The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Constipation Dr Rahiq / Dr. David , pls reply Page 12 of 55
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This isn't the kind of case I find very easy to work with. I need much more description to match your symptoms to a remedy. Answers with one or two words or more or less uselss to me. I also see that we have a bit of a language barrier as well which may make this more difficult again. I don't think you have understood my questions very well.
Please answer the following questions:
1. Is the constipation exactly the same all the time, with nothing making it worse or better? Is it the same at all times of the day, all times of the week, all times of the year? Is it unaffected by food, by weather, temperature, position, activity?
2. What does the stool look like (colour, smell, size, shape)?
3. What does it mean 'pushed badly out of my system'?
4. Do you get the same flatulence from all foods? NO food is worse?
5. What does the flatulence smell like?
6. Are you saying that if you stop eating, you still gain weight? How long would you stop eating for?
7. Is your weight always increasing, or does it increase or descrease?
8. What is your weight and height? What is your body shape? Where do you gain weight on your body?
9. Where do you have stretch marks? Stretch marks are where the skin has been stretched - why do you think this has something to do with your constipation. Loose skin is the opposite of stretched skin - which do you have?
10. Please describe the pain in the lower left part of the abdomen. What makes it better, what makes it worse?
11. What is heavy food that makes your pain worse - give examples?
12. Describe the pain in the right upper stomach?
13. Describe the sensation of flatulence - what kind of pain, or what kind of feeling?
14. Explain what the feeling of 'stuffed' is?
15. Describe being attached to your parents, to your friends, to your siblings.
16. Please describe your character more:-
- what fears do you have?
- what makes you anxious?
- what makes you angry?
- what makes you sad?
17. When did the symptoms start? What was happening around that time?
18. What are the symptoms of having 'less metabolic rate'
19. What other diseases or symptoms have you had in the past?
20. What foods do you crave?
21. What foods are you averse to?
22. How does the temperature and the weather affect you?
23. How does your energy go during the day and night?
24. What problems do you have with sleep?
25. What problems do you have with your menses? Do you have problems before or after your menses?
26. Do you have any reoccurring dreams?
27. Did you have any serious childhood illnesses?
28. Did you have any problems during childhood, any traumas or worries that you remember to this day?
Please answer the following questions:
1. Is the constipation exactly the same all the time, with nothing making it worse or better? Is it the same at all times of the day, all times of the week, all times of the year? Is it unaffected by food, by weather, temperature, position, activity?
2. What does the stool look like (colour, smell, size, shape)?
3. What does it mean 'pushed badly out of my system'?
4. Do you get the same flatulence from all foods? NO food is worse?
5. What does the flatulence smell like?
6. Are you saying that if you stop eating, you still gain weight? How long would you stop eating for?
7. Is your weight always increasing, or does it increase or descrease?
8. What is your weight and height? What is your body shape? Where do you gain weight on your body?
9. Where do you have stretch marks? Stretch marks are where the skin has been stretched - why do you think this has something to do with your constipation. Loose skin is the opposite of stretched skin - which do you have?
10. Please describe the pain in the lower left part of the abdomen. What makes it better, what makes it worse?
11. What is heavy food that makes your pain worse - give examples?
12. Describe the pain in the right upper stomach?
13. Describe the sensation of flatulence - what kind of pain, or what kind of feeling?
14. Explain what the feeling of 'stuffed' is?
15. Describe being attached to your parents, to your friends, to your siblings.
16. Please describe your character more:-
- what fears do you have?
- what makes you anxious?
- what makes you angry?
- what makes you sad?
17. When did the symptoms start? What was happening around that time?
18. What are the symptoms of having 'less metabolic rate'
19. What other diseases or symptoms have you had in the past?
20. What foods do you crave?
21. What foods are you averse to?
22. How does the temperature and the weather affect you?
23. How does your energy go during the day and night?
24. What problems do you have with sleep?
25. What problems do you have with your menses? Do you have problems before or after your menses?
26. Do you have any reoccurring dreams?
27. Did you have any serious childhood illnesses?
28. Did you have any problems during childhood, any traumas or worries that you remember to this day?
♡ brisbanehomoeopath last decade
Hello Doctor,
I have tried to give the maximum details from my side.Pls have a look.
