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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Stomach Issue Page 7 of 13

This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Be careful with alcohol, it can in some cases antidote homeopathic medicine. Takes 1 day or 2 before homeopat medication starts up again. You experienced this now, i think.

Remember, do not take any more medicine. As long as there is a posetiv progress, it is not good to take some more. This can stop the progress of the case, and return to the starting point. It may even be worse.

As it looks now, I am very pleased with the response of Calc carb. But you must expect to take several doses in the future. Each dose must be given time to do their work. But it looks very promising. :-)

Mr P.
Parakletos. last decade
No sir :) i shall not take any more doses.
paintthetown last decade
The stomach has been better except that little alcohol effect is still there today the stomach and stools were feeling acidic and sticky the first bowel movement was smooth and the second bowel movement was acidic and sticky with slight feeling of bowel movement needed again.Last night slight gas pain accompanied by acidic pain around navel and a bowel movement.

Thank you for helping.
paintthetown last decade
If nothing happens within a few days, you can take a dose of 200C. But, wait 2 to 3 days. After this, go to 1M. However, you must leave the last dose of 200C to do its work first. Please Wait a couple of weeks.

Parakletos. last decade
Alright sir, the second was taken almost 12 days ago. I shall wait 2 to 3 days more and take the 200c one dose. Will wait 15 days again after that dose and will report before going to 1M.

I do have one another problem when the climate changes i get sinus on the left of the head with the left nostril being blocked happened today morning.

You have put a small smile on my face sir.Thnx.
paintthetown last decade

The symptoms and the digestion problem came back today , there was tightness in stomach with once or twice gas pain and difficult bowels again used mechanical means to clear but some remained and the amount of stools is quite a lot, with sour rising. I think the alcohol or the (one cup of coffee, though i am a tea drinker but had a cup of coffee) has anti-doted the the medicine.It was not as bad as before calcarea.But feel little healthier.

Taking the 200c dose tonight and report back.
paintthetown last decade


Have taken a dose of Cal-c 200 last night. Toay morning 1st motion clear, 2nd motion less stools and little bad , 3rd motion slight gas(mechanical removal) and little amount of stools after 10mins felt a little tightness in the stomach and back and want to have a bowel movement again.

paintthetown last decade
You just have to wait and see.

Do not take any more medicine for a while now. Wait 3 to 4 weeks.
Should there be something special, please contact me.

Dr. P.
Parakletos. last decade
Yup Doc will report anything special.

Just have a question if it can be answered by you. Why even after having a good (after Calcarea Carbonica) bowel movement after sometime or immediately feel tightness (stools present) on the left rib and stomach and i need to go again for a bowel which becomes bad with some foul gas (stools are dark brown and not yellow or creamy now) and difficult and has to be removed with fingers and it takes a hell of a time to remove them and due to which my legs are strained anus or rectum feels a bit sore and feel very tired and this happens 3 to 4 times a day.

I was looking healthier but since Sunday bad digestion and lost some weight.Why would stools be this sticky or difficult that it has to be removed by fingers which is like paste and still can not clear. And what about the yellow feel of the skin tht's what i feel sometimes it's yellow.

Doc, i have forgotten to mention that early last year i was put on Silicea 30 three times a day for a week and after taking the first three doses i was feeling WOW with a fresh feel and good digestion but it came back to normal after a few days. Calcarea 200 has been better.

I know these questions are irritating so apologize about my inquisitiveness.But as i have stated that this stomach thing has made my life miserable since many many years so i keep asking questions. I want to avoid allopathy at all costs.

The other thing if not mentioned, i was treated for Bronchial Asthma in childhood by Dr. Batra who is a famous homeopath.
paintthetown last decade
Sir, after the third dose no improvement my problems have come back again since Monday and today it is bad even my anus is burning and itching and the the anus is swollen. Gas pain is there and no clean bowels.Again get fear in the evening and even a slight noise in the night sends shivers with fear.The health look has gone.The stools are hot and sticky again and difficult to clear.
paintthetown last decade
Wait a couple off days, if nothing happens try 1M.

Dr. P
Parakletos. last decade
OK sir i will wait for a couple of days.

This is funny again the stomach has been better today though still sticky stools which is removed by fingers and weight loss and foul smelling but not yellow it is orange or light brown in color difficult to understand the color and the burning has gone but some swelling on the anus is there :( don't understand. You think that the medicine has kicked in again ?

Sir, the 1M dose comes in powder form and what is the right time to take it Morning or Night ? Should the powder be kept under the tongue ? I will take the 1M on Tuesday.

Thank You.
paintthetown last decade
Doc, very funny thing happening again my stomach has become better have only taken 3 of 200c doses not yet taken 1M.

Should go ahead with 1M ?
paintthetown last decade
Wait and see.
Parakletos. last decade
Doc, last few days the bowels have been clean but i had to go 4 times a day without any straining.

Yesterday i ate something a little spicy and the next day i had some issues with the bowels with some gas cramps and even little bleeding and burning at the anus.

In the night immediately after dinner i got little gas pain and had to rush for a bowel movement which was not formed but was dark in color and was easily evacuated. Later i ate a snack and felt some tightness in stomach.In the morning there was a tightness in the stomach and back and gassy feeling under ribs but it was less not like before.

