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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Stomach Issue Page 5 of 13

This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
It is not working because you think that only german will work. In this situation it is better to buy that.
kadwa last decade
sir, i have started with Sulphur 30 in the morning and nux vomica 30 in the night.

I am also taking 2 pills after meals of Nat phos 6x (Dr. Reckweg). Will keep you posted after a week.

I will continue Nat Phos 6x with the other tissue salts but only 3 types of salts a day for a long time. I shall also alternate with Nat Sulph.

Thanking you.
paintthetown last decade
Do the 12 Tissue salts work according to your sun sign ?

Mine is Silicea , more info appreciated on it.
paintthetown last decade
The indication of the tissue salts is decided by the presenting symptoms and not the sun sign.
kadwa last decade
sir, Sulphur/Nux vomica and Nat Phos did not help.I took it for week.

Don't what do i do now.The digestion remains the same.Infact there has been a lot of burning and sickness (nausea) and chest burning.Had a skin burning also a couple of days back with hot flashes on the ears.
paintthetown last decade
Please continue with chelidonium and tissue salts for some days say 5-7 days. Please don't take silicea. After 5-7 days please take three doses of Mercurius Sol 200c for one day (not daily) and see what happens in the next 15 days.
kadwa last decade
Excuse me, but with Klassik homeopathy education, I must say that this is pure gambling. Try this and try that, mixing of different remedies. Not good!
If you are interested I can try to help you, but the best you can do, is go to an experienced classical homeopat.
Parakletos. last decade
Have read your description. (2 posts)
I think I know what remedy you need, but to be sure: Do you like eggs, sweat easily, especially on the scalp? Were you late to learn to walk, when you were children. A bit clumsy?
Parakletos. last decade
For Parakletos.

Yes i do like eggs, don't know about sweating easily sometimes i think yes.

I am clumsy and very moody , irritabl, not sure about late to learn walking.
paintthetown last decade
In the meantime
please stop trying all possible homeopathy remedies. This can be dangerous, at best, nothing happens, in the worst case, wrong medicine can cause serious damage. And it will also obscure your case.
Parakletos. last decade
For Parakletos

If i stop taking any homeopathic medications. Then what would be my cure ?

I know that any medication even in homeopathy has many side effects.

I would appreciate any one's help for my problems.

I will write here again, in 2008 November i was prescribed Nux Vomica 200 morning and night and Nat Phos 12x morning and night for 15 days, and after taking them i was perfect but my problems came back within a month and since then the problem has not gone. Yes i did overdose with Nux and Nat phos later.

Did a few self prescribed rememdies and when going thru Materia Medica many rememdies match my problems.
paintthetown last decade
Hello again.
Homeopathy is a very difficult art to perform. It resembles much of the police / detective work, in most cases. In your case, the symptoms are so clear that the appropriate remedy is relatively easy to find, I think, and hope. :-)

Your medicine is, from what I can see, Calcarea carbonica. I will ask you to provide C
alc carbonica 200C, and calc carbonica 1M. Tablets, pills or granules. I live in Norway so I do not know quite how completely what it is like in your country. You have taken homeopathy before so you know the procedure.
After you have taken the first dose, 200C, wait 1 week or 2. And then you give me a feedback.
Good luck.
Yours Parakletos
Parakletos. last decade
For Parakletos.

Thanks for your reply.

Don't i need to anti-dote the earlier medications ?

Here in India all forms of homeopathy medications are available.

If you can help me here by telling me what kind of stomach problem or infection it is.It came on after a sexual intercourse almost 15 years back.why so much gas pain with urgent bowel movement and bad smelly unformed creamy stools with something left behind , small pimples all over face /neck / back / arms / buttocks and dry skin on the hand. Why does my face look old is it due to weight loss ? and have dark circles ,tiredness with white coating on tongue My allopathy doctor was always saying amoebic infection but none of the allopathy medications had helped except Qugyl but with side-effects.I would be obliged on this information.

Will get Cal-c 200c and 1M in pills form.
paintthetown last decade
Hello again. :-)
It is very difficult for me to know what is causing your health problems, if not impossible. Could your doctor find it?
I found out from the symptoms you have told here on this forum, what kind of medicine you need. In homeopathy we believe that the body, in a way, sending out signals, symptoms, which leads us to what kind of medicine we have to give, to correct the imbalance in the body.
Calcarea carbonica is one of the major homeopathic remedies. A so-called 'great polychrest.' A medicine that may be used in many disorders. And that can be used on both children and adults.

Your allopatic doctor thought it might be a kind of amoeba infektion, perhaps it is this, calc carbonica are known to drive out worms.
Try this medicine, but remember that there may come a agrevation. It's actually a good sign. In case this happens, let me know. It may also be that nothing happens until you come up to 1M, but it is impossible to know in advance

No, you do not need anti-dote for the earlier medications. According to you, so are the last dose of homeopathic medicine intake, back in 2008. So there is no problem.

After taking the first dose, perhaps in the form of tablet, wait 1 week. Please give feedback.

Sincerely Parakletos.
Parakletos. last decade
For Parakletos.

I have taken other homeopathy medication also from 2008 till date which include a bit of a high dose of sulphur.

