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Help! desparate sufferer of PCOS Page 9 of 28

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Hi Sameer,

I hope you are well.
I'm just updating nothing has really changed since last time I posted except that with my period I had enormous broad bean sized swellings on my face, they looked weird and hurt! towards the end of their shrinking if sqeezed some blood came out. They are so stubborn that a week later they still haven't completely subsided!

My throat hurts a d feels like a lump is in their.

Please let me know what to do next.


Please let
summeroflondon last decade
How are you feeling mentally ?
sameervermani last decade
Hi again!

Mentally I feel content and a little alone. Since yesturday I've been dwelling in thoughts again and today the Feelings of yearning for someone have returned. I was quite impatient and angry a few times. But I am really impressed with how there's no trace of depression.

Oh and just so that you know I did well in my exam results so this may be contributing to my good mood!

summeroflondon last decade
Hmm.. I think we can go back to some Natrum mur now.

Give 8 hard hits to the Helios Nat-m LM2 bottle on the palm of your hand.
Then wait for 2 minutes.
Take out 3 drops of LM2 in 250 ml spring water, stir with spoon, and take a teaspoon ONCE.

Report in 4 days please.
sameervermani last decade
Ok I will take it as instructed. Also now I have stomach pain and left ovary area especially aches and I'm bloated on my stomach too. I hope when I take the medicine it will help!

Thankyou Sameer!
summeroflondon last decade
Hi Sameer

I hope you are well.
I'm just updating- I feel the feelings of yearning still a d now tinged with a little saddness. I felt very short tempered a few times. I've put on weight even though I'm dieting etc! I had another round of spots on my face. Frequent headaches are here and dry skin. I feel inactive. Dark skin patches are so annoying. My skin is quite rough. Overall the last dose hasn't really affected me.

Please let me know what to do


summeroflondon last decade
Just remembered- the feeling of something stuck in my throat lessened with the dose as did the pain in ovary area.
summeroflondon last decade
Hmm.. please make a fresh list of all mental, emotional and physical symptoms. Include only current symptoms. Things which make you feel better/worse in general should be mentioned. e.g. seasons, weather, foods, touch, massage, ocean, open air, sunlight, seaside etc.
sameervermani last decade

mentally I feel fine generally but highly strung and yearning a little.

I feel I should have more friends.

I feel intellectually bright but no deep thoughts of emotions anymore.

I have been thinking about family a lot and I am very interested in geneology and the future of my fgamily history!

I have been quite blunt recently- I have not been so shy to mention certain things.

I feel bloated- my stomach and waist especially (pertruding) is out of proportion with my body.

The skin on my neck is rough and dark.

I have massive boils and spots mainly on my chin.

I am sensitive to heat and cold but would always prefere the cool.

I dont like oily food, I feel sick and if I eat it it seems to come back up my throat.

I like sweet foods nowadays aswell as savory. I dislike butter and loafs of bread although I'm ok with pita bread. I like alkaline drinks like milk or icecream it settles any indegestion that I often have.

Bowl movements are un-satisfactory.

seasons I prefere are spring or mild summertime.

Touch feels fine better than it used to.

I've always loved massage on my back and neck.

I'm not really an ocean person I feel a little uncomfortable with it nor do I like the seaside much.

Sunlight is not something I particularily like.

I don't feel good with wide open spaces although I like constant ventilation in cars, rooms etc.

varicose veins on my right leg hurt a little nowadays.

Weight gain and a feeling of heaviness and inactive.

Thats all I can think of that's current!

summeroflondon last decade
Hi Sameer

the varicose veins were quite painful at night on the day before yesturday. The skin on my back is really dry and rough and a little itchy too. Everything else is the same as I last reported.

please let me know what to do next

thankyou as always!
summeroflondon last decade
I am traveling, will get back to you in a day or 2.
sameervermani last decade
Ok thanks for letting me know.
summeroflondon last decade
Any family history of cancer ?
sameervermani last decade
Hi Sameer

no history except my grandads brother who had skin cancer.