1. Is the constipation exactly the same all the time, with nothing making it worse or better? Is it the same at all times of the day, all times of the week, all times of the year? Is it unaffected by food, by weather, temperature, position, activity?
Doctor,Its been around 6 months I am getting treated through this forum by doctor Rahiq.Before this treatment started I was constipated badly and could have motion without laxatives.
If I talk about the present situation , I am able to get the motion on daily basis.It is only once in a while I get constipated.But I still see my tounge with white coating , by which I assume that I am in between of the treatment.
I do not eat anything different when I get constipated.It is the food on same pattern which I eat on daily basis.
Right now I can say it is unaffected by food, by weather, temperature, position, activity
2. What does the stool look like (colour, smell, size, shape)?
stool Colour is mustard.
When I get soft stools , it is generally not accompained with smell but at times I get a feel that there is bloating, in that case the motion is pencil like with smell , followed by flatulence.
when stools are soft.The size is long and thick.
When I feel bloated , I get motion in form of thin pencil.
when badly constipated , it is round in shape.
3. What does it mean 'pushed badly out of my system'?
When I feel that I am gastric and bloated.I get a motion which is semi liquid in form and this is usually followed by gas which comes out with pressure and smell.
4. Do you get the same flatulence from all foods? NO food is worse?
If I talk about flatulence, I get it once I eat anything, no matter what it is.
If I tak about its smell, it is at times oderless and other times has a bad smell.
5. What does the flatulence smell like?
a very bad smell.
6. Are you saying that if you stop eating, you still gain weight? How long would you stop eating for?
Yes.even If I eat in a controlled way , I still gain weight .I have tried excercising with controlled diet includes 2 times fruits as well but have not been able to reduce.
7. Is your weight always increasing, or does it increase or descrease?
after my surgery , It has only increased. Before that It decreased when I followed a very strict routine of having food just once in a day.
8. What is your weight and height? What is your body shape? Where do you gain weight on your body?
my weight is 70 kg and height is 5.2
9. Where do you have stretch marks? Stretch marks are where the skin has been stretched - why do you think this has something to do with your constipation. Loose skin is the opposite of stretched skin - which do you have?
They are spread all over on arms , thighs, stomach, hips,breast.I personally feel that since childhood my liver got damaged , it lead to cellulite deposition all over my body , specially on areas like stomach, arms, thighs,stomach, where weight gain is easy and after a limit, it lead to breaking of tissues which look as strech marcks.
As i mentioned above,I easily used to gain but used to reduce with lot of efforts, i think that has lead to skin loosening.another contributor in this is sluggish liver which has lead to addition of fat in arms , thighs , stomach, etc.because of this the skin in these areas appear quite loose.
10. Please describe the pain in the lower left part of the abdomen. What makes it better, what makes it worse?
when ever I get constipated, my stomach becomes hard and I feel a kind of blockage in left lower abdomen.If I press it , it leads to flatulence discharge.How ever after starting this treatment , the degree of pain has reduced, but I still have pain.If i keep some hot water bottle, that makes me feel good and if I eat anything in this condition that makes it worse.
11. What is heavy food that makes your pain worse - give examples?
butter, anything fried.
12. Describe the pain in the right upper stomach?
I think this pain is related with liver pain. when ever I run continously I get this.In this condition if I press it it pains like a needle has been pierced at this point.
13. Describe the sensation of flatulence - what kind of pain, or what kind of feeling?
Now a days,its a normal passage of air without pain.Most of the times it its oderless , but once in a while it smells.I do not know which food makes it like that becuase, it is the same food pattern that I eat everyday.only vegetables differ.
14. Explain what the feeling of 'stuffed' is?
The feeling of stuffed is my intestine is full of waste.which leads to stomach hardness and bulging.
15. Describe being attached to your parents, to your friends, to your siblings.
I am very close to them.They know almost evrything about me.I easily discuss any of my problems with them.I knw they are the one who will always be there for me and will help in in any situation.
16. Please describe your character more:-
- what fears do you have?
One of the major fears I have is will I be cured.will I be able to lead a life of a normal person.
second thing that bothers me a lot is will I be able to reduce my weight.and I feel bad when inspite of pouring in efforts I do not see any output.At this time think, how lucky are those who have to do nothing to reduce and can eat as much as they want.
One of the fears I have is related with my parents. I always think about there well being anytime and everytime.