China / Staph / Verat Album and Nat Mur (Nat Mur was taken in a little high dose).

Currently took Sulphur 30/Nux V 30/Nat phos 6x, and before that Chelidonium Q and Nat sulph 6x. And much before that 3 doses of Ars Album i had no choice as i was irritated and helpless so after the homeopathy doctor in mumbai gave Nux v 200 and Nat Phos 12x i was very good and hence i did a lot more of self prescribtion.
paintthetown last decade
It's okay, just take Calcarea 200C. But I would add, that using as many different remedies may obscure your case.

Give me a feedback about a week.
Parakletos. last decade
Thanks, i shall take Calcarea C 200c one single dose tonight.

What about my weight loss ?

Also i severe dental decay and most of my teeth have rotted what can be done about them ? Dont know what caused my teeth to decay.
paintthetown last decade
Dear paintthetown.
More you tell me about yourself, the more convinced I become that calc carb is the correct medicine.
The symptoms that put me on the trail of calc carb, it was cream colord stool. There are only 5 remedies that have this. And Calc carb is one of those. The next was blue around the eyes. Skin problems, your face looks old, wrinkles? irritable, clumsy, etc.
And now you tell me about problems with your teeth. Weight loss is also a calc carb symptom.
So I am convinced that the calc carb is the right medicine for you. Almost unbelievable that you have not had it before?
You said that these symptoms occurred after sexual intercourse, 15 years ago. Can you remember how long it was before you noticed these problems?

Parakletos. last decade
For Parakletos.

I would not remember after how long i noticed these problems. when this stomach problem started one day i had a severe pain in the stomach and i was forced to pass well formed stools which were whitish green in color (honestly it was so long back but i think it was whitish green), that day the pain and pressure in the stomach was bad whole day since morning.(please note that it was many years back and on that day the stools were well formed).

Also where my bowels are concerned it is also very difficult to pass stools (like constipated) always something left behind, stools are gassy smelling unformed sticky. If i get a clear motion than after half an hour i feel a pressure below the left rib and i have to go again for a bowel movement.Gas pains accompanied by urgent bowel with bad stools.there is some pinching piercing pain in the stomach somewhere near the navel.

Will post more once i remember a few other things.

Taking the Cal-c 200c dose tonight.

paintthetown last decade
I think the first time i had this stomach issue was that one day i got sudden body heat accompanied by a boil near the nose.

I would not remember after how long i noticed these problems. when this stomach problem started one day i had a severe pain in the stomach and i was forced to pass well formed stools which were whitish green in color (honestly it was so long back but i think it was whitish green), that day the pain and pressure in the stomach was bad whole day since morning.(please note that it was many years back and on that day the stools were well formed).

Also where my bowels are concerned it is also very difficult to pass stools (like constipated) always something left behind, stools are gassy smelling unformed sticky. If i get a clear motion than after half an hour i feel a pressure below the left rib and i have to go again for a bowel movement.Gas pains accompanied by urgent bowel with bad stools.there is some pinching piercing pain in the stomach somewhere near the navel.

Will post more once i remember a few other things.

Have taken Calc 200c single dose 4 pills last night.

paintthetown last decade
That's good.
Now we just have to wait and see.
Parakletos. last decade
Also had nose bleed in childhood, if even by mistake slight tap on the nose used to cause me nose bleeds but it has been cured and don't have it now.

Can anything also be done for Male Pattern Baldness ?
paintthetown last decade
For Parakletos.

Also had nose bleed in childhood, if even by mistake slight tap on the nose used to cause me nose bleeds but it has been cured and don't have it now.

Can anything also be done for Male Pattern Baldness ?

I have got severe pain in both the ankles in the morning they feel swollen i never had this before. This ankle pain started after Chelidonium Q and Nat Sulph 6x.

I used to be a very active person like swimming and martial arts. But now even little bit of push ups makes tired.
paintthetown last decade
For Parakletos.

Also had nose bleed in childhood, if even by mistake slight tap on the nose used to cause me nose bleeds but it has been cured and don't have it now.

Can anything also be done for Male Pattern Baldness ?

I have got severe pain in both the ankles in the morning they feel swollen i never had this before. This ankle pain started after Chelidonium Q and Nat Sulph 6x.

I used to be a very active person like swimming and martial arts. But now even little bit of push ups makes tired.

The last two days i feel a bit of a difference in my stomach. Still constipated and sticky unformed stools the stools have been dark in color like burnt but the gas pain has reduced.

Reading the Cal-c Boericke Materia Medica quite a few symptoms do match , if you want i can type them out here so you can investigate more. ( matching symptoms)I don't understand the medical terms in the Materia Medica. But i will keep posting if i remember somethings.

Thank you for your help.
paintthetown last decade
I do not need more information on this point. We just have to wait and see what happens. Let me know in about a week.
As a homeopat I have a lot of literature that I can confer with. Otherwise, thank you.
Parakletos. last decade
Alright sir i will report back next Tuesday. Thanking you once again.

Will this remedy take of the small pimple boils which are there on face/back / arms / buttock / neck. on the forehead there very tiny pimples. skin also has problems.
paintthetown last decade

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