By the way I am quite easily irritated and I have itchy skin at the back of the neck and if I scratch it too much it turn into weeping eczema. And athletes foot is spreading a little. Also I am quite indecisive and a little lazy.

summeroflondon last decade
Hey Summer,

Please take 3 doses of Thuja 30c in water spaced by 30 minutes, and report after 10 days.

sameervermani last decade
Ok I will get it and take it.

Thanks as always!

summeroflondon last decade
Hi Sameer

I know it's early- I took the medicine yesturday and I feel bad. Insomnia and headaches on the top of my head are a problem.
I feel annoyed and unhappy just agitated all the time.
Old resentments and mistrust are creeping back.

My right foot toes keeps on feeling stiff and then I try to bent it to snap back to normal which usually helps.

I feel inactive and unambitious which is unlike me.

I feel that I am cleverer than those around me.

I had pain in my right eye. A week ago my left knee felt sort of dislocated but it seems ok now.

My scald is so annoying! It's itchy flaky eczema with a few spots. My chin is spotty. My neck itches a lot. My stomach is so swollen looking. I don't know what's wrong with me but I can't sleep easily. I am sweating more- when I wake I can tell that I must have sweated at night which is odd.

I can't understand why but I just feel annoyed generally and a bit disorganised- I'm getting on my own nerves!

Please tell me what to do.

summeroflondon last decade
Also that last two days I felt weak in the shower and had to sit down
summeroflondon last decade
Hi Summer,

This can happen. What seems like an aggravation now might actually turn out to be a curative response.

Please wait for 3 more days and report back.
sameervermani last decade
Hi again Sameer,

ok that's comforting to read, I'll wait and let you know what happens, I feel sooo irritable ahhh!


summeroflondon last decade
Hi Sameer

phew! I'm better since yesturday. The day before that I got worse(the day before my period): I was crying with feelings of self loathing, hating life, missing people, anxiety attack struck & insomnia.

The insomnia has been continual for days and is really annoying I don't fall asleep till 3pm or around 2-3 hours after I usually sleep and oddly I feel tired yet I don't sleep.

Before my period my legs especially my thighs felt really heavy. The second day of my period was so painful I had to take painkillers twice.

Now I feel calmer but still a little uneasy and I miss and yearn quite a bit. I have no inner drive which is not me I'm usually full of enthusiasm and determination.

I sound weird right? Emotional rollercoaster =me!

Please tell me what to do next


summeroflondon last decade
Hi Summer,

Update me when it has been 1 week from the Thuja doses. I still feel, we might see a curative response.
sameervermani last decade
Ok I will. Also I forgot- I felt less bad in the shower too but still with a feeling of unease.

summeroflondon last decade
Hi Sameer,

I hope you are well.
It's been a week now and I feel better than before.

THe spots on my chin are smaller and less frequent than before.

The dark skin on my neck is improved.

My mood is better, I still dwell with a tinge of sadness but it's no big deal anymore.

My appetite has increased which I hope points to my metabolism being faster. I have started to lose weight again now with my regular diet and excersize regime.

My throat feel a little sore sometimes witha feeling of flem I cannot get rid of.

My eyes were watering sometimes.

I feel a little alone. I had a very vivid dream after a long time. I miss people.

I feel a little inactive. I want to live in a memory, the future seems negative.

My lips and skin are dry. The boils seem to be mainly on the back of my neck now instead of my chin.

I am sweating normally now (before I hardly ever used to sweat) in the morning when I wake my skin is clammy and I feel I must shower, although the thought of showering makes me feel uneasy.

Please tell me what to do


summeroflondon last decade
Good, now that things have turned towards positive direction , let us see how far this takes you.

Please report in 5 more days.
sameervermani last decade
Ok. I'm so gratful to you, thankyou!
summeroflondon last decade

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