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Constipation Dr Rahiq / Dr. David , pls reply Page 15 of 55
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
These are the ones which I am able to gather.
If I talk about general symptoms like sleep,mood, mentals, energy etc.they remain same as i mentioned before .
If I talk about general symptoms like sleep,mood, mentals, energy etc.they remain same as i mentioned before .
HoneyKhanna last decade
♡ brisbanehomoeopath last decade
Ok doctor.
Thank you.
Pls let me know in case more details are required from my end.
Thank you for the help
Thank you.
Pls let me know in case more details are required from my end.
Thank you for the help
HoneyKhanna last decade
Actually have you tried Calc-carb? This is one of the most commonly prescribed remedies on this site, and I may sometimes overlook it for that reason.
There is a lot of general similarity to Calc here - obesity, slow metabolism, cold feet, constipation etc.
Get Calc 200c.
There is a lot of general similarity to Calc here - obesity, slow metabolism, cold feet, constipation etc.
Get Calc 200c.
♡ brisbanehomoeopath last decade
Ok doctor.
pls let me know the process oftaking this remedy.
today's update from my side:
No sleep.
Motion:combination of hard and soft.Though not that hard as it was before.
pls let me know the process oftaking this remedy.
today's update from my side:
No sleep.
Motion:combination of hard and soft.Though not that hard as it was before.
HoneyKhanna last decade
Make the remedy up as you have the others in a seperate small bottle.
I want you to take two doses, one in the morning one in the evening. 2 hits of the bottle, 1 drop into 1/4 cup of water, stirred and 1 teaspoon taken out of that into the mouth. Do this for each dose (so throw the morning cup up and do it all over again for the evening).
I want you to take two doses, one in the morning one in the evening. 2 hits of the bottle, 1 drop into 1/4 cup of water, stirred and 1 teaspoon taken out of that into the mouth. Do this for each dose (so throw the morning cup up and do it all over again for the evening).
♡ brisbanehomoeopath last decade
One more question: will taking more than one remedy in this short duration not cause complications?
And will I be cured permanently.
What do you say doctor
[message edited by HoneyKhanna on Wed, 13 Jul 2011 11:12:55 BST]
And will I be cured permanently.
What do you say doctor
[message edited by HoneyKhanna on Wed, 13 Jul 2011 11:12:55 BST]
HoneyKhanna last decade
One more question: will taking more than one remedy in this short duration not cause complications?
And will I be cured permanently.
What do you say doctor
And will I be cured permanently.
What do you say doctor
HoneyKhanna last decade
It won't cause complications if the remedy is the correct one, it will only cure.
I am responding to your request to attend to the case. I am assuming you are not happy to keep waiting or taking the Sepia.
I am responding to your request to attend to the case. I am assuming you are not happy to keep waiting or taking the Sepia.
♡ brisbanehomoeopath last decade
Thank you for attending my case.
I am not really sure if I am happy with sepia as I really do not knw whether what I am facing is aggravation of sepia or something else.
I am getting motion everyday since last 3 days but its on hard side.
No sleep
swollen eyes.
These symptoms were not before.
Now I request you to decode whether sepia is fine for me, shall I wait for some more days to see the effect of sepia or move on to Calc carb.
pls help doctor and suggest further
I am not really sure if I am happy with sepia as I really do not knw whether what I am facing is aggravation of sepia or something else.
I am getting motion everyday since last 3 days but its on hard side.
No sleep
swollen eyes.
These symptoms were not before.
Now I request you to decode whether sepia is fine for me, shall I wait for some more days to see the effect of sepia or move on to Calc carb.
pls help doctor and suggest further
HoneyKhanna last decade
I checked the symptoms of acal carb person and seems they match with me.So I think I can go fwd with this.
I checked the symptoms of acal carb person and seems they match with me.So I think I can go fwd with this.
HoneyKhanna last decade
Hello Doctor,
I have some different update for today.
All the symptoms I mentioned till yesterday were not present today.
I was not awake in night.
Motion was soft and it was a complete evacuation.
Eyes are also not swollen.
still 2-3 eruptions are there on face.
I am really really confused , what should I do.shall i go forward with calc carb or stay with sepia.
pls suggest
I have some different update for today.
All the symptoms I mentioned till yesterday were not present today.
I was not awake in night.
Motion was soft and it was a complete evacuation.
Eyes are also not swollen.
still 2-3 eruptions are there on face.
I am really really confused , what should I do.shall i go forward with calc carb or stay with sepia.
pls suggest
HoneyKhanna last decade
If you are improving do not take the Calc. Wait until it is clear what is happening. Still get the remedy as I also believe it suits your symptoms and your state much better.
