13

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Alright sir i will report back next Tuesday. Thanking you once again.

Will this remedy take of the small pimple boils which are there on face/back / arms / buttock / neck. on the forehead there very tiny pimples. skin also has problems.
paintthetown last decade
We just have to wait and see. Be patient.
Parakletos. last decade
For Parakletos.

Ok, here goes.

After taking calc 200 last week my bowels have been much better, though they are still difficult to clear without any mechanical means,they are still unformed and sticky but little darkish in color, there is still little tightness in the stomach in the morning which goes when i have a bowel movement. The gas pain has been reduced. Don't know if the above was corrected with Calc 200 or the one week Sulphur 30 + Nux Vomica 30 and Nat phos 6x thrice a day. Please advice.

Please help me with both my ankle pain it was never there till a month or so back.

These are some of my symptoms which i always had.I always had fear of Heights and rats.Thoughts do keep me awake in the night, no sound sleep very tired in the morning and brain.Cannot fall a sleep fast it takes at least couple of hours.Get a complex feeling in a crowd and nervous with woman, feel people are talking about me.I talk to myself. I cannot bear cold or Air condition i start shivering and stammer when speaking due to the cold, cold makes me thin. Small pimple eruptions on the ear and behind the ear (and of course all over the face/back/arms/buttocks some with blackheads).

There are many more symptoms which i can write down, but that's only if you wish for more of my symptoms.

I hope i have written the current and earlier symptoms up to the mark.

Thanking you.
paintthetown last decade
Good to hear that there is some improvement.
Hope you do not take any other medicine, only calcarea? This to take several different remedies, such as you have done, 'Sulfur 30 + Nux Vomica 30 and Nat phos 6x.' Is definitely not good.
Those who call themselves homeopaths, and suggest such a procedure, 'should have been shot.'
How should one then be able to tell which medicine works? Just a lot of guesswork and confusion.
What happens if you try to take 3 steps at a time? You stumble and fall, and hurt youre self. 1 step at a time, 1 medicine at a time.

Ok, you can wait a few days, see what happens. Contact me again in a few days.
Do not read a lot of homeopathy. You just confuses the whole picture, you see so many symptoms and blends them into your case. Leave this to me, ok? :-)

Parakletos. last decade
pl answer follwing ;
1. if you feel thirsty very frequently fo rsmall quantities of water ?
2. do you feel week, restless ?
2. what tim ethe problem is more ? is it between 12- 2 day or night ?
it is very easy to cure youirespective the case beinf old.

Dr Pandey
homeopathtv last decade
Nope i haven't taken any other Homeopathy medications.

OK, won't read any other homeopathy literature i just want to get well fast and hoping i don't have anything serious or incurable.

Will report back in a couple of days.

Thanking you.
paintthetown last decade
Nope i haven't taken any other Homeopathy medications.

OK, won't read any other homeopathy literature i just want to get well fast and hoping i don't have anything serious or incurable.As these problems are hampering my job, i am not regular or on time because of it.

Sir, today again my bowels have been bad, though the bowel movement was smoother with little straining but i had to go 3 to 4 times to clear my bowels again the stools were unformed sticky and acrid smelling or foul smelling don't know.I had to again remove the stools with my fingers, same tightness near left rib and stomach and some cramping kind of thing. After passing the first motion i felt better but after half an hour i got a pressure with gassy tightness below the ribs and i had go for a bowel movement which was a bit difficult.I always have to go 4 to 5 times a day without the bowels getting cleared.
There is no irritation in the rectum.My face feels slightly clear but oldish looking still no weight gain.

Should i wait before taking Calc 200 again ? Please advice.

Don't mind me writing again but i have forgotten what it means to be well or in perfect health. :(

Awaiting your reply. Thanking you.
paintthetown last decade
Sorry I have not answered before, but I have problem with my internet connection.
In the case of further medication, is there any change now?
Do you feel any more energy?
Parakletos. last decade
Another thing, do you know your blood type?
Parakletos. last decade
No problem with the late reply. Blood type is O+.

My energy levels are ok but bad in the morning after waking up.Especially this year the winter has not been good to me.

The bowel movement today has been clean no gas or gas pain though had 3 times a bowel movement but not sticky and better formed without much difficulty, except since last evening there has been some (burning )pain in the abdomen (not gassy) and just above the navel and near rib cage which was shooting to the lower back near the hips when pressed and even today pain is there and was feeling sick and feverish, there was some pain on hips yesterday cannot explain it but sharp and slight shifting.My tongue always burns when i eat anything even little spicy which i had day before yesterday.

I have not taken any other medications since i took Cal-c 200 last Tuesday. I can say that my bowels have been better no gas and gas pains.Burping also is there.

Thanking you.
paintthetown last decade
It looks as if Calc carb is the right medicine for you. As long as you experiencing an improvement, or that something happens. You should not take any more of the medication. Should it stop, take a dose of 200C. Make a note of the changes that may occur. Mood, energy, appetite, skin, etc.
Please contact me.

(Blood Type O should be careful with wheat flour, cow milk, cheese, and oranges. They ought to eat some beef. But in India, maybe you all vegetarians?)
Parakletos. last decade
Thanks for the reply. Today i just went once for a bowel movement though feel like going again but still feel comfortable.The abdomen pain has reduced.

Sir, the food to avoid sounds like Lactose intolerance or celiac / wheat allergy.

Don't eat oranges as i don't like them. Milk i only take with Tea and sometimes in the night, cheese i eat only occasionally . I am a non-veg , i cannot anyway digest beef so i avoid eating beef. Eat fish a lot with meat.Wheat flour is the Chapatis v make, so if i have to avoid Wheat what should i eat then ?

Will only take Calc 200c if things don't improve more.Will note the changes and report back.

