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Help! desparate sufferer of PCOS Page 5 of 28

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Hi Sameer,

I soooo need some medicine! I feel really cranky!

Please advise,


summeroflondon last decade
Time for the LM2 dose:

Take out 4 drops of Lach LM2 in 250 ml spring water in a disposable cup, stir with a disposable spoon, and take a spoon from there.

Throw the cup, spoon, and its contents away.

Report in 5 days.
sameervermani last decade
Hi Sameer,

I will take the medication, much to the relief of my nerves!

Thankyou so much!

summeroflondon last decade
Hi Sameer,

hope you are well.
The first two days after taking medicine I felt ok. After that though I've been backnto my mistrustful ways. The cannadis has worsened again. My skin has become a little weird on my face, it grazes if I rub it and gas a few red spots.

Strangely I have a huge cyst, the size of a broad bean on my lower navel ie. Next to my left ovary. And even more strangely a few months ago I had one the same on the right side. Am I being paranoid or is the medicine pushing the cyst to the surface?

My right tonsil has been aching. And my mood is quite irratable and impatient. Frustrations are building anger inside. I'm not sure what this means but I thought the higher dose would have a stronger effect, what do you think?

Thanks as always

summeroflondon last decade
The first 2 days, you felt good mentally as well ?
sameervermani last decade
Hi again, yes I did feel mentally calm the first two days.

summeroflondon last decade
Then, we dose every third day for 3 more doses.

For each dose :

You have to HIT the bottom of the 30 ml Helios LM2 bottle on your palm 8 times before measuring out the dose. The 8 hits have to be hard thumps.

After hitting, take out 4 drops of Lach LM2 in 250 ml spring water in a disposable cup, stir with a disposable spoon, and take a spoon from there.

Throw the cup, spoon, and its contents away.
sameervermani last decade
Ok Sameer I will do as you have instructed, thankyou.

By the way if you have time could you please explain to me what stage we are at and what my reactions show?

I know you are busy and have many patients so thankyou all the more!
summeroflondon last decade
Hi everyone, happy new year!

Just reporting back. After the first dose I had throat ache and pain in my right ovary. Had an ear infection in my right ear which got quite bad.

After the second dose the cannadis got really bad. And my period was late-31day cycle instead of 28 days. Throat still hurt.

I've been having bad migraines throughout the doses and unfulfilling sleep. After the third dose my period lasted 9 days- quite long like when I was a teenager. And now I have really severe sharp stabbing pain in my left ovary it's so bad I was thinking of going to hospital but then it lessened. It gets really bad around 10pm every day for the last three days. It's been five six days since the last dose.

Please tell me what to do the pain is bad.


summeroflondon last decade
Okay, so it seems that Lachesis has done all it could now.

Please form a fresh list of symptoms, we need to find the next remedy.

Be as specific as possible, and for each symptom, think of what, where, when, why and how.

Also, try to find what improves and aggravates each symptom, and also general things which make you feel better or worse on the whole.
sameervermani last decade
Age: 28

Please answer the following questions in a descriptive manner after careful analysis and recollection of previous experiences and happenings.

1. What brings you to the forum? Describe all your problems, including those that may not exactly be on the top of your mind now, in as much detail a possible.


Noise irritates me, more so recently. I cannot concentrate with undesired noise.

Headaches when talking or listening in a group for a long time-engaging with others, this is an old problem.

Stabbing pain in the ovary area usually just after period.

Recently- Unfullfilling sleep. I feel raw in the morning not refreshed and occasionally slight headache.

Occasional flatulence, started recently, usually in morning.

Pigmentation on underarms (dark skin patches). Recently- the last 6 months dry pigmentation on forarms and intense itching.

On my thumbs there is a central crack, started a week ago.

Extremely dry skin- always since I can remember. Especially on nose knees elbows.

Itching and pigmentation on the back of neck since i was a teenager.

Excess hair- last 4 years. On chest face legs.

Recently since taking Lachesis I feel the cold quite quickly.

Pain in calves used to have it when I was 11 years and it lessened over time but a few days ago it got quite bad again. It is always caused by being outdoor with cold wind getting to my legs even though I always have trousers on. Heat and pressure improve it.

Extreme migraine very few days started around the last two weeks- I have no idea when or why it will happen.

Impatience- I can't stand it when people don't get things done or they don't listen to me! I think I've been like this for a few years.

I want ventilation, don't like stale air. I feel like this all the time especially when I feel warm. I've been like this fore the last maybe 5 years.

I am always deeply in love with someone since I was 8 years old. There is always someone who I deeply intensly love. There have been four people in my life who I have loved like this. First my aunt- who betrayed me when I was 17. Then My grandfather who left my life when I was 11 years. Then my first love who I was never able to be with. Then a father figure who passed away. I am destined to always be besotted with someone!

Now I am totally in love and I can't do anything about it, it will never be. And my mind is pre-occupied with thoughts of idealised love. I dream of him, think of him and feel sad at the thought of seeing him because it worsens the yearning and feeling of separation.