♡ brisbanehomoeopath last decade
There has been no improvement in pimples.
As i stated above, I started getting them.The number is increasing .Target area : Face.
There has been no improvement in pimples.
As i stated above, I started getting them.The number is increasing .Target area : Face.
HoneyKhanna last decade
Pls find the details for other symptoms below:
Sleep: Better , i am able to sleep.Do not remember if I dream or not.How ever I do not feel like getting up in the morning.
Tiredness: I am less tired now and feel active.
Obesity: Not much difference than before .i excercise regularily.
Hairfall: I could see that since some days I am having hairfall problem .I could make could that every day 20-30 hairs fall while I comb.
Cold: I have started sneezing since last 3-4 days.
Constipation/Flatulence/Bloating: I do not have it.
Sweeling in eyes: No,
White coating on tounge: reduced but still exists.
Pimples: Increasing in number.face remains oily inspite of washing 3-4 times in a day.
Body temprature: less than others.
Apetite:still cravings towards sweets.
So I can say, constipation , sleep,energy.thirst are symptoms where I am on a better side.
Thank you
Sleep: Better , i am able to sleep.Do not remember if I dream or not.How ever I do not feel like getting up in the morning.
Tiredness: I am less tired now and feel active.
Obesity: Not much difference than before .i excercise regularily.
Hairfall: I could see that since some days I am having hairfall problem .I could make could that every day 20-30 hairs fall while I comb.
Cold: I have started sneezing since last 3-4 days.
Constipation/Flatulence/Bloating: I do not have it.
Sweeling in eyes: No,
White coating on tounge: reduced but still exists.
Pimples: Increasing in number.face remains oily inspite of washing 3-4 times in a day.
Body temprature: less than others.
Apetite:still cravings towards sweets.
So I can say, constipation , sleep,energy.thirst are symptoms where I am on a better side.
Thank you
HoneyKhanna last decade
No doctor.
I think I have shared almost all the symptoms.
Now the major thing which is worrying me is weight.
Inspite of all the efforts, I am not able to get any success.
I think I have shared almost all the symptoms.
Now the major thing which is worrying me is weight.
Inspite of all the efforts, I am not able to get any success.
HoneyKhanna last decade
Homoeopathic medicines will only help you lose weight in a very minimal way - possibly a few kilograms but most of the issue with weight will only be addressed with diet and exercise. If the remedies create health in you there will be no reason that these things do not help, although it is never easily especially if you have put on a lot of weight and have fallen into the habit of not exercising or eating the wrong foods.
Because weight will probably not be a short term indicator of homoeopathy's success, it will be the other symptoms that provide guidance.
Excess body fat can take many months to burn off assuming you are doing all the right things. Do you have anyone helping you to manage diet and exercise?
How long ago was the last dose of Sepia?
Because weight will probably not be a short term indicator of homoeopathy's success, it will be the other symptoms that provide guidance.
Excess body fat can take many months to burn off assuming you are doing all the right things. Do you have anyone helping you to manage diet and exercise?
How long ago was the last dose of Sepia?
♡ brisbanehomoeopath last decade
I do not have nay one who can help me on diet.From my side only I try to take maximum intake of fruits and minimum of oil and junk food.
At times I suffer from cravings for sweet, this is the situtation when I am unable to resist high cal food.
Its been approximatley 9 days back I took last dose for sepia.
At times I suffer from cravings for sweet, this is the situtation when I am unable to resist high cal food.
Its been approximatley 9 days back I took last dose for sepia.
HoneyKhanna last decade
That approach to diet and nutrition will not help you lose weight. You will need to either do more research yourself, or find someone who is trained in nutrition to help you out.
Eating a lot of fruit does not necessarily help you lose weight, from my limited understanding. They are high sugar foods and being rich, will store easily as fat.
Take one more dose of Sepia, but it needs to be in more water. How much water did you use last time?
Eating a lot of fruit does not necessarily help you lose weight, from my limited understanding. They are high sugar foods and being rich, will store easily as fat.
Take one more dose of Sepia, but it needs to be in more water. How much water did you use last time?
♡ brisbanehomoeopath last decade
Below are the details related to dose.Shall I follow the same process for sepia dose.
'Get the Sepia bottle. Hit it twice very firmly. Place 1 drop in 1/4 cup of water and stir thoroughly. Take 1 teaspoon into the mouth. '
'Get the Sepia bottle. Hit it twice very firmly. Place 1 drop in 1/4 cup of water and stir thoroughly. Take 1 teaspoon into the mouth. '
HoneyKhanna last decade
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