Is there any thing that can be done for my teeth they are badly decayed don;t know the reason but probably due to acid. There are a few other small problems if they can be helped.
paintthetown last decade
Sir, yesterday night i had the creamy stools which were sticky and hot some gas was there but not the bad gas.(mechanically removed)

Today in the morning passed with some difficulty sticky creamy stools again here no gas(mechanically removed). The second the motion was difficult but not creamy but bright orange brown. some dis-comfort is there in the intestines.

Do i take one more dose or do i wait again.

The other thing which i mentioned earlier regarding the inflammation in the ankles (it is the muscles and the not the bone) which hurt real bad in the morning, this ankle problem started only after taking Chelidonium and Nat Sulph, the pain is real bad and it there whole day which taking the strength out of me , please advice on this too.

Awaiting your reply.
paintthetown last decade
Ok, take one more dose of 200C, Calc carb.
Parakletos. last decade
Alright sir, i will take a dose of Calc 200 tonight.

What kind of aggravations should be noticed ?
paintthetown last decade
One dose of Cal-c 200 taken yesterday. As you have advised me to stay of certain types of foods i have bought Soya Milk.

What kind of aggravations should be noticed ?

Why do i have to go for a bowel movement more than once. As the first motion was satisfactory but the second one was little messed up.The other thing which i have noticed is that the morning pressure for a bowel is not there have to sit for quite some time for a bowel movement and than get little hard stools which just pushes out clean and then it becomes soft type.

Thanking you.
paintthetown last decade
What kind of aggravations should be noticed ?

It is very difficult for me to say.
Have you noticed any change? In the mood, the desire for other foods, or physical things? More energy?
Parakletos. last decade
Sir, not sure about any mood changes. But last night i slept for only 3 hours and woke and was not feeling tired (probably due to the pain killers i had taken for my Ankle tendons as the pain was taking the strength out of me).

Not sure though about any changes in moods or desire for other food . Physically still no weight gain in fact lost some again.Acne type thing little better.
paintthetown last decade
Sir, i have forgotten to mention one thing is that after the first dose i was getting clean bowel movement but not complete but still satisfactory.(no gas pains or smelly gas, only little gas)

But after the first bowel movement i would still feel some pressure for a bowel though there was and is no bad gas just little gas and at that time i could not pass anything even after straining a lot. The same is after the second dose the pressure is there for a bowel movement but i strain strain and still cannot expel the stools. (please note the pressure for the bowel movement is not painful or burning or anything it is just like when you get a good pressure hope i have typed it correctly for your understanding.)The straining is very tiring.

My weight has again reduced,even today i slept only for 3 hours and was not tired.No other changes noticed.

Awaiting your reply.
paintthetown last decade
sir also please read the previous post.

I would say one thing is that what ever my bowel or digestion problem was/is after taking Calcarea Carbonica it is more on the better side.I can eat almost anything and digestion has improved no gas pain or uneasiness( some gas though) .Needs some more improvement for a single perfect bowel movement.

The other thing is the acne type thing is not going and also the dark circles under the eyes are still there, have some more energy though.Still look sick tired thin and pale.

Thanking you.
paintthetown last decade
You must remember one thing. It has taken you many years to come in the state of health, as you were before calc carb. It will also take a long time before your illness is cured. They say that every year you have been sick, it takes a homeopathic medicine 4 months to correct. For example: Is it 10 years ago you were sick, it takes 4 years to be cured. I do not know if this is true, but I know things take time. But is Calc c right medicine, which I'm pretty sure, you will experience improvement over a long period of time. And homeopathy works from the inside first, then skin problems may take some time. It may also be that you need to have higher potency.

Parakletos. last decade
Thank you very much sir. When should i go for a high potency ?
Have been sick for more than 10 years.

Appreciate your help sir.
paintthetown last decade
As long as you feel improvement, do not take any more. You have to wait a couple of weeks after this give me a report.
It is not homeopat medicine that cures, but your body, your defense system. Homeopathy medicine initiate the process, but it's your body that build up your health.
Good luck.
Parakletos. last decade
I just want to add: The fact that you feel a little more energy is a very good sign. The healing energy that is in your blood, and that is unique to you, are trying to repair your body. blockages will be removed, and the imbalance will be restored.
When a medicine can initiate a reaction in this way, it is a good sign. Some medicines make you immediately feel better, but then decreases and disappears again. Is a sign that you have received the wrong medicine. When the medicine is working properly, it goes slowly forward. It is such an appropriate diagnosed medicine should work.
Parakletos. last decade
Thank you once again.

This is just an update , on Friday night (last week) i had a few drinks of alcohol and the next day in the afternoon got gas with bad bowels (but it was only half bad) and late in the evening i got the gas pain with some loose motions.The next day it was little better bowels and again late in the evening around 9:00 p.m. some gas pain with loose motion.But the bowels were smoother.
Though had some upper stomach tightness.The stomach felt a bit of - sour acidic burning gassy very little itchy at the anus and some nausea which made me feel like vomiting.

Today the bowels have become better again except some little upper stomach tightness and constipation.I have not taken any more doses after the second dose.

This is just an update and will not take any more doses till advised by you.Honestly my bowels/abdomen/stomach had never better before taking Calcarea.
paintthetown last decade
Be careful with alcohol, it can in some cases antidote homeopathic medicine. Takes 1 day or 2 before homeopat medication starts up again. You experienced this now, i think.

Remember, do not take any more medicine. As long as there is a posetiv progress, it is not good to take some more. This can stop the progress of the case, and return to the starting point. It may even be worse.

As it looks now, I am very pleased with the response of Calc carb. But you must expect to take several doses in the future. Each dose must be given time to do their work. But it looks very promising. :-)

Mr P.
Parakletos. last decade

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