- what makes you anxious?
when I am involved in something eg. say I post you some updates, then I am anxious to knw your inputs on basically
- what makes you angry?
I belive in live n let others live.So when somebody stops me from doing what I enjoy or impose their choices on me, this makes me feel angry and sad as well.
- what makes you sad?
When something happens to my near and dear ones .
17. When did the symptoms start? What was happening around that time?
What I remember is since my childhood only I was on medicines for constipation.But it was since I was grown up i.e. 16 I remeber since then I was on laxative till 6 months back.
18. What are the symptoms of having 'less metabolic rate' .
1cellulite deposition on arms , thighs , stomach, breast.
2what ever I eat in morning , comes back in my mouth till evening.
3acidic slaiva.
4stoamch bulging.
Though symptoms from 2-4 have reduced a little but I still have symptom 1.
19. What other diseases or symptoms have you had in the past?
Over weight
20. What foods do you crave?
I used to crave for sweeta foos and butter.Now a days I do not.
21. What foods are you averse to?
nothing.I eat everything green . I do not like milk at all
22. How does the temperature and the weather affect you?
I am very in active in winters and feel cold.I generally do not remove soxs even while sleeping.
In summers I feel fine , I did not use to sweat earlier even on excercising but now I have starting sweating .
23. How does your energy go during the day and night?
Initially I used to feel very very sleepy though out the day,as if 8 hours were not sufficient for me.Now I feel quite active and do not feel sleepy.
24. What problems do you have with sleep?
Normal.No problem
25. What problems do you have with your menses? Do you have problems before or after your menses?
Now they are normal.Earlier they were accompained by unbearable pain and were for 2 days..I had to depend upon pain killers.
26. Do you have any reoccurring dreams?
No dreams at all.
27. Did you have any serious childhood illnesses?
jaundice and I used to have fever frequently.
28. Did you have any problems during childhood, any traumas or worries that you remember to this day?
weight gain.
I have tried to give the maximum details from my side.Pls have a look.
1. Is the constipation exactly the same all the time, with nothing making it worse or better? Is it the same at all times of the day, all times of the week, all times of the year? Is it unaffected by food, by weather, temperature, position, activity?
Doctor,Its been around 6 months I am getting treated through this forum by doctor Rahiq.Before this treatment started I was constipated badly and could have motion without laxatives.
If I talk about the present situation , I am able to get the motion on daily basis.It is only once in a while I get constipated.But I still see my tounge with white coating , by which I assume that I am in between of the treatment.
I do not eat anything different when I get constipated.It is the food on same pattern which I eat on daily basis.
Right now I can say it is unaffected by food, by weather, temperature, position, activity
2. What does the stool look like (colour, smell, size, shape)?
stool Colour is mustard.
When I get soft stools , it is generally not accompained with smell but at times I get a feel that there is bloating, in that case the motion is pencil like with smell , followed by flatulence.
when stools are soft.The size is long and thick.
When I feel bloated , I get motion in form of thin pencil.
when badly constipated , it is round in shape.
3. What does it mean 'pushed badly out of my system'?
When I feel that I am gastric and bloated.I get a motion which is semi liquid in form and this is usually followed by gas which comes out with pressure and smell.
4. Do you get the same flatulence from all foods? NO food is worse?
If I talk about flatulence, I get it once I eat anything, no matter what it is.
If I tak about its smell, it is at times oderless and other times has a bad smell.
5. What does the flatulence smell like?
a very bad smell.
6. Are you saying that if you stop eating, you still gain weight? How long would you stop eating for?
Yes.even If I eat in a controlled way , I still gain weight .I have tried excercising with controlled diet includes 2 times fruits as well but have not been able to reduce.
7. Is your weight always increasing, or does it increase or descrease?
after my surgery , It has only increased. Before that It decreased when I followed a very strict routine of having food just once in a day.
8. What is your weight and height? What is your body shape? Where do you gain weight on your body?
my weight is 70 kg and height is 5.2
9. Where do you have stretch marks? Stretch marks are where the skin has been stretched - why do you think this has something to do with your constipation. Loose skin is the opposite of stretched skin - which do you have?
They are spread all over on arms , thighs, stomach, hips,breast.I personally feel that since childhood my liver got damaged , it lead to cellulite deposition all over my body , specially on areas like stomach, arms, thighs,stomach, where weight gain is easy and after a limit, it lead to breaking of tissues which look as strech marcks.
