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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Stomach Issue Page 9 of 13

This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
:) The sharp pain on the right side some where near the appendix. No this pain is not before a stool it comes on its own once a month.

The abdomen feels tight and gassy.
paintthetown last decade
:) The sharp pain on the right side some where near the appendix. No this pain is not before a stool it comes on its own once a month.

The abdomen feels tight and gassy.

Doc, i just noticed that there small bumps on the face don't know what it is and the face looks very dirty and sick.
paintthetown last decade
:) The sharp pain on the right side some where near the appendix. No this pain is not before a stool it comes on its own once a month.

The abdomen feels tight and gassy.

Doc, i just noticed that there small bumps on the face don't know what it is and the face looks very dirty and sick.

How can homeopathy help me with sleep. I tend to sleep very late and it is a disturbing sleep, then when i wake up i feel restless and tiredness head feels heavy , if i sleep less then i don't get a bowel movement.

Taking Nux Vomica 1M today.
paintthetown last decade

Took the 1M today morning.

Since morning today i did not any bowel movement. I slept less also.

After the 200C yesterday the bowels behaved better.
paintthetown last decade
Doc, no change or improvement after taking 1M.
paintthetown last decade
Hi Doc,

Now what do i do ? Nothing seems to work.
paintthetown last decade
Have looked at your case and have to admit that it is difficult. But have seen various remedies in relation to your symptoms, and wonders if 'China officinalis' may be the right one.
Maybe you can look at this link and tell me if you find something there that are similar to your symptoms?

Parakletos. last decade
Hi Doc,

I checked the link with my symptoms, yes some of them do match, but i don't have diarrhea except some loose motion usually at around 9-10 p.m. maybe due to gas but not daily, yes i do eat late. mental symptoms match, stools match as even a soft stool is difficult, not watery, yellow. Voice is hoarse, no impotency :), skin and eyes kinda yellow , abdomen as if it was packed full, Flatulent colic (whats this ?) ,don't drink cold water hurts my sinus and get a cold. Stomach feels sore, as if ulcerated , stools are hot. A few them do match.

Face symptoms match perfect but not sure about it looking black. Complexion pale ; sometimes earthy, grayish-yellow, or black. (Ars.)

Face pale, sunken, pinched ; eyes sunken (Ars., Verat. alb.), and surrounded by blue margins. (Ipec., Kali iod., Sec. c., Sulph.)

Dont know what this means - Periodical prosopalgia ; pains excessive ; skin sensitive to touch ; mostly in infra-orbital and maxillary branches.

Mind matches many things but certain words i do not understand.

Nose - no nose bleeds in the morning or anytime. Some i do get in the nose can be a boil, nose burns sometimes.

Ears - Yes ringing in ears and some noise.

Head - Get a headache which makes me feel like vomiting.

Sleep - Matches -

Sleepless from crowding of ideas, making plans.

Sleepless, with pressive pain in head - (dont knw)

Anxiety on waking, from frightful dreams ; confused, senseless dreams after midnight.

Constant sopor or unrefreshing sleep. (Arn., Op., Lach.)

Respiratory - Wheezing and whistling in bronchi during respiration.

Doc, i hope i am writing it down correctly for you to understand.

But nothing about weight loss. I am worried as many remedies match but not much response.

paintthetown last decade
Homeopath Richard Hughes writes, among other things: 'Rapid emaciation, with indigestion, voracious appetite, undigested stool ... etc.'
I wonder, is there malaria in the area you live, or have been?
Do you have trouble comunicate with other people?
Fear of dogs and other animals, especially after dark?
Do you have fantasies / dreams where you are 'the hero of great happenings, the perfomer of great deeds.'
Makes a lot of Big Planet, Many ideas?

Have you lost a lot of fluids such as blood, diarrhea, excessive sweating? May have happened many years ago.

look at this.
Parakletos. last decade
There are mosquitoes yes but not much, Dad & mom did get malaria recently.

Yes i have trouble communicating with people. I get nervous also.

No fear of dogs or other animals after dark.

Yes i have fantasies / dreams where i am 'the hero of great happenings, the performer of great deeds.'

Well i had taken injections in the stomach for a dog bite in my teens, after taking the first injection i had fainted in the bus and was fully covered with sweat. Diarrhea must have happened years back , but bleeding except some little blood during a bowel movement.
paintthetown last decade
Then it looks like a China officinalis case. But China may sometimes be mixed with Natrium Muriaticum.
According to earlier questions that you have answered I do not think it's Nat mur. I actually believe you should take China and China is an antidote to the nux vomica. So it fits well. The same procedure as before, 200C once.
To be sure, a few clarifying questions. Are you a refind person?
Are you afraid of being rejected by others? if someone does not greet you, you say hello and They dont answer back, what feelings do you get?
You are not a timid person, or what?
Do you often Dwell on the past unpleasent events?
Do you enjoy physical and mental exertion?

