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Can you suggest an Antidote for all homeopathy medicines.
paintthetown last decade
Dear Patient,

You should not think that your problems are there because of taking the homeopathic remedies. It is true that a homeopathic remedy should not be repeated unnecessarily. So remedies in 30c potency and above are not repeated unnecessarily. One should take that much doses of such remedy as are sufficient enough to stimulate vital force. Remedies like chelidonium 6x, that are organ remedies, and tissue salts that act a nutritional plane can be repeated without harm.
Nux Vomica is a univeral antidote. You already have had enough of that. Your problems are more due to lack of exercise and junk food. You should take some steps in that direction also.
kadwa last decade
Thank you sir for reply.

I asked regarding the antidote because now i have skin itching and severe acne all over.Have pain at both the ankles. There is severe tightness of the stomach in the morning like a band with pains at the back severe acidity and the area where the ribs join there is burning and tightness with gas. I take PNZ 40 for acidity my bowels become clear for a day.

I dnt want to take Nat Phos as with it there weight loss.

Had taken Carbo Veg 200 three doses for a day i had taken per your advice. I am still on Chelidonium and Nat Sulph which is helping with the bile, some weight has come.
Please advice
paintthetown last decade
Dear sir,

Was awaiting your reply.

My weight has improved and also my digestion except i get stomach tightness with nausea and feel like vomiting in the morning with and some pain in the pit of the stomach where the ribs join with a band around also kinda of a shooting pain at the back and as usual feel the stools stuck on the left side below the ribs many times a burning feeling with gas and need to have a bowel movement and when this happens again my stools are mushy sticky and unformed.

One another thing i wanted to know is that why i have this small pimples all over my body and face /forehead / neck some of them have blackheads , there are also brown or red spots on my back and just above my hips i see some small brown spots also behind the palm.

There are a few brown circles like rings on the skin.

I do take the bael murabba and the aloe with chelidonium Q and Nat sulph and the pranayams.

I drank alcohol a few days a ago and literally suffered.
paintthetown last decade
Please take three doses of Lycopodium 200c at a gap of 4 hours for one day(not daily, only one day). Please don't take any tissue salt or chelidonium on that day. Please report after 15 days.
kadwa last decade
Tomorrow i shall the three doses of lycopodium 200c.

Forgot to mention one thing i have dry skin on both my elbows since very very long.
paintthetown last decade
Please go ahead with Lyco and report back after 15 days.
kadwa last decade
Sir, the stomach morning pain has reduced though still difficult in clearing the bowels. Stools are still unformed and sticky, some times they are yellowish and sometimes dark brown.acne with blackheads still persist.

The spots on the abdomen look lighter.

why are stools unformed and sticky ? why do i have to remove them manually.
paintthetown last decade
Please report all your symptoms at the scheduled reporting time, we will work out an appropriate remedy.
kadwa last decade
Sir, below are almost full details which include earlier and current problems.

Hope i have not forgotten any other symptoms.

Mind - Irritable, easily angered. Cannot commit to anyone. Have an unkown fear.
Loose confidence of speaking , nervous around women.Cannot carry myself
in a public event or crowds.Lack confidence. Speaking at times not intelligent
or loss of words. Memory is good.Confused.Scared that my illness or disease is
something which is serious or bad.

Head - Brain feels tired, cannot concentrate. Heavy head after waking up.
feel tired and unfresh on waking up.some kind of a headache.
Get headache which make me feel sick and feel like vomiting.

Eyes - Dark Circles, Eyes reddish , some times i feel it's yellow.
Itching and piercing pains at times.Look sunken.

Face - Pale looking, look old.Dark circles around eyes.Lower jaw
looks like it has gone up (like no teeth present).At times
feel yellow and dirty.covered with small pimples. Some kind of white bumps.

Ears - crackling of bone below right ear when the jaw is moved in a cracking manner.
Many times a pain extending from the right ear to below the right jaw.

Nose - Good sense of smell. Left nostril gets blocked usually in the
morning with pressure on the left eye and left temple.
Burning sensation in the nose. Nose covered with blackheads.
Nostrils feel hot. Feels like the nose is pointed.

Mouth - Teeth badly decayed (please help here). white coating on tongue. Get ulcers at times.
Cracked corners of mouth with a white substance.Lower jaw feels like
it has lost some bone and so looks like a person without teeth. Dry lips.
Burning tip of tongue after eating anything even little spicy.