As i mentioned above,I easily used to gain but used to reduce with lot of efforts, i think that has lead to skin loosening.another contributor in this is sluggish liver which has lead to addition of fat in arms , thighs , stomach, etc.because of this the skin in these areas appear quite loose.
10. Please describe the pain in the lower left part of the abdomen. What makes it better, what makes it worse?
when ever I get constipated, my stomach becomes hard and I feel a kind of blockage in left lower abdomen.If I press it , it leads to flatulence discharge.How ever after starting this treatment , the degree of pain has reduced, but I still have pain.If i keep some hot water bottle, that makes me feel good and if I eat anything in this condition that makes it worse.
11. What is heavy food that makes your pain worse - give examples?
butter, anything fried.
12. Describe the pain in the right upper stomach?
I think this pain is related with liver pain. when ever I run continously I get this.In this condition if I press it it pains like a needle has been pierced at this point.
13. Describe the sensation of flatulence - what kind of pain, or what kind of feeling?
Now a days,its a normal passage of air without pain.Most of the times it its oderless , but once in a while it smells.I do not know which food makes it like that becuase, it is the same food pattern that I eat everyday.only vegetables differ.
14. Explain what the feeling of 'stuffed' is?
The feeling of stuffed is my intestine is full of waste.which leads to stomach hardness and bulging.
15. Describe being attached to your parents, to your friends, to your siblings.
I am very close to them.They know almost evrything about me.I easily discuss any of my problems with them.I knw they are the one who will always be there for me and will help in in any situation.
16. Please describe your character more:-
- what fears do you have?
One of the major fears I have is will I be cured.will I be able to lead a life of a normal person.
second thing that bothers me a lot is will I be able to reduce my weight.and I feel bad when inspite of pouring in efforts I do not see any output.At this time think, how lucky are those who have to do nothing to reduce and can eat as much as they want.
One of the fears I have is related with my parents. I always think about there well being anytime and everytime.
- what makes you anxious?
when I am involved in something eg. say I post you some updates, then I am anxious to knw your inputs on basically
- what makes you angry?
I belive in live n let others live.So when somebody stops me from doing what I enjoy or impose their choices on me, this makes me feel angry and sad as well.
- what makes you sad?
When something happens to my near and dear ones .
17. When did the symptoms start? What was happening around that time?
What I remember is since my childhood only I was on medicines for constipation.But it was since I was grown up i.e. 16 I remeber since then I was on laxative till 6 months back.
18. What are the symptoms of having 'less metabolic rate' .
1cellulite deposition on arms , thighs , stomach, breast.
2what ever I eat in morning , comes back in my mouth till evening.
3acidic slaiva.
4stoamch bulging.
Though symptoms from 2-4 have reduced a little but I still have symptom 1.
19. What other diseases or symptoms have you had in the past?
Over weight
20. What foods do you crave?
I used to crave for sweeta foos and butter.Now a days I do not.
21. What foods are you averse to?
nothing.I eat everything green . I do not like milk at all
22. How does the temperature and the weather affect you?
I am very in active in winters and feel cold.I generally do not remove soxs even while sleeping.
In summers I feel fine , I did not use to sweat earlier even on excercising but now I have starting sweating .
23. How does your energy go during the day and night?
Initially I used to feel very very sleepy though out the day,as if 8 hours were not sufficient for me.Now I feel quite active and do not feel sleepy.
24. What problems do you have with sleep?
Normal.No problem
25. What problems do you have with your menses? Do you have problems before or after your menses?
Now they are normal.Earlier they were accompained by unbearable pain and were for 2 days..I had to depend upon pain killers.
26. Do you have any reoccurring dreams?
No dreams at all.
27. Did you have any serious childhood illnesses?
jaundice and I used to have fever frequently.
28. Did you have any problems during childhood, any traumas or worries that you remember to this day?
weight gain.
HoneyKhanna last decade
This is much better. Now we are getting somewhere. These are the kind of details needed.
When you say your flatulence has a bad smell, what does it smell like? What kind of bad? Does it remind you of anything?
When you say your flatulence has a bad smell, what does it smell like? What kind of bad? Does it remind you of anything?