Parakletos. last decade
Not exactly a refined person but i don't talk much usually.

Yes at times i do feel afraid of being rejected.

Don't know if someone does not greet back.

I am a timid person , i don't have courage or confidence , fearful and hesitant.

Yes i do dwell on the past unpleasant events.

Don't enjoy mental exertion, physical if you relating to sports yes i do enjoy.
paintthetown last decade
Ok, then China is not right medicine. Then it is Natrium Muriaticum. This remedie are suitable for your symptoms.
The same procedure 200C, one dose.

Parakletos. last decade

You mean i have severe indigestion since years is it due to my liver.

I am just worried as i have tried Nat mur 200 last year a few doses by myself it may have done something.

I will take 200c tomorrow, please help me get cured as i will be having a new job and don't want to mess it up.

Thank you.
paintthetown last decade

You mean i have severe indigestion since years is it due to my liver.

I am just worried as i have tried Nat mur 200 last year a few doses by myself it may have done something.

I will take 200c tomorrow, please help me get cured as i will be having a new job and don't want to mess it up.

Thank you.
paintthetown last decade
Hello, how are you ?
Have you taken any medicine yet?
Parakletos. last decade
Hiya Doc,

I took the Natrum Mur 200c yesterday evening at 4:30 p.m. as i could only procure it on Saturday night.

Horrible digestion yesterday whole day, badly constipated with body heat and oily face and a bad smell in the nose with itchy scalp. Used fingers again to evacuate and needed to go multiple times with difficulty and the abdomen was feeling hard and even after evacuating so many times in a day i still have that feeling that i need to have a bowel as i get that tightness in the stomach. Bad hot gas.

paintthetown last decade
Sounds bad, do not take any more of this medicine. Was going to write to you, but did not have time. Hope that you had not taken more medicine, but was unfortunately too late.
Coming back to you as soon as I have time. Nux vomica is an antidote to the Nat muriaticum. In case it gets worse.
Parakletos. last decade

In the previous post by me, i have mentioned that yesterday my stomach was bad , this is the case on every holiday. This didnt happen because of Natrum Mur as i took it in the evening. Do you want me to Anti-dote it ?

Today the bowels are just slightly ok, though i had to evacuate three times with my fingers actually evacuating with fingers has been since years.
paintthetown last decade
Ok, thought it was because of NM. Then you can wait and see what happens.
You mentioned that you have taken NM before, you can remember what happened when, and what potence?
Parakletos. last decade

The Natrum Mur which was taken last year it had cleared my skin a little but nothing on the digestion. The potency i had was 200c and probably a few doses of it.
paintthetown last decade

The Natrum Mur which was taken last year it had cleared my skin a little but nothing on the digestion. The potency i had was 200c and probably a few doses of it.

Hey Doc, don't think any thing happening with the dose taken on Sunday. Still constipated with sour gas and and in the evening if gas is too much i get like loose stools (not watery) but even after these stools tightness remains in the stomach. I have also stopped much of tea drinking and smoking, i have more water now. Sleep has been bad since last two days again not at all refreshing.
Something poking on the anus pain is bad as i need to evacuate manually.

Should i take one more dose ?
paintthetown last decade
I do not think it will help then you should probably go to 1M.
But what would you say is the main problem right now?

Parakletos. last decade
Main problem right now are my bowels not able to clear them at one go always need to go a few times with sour gas making me go for a bowel movement. Takes hell of a time to clear with fingers and always something remains ,abdomen tightness with gas , morning tightness in the stomach some times nausea and feel like vomiting (usually in the afternoons like sour rising ,stools are still sticky and unformed with foul odor.

Also the other problem is weight loss, have not put on my weight back much.
paintthetown last decade

i have taken nm 1m.
paintthetown last decade

I have taken NM 1M yesterday evening.

Just want to update you as to how my bowels have reacted.

Had gas in the morning, the first motion was very good and clean but completely formed. After half hour got a bit of tightness again in the upper abdomen and went for a bowel movement and little came out and it was without difficulty and clean. Have that slight tightness and little gassy/burning but feel better. You think it was because of NM 1M dose ?

Do i repeat the dose again ?

paintthetown last decade

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