Recently I have had dreams with spiders. About a week ago I saw a dream that I was trying to get rid of one.

Heavy peiods that are painful- since menses began. Insulin resistence I think must have started at a similar time.

I love honourable,wise, just people.

2. How do these problems affect you mentally? How does it affect your family life and inter-personal relations with friends and colleagues?

My impatence has a negative effect on people around me.
Everything is worse in the morning- impatience, headache, mood, no appetite, anger, lethargic.

3. What time of the day your problems trouble you the most? Describe the time modalities properly for all your problems.

4. Normally, when you are in a healthy state, what time of the day you are most active and what time you feel lazy and tired?

I feel best at around midday- most productive.

5. Generally, is there some time in the day when you feel extremely irritable?

Morning- always been a bad time for me

6. When did it all start? Can you connect it to any past event or disease? Give proper details.

Mistrust- I think this started when I was 11, when family members really let me down. I don't fully trust anyone, people always let you down only God doesn't.

7. What are the things which aggravate your suffering and which are those which ameliorate the same?

I love the spring time and fresh air but not necessarily going out. In the morning I crave saltly foods, it makes me feel good once I eat it.

I like to look nice and smart. I like makeup and am quite artistic with it since about 13 years old.

I can't stand clutter, it makes me feel like there's no space in a room. I like clear spaces. I like neutral colour surroundings. I love wearing the colour purple- it's my favourite since 12 years old.

8. Do your think your sufferings have relation to any external stimuli (like, change of place) or any internal biological changes in the body, like, menses (in females)?

I like warm applications during my period on my lower back and stomach- always since age 13.

9. Which weather worsens your complaints – wet, hot or cold?

I hate hot weather I feel weak and lethargic since I can remember.

10. Which weather do you generally prefer the most?

Mild spring weather

11. Describe yourself as a person in as much detail as possible. Discuss general personality traits; the way you express yourself in social settings, family and work environment, with friends, etc.

I am confident, clever and pratical. I am talkative but not too much. I clam up with new people- don't trust them.

I can quickly jugde a character. I am ambitious and hard working and try to be organised. I don't like physical contact much.

I am sick of the world and its vices it saddens me. I pray God saves me and my family from these ills. I feel very grateful to God for everything I have. And I ask forgiveness for my sins- I feel unworthy. Recntly music makes me feel quite spiritual and prayerful.

My mind feels clear and slightly alone, although at times I enjoy being alone.

I like few people because I trust few people. I have no patience for half-baked people who don't have a reliable honest personality.

12. Describe in detail if you harbour any negative emotions.

i worry about the future and people falling into sin or bad ways.

13. How is your memory?
Not so great it depends sometimes I can remember really randome old thing and not new fresh things.

14. Do you suffer from bouts of anger? If yes, which category do they fall in – frequent, occasional or rarely?

Frequent anger at small things that frustrate me.

15. Which of the following words describe you the best – Moody, Arrogant, Mild, Agreeable, Changeable, Nervous, Suspicious, Easily offended, Quiet, Arguing, Irritating, Irritable, Lazy, Super-active, Tearful, Vindictive, Confused, etc.

Active, arguing, changable. Happy and talkative- vivacious. Passionate about every little thing.

16. Please answer the following clearly:
- Do you tend to weep easily? no

- How is your memory?

- How do you feel before or during a thunderstorm?
during I feel intimidated.

- Do you like being consoled during your tough times? NO I don't sympathy even if I instigate it. Usually if I get hurt I don't want to tell anyone, I might tell them later on.

- How sensitive you are to external stimuli like smell, noise, light etc?
Very sensitive to smell and noise.
- Do you have any typical habit or gesture like nail biting, causeless
weeping, talking to one self etc?

I sometimes mutter. In the evenings I like to untie my hair and rub/scratch my scalp.
- How do you feel about your friends, family, your children and especially your husband / wife?

Friends few good ones. Family care a lot about their welfare- I want to save them from mishaps. Love My kids but it really irritates me when they don't listen quickly. I love my husband but he has let me downb
in the past which means he's on my love but can't trust list.

17. What are your chief fears?

I don't fear anything except future problems.

18. How well do you sleep? Do you have a particular posture of sleeping?

I don't sleep well I usually sleep on my right side. Recently I have insomnia because of ovary pain- the pain starts at 10pm and ends at 3am.
19. Is there any pattern in your dreams?

Love, loss, regret.

20. What all food items do you crave for what all you simply hate to have?

I crave salty foods.
I hate Coffee, Sushi, brussel sprouts and raw tomatoes. I hate smelly fish. Don't like fruit that much. Don't like milk on it's own much.
21. How is your thirst: Less, Normal or Excessive?

Less to normal.

22. How if your hunger: Less, Normal or Excessive?


23. Is there any kind of food which your body can’t stand?

Eggs seem to irritate my stomach nowadays.

