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Constipation Dr Rahiq / Dr. David , pls reply Page 23 of 55
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Ok lets focus on the one thing that seems most stubborn.
Are you still getting the sensation of things being 'jammed'?
If so please expand in detail the feeling, idea, of 'jammed'. Give me images to help me to understand what you mean.
How do you manage your constipation each day?
Are you still getting the sensation of things being 'jammed'?
If so please expand in detail the feeling, idea, of 'jammed'. Give me images to help me to understand what you mean.
How do you manage your constipation each day?
♡ brisbanehomoeopath last decade
yes doc.
I still get the feeling of being jammed. I am seeing that I am not getting motion on daily basis.
Say day1 I eat as per routine and in limits.
As soon as I eat, flatulence starts and a feeling as well in which I feel that everything I am eating is getting stored in stomach.
Day 2 when I get up , I have a feeling of heaviness as if something is there in my stomach and should be thrown out but I feel that my body is not able to do that.
During this time continous flatuence is there.
Again I eat as per my routine or little less as I start feeling comfortable and also bulge comes in stomach due to presence of waste.
Day 3:When the bulk reaches maximum limit ..i.e. my stomach looks like a blown balloon my body feels sympathy with me and I get slight motion.This is not a normal kind of motion but more in form of clay.
so this is how it is happening and I have no solution to deal with constipation on daiy basis so unable to take any action.
I am getting a feeling that alumina 200 is suiting me but i feel we need to increase dose say to 1 drop
[message edited by HoneyKhanna on Sat, 17 Sep 2011 05:15:20 BST]
I still get the feeling of being jammed. I am seeing that I am not getting motion on daily basis.
Say day1 I eat as per routine and in limits.
As soon as I eat, flatulence starts and a feeling as well in which I feel that everything I am eating is getting stored in stomach.
Day 2 when I get up , I have a feeling of heaviness as if something is there in my stomach and should be thrown out but I feel that my body is not able to do that.
During this time continous flatuence is there.
Again I eat as per my routine or little less as I start feeling comfortable and also bulge comes in stomach due to presence of waste.
Day 3:When the bulk reaches maximum limit ..i.e. my stomach looks like a blown balloon my body feels sympathy with me and I get slight motion.This is not a normal kind of motion but more in form of clay.
so this is how it is happening and I have no solution to deal with constipation on daiy basis so unable to take any action.
I am getting a feeling that alumina 200 is suiting me but i feel we need to increase dose say to 1 drop
[message edited by HoneyKhanna on Sat, 17 Sep 2011 05:15:20 BST]
HoneyKhanna last decade
Just describe the word 'Jammed' - what does that mean, what does that feel like.
What is the opposite of 'Jammed'?
What is the opposite of 'Jammed'?
♡ brisbanehomoeopath last decade
HoneyKhanna last decade
Why can it not flush out waste? What feels like has happened inside you that prevents that from happening?
What are other words for jammed? Give me as many as you can.
What words describe 'able to throw out waste'. What is the process, what is the action?
What are other words for jammed? Give me as many as you can.
What words describe 'able to throw out waste'. What is the process, what is the action?
♡ brisbanehomoeopath last decade
Why can it not flush out waste? What feels like has happened inside you that prevents that from happening?
I do nothave an urge.I feel rectum doe not open up inspite of various trails.
Though stomach size shows waste has produced but my body inspite of applying pressure is not able to through out.
I feel the signal from brain is not sent to rectum and so no pressure no urge nothing.
What are other words for jammed? Give me as many as you can
block, obstruct, congest, fill up, clog, plug, stop up
What words describe 'able to throw out waste'. What is the process, what is the action?
'Able to throw out waste '
the waste products getting produced in my body are not thrown out of my body throiugh rectum.No motion.
I feel my brain is not sending enough signals to my rectum , there by its not getting opened and not acting on waste products.
I do nothave an urge.I feel rectum doe not open up inspite of various trails.
Though stomach size shows waste has produced but my body inspite of applying pressure is not able to through out.
I feel the signal from brain is not sent to rectum and so no pressure no urge nothing.
What are other words for jammed? Give me as many as you can
block, obstruct, congest, fill up, clog, plug, stop up
What words describe 'able to throw out waste'. What is the process, what is the action?