♡ brisbanehomoeopath last decade
ok doctor.Ill try my best to share what ever I can.Its smells something like a pungent the one which normally comes out of rotten vegetables .
HoneyKhanna last decade
You do not dream at all?
That is actually a problem. On the correct remedy you will start to dream again.
Have you ever had reoccurring dreams, say as a child? Or any other time in your life?
How do you feel when you think of something happening to your family?
What was the constipation like before homoeopathic treatment?
This is really a good effort on your part. I am grateful.
That is actually a problem. On the correct remedy you will start to dream again.
Have you ever had reoccurring dreams, say as a child? Or any other time in your life?
How do you feel when you think of something happening to your family?
What was the constipation like before homoeopathic treatment?
This is really a good effort on your part. I am grateful.
♡ brisbanehomoeopath last decade
You do not dream at all?
That is actually a problem. On the correct remedy you will start to dream again.
Have you ever had reoccurring dreams, say as a child? Or any other time in your life?
I never had reoccuring dreams.As far as I remember I hardly dream, though I get up in between as when I feel thirsty.People say I have a sound sleep and I also think same :-)
How do you feel when you think of something happening to your family?
If it is good, I really feel happy but if it is something negative say some tragedy, I am really depressed and sad.But I try to become support for ret of the members.I can do anything for them.
What was the constipation like before homoeopathic treatment?
It was worse.A nightmare.I did not have motion till I take some laxative that too in heavy dose.If I do not take laxative, i will not get motion even for 5 days.This is what I have tried by stopping laxative,Evry body used to say me to eat more so that the excreta is pressurised by the waste above. But it only worsened the condition by causing bloating, flatulence(very very bad one) with pain in lower left abdomen.My stomach used to bulge and become hard like a pregnant women.
No body understood in what pain I was.
That is actually a problem. On the correct remedy you will start to dream again.
Have you ever had reoccurring dreams, say as a child? Or any other time in your life?
I never had reoccuring dreams.As far as I remember I hardly dream, though I get up in between as when I feel thirsty.People say I have a sound sleep and I also think same :-)
How do you feel when you think of something happening to your family?
If it is good, I really feel happy but if it is something negative say some tragedy, I am really depressed and sad.But I try to become support for ret of the members.I can do anything for them.
What was the constipation like before homoeopathic treatment?
It was worse.A nightmare.I did not have motion till I take some laxative that too in heavy dose.If I do not take laxative, i will not get motion even for 5 days.This is what I have tried by stopping laxative,Evry body used to say me to eat more so that the excreta is pressurised by the waste above. But it only worsened the condition by causing bloating, flatulence(very very bad one) with pain in lower left abdomen.My stomach used to bulge and become hard like a pregnant women.
No body understood in what pain I was.
HoneyKhanna last decade
anything for me doctor.I would like to tell that I suffer from poor concentration as well.
[message edited by HoneyKhanna on Thu, 16 Jun 2011 15:56:41 BST]
[message edited by HoneyKhanna on Thu, 16 Jun 2011 15:56:41 BST]
HoneyKhanna last decade
Describe more about the poor concentration.
When you give a symptom you need to describe it the way a homoeopath wants to hear it. Just telling me it exists is the same as not telling me about it at all - it makes no difference to my ability to prescribe for you.
When you give a symptom you need to describe it the way a homoeopath wants to hear it. Just telling me it exists is the same as not telling me about it at all - it makes no difference to my ability to prescribe for you.
♡ brisbanehomoeopath last decade
It is like when I am doing some work which involves me mentally, my mind gets diverted to something else which involves thinking like what that person might be doing, or I go in now where, where I am unable to listen or understand what the person is saying or what I am reading.
HoneyKhanna last decade
Have you been given Kali-carb yet?
♡ brisbanehomoeopath last decade
no.Till date I have been being given below mentioned remedies:
Sepia( 30 ,200, 1 M)
Sulphur (30c)
[message edited by HoneyKhanna on Fri, 17 Jun 2011 06:21:20 BST]
Sepia( 30 ,200, 1 M)
Sulphur (30c)
[message edited by HoneyKhanna on Fri, 17 Jun 2011 06:21:20 BST]
HoneyKhanna last decade
Then I would suggest Kali-carb 30c. Get the remedy in pillule or liquid form, but you will also need an empty bottle (15-30ml) and a dropper, and some spirit alcohol (like brandy or vodka or even ethanol).