Throat - Dry throat. Thirst is not good.

Stomach - Severe gas. acidic pain in the pit of the stomach. Excessive hunger.
Tightness in the morning with shooting pains at the back. At times some
ache on the right. feeling that stools are getting stuck below the the left
ribs. If stomach not clear feel very gassy all over. Some type of pain just above
the navel which is goes away after passing stools.Brown spots on the right side of the
abdomen. Incomplete evacuation, feel the bowels are not cleared.
Itching and burning of the anus which results in burning while passing stools.
If there is a good bowel movement with any straining and the stools (unformed,sticky) have
passed feel better but after a half and hour get a pressure under left ribs and have to
again pass stools.Have to go at least 5 times perday but it does not feel clear.
After eating have get a gas pain resulting in an ugrent bowel movement where the stools are
frothy sticky yellow and very bad smelling. Get this gas pains with urgent bowel movements even
without eating.

Get scared to eat because of it.

Also acidic gas pain on both sides of the stomach and below the ribs.

Used to drink alcohol heavy every night but have stopped.

Lots of tea and spicy stuff i take.

Stools - Difficult, incomplete (at times just lumps), sticky, unformed, gassy. Sometimes yellowish and sometimes brown with some spots.
Lump on the left side of the anus.stool quantity quite a lot. Have to remove the stools
with fingers and they stick to the fingers and rectum. Remain for many days even when i go for a bowel movement everyday (4-5 times a day)

Urine - pale yellow. Frequent urination - little controlled dribbling also. At times burning while urinating.
Penis hurts at times. pinching pains on the penis.

Respiratory - Had Brochial Ashtma in childhood, was cured by homeopathy. Do get mucuos
in the lungs due to weather (cold).I do smoke a lot.

Skin - Feel yellow (but not sure), dry skin on the hand. face/arms and back covered with small pimples and blackheads.
Reddish spots on the back. Dirty texture to skin. (Had some severe sweet itching on the neck and behind left ear (was prescribed Quadriderm in 1992-3 and it cured it.)
Had white patches on face also.

Like the cold. But cannot bear it.Feel thin in extreme-mild cold (like A/C's) shivering.

Some body aches at times. Loose stamina suddenly or tired.

After starting chelidonium and Nat Sulph there is pain behind both the ankles.
paintthetown last decade
How can you get well when you drink a lot, smoke a lot and have lot of junk food (tea and spicy stuff). You should refrain from all these if you want to get well. Regularity in breathing exercises will help you come out of all this.

day 1
please take one dose of Lycopodium 1M

day 2 to day 15
please take 2 pellets each of the following tissue salts thrice a day at a gap of 4 hours
calc phos 6x
calc fluor 6x
silicea 6x

Please report after 15 days.
kadwa last decade
sir, Lycopodium 1M i got it in powder form how do i take it ?
paintthetown last decade
It seems that you should take powder that is equivalent to 4 pills. Let me tell you that i have never administered remedy in powder form so i am just telling you the very obvious thing. Again in homeopathy dose size is not a matter of great relevance. But the potency of remedy and it's repetition is very relevant.
kadwa last decade
Have taken the powder in the morning. Had Breakfast after ten mins.

Will take the bio-checmics from tomorrow. no Cheli and Nat Sulph till then will report after 15 days.
paintthetown last decade

I know the questions below are irritating , but nothing seems to help except a couple of them.

Forgot to mention a few things that at times i get biting pains on the body, i become restless in the night while trying to sleep.Some kind of palpitation i think.

I keep talking to myself in my mind and sometimes verbally and make faces, dream about things in the day.
I cannot argue with anyone.

The left of the ribs has tightness,or something is there like something is logged there which is also felt on the left side (intestine) below the ribs and acidic pain and little burning (even the stomach burns) once i had a bad argument and my stomach was literally burning , i get nausea and vomiting feeling.If i vomit than my bowels become better for a couple of days. The vomit is also acidic and burns my throat, it is yellowish in color.

Get pinching or acidic pains (dnt knw how to explain) below the stomach which is relived with a bowel movement and mild pain returns and again clears after a bowel movement.Rectum / anus feels sore or dried.Even intestines feel sore.

A sharp pain once in a month on the right side above the groin, felt it was appendix but doctor said no.
The stools are hot and acidic and smelly.Is this indigestion - GERD or gastritis or some infection like (H. Pyroli / Amoeba / Giardia or some other).