'Able to throw out waste '
the waste products getting produced in my body are not thrown out of my body throiugh rectum.No motion.
I feel my brain is not sending enough signals to my rectum , there by its not getting opened and not acting on waste products.
HoneyKhanna last decade
You are doing well, you gave me half of what I needed.
Don't tell me what physiological process is responsible for your constipation. Tell me the oppposite of Jammed, when everything is thrown out. What words describe that - when it is not jammed, what does it feel like?
When waste is thrown out of the body, what is it doing, what is happening, how does that feel to you?
Or to put it another way, what is the opposite of Block, Obstruct, Congest, Fill up, Clog, Plug, Stop up?
Don't tell me what physiological process is responsible for your constipation. Tell me the oppposite of Jammed, when everything is thrown out. What words describe that - when it is not jammed, what does it feel like?
When waste is thrown out of the body, what is it doing, what is happening, how does that feel to you?
Or to put it another way, what is the opposite of Block, Obstruct, Congest, Fill up, Clog, Plug, Stop up?
♡ brisbanehomoeopath last decade
Don't tell me what physiological process is responsible for your constipation. Tell me the oppposite of Jammed, when everything is thrown out. What words describe that - when it is not jammed, what does it feel like?
In that case I feel totally relaxed.My stoma
ch is not at all bloated and look like a balloon.I feel that there is no air trapped in my stomach and every thing looks so wonderfull and good.
When waste is thrown out of the body, what is it doing, what is happening, how does that feel to you?
out of the blue moon i feel the pressure and then motion is passed.
The motion is clay type.
I feel increased heart beat and slight cold duting this procss.
Or to put it another way, what is the opposite of Block, Obstruct, Congest, Fill up, Clog, Plug, Stop up?
I feel there is no blockage till the time I do not eat anything.i.e no flatulance, no trapped air and no bloating.
I feel so light and my inner system appear smooth.There is no heaviness
[message edited by HoneyKhanna on Sat, 17 Sep 2011 08:10:00 BST]
In that case I feel totally relaxed.My stoma
ch is not at all bloated and look like a balloon.I feel that there is no air trapped in my stomach and every thing looks so wonderfull and good.
When waste is thrown out of the body, what is it doing, what is happening, how does that feel to you?
out of the blue moon i feel the pressure and then motion is passed.
The motion is clay type.
I feel increased heart beat and slight cold duting this procss.
Or to put it another way, what is the opposite of Block, Obstruct, Congest, Fill up, Clog, Plug, Stop up?
I feel there is no blockage till the time I do not eat anything.i.e no flatulance, no trapped air and no bloating.
I feel so light and my inner system appear smooth.There is no heaviness
[message edited by HoneyKhanna on Sat, 17 Sep 2011 08:10:00 BST]
HoneyKhanna last decade
So if you had a pipe, and it was blocked, when it was not blocked, would you describe it as smooth? What does smooth mean to the pipe?
And the same idea, if that pipe is not blocked, are you saying then that the pipe is now not heavy? What does it mean to not be heavy?
And the same idea, if that pipe is not blocked, are you saying then that the pipe is now not heavy? What does it mean to not be heavy?
♡ brisbanehomoeopath last decade
YEs ,Whn a pipe is not blocked I say it to be smooth.
And the same idea, if that pipe is not blocked, are you saying then that the pipe is now not heavy? What does it mean to not be heavy?
Yes.By heavy I mean feeling of being bloated , somethin which is in stomach and is not getting out of my body.
I feel gas is trapped and preesing left lower side abdomen gives me the same idea of soemthign trapped there.
And the same idea, if that pipe is not blocked, are you saying then that the pipe is now not heavy? What does it mean to not be heavy?
Yes.By heavy I mean feeling of being bloated , somethin which is in stomach and is not getting out of my body.
I feel gas is trapped and preesing left lower side abdomen gives me the same idea of soemthign trapped there.
HoneyKhanna last decade
I don't understand a pipe being smooth.
Smooth means 'having a surface free from irregularities, roughness or projections'
So smooth is like your skin after you shave, and the opposite is rough.
Smooth can also mean
'having an even consistency'
'having an even or gentle motion'
'polite and agreeable'
Please use other words for smooth that helps me to understand what smooth means to a pipe that is not blocked.