Stools are not creamy now.
Some sickness in the morning.

Weight loss has been bad.

paintthetown last decade
Doc please read the previous post.There is some kind of cramp in the stomach at times (it has been there for years) which also causes me gas pain with bowel urgency.

But stools are better evacuated now not much difficult except at times and the stool amount is large.(mechanical removal is still present which caused me bleeding).
paintthetown last decade
Can you say something about your mood, the emotional. Are there any changes in this area?
Parakletos. last decade
About the mood maybe i feel less irritated but mood swings are there. Do feel depressed in the evening and night like i cannot achieve anything i have wasted my life till date.

I feel very tired even after 7-8 hours of sleep i walked yesterday for around 20 min.Today again there was mucous in chest with slight cough and i spat the mucous and the head was feeling heavy when i woke up.Could it be that my thyroid is playing ? Less fear.
paintthetown last decade
Believe it is time to go to 1M. Looks like 200C does not reach all the way, so take a dose of Calc carb 1M, give me a Raport few days.
Parakletos. last decade
I got the 1M of calcarea carbonica but in powder form is that ok ?

I will take it in the morning.

paintthetown last decade
Oki doki.
Parakletos. last decade
Have taken the 1M dose a few days back. Not much improvement.
Still incomplete evacuation and some tightness.

Bowel behavior seems mixed.

Yesterday first bowel movement clear but after sometime had the second one which was difficult which needed to be cleared with fingers. Later in the day i felt like going again but nothing ,body heated up and skin became oily and some bad smell in the nose (like what it was before starting Calc), scalp becomes itchy. face oily.(the mentioned symptoms were there since years).

But the gas pain/cramp has reduced very much except a few times. Morning there is some gas. Also some light pain below the left rib and back (like gassy or stools).

Looked healthier for a day and again tremendous weight loss.

Today the first bowel again clear, second little difficult. Third felt like going but nothing again.

Mood swings/depression/irritated/ impatient still persist. Skin feels better looks like less acne.Stomach discomfort has reduced.

Thnx Doc.
paintthetown last decade
Repeating this is post again.

Have taken the 1M dose a few days back. Not much improvement.
Still incomplete evacuation and some tightness.

Bowel behavior seems mixed.

Yesterday first bowel movement clear but after sometime had the second one which was difficult which needed to be cleared with fingers. Later in the day i felt like going again but nothing ,body heated up and skin became oily and some bad smell in the nose (like what it was before starting Calc), scalp becomes itchy. face oily.(the mentioned symptoms were there since years).

But the gas pain/cramp has reduced very much except a few times. Morning there is some gas. Also some light pain below the left rib and back (like gassy or stools).

Looked healthier for a day and again tremendous weight loss.

Today the first bowel again clear, second little difficult. Third felt like going but nothing again.

Mood swings/depression/irritated/ impatient still persist. Skin feels better looks like less acne.Stomach discomfort has reduced.

I have noticed that my urine has been bright yellow.

Thnx Doc.
paintthetown last decade
Doc awaiting your reply for the previous post.

The acne on the ears and earlobe has come back.

Again writing it down, 1 st motion is nice (but not everyday) incomplete evacuation, later after half an hour again feel like going for a bowel movement which comes out difficult and which is unformed (not loose) sticky so has to be removed by fingers, its like till i don't use the finger my intestines do not open to allow the stools to evacuate , yes though the first morning bowel movement is absolutely better .The amount of stool is quite large. Even after the second stool is cleared again after sometime i get a tightness below the ribs and around the rib cage and i have to go for a bowel movement.Sometimes in the afternoon i feel acid rising up which makes me nauseated and feel like vomiting it out.
Please note doc, how many ever times i go for a bowel movement and evacuate still i feel like going later. It's like the digestion is slow.

Do Bad bowel and digestion may cause me weight loss ?
No creamy stools.Though some stools do smell bad especially after the 1st bowel movement.

Yesterday slight gas pain/cramp but no urgent bowel. Today again i have got a crack on the right side of the mouth corner.

Mind still is moody/irritated/depressed/impatient feel like i can not get cured. Mixed feelings.

Awaiting your response.

Thnx Doc.
paintthetown last decade
When you say weight loss, what does it mean? Many kilograms, can you explain? Were you overweight before you started treatment?
Do you have diarrhea? This crack in the mouth, have you had such before?
Do you have a sense of hopelessness, in relation to your health?
Would you say that you feel worse now, after taking the 1M, one you did with the 200C?

Parakletos. last decade
Thnx Doc for your response.

No i was not over weight. i started loosing weight since 2008 , sometimes i used to gain a little weight and than loose it in a few days again.

What exactly is diarrhea can you explain it.

The crack on the corner of the mouth started last year and sometimes there is a white substance on it, it may have started after taking silicea 30 but not sure.

Yes i have sense of hopelessness in relation to my health.

No i don't feel worse after taking 1M but the first 2 doses of 200M gave me better bowels.

I eat something and i get sour gas pain/cramp and i need to rush for a bowel.Again yesterday night i got some gas pain and cramp and there is always a feeling of something in the intestines just below the left rib.

If i eat anything even little spicy next day my stomach will feel hot and burning and stools will be hot and burn in the rectum and anus.My bowels or intestines never clear.

Awaiting your reply.

paintthetown last decade

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