The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Constipation Dr Rahiq / Dr. David , pls reply Page 8 of 55
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Dear Honey,
> I remember you told I will be taking Nat Mur as it is a
Great emaciation; helps in loosing flesh while living well.
>> No. I didnt mean it. I said,
One of the key symptoms of Natrum Mur. - Great emaciation; loosing flesh while living well.
It means, Natrum Mur is generally indicated for thin look like people because whenever a man suffers from Nacl deficiencies he/she continuously loose flesh while living well. The idea is completely opposite which you thought, I came across that Nat Mur leads to weight increase. Its true only for such kind of a people who have Nat. Mur constitution (thin) in general, not for all.
> I am able to see a very small bulge on my neck. Is possibility there for thyroid and will Nat Mur help in that as well?
>> Yes, this is a matter as well as irregular Pulse Rate which we must consider before moving to your next step of treatment.
> Anything for me?
>> Not now.
> I have also started taking hot lemon water. Is that fine or will harm teeths.
>> Its fine.
> I remember you told I will be taking Nat Mur as it is a
Great emaciation; helps in loosing flesh while living well.
>> No. I didnt mean it. I said,
One of the key symptoms of Natrum Mur. - Great emaciation; loosing flesh while living well.
It means, Natrum Mur is generally indicated for thin look like people because whenever a man suffers from Nacl deficiencies he/she continuously loose flesh while living well. The idea is completely opposite which you thought, I came across that Nat Mur leads to weight increase. Its true only for such kind of a people who have Nat. Mur constitution (thin) in general, not for all.
> I am able to see a very small bulge on my neck. Is possibility there for thyroid and will Nat Mur help in that as well?
>> Yes, this is a matter as well as irregular Pulse Rate which we must consider before moving to your next step of treatment.
> Anything for me?
>> Not now.
> I have also started taking hot lemon water. Is that fine or will harm teeths.
>> Its fine.
Info.rahiq last decade
Hello Doctor,
Today's update:
System functioning fine along with that today I did not feel that in presence of others I was not able to pass.It was the natural pressure today.
Under about me which I mentioned in post above:
I would also like to add that I also sufferred from poor concentration.I am was doing some work , my mind will think inother direction along with that I also used to get scared while experimenting new things and could feel the increased scared heart beat.Thanks
[message edited by HoneyKhanna on Fri, 11 Mar 2011 09:35:14 GMT]
Today Though I got normal stools and stomach was emptied propely how evr since noon I am feeling ver gastric .Is it coz sepia is acting?
Kindly suggest.
[message edited by HoneyKhanna on Fri, 11 Mar 2011 14:18:11 GMT]
Today's update:
System functioning fine along with that today I did not feel that in presence of others I was not able to pass.It was the natural pressure today.
Under about me which I mentioned in post above:
I would also like to add that I also sufferred from poor concentration.I am was doing some work , my mind will think inother direction along with that I also used to get scared while experimenting new things and could feel the increased scared heart beat.Thanks
[message edited by HoneyKhanna on Fri, 11 Mar 2011 09:35:14 GMT]
Today Though I got normal stools and stomach was emptied propely how evr since noon I am feeling ver gastric .Is it coz sepia is acting?
Kindly suggest.
[message edited by HoneyKhanna on Fri, 11 Mar 2011 14:18:11 GMT]
HoneyKhanna last decade
Dear Honey,
Finally your remedy starts to act on your mind. Now you are on the state of the time before uterus fibroid removal surgery. Reverse order begins .
[message edited by Info.rahiq on Fri, 11 Mar 2011 16:23:44 GMT]
Finally your remedy starts to act on your mind. Now you are on the state of the time before uterus fibroid removal surgery. Reverse order begins .
[message edited by Info.rahiq on Fri, 11 Mar 2011 16:23:44 GMT]
Info.rahiq last decade
Dear Honey,
Would you please tell me, whats happened on that time (the time before uterus fibroid removal surgery) and why did you decide for operation? How it affects (emotional, energetic and physical symptoms) in your daily life on that time? Please tell me in details whatever you can remember.
Would you please tell me, whats happened on that time (the time before uterus fibroid removal surgery) and why did you decide for operation? How it affects (emotional, energetic and physical symptoms) in your daily life on that time? Please tell me in details whatever you can remember.
Info.rahiq last decade
Hello Doctor,
today's update: Constipated. Still when every body is around constipation happens.
Give me a day I will share the details.
today's update: Constipated. Still when every body is around constipation happens.
Give me a day I will share the details.
HoneyKhanna last decade
Kindly check your email and doctor I really did not understand '
Finally your remedy starts to act on your mind. Now you are on the state of the time before uterus fibroid removal surgery. Reverse order begins .
Pls suggest.
Finally your remedy starts to act on your mind. Now you are on the state of the time before uterus fibroid removal surgery. Reverse order begins .
Pls suggest.
