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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Stomach Issue Page 12 of 13

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Yes i still have those terrible dark circles and a pale sick emaciated face with acne all over.

My teeth have also rotted out, don't why i think there is even gum problems but not bleeding gums, gums are very sensitive at times.

Any thing for the teeth too ?
paintthetown last decade
In the morning when you get up, is your tongue coated white...as it white - washed ???
PANKAJ VARMA last decade
Yes it is white coated.
paintthetown last decade
Do not be sorry, just do not want you to be confused by these posts from Mr. Varma. And just wanted to tell you that you do not need Sulphur.
As I told you in a previous post, I think that there is another homeopathic remedy involved in your case. It is often the case that a remedies is followed by another, it is difficult to know who to give remedies first. As it is now, your symptoms point strongly to 'Aloe'. But I think that when this drug has done its work, you will need a new one. This might be Sulphur, but we can not know until we get that far, it can take weeks or months.

You say that you've tried Sulphur before, bet you got a little improvement, but it disappeared again? This is a sign that Sulphur is not the right medicine, at least not at that moment.

Hope you stick to my prescription, and not mix in other remedies, if not I can not help you. I am convinced that we are on the right track, but you must be patient.
And remember, tea, alcohol, coffee, tobacco, etc can destroy your healing. Eat healthy, drink plenty of water and a little exercise can also help, two - three quick walks a day is good for the stomach.

Parakletos. last decade
With coatet tongue is altso a symptom of Aloe.
Parakletos. last decade

Don't worry I am not going to mix any remedies.

The early morning stool urgency is not there since almost two years.

Should i change the homeopathy store from where i bought the aloe 200? Should i take one more dose ?

Do you require any more info? like mind etc...
paintthetown last decade
You need Sulphur and Antim Crud.

no matter what others keep saying.

Just decide ...whose advice you wish to follow.

Pankaj Varma
PANKAJ VARMA last decade
But this is specific only to Antim Crud. :

(part of your reply)

'The gas smells like acid or ammonia or maybe eggs'.

So no Aloes.

Make your pick !!

Pankaj Varma
PANKAJ VARMA last decade
Thank you my friend, was a little worried: (

Aloe has a duration of close to 40 days, so it's a little early to take a second dose, but since this is so annoying to you, you can take another dose in 2 days. If you want to. That is, if nothing happens, either positively or negatively.

Otherwise, I have all the information I need, thank you.:)

Parakletos. last decade
Antim Crud. will also take care of teeth and gums.
PANKAJ VARMA last decade
When I say 'negative', I mean a aggravasjon

Parakletos. last decade
'When I say 'negative', I mean a aggravasjon'

What Negative and what Aggravation ?
paintthetown last decade
My stomach is tight in the morning near rib joint ,and of gas just below the rib cage . Stools are hot and acidic.

It just came to my mind that some years back i had a crack on the anus , it was like the skin was kind of cut. But it's not there now.

I still have those small acne things on my ears and face.
paintthetown last decade
Can i take one more dose of 200 ? or higher

My stomach is tight in the morning near rib joint ,and of gas just below the rib cage . Stools are hot and acidic.

It just came to my mind that some years back i had a crack on the anus , it was like the skin was kind of cut. But it's not there now.

I still have those small acne things on my ears and face.
paintthetown last decade
What are these things on my face below the ears . They look like small pimples but cannot break them , they don't hurt.
paintthetown last decade
What are these things on my face below the ears . They look like small pimples but cannot break them , they don't hurt.

Doc, I think i need to give the details again as i don't think that i have given them correctly as certain medical terms i do not understand and hence cannot express it. Don't know any Classical Homeopath Doctor here in Mumbai (INDIA).

The thing is i am very confused regarding my bowel/stomach /abdomen or stools as i cannot say is it the abdomen / stomach / liver / gall bladder /pancreas or is the bowels or the intestines which is the problem or related to the problem, or how to relate it so that the explanation is clear hope you understand what i am trying to express.

Regarding my bowels or digestion it is very confusing i cannot express or how to define it. Sometimes it's thick loose (not watery) stools with sour gas, usually in the evening or late evening i get this sour gas below the ribs and i have to evacuate / sometimes it's just unformed sticky stools with sour gas where only little comes out. The stools are pasty like clay. Sometimes they are dark in color. Tightness in the stomach with gas and pain where the ribs join in the morning. Don't feel heavy (at least recently) after a meal. Appetite is good but i eat only in the night and that too quite a lot. Last four-five years i have skipped breakfast and lunch. Now why would my stool quantity be so huge ? is it due to constipation ?

doc, i am not able to define the symptoms as there are quite a few problems which come on and i forget about them.

I get this stiffness in the neck and it causes me giddiness and sleepiness with nausea. Probably could be due to sitting too much on the computer. I am stooped shouldered. i don't walk with a straight back i stoop.

I want to give you a clear cut picture about my problems.
paintthetown last decade
Read the previous also.

My mind is always tired. Even after sleeping for 8 hrs. i do not feel refreshed.
paintthetown last decade
Read the previous also.

My mind is always tired. Even after sleeping for 8 hrs. i do not feel refreshed.

I think the warmth of the bed makes me itchy. Also after a shower sometimes it itches.
paintthetown last decade
Currently I am traveling, so I have not access to my literature. Coming home on Tuesday, just stop by and check my mail.
Have you taken No. 2 doses of 200C? Now you have to let it be allowed to work one time, you can not switch medications all the time, Aloe must be allowed to work for a while.
Is not available until Tuesday.
Parakletos last decade
Nope, i haven't yet taken the 2nd dose, nor have taken any other remedy or medicine.
paintthetown last decade
Nope, i haven't yet taken the 2nd dose, nor have taken any other remedy or medicine.

Doc, why is my face so pale looking ? It is very emaciated. With Dark circles and some and not smooth skin.
paintthetown last decade
Doc hope you are back.

Last few days i am getting severe giddiness in the night with sweat. Last night i was feeling very sick and restless (also had that giddiness with heat and sweat like when you are drunk or a bad hangover).

please help me with my weight loss it's terrible.

I took the Aloe 200 dose yesterday evening.
paintthetown last decade
Doc hope you are back.

Last few days i am getting severe giddiness in the night with sweat. Last night i was feeling very sick and restless (also had that giddiness with heat and sweat like when you are drunk or a bad hangover).

please help me with my weight loss it's terrible.

I took the Aloe 200 dose yesterday evening.

There are these tiny pimple types which don't break or hurt on my nose and below the ear and next to the right eyebrow. What are these ? There are dark spots on my back and buttocks and also looks like some kind of pigmentation. I also have some gum problems they burn and hurt sometimes, gums under the teeth are dark in color.

paintthetown last decade
Doc hope you are back.

Last few days i am getting severe giddiness in the night with sweat. Last night i was feeling very sick and restless (also had that giddiness with heat and sweat like when you are drunk or a bad hangover).

please help me with my weight loss it's terrible.

I took the Aloe 200 dose yesterday evening.

There are these tiny pimple types which don't break or hurt on my nose and below the ear and next to the right eyebrow. What are these ? There are dark spots on my back and buttocks and also looks like some kind of pigmentation. I also have some gum problems they burn and hurt sometimes, gums under the teeth are dark in color.

I am also mentally tired morning after waking up i feel tired and then the whole day.

paintthetown last decade
How are you now?
Parakletos last decade
Hi Doc,

Mind feels tired in the morning and the whole day.

From yesterday there has not been gas , though bowels are not cleared completely still pasty. Weight loss still persists. Have skin problems. There are some small boils with itchiness.
paintthetown last decade

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