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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Stomach Issue Page 3 of 13

This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Please go ahead with Livo-10 and report after 15 days. Combination remedies are suggested in emergency conditions when the patient's health is fast deteriorating and he is not in a position to give any details. These should not be taken by the patient who has given all details atleast 3 times and which are nicely documented. So please take Livo-10 for 15 days and come back with your symptoms.
kadwa last decade
Sir, the Livo-10 is not available it's out of stock.
paintthetown last decade
In that case you may go for LIV AID Syrup from Bakson, New Delhi. The dosage remains the same.
kadwa last decade
sir, i was away and hence not taken any liver tonic mentioned by you. Some of them are not available here in Mumbai.

Does liver cause some weight issues like weight loss? I am currently taking Bael from Himalaya. my bowels are still difficult but much better.

I need a perfect remedy to clear my problems. some of them do have my personality.

Advice needed.
paintthetown last decade
You may read the following case. Please don't imitate the prescription. The other remedies badiaga and psorinum should not taken by you.


Case 11: Dr J C Burnett
A gentleman, about 30y of age, came from Ireland to consult me with regard to loss of flesh. He was over six feet in height, but weighed only ten stone. Hair reddish, thorax flat, pronounced venous zig-zagÂ’ digestion very weak, poor appetite, a brownish rash across the epigastrium; cannot digest vegetables.

The state of the liver led me to prescribe Chelidonium Q five drops in water night and morning.

Under this prescription (with same diet, occupation etc) he increased five pounds in weight in thirty-two days. In six months, he had reached ten stones twelve pounds, and he long after reported to me that he had remained in very good health indeed. Besides being for some months under the influence of Chelidonium he had intercurrently also recieved Badiaga 3x and Psorinium 30 each during one month.

kadwa last decade
sir,reading the case here, should i start with Chelidonium 30 or any other potency how many times a day and for how long.

I do get yellow urine, but once i have couple of glasses of water the urine is clear. I do feel my skin and eyes are yellow at times.
paintthetown last decade
Please take 3 tablets of chelidonium 6x thrice a day for 7 days and report back.
kadwa last decade
sir, 6x not available hence bought 6 and 30. please advice which should be taken.
paintthetown last decade
It is better to take Q instead of 6c or 30c. 5-8 drops thrice a day with some water.
You can also take 4 tablets of Natrum Sulph 6x thrice a day at a gap of 4 hours.
kadwa last decade
Sir, the Q is there any potency or should i just ask for Chelidonium Q ? and in the mean time can i take the 6c ?
paintthetown last decade
Q means mother tincture. Just say Q or mother tincture. Don't take 6c.
kadwa last decade
Sir, i will check for Chelidonium Q and Nat Sulph 6x tomorrow.

If able to procure it will take Q for a week with Nat Sulph 6x.
paintthetown last decade
sir, i have got the Chelidonium Q and Nat Sulph 6x (SBL Homeopathy) , have already taken 2 doses of Q n Nat Sulph.
paintthetown last decade
Sir, for how long do i continue with Nat Sulph 6x ? i am taking four pills 3 times a day.
paintthetown last decade
Please take both the medicines for 10 days and report back.
kadwa last decade
Sir, why do i have gas pains which causes me urgent bowl movements which are smelly / unformed and sticky and sometimes yellowish or brownish in color.These gas pains have been there since years. My stools have always been unformed smelly and always incomplete.

I am not able to digest anything.

The gas pain is around the navel area also the left side under ribs. At times there is a burning in the stomach. The stools feel stuck on the left side.Is this actually due to my liver ?

If its my liver than won't the pain or symptoms be on the right side?

Apologize for my questions but i am really tired.

continuing with Chelidonium Q and Nat sulph 6x, but on the second day there is still no difference.
paintthetown last decade
Please take three doses of Carbo Veg 200c at a gap of 4 hours for one day. Please don't take chel/nat sulph on that day. Please start chel/nat sulph next day onwards.
You should do breathing exercises suggested by me for faster recovery.
kadwa last decade
Sir, I noticed my skin day before yesterday i felt very yellow i think i felt. Is this the effect of Chelidonium Q and Nat Sulph ?

Took three doses of Carbo Veg 200 it has helped. Can i take Carbo Veg again after a few days ?

Continuing Chelidonium Q and Nat Sulph from 2day.
paintthetown last decade
Please continue with natrum sulph and chel for 7 days after carbo veg and come here with your symptoms. Please don't repeat carbo veg on your own.
kadwa last decade
Sir, i noticed one thing is after taking chelidonium and Nat Sulph i think there is more bile being produced as the stool evacuation is not that difficult but still unformed still have to go a few times to evacuate, also there have always been a large amount of stools.

Gas pains are not there at the moment. Am i loosing fat through stools in spite of my appetite being good ?

My weight has not increased.
paintthetown last decade
Please continue with chel/nat sulph for next three days.
Meanwhile, please go to your nearest Divya Pharmacy (Swami Ramedv's). Now don't tell me that there is no Divya Pharmacy in Mumbai!!
Please procure the following
Bel ka Murabba
Kaumari Asava

After 3 days, please take 30ml kamari asava with 30 ml water after meals twice a day. Similarly have 2-3 pieces from Bel Murabba immediately after meals twice a day. Please continue with the aforesaid medication for 15 days and report back. i would like to hear a word from you about breathing exercises.
kadwa last decade
Sir, My weight increased little but again lost it. Digestion is better as i can feel more bile. But stools are still a bit difficult and have tightness in the morning under the ribs with some back pain which clears once i pass motion but comes back after 20-30 minutes and i have to pass a motion again. If the first motion is clear i feel better but within 20-30 minutes i feel i have to go and pass motion again.

Why did i gain little weight and lost it again ? I get cracked and hurting at the corners of the mouth (or lips). Loss of stamina and fatigue some times.
paintthetown last decade
Please take three doses of Carbo Veg 200c at a gap of 4 hours for one day. Please don't take ayurvedic remedies on that day. Please start ayurvedic remedies next day onwards.
You should do breathing exercises suggested by me for faster recovery.
kadwa last decade
Don't remember about the breathing exercises , could you please tell me again.
paintthetown last decade
Please read my posts on the breathing exercises called as Anulom Vilom Pranayam and Kapalbhati Pranayam by following the links given below. Please practise these pranayams regularly for half an hour preferably in a garden early in the morning. You may practise at any other convinient time. The only restriction that you have to follow is not to do these exercises within 4 hours after meals. You can have meals not within 15 minutes after finishing these exercises.

please don't repeat carbo veg on your own.
kadwa last decade
Can you suggest an Antidote for all homeopathy medicines.
paintthetown last decade

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