Smooth means 'having a surface free from irregularities, roughness or projections'
So smooth is like your skin after you shave, and the opposite is rough.
Smooth can also mean
'having an even consistency'
'having an even or gentle motion'
'polite and agreeable'
Please use other words for smooth that helps me to understand what smooth means to a pipe that is not blocked.
♡ brisbanehomoeopath last decade
it means some where in the path there is no obstacle.
What you eat , gets digested and waste is out of your body.
but when any of above mentioned happens, I say its not a smooth process.
I am constipated today as well.SHall I tale dose of alumina 200??
pls pls let me know
[message edited by HoneyKhanna on Sun, 18 Sep 2011 04:14:06 BST]
What you eat , gets digested and waste is out of your body.
but when any of above mentioned happens, I say its not a smooth process.
I am constipated today as well.SHall I tale dose of alumina 200??
pls pls let me know
[message edited by HoneyKhanna on Sun, 18 Sep 2011 04:14:06 BST]
HoneyKhanna last decade
I have been able to get incomplete motion.Today I see that it was not clay like , while it was hard and small.
I felt slight releif from bloating but still I feel uncomfortable as in complete evacuation.
Why motion is coming on alternate days and not on every day?
I have been able to get incomplete motion.Today I see that it was not clay like , while it was hard and small.
I felt slight releif from bloating but still I feel uncomfortable as in complete evacuation.
Why motion is coming on alternate days and not on every day?
HoneyKhanna last decade
No more Alumina. I do not believe it is the best remedy for you. It seems to be only a partial similar.
I am working on the next best remedy.
What other diseases do members of your family suffer from? What have family members died from?
What is your attitude to your constipation, to being blocked like this? How do you feel about having this disease?
I am working on the next best remedy.
What other diseases do members of your family suffer from? What have family members died from?
What is your attitude to your constipation, to being blocked like this? How do you feel about having this disease?
♡ brisbanehomoeopath last decade
Other Disease:
heart problem.
little bit of being gastric and bloated after eating but not constipation.
Acid reflux.
Severe Hair fall
Minor Obesity
less calcium absorption.
died from Heart attack.
I simply do not like beng constipated.Its the first and the last thing I hate to maximum.
I do ask God why me.
At time I feel so dirpessed and irritated because of it .I remember few years back I just stopped eating as i hated being constipated and bloated after that.
I too do not feel like talking with anybody when constipated and feel like dying.
I really feel miserable and gettin constipated again and again makes me thinks I am a failure and is not able to cure myself.
I just simply hate it.
heart problem.
little bit of being gastric and bloated after eating but not constipation.
Acid reflux.
Severe Hair fall
Minor Obesity
less calcium absorption.
died from Heart attack.
I simply do not like beng constipated.Its the first and the last thing I hate to maximum.
I do ask God why me.
At time I feel so dirpessed and irritated because of it .I remember few years back I just stopped eating as i hated being constipated and bloated after that.
I too do not feel like talking with anybody when constipated and feel like dying.
I really feel miserable and gettin constipated again and again makes me thinks I am a failure and is not able to cure myself.
I just simply hate it.
HoneyKhanna last decade
Ok I want you to order Raphanus 200c and I want you to make up a dosing bottle just as you have with the other remedies.
Then only take one dose - 2 hits, 1 drop, 1/2 cup of water, stir and take 1 teaspoon.
Then only take one dose - 2 hits, 1 drop, 1/2 cup of water, stir and take 1 teaspoon.
♡ brisbanehomoeopath last decade
Is it 'raphanus sativus 200'.pls confirm full name
HoneyKhanna last decade
Hello Doc.
Before I take Ranphanus, I would like to update you that today I was able to pass stools.This is the first time after taking alumina, evacuation was there for 2 continous days though incomplete.
Before I take Ranphanus, I would like to update you that today I was able to pass stools.This is the first time after taking alumina, evacuation was there for 2 continous days though incomplete.
HoneyKhanna last decade
Get the remedy anyway. I do not believe Alumina will take you much further, although it is clearly partially similar to your case.
♡ brisbanehomoeopath last decade
HoneyKhanna last decade
♡ brisbanehomoeopath last decade
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