24. Is there any time or occasion when you feel an uncontrollable urge to eat?


25. How would you rank your sweat as– normal or less or more? Where does it sweat more: Head, Trunk or Limbs?

Less to normal

26. How is your bowel movement and stool type?

Regular in the morning twice.
Normal Stool

28. How do you think you are different from others, if at all?

I think I am sensible and am astonished by other peoples stupid actions and worry that I should not commit the same mistakes.

29. What medications have been taken earlier by you to treat the diseases and do you have any particular symptom surfacing after the medication?

Nothing except Metformin for the insulin resistance which didn't help took for six months

30. Any major diseases running in your family?

Heart disease, cholestorol.

31. Describe your overall appearance

Pale face, fine features, light colouring- quite yellow. Body is curvy mostly apple shape.

- Do you suffer from any kind of physical or mental discomfort before, during or after the periods?

I have pain recently, a week before my period in the abdoman. And breasts felt really hard and sore (nipple area) like when breastfeeding

- Is the blood thick bright red or pale watery?
Bright red at first.

- Do you notice any clots in the flow? Yes stringy dark red.

I have whitish/clear catarrh.

Thankyou so much Sameer

summeroflondon last decade
Me again!

I just remembered:

I have always had the feeling as if something is stuck in my throat. And If I am awake in early morning I have extreme hunger pangs but I dint want to eat so I may drink water to feel better. And strangely water makes my my thoat feel dry if I drink too much at any one time.

Recently I get headache when I haven't eaten. And pain radiating from a spot on the left of my forehead.

My knees creek for a long time when bending.

I recently seem to always have mild headache in the morning.

My nose is usually blocked still.

Recently I feel motivated to do things 'a fire in belly' as they say. I have a drive to get things done.

summeroflondon last decade
Hi Summer,

Do you have Lachesis LM3 with you ?

sameervermani last decade
Hi Sameer,

Hope you are doing great. I have had a hectic day- my in-laws came over, not good for the nerves!

Anyway, I dont have LM3 just the LM1 & LM2.

Thanks as always

summeroflondon last decade
Hi again,

Sameer I just wanted to let you know mentally I am feeling really disallutioned with people and the world I'm feeling really annoyed and fed up of the stupid things people repeatedly do. I hope idont ever act like that!

I feel low and sad and a little hopeless. Everyday it seems my ideas that knowone can be trusted are reinforced!

Sometimes I think is it my perspective that's warped and then I dwell on it and realise I'm absolutely right but that others don't ponder deeply on the actions of others.

My family keep making stupid mistakes and I'm so angry and frustrated.

Please help !

Thanks again
summeroflondon last decade
Hi Sameer

please don't forget me!

Shall I order the Lachesis LM3 from Helios?

Please let me know

summeroflondon last decade
Hi Sameer

please don't forget me!

Shall I order the Lachesis LM3 from Helios?

Please let me know

summeroflondon last decade
Hi Summer,

Yes, please order the Lach LM3 from Helios ?
sameervermani last decade
The question mark was a mistake.

Please order LM3 Lachesis.
sameervermani last decade
Ok I will order it!

Thankyou Sameer
summeroflondon last decade
Hi Sameer,

I have the LM3.

I await your instructions, thankyou
summeroflondon last decade
3 drops in 250 ml water, and 1 spoon from there.

Report in 48 hrs.
sameervermani last decade
thanks again!

summeroflondon last decade
Hi Sameer

just reporting back...

The day before I took the medicine just before my period started I had the same stabbing pain in the left ovary area- this seems odd as it usually happens a week after my period.

Also before taking the medicine my memory is terrible. I walk into a room to do something and forget what I was going to do. I work on the computer and think of something I want to do and forget what it was.

After taking the medicine I haven't really noticed any change.

Since my periods started I have insomnia and then doze off at around 5pm for a while also bleeding quite heavy, I can feel the bleeding when I walk sometimes.

My skin is very very dry. I have scabs and a few spots on my Upper back.

My mind feels clear but I feel a bit lonely but don't mind being on my own.

I feel that knowone knows my feelings I kind of feel I'm living but with another life within that.

I still dwell on loss but not so much. I feel very grateful to God.

I feel ambitious. I feel like i can't read much it tires me and I'm too slow. I feel intellectually sharp but concentrating for long periods is hard.

I seem to have mild headache everyday, on the top of my head and forehead especially.

One thing that really annoys me is the dark skin patches on my neck, underarms and groin area.

Impatience is a problem and annoyances.

Overall I'm much better than the beggining.

I await your instructions

Thanks so much!

summeroflondon last decade
Take another dose.

You have to HIT the bottom of the 30 ml Helios LM3 bottle on your palm 8 times before measuring out the dose. The 8 hits have to be hard thumps.

After hitting, wait for 2 minutes and then take out 5 drops of Lach LM2 in 250 ml spring water in a disposable cup, stir with a disposable spoon, and take a spoon from there.

Report in 3 days.
sameervermani last decade
Ok I will

summeroflondon last decade

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