HoneyKhanna last decade
Dear Honey,
Finally your remedy starts to act on your mind. I think its clear on you after feeling some disturbance in your mindset. In your own word, I also suffered from poor concentration. I am was doing some work, my mind will think in other direction along with that I also used to get scared while experimenting new things and could feel the increased scared heart beat.
You also said in one of your email on Tue, Mar 8, 2011 at 4:46 AM, I forgot to share, after surgery I have a feeling of missing heart beats. Before surgery doctor checked and said beats was missing in between but other time they were fine. Since some days I am facing the same situation when I breathe, my breath gets stacked for a moment and then in a millisecond it is fine. This update influenced me to say reverse order begins because it defines the direction of cure as a reverse order of the appearance of the previous symptoms. So, I said, now you are on the state of the time before uterus fibroid removal surgery.
Law of the Direction of Cure
Law of Cure as the name defines the direction of cure under homeopathic treatment. This law states that the cure takes place from the more important organ to the less important organ, from above downwards from within outward, in the reverse order of the appearance of the symptoms. Since it defines the direction of cure, it also indirectly provides the direction how the disease will progress. Thus, the disease must progress in the opposite direction of cure, from less important organs to the more important organ, from below upwards and from outward within. Dr. Constantine Hering, an American physician was the first to observe the distinct pattern of diseases. During his extensive clinical practice, and research, he concluded that there is a distinct hierarchy amongst the organs in the human body according to the level of importance for the survival. Brain, spinal cord, heart, and kidneys are the most important organs for the survival and the healing mechanisms of the body will protect them at any cost until there is no other recourse. Skin, upper respiratory tract, upper digestive tract are able to rejuvenate themselves completely, the disease is allowed to express itself in those organs before it can afflict deeper organs. This was one of most invaluable contribution made to the field of healing as it took the definition of cure further into the whole being. It changed the perspective of local organ pathology into a whole being with some organs being affected. It helped to map the chronology of the disease, the chronology of the cure and the duration of time to arrive at total health.
It made clear that a patient will go through the reappearance of previous complaints in the lesser important organs before experiencing a complete restoration of health. To put it simply, if a patient has a past history of suffering with skin eruptions which were treated by ointments, and now complaints of asthma, then he is likely to experience a disappearance of asthma followed by reappearance of skin eruptions before experiencing total health. Unfortunately the popular view of disease is fragmented. The patient may feel discouraged with the reappearance of the skin eruption since they thought the skin disease was cured. But the will be very excited with the return of the past complaints because according to the Law of Cure, s/he is sure that the patient will achieve total health as the skin complaints disappear again under further homeopathic treatment.
In your case you see the same. The direction of cure;
Constipation => on 2011-01-19
Today after motion there is a pain in my lower abdomen. I could feel it to be a pain in my intestine which started with passing of stools.
on 2011-01-26
1. Coming back of food in mouth from food pipe visibly reduced.
2. Body temperature: Visible difference in coldness of hand and foot. I could feel they have been comparatively warm as what they used to be before. The temperature of total body is on warm side.
3. Body has become comparatively active and sound sleep. Though I do not feel like getting up in morning.
4. Flatulence has reduced but the day I feel constipated, its more and smells.
==>> on 2011-02-10
Since last few days I have started feeling very sleepy. Seems like 8 hrs is not sufficient, eyes seem to be very tired and whole day I feel lazy.
on 2011-02-12
Since last 2 -3 days I do not have proper stools. Today have motion and there is a feeling of too much flatulence with stomach swollen.
==>> on 2011-02-17 ***
Morning sickness feeling.
on 2011-02-20
Constipated for last two day. I have found that I normally get constipated when some body is around. If I am alone during a particular time (only morning) nature's call happens. After that even If I feel the need to pass stools I am unable to. When constipated I have feeling of flatulence, chronic gastric feeling in my stomach and stomach bulges like a tyre. In this case if I try maximum from my side to pass stools, the only outcome is very dry stools, almost clay type and in a very small amount.
on 2011-02-21
I am also having pain on left bottom side of stomach and could feel the same at rectum.
on 2011-02-23
Yesterday I was just checking my throat, At times I feel it is little bulged out giving a feel of thyroid by I am really not sure whether it is a normal structure or something else. Yesterday I suffered from slight cold and feeling of having tonsil pain in my throat. Today I have slight cold and pain in throat.
on 2011-02-23
I am also having pain on left bottom side of stomach and could feel the same at rectum. - Whats happen in this matter now? >> It is perfectly fine now.
> Can you connect it (tonsil pain) to any recent or past event or disease?
>> No really except this that I am very prone to tonsils resulting fever. I normally get this when there is a change of weather or I eat something sour. How ever this time it has happened after a long gap. Yesterday I did eat pickle.
on 2011-02-24
Cold and throat are fine. No pain as if now.
on 2011-03-01
I too had fever since 2 days but today I am better. Is this also an after affect?
I would also like to share when I do brisk walking, I am fine but if I run then after running some time there is a pinion right side middle part of abdomen.
After motion my stomach is not bulging but as soon as I eat something may be in little amount, it bulges.
on 2011-03-10
All fine but pain in stomach due to monthly periods. If in case this pain is intolerable, like I had yesterday.