Why did Nux Vomica and Nat Phos 12x (german) help, yes after 15 days of stopping Nux and Nat Phos my troubles did come back.

Had typhoid in childhood. Had taken injections for a dog bite in 1990-91 in the stomach, the first injection gave me a reaction where i fainted in the bus and was full of sweat (totally drenched).

For stomach Qugyl was prescribed in 1994, it worked for a month but later had side effects like severe stomach cramps and bad gastric trouble.

Please note sir that according to me my problems or disease or infection started after a sexual intercourse with a woman i had met years back.Do i have a STD ?

Noticed a thing about my weight loss is if i do things faster i feel better (meaning don't feel the weight loss).Yes i used to masterbate a lot in my childhood- still do once a week.

Why have my teeth decayed and lost the teeth structure.Is it because of high acid content?

I have taken the Lyco 1M. Started Calc Phos , CALC FLUOR, silicea in 6x form, 2 pills each thrice a day 4-4-4 for 15 days.No chelidonium and Nat sulph for that particular time. Chelidonium is good it creates bile.

I am really sorry for writing more symptoms.
paintthetown last decade
Nux, Lyc and Ars Alb may give you some relief. Nat Sulph., Chel. will also give some relief. But long term relief depends on your ability to change your habbits like taking wine, junk food, smoking and doing nothing.
If it had been std it would have more effect on your urinary system and immune system. It wouldn't have affected your digestive system.
kadwa last decade
Thank you very much for reply sir, as you said the std would have affected my urinary and immune system.

I do get frequent urination with burning and some times pinching and pain on the penis.

My alcohol drinking has stopped , if junk food is meant by eating from outside even that has stopped almost a year back.spicy food i take but i get big problems with so i have started avoiding it.

Yes Tea drinking is very high and water intake is low, can u suggest me any remedy for stopping high consumption of tea intake. Can the teeth structure be regenerated with homeopathy ?

One another thing is when i go for a bowel movement i usually pass very little(soft sticky) with a feeling that i have to pass more but cannot. It feels like the sphincter closes and and makes me remove stools manually but even with that it is not always easy.I want to but i cannot feeling and incomplete like its left still.

i am doing Pranayam.

Thank you once again.
paintthetown last decade
There are no remedies for stopping high consumption of tea intake etc in homeopathy. Now having taken lycopodium 1m you should wait for 20 days or so and continue with the tissue salts.

If there is no relief after 20 days, you may start with the following protocol and implement it for 8 days.
take sulphur 30 in the morning and nux vomica 30 at night

If that too doesn't help after 28 days you should take three doses of Mercurius Sol 200 for one day (not daily) and see what happens in the next 15 days. Silicea 6x and mercurius should not follow each other as they are inimical.

If nothing helps you may have to manage with nat phos and chelidonium. This is all what that i can suggest.

Best Wishes.
kadwa last decade
Thanking once again, i will continue the current treatment.

Also can i take Nat Phos together with the current treatment and if i can then which potency 6x or 12x as i heard tht Nat Phos causes weight loss and per day how many pills.
paintthetown last decade
day 2 to day 15
please take 2 pellets each of the following tissue salts thrice a day at a gap of 4 hours
nat phos 6x
calc fluor 6x
silicea 6x

So you can have calc phos replaced by nat phos. Nat phos is good for acidity. Whether it reduces weight is debatable.
kadwa last decade
Sir, is there any remedy which can restore my decayed teeth ?
My enamel just wears off. Can drilled(crown) teeth be regenerated ?
paintthetown last decade
The following tissue salts are known for their action in tooth issues.
calc phos
ferrum phos
kali mur
kali phos

You may take three salts per day as you have been taking in the past and you should take different salts on different days as the indicated salts are more than three. So you should try yourself and see.
kadwa last decade
I will first finish the current treatment. And the other treatments you have mentioned.

Will Nat phos 6x be ok with these six salts ?
paintthetown last decade
Yes. Nat phos is also ok. The only thing is not to take more than 3 salts a day.
kadwa last decade
Sir, the 3 tissue salts which i am currently taking are local made and a friend of mine told me to take the German make.

Also the Nat phos 12x is indian and not doing anything.

Should i buy Dr. Reckweggs Tissue salts ? As the Nat phos 12x of reckwegg was the one that had helped.
paintthetown last decade
It is not working because you think that only german will work. In this situation it is better to buy that.
kadwa last decade

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