♡ brisbanehomoeopath last decade
Hello Doctor,
I have been using the process below for remedies I have taken.
pls let me know if this is fine.
Along with that pls let me know how many drops of the remedy needs to be mixed with distilled Water
Get a 500ml bottle of distilled Water from the nearest supermarket. Pour out about 250 ml of water from the bottle to leave some airspace. Insert 1 pills (If the remedy is in pills form) or Insert 1 drop (If the remedy is in liquid dilution form) of the remedy into the bottle and shake the bottle hard 10 times in a row (10 strokes of equal strength). Shaking the bottle hard is homeopathic succession which is done to enhance the medicinal power of the remedy.
I have been using the process below for remedies I have taken.
pls let me know if this is fine.
Along with that pls let me know how many drops of the remedy needs to be mixed with distilled Water
Get a 500ml bottle of distilled Water from the nearest supermarket. Pour out about 250 ml of water from the bottle to leave some airspace. Insert 1 pills (If the remedy is in pills form) or Insert 1 drop (If the remedy is in liquid dilution form) of the remedy into the bottle and shake the bottle hard 10 times in a row (10 strokes of equal strength). Shaking the bottle hard is homeopathic succession which is done to enhance the medicinal power of the remedy.
HoneyKhanna last decade
Hello Doctor David,
pls let me know the number of doses.How many times I need to take thid and how many drops at a time.
Along with this a question comes into my mind.
presently when I have taken sulphur I observed that since for 15-20 days my system functioned well.i.e I did not face constipation but now as the number of days increases I see that my stomach is not getting cleared fully(this is happening since last 2 days though I did not eat anything heavy).This makes me think is the effect of remedy has reduced or its just behaving like a laxative(having temporary effect), where we need to take laxative on daily basis and remedy works for 15 days.
pls suggest.
pls let me know the number of doses.How many times I need to take thid and how many drops at a time.
Along with this a question comes into my mind.
presently when I have taken sulphur I observed that since for 15-20 days my system functioned well.i.e I did not face constipation but now as the number of days increases I see that my stomach is not getting cleared fully(this is happening since last 2 days though I did not eat anything heavy).This makes me think is the effect of remedy has reduced or its just behaving like a laxative(having temporary effect), where we need to take laxative on daily basis and remedy works for 15 days.
pls suggest.
HoneyKhanna last decade
Instructions for making and taking your dose is as follows.
You will need a small bottle, 15-30mls capacity, with a dropper as a lid. Fill this bottle with a mixture of water and alcohol (5 parts to 1 part). Either dissolve 2 pillules or place 2 drops from the bottle you have bought of Kali-carb into this new bottle.
When you take each dose, hit the bottle firmly against the palm of the hand twice only. Do not shake, only hit the bottle twice. Place 1 drop into a 1/4 cup (62mls) of water and stir thoroughly. Take 1 teaspoon into the mouth and swallow.
This is one dose. I would like you to repeat these steps once each day for 3 days and let me know what happens.
You will need a small bottle, 15-30mls capacity, with a dropper as a lid. Fill this bottle with a mixture of water and alcohol (5 parts to 1 part). Either dissolve 2 pillules or place 2 drops from the bottle you have bought of Kali-carb into this new bottle.
When you take each dose, hit the bottle firmly against the palm of the hand twice only. Do not shake, only hit the bottle twice. Place 1 drop into a 1/4 cup (62mls) of water and stir thoroughly. Take 1 teaspoon into the mouth and swallow.
This is one dose. I would like you to repeat these steps once each day for 3 days and let me know what happens.
♡ brisbanehomoeopath last decade
Hello Doctor,
I have started taking the remedy.
Just out of curiosity, wanted to know , will this remedy help me fighting against obesity and cellulite.
If you could take out 2 mins, pls explain how it works.
[message edited by HoneyKhanna on Mon, 27 Jun 2011 09:03:18 BST]
I have started taking the remedy.
Just out of curiosity, wanted to know , will this remedy help me fighting against obesity and cellulite.
If you could take out 2 mins, pls explain how it works.
[message edited by HoneyKhanna on Mon, 27 Jun 2011 09:03:18 BST]
HoneyKhanna last decade
No remedy will cure obesity - only diet and exercise can do that. However, homoeopathy can increase your energy and motivation, which will make it easier to lose weight.
