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Help! desparate sufferer of PCOS Page 26 of 28

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How were you doing mentally on the Med before you took the Ars dose?
sameervermani last decade
I felt calmer, less depressed and less impatient after taking Medorrhinum. (Also an odd small pea-sized lump developed on the top of my right foot the very day after I took it and my gum shedding is almost gone. Also seem to have quite a few more spots on my cheeks - right side especially). (I just remembered - I had verruca under my right foot a few months ago that disappeared then a month ago one came up on the right small toe of the same foot and its still there.)

[message edited by summeroflondon on Sat, 01 Feb 2014 04:41:54 GMT]
summeroflondon last decade
Ideally, you should not have intervened with Ars if there were mental improvements happening.

Maybe, you can repeat a dose of Medorrhinum 200 after a few days.

This time though give the 200c 250 ml solution 6 hard hits before you take a dose from there.

Please be prepared for physical aggravations while you improve mentally.
sameervermani last decade
Ok thanks Sameer, I will try not to panic if things flare up...
summeroflondon last decade
Hi Sameer,

To report back a couple of days after taking the dose I had another big skin reaction on my face- left eye, left corner of my mouth, above my lip etc.

The lump on my right foot is bigger, it's now broad bean size and shape.

The skin is a little calmer but I think that's because I have been taking aspirin daily which is supposed to help.

My neck seems to react at times and not at others. I feel happier. I've missed my period- no I'm not pregnant! And the last time I had my period it was much less painful.

My stomach is distended as usual. I seem to have periods of discipline for diet and then ravenous appetite. I think I eat very fast. Oily food makes me feel very sick.

I really annoyed that I seem to have developed acne, mainly on my cheeks and chin, along with it I am getting carbuncles on my face and neck which seem to be filled with transparent fluid in the beginning and later blood.

I have severe dandruff. I have constipation too.

My mind seems hazy and disorganized.

Please instruct.

summeroflondon last decade

My left eye keeps swelling and the lid is sore and eczema prone.

My neck is red and itchy. The skin has worsened again. I have started havind butter which may be aggravating it.

The lump on my right foot suddenly, within two days, subsided but there still seems to be some residual hard lumps there.

Please help.

summeroflondon last decade
You can go to Medorrhinum 1M when things are little stable on the skin.

Single dose.
sameervermani last decade
Thanks. What constitutes 'calmer' skinwise? As it doesn't seem it's getting much better... If it doesn't then what shall I do?
summeroflondon last decade
If it stays the same, I would still go ahead with the dose, as this remedy seems to giving mental benefit.
sameervermani last decade
Ok thanks for the clarification.
summeroflondon last decade
Hi Sameer,

I felt a lot better after taking the dose and even my skin got better.

A few weeks later I had a mini reaction and two days ago I had a massive skin reaction on my neck and left eye.

Please instruct.

summeroflondon last decade
Nice. Let's wait if things are going well mentally.
sameervermani last decade
Thanks. Although mentally I have felt find since taking the last dose so shouldn't I now take it again?
summeroflondon last decade
If you are feeling mentally good since the last dose, we should wait without any more dosing.
sameervermani last decade
Ok thanks
summeroflondon last decade
Hi Sameer,

I have been feeling a little depressed past week.

I had a skin right reaction a week ago.

My gums are always shedding. I have ulcers in my mouth. I keep getting big water filled boils on my face. They take weeks and weeks to heal and then leave scars that last for months. I have a verruca on my right foot.

My hair is dry and my scalp is itchy and dry too. My memory is appalling and reading is a total nightmare.

Whenever I sit down to study I can't seem to concentrate and I get distracted. I feel lazy and unmotivated. My mind feels clouded. My face is sallow.

I can't seem to sleep until around 3am.

I keep having bouts of binge eating.

Please instruct.

summeroflondon last decade
Zady101 last decade
Time for Medorrhinum 10M, single dose. Report after 4 weeks please.
sameervermani last decade
summeroflondon last decade
Please ignore my last post.
[message edited by summeroflondon on Sat, 31 May 2014 12:29:17 BST]
summeroflondon last decade
I am feeling very depressed. I feel hopeless an unable to do anything. I have been sitting at my desk for nearly 5 hours unable to do any work.

Please help.
summeroflondon last decade
Please wait for 2 more weeks. This is too soon to assess. 10M will take 4 weeks to develop full response.
sameervermani last decade
Ok thank you.
summeroflondon last decade
Hi Sameer,

I've had another eye and neck reaction.

I've been binge eating again. My mind is numb, I don't care about anything, especially work. I can't focus if concentrate. I have no motivation. I have no fear of failure or button propelling me to work. Even though I desperately want to. I sit for hours, I find reading and writing impossibly difficult. I can manage to listen to audio lectures.

I have weeping eczema at the base of my hairline. My hair is dry and falling. Whenever I stop taking iron it gets ridiculous.

I'm obsessed with past relationships I can't get over them. Lost love has cut too deep. I am sad. I am full of regret and miss those who are lost. I dream of and have passion only for those thoughts . I'm putting extra salt on food all the time. Do I need Nat mur again?

Everything else seems a blur. I can't focus, I can't remember anything else. I have been so stressed for so long that I feel like my mind is shutting down parts of it to lessen the burden!

I know you said to wait but I desperately need a quick fix to focus on my exams. I only have a few days and i dont care if the treatment takes longer by using something to help my mind focus on exams in the interim.

Please help. I'm scared I will fail because of this stupid distracted mindset.

[message edited by summeroflondon on Tue, 10 Jun 2014 01:48:34 BST]
[message edited by summeroflondon on Tue, 10 Jun 2014 01:53:24 BST]
summeroflondon last decade
I think, if you wait for 2 more weeks, things will improve.
sameervermani last decade
Thanks.I understand Sameer but honestly I will screw up my entire year if I don't get with the programme today! I have a week and a half till my exam and I am finding it impossible to read and make notes (if I wait two weeks it will be too late!). I already failed an exam in February due to a less severe version of this. I'm having to resit that in September (and I've never had to resit in my life!).

Please can you suggest something that won't interfere too much with medorhinum but that will help?
summeroflondon last decade

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