There is a small amount of unhealthy weight that appears to drop when a patient gets their simillimum. Not much, perhaps a few kg. Other than that it is necessary to work at losing the weight.
There is a small amount of unhealthy weight that appears to drop when a patient gets their simillimum. Not much, perhaps a few kg. Other than that it is necessary to work at losing the weight.
♡ brisbanehomoeopath last decade
Ok Doctor, I understand that my stemina will increase and further I will have to exert for weight loss.
But anything that can help me for strech marks and orange type skin all over.
I read some where that silicea helps.
pls help me on that part as well.
[message edited by HoneyKhanna on Mon, 27 Jun 2011 10:03:34 BST]
But anything that can help me for strech marks and orange type skin all over.
I read some where that silicea helps.
pls help me on that part as well.
[message edited by HoneyKhanna on Mon, 27 Jun 2011 10:03:34 BST]
HoneyKhanna last decade
You only need 1 remedy at a time. The simillimum will address all your problems together. Taking different medicines for different things is poor homoeopathy and can make things much more difficult for other practitioners to cure you.
Try to be patient, see how the remedy I have prescribed goes. If things do not improve we can try others.
Try to be patient, see how the remedy I have prescribed goes. If things do not improve we can try others.
♡ brisbanehomoeopath last decade
Hello Doctor,
Thank you for the explanation.
I have an update from my side:Its been 2 days I am taking remedy , and during these days I had no motion. Though I did not face problem of being gastric but inspite of no change in eating routine I had no pressure and no motion.
pls suggest
Thank you for the explanation.
I have an update from my side:Its been 2 days I am taking remedy , and during these days I had no motion. Though I did not face problem of being gastric but inspite of no change in eating routine I had no pressure and no motion.
pls suggest
HoneyKhanna last decade
♡ brisbanehomoeopath last decade
yes Doctor. along with this I also see that my apetite has increased and the liking for oily and salty food has increased e.g. fried , butter etc.
The reason for me being sure about this food inclination is, since last so many days I stooped intake of these items.and suddenly since I took remedy, i started feeling from inside these cravings.
Forgot to mention, i thnk I have started dreaming since I took this medicine. I am saying so, as I was able to make out all night some thing was going on in my head, though i hardly rememer that.
[message edited by HoneyKhanna on Tue, 28 Jun 2011 07:20:27 BST]
The reason for me being sure about this food inclination is, since last so many days I stooped intake of these items.and suddenly since I took remedy, i started feeling from inside these cravings.
Forgot to mention, i thnk I have started dreaming since I took this medicine. I am saying so, as I was able to make out all night some thing was going on in my head, though i hardly rememer that.
[message edited by HoneyKhanna on Tue, 28 Jun 2011 07:20:27 BST]
HoneyKhanna last decade
Hello Doctor,
An update from my side:Motion was there but it was hard and incomplete.Stools were in form of small pieces and colour was light brown.
An update from my side:Motion was there but it was hard and incomplete.Stools were in form of small pieces and colour was light brown.
HoneyKhanna last decade
Ah there we go, the dreaming is starting! Didn't I tell you that would happen - this is a good sign, the remedy is beginning to re-establish order inside.
It sounds like you are having aggravations. Aggravation is usually the first sign that a remedy is working. Aggravation usually peaks at 3-5 days, and usually settles down after about 7 days. The improvement is most noticeable in the second week.
You are probably approaching the peak of your aggravation right now.
It sounds like you are having aggravations. Aggravation is usually the first sign that a remedy is working. Aggravation usually peaks at 3-5 days, and usually settles down after about 7 days. The improvement is most noticeable in the second week.
You are probably approaching the peak of your aggravation right now.
♡ brisbanehomoeopath last decade
yes. It has started and I am sure abou it as i remember something random.I also get up at 4 in the morning once.this is happening since last 15 days.
Doctor, I really did not understand dreaming concept,Normally if you do not dream, that is considered as Sound sleep , but now from you I am understanding that dreaming is important . But question is Why it is important?
suggest pls.
Doctor, I really did not understand dreaming concept,Normally if you do not dream, that is considered as Sound sleep , but now from you I am understanding that dreaming is important . But question is Why it is important?
suggest pls.
HoneyKhanna last decade
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