==>> on Mar 8, 2011 at 4:46 AM,
I forgot to share, after surgery I have a feeling of missing heart beats. Before surgery doctor checked and said beats was missing in between but other time they were fine. Since some days I am facing the same situation when I breathe, my breath gets stacked for a moment and then in a millisecond it is fine.
on 2011-03-08
I feel wonderful after this treatment, like I never felt before since the time I remember.
No morning sickness
No tiredness
I can run more
Little sweating has started.
Pimples almost gone but still scars are there.
Warm hands and feets.
I exercise regularly and like before the feeling of fatigue has gone.
How ever I would like to share that when I cycle there is a voice that comes out of my knees.
==>> on 2011-03-11
I did not feel that in presence of others I was not able to pass. It was the natural pressure today. I would also like to add that I also suffered from poor concentration. I am was doing some work , my mind will think in other direction along with that I also used to get scared while experimenting new things and could feel the increased scared heart beat.
Today Though I got normal stools and stomach was emptied properly however since noon I am feeling very gastric.
Note: If you carefully see than you can understand that first of all your remedy start to act on your mind. You feel some strange change on your mindset and than with in a very short time you can see some aggravation on your physical symptoms. It means; this law states that the cure takes place from the more important organ to the less important organ, from above downwards from within outward, in the reverse order of the appearance of the symptoms, since it defines the direction of cure.
=> How sepia 200 is acting on mind?
=>> I believe, your can find the answer of this question too.
Best wishes,
Finally your remedy starts to act on your mind. I think its clear on you after feeling some disturbance in your mindset. In your own word, I also suffered from poor concentration. I am was doing some work, my mind will think in other direction along with that I also used to get scared while experimenting new things and could feel the increased scared heart beat.
You also said in one of your email on Tue, Mar 8, 2011 at 4:46 AM, I forgot to share, after surgery I have a feeling of missing heart beats. Before surgery doctor checked and said beats was missing in between but other time they were fine. Since some days I am facing the same situation when I breathe, my breath gets stacked for a moment and then in a millisecond it is fine. This update influenced me to say reverse order begins because it defines the direction of cure as a reverse order of the appearance of the previous symptoms. So, I said, now you are on the state of the time before uterus fibroid removal surgery.
Law of the Direction of Cure
Law of Cure as the name defines the direction of cure under homeopathic treatment. This law states that the cure takes place from the more important organ to the less important organ, from above downwards from within outward, in the reverse order of the appearance of the symptoms. Since it defines the direction of cure, it also indirectly provides the direction how the disease will progress. Thus, the disease must progress in the opposite direction of cure, from less important organs to the more important organ, from below upwards and from outward within. Dr. Constantine Hering, an American physician was the first to observe the distinct pattern of diseases. During his extensive clinical practice, and research, he concluded that there is a distinct hierarchy amongst the organs in the human body according to the level of importance for the survival. Brain, spinal cord, heart, and kidneys are the most important organs for the survival and the healing mechanisms of the body will protect them at any cost until there is no other recourse. Skin, upper respiratory tract, upper digestive tract are able to rejuvenate themselves completely, the disease is allowed to express itself in those organs before it can afflict deeper organs. This was one of most invaluable contribution made to the field of healing as it took the definition of cure further into the whole being. It changed the perspective of local organ pathology into a whole being with some organs being affected. It helped to map the chronology of the disease, the chronology of the cure and the duration of time to arrive at total health.
It made clear that a patient will go through the reappearance of previous complaints in the lesser important organs before experiencing a complete restoration of health. To put it simply, if a patient has a past history of suffering with skin eruptions which were treated by ointments, and now complaints of asthma, then he is likely to experience a disappearance of asthma followed by reappearance of skin eruptions before experiencing total health. Unfortunately the popular view of disease is fragmented. The patient may feel discouraged with the reappearance of the skin eruption since they thought the skin disease was cured. But the will be very excited with the return of the past complaints because according to the Law of Cure, s/he is sure that the patient will achieve total health as the skin complaints disappear again under further homeopathic treatment.
In your case you see the same. The direction of cure;
Constipation => on 2011-01-19
Today after motion there is a pain in my lower abdomen. I could feel it to be a pain in my intestine which started with passing of stools.
on 2011-01-26
1. Coming back of food in mouth from food pipe visibly reduced.
2. Body temperature: Visible difference in coldness of hand and foot. I could feel they have been comparatively warm as what they used to be before. The temperature of total body is on warm side.
3. Body has become comparatively active and sound sleep. Though I do not feel like getting up in morning.
4. Flatulence has reduced but the day I feel constipated, its more and smells.
==>> on 2011-02-10
Since last few days I have started feeling very sleepy. Seems like 8 hrs is not sufficient, eyes seem to be very tired and whole day I feel lazy.
on 2011-02-12
Since last 2 -3 days I do not have proper stools. Today have motion and there is a feeling of too much flatulence with stomach swollen.
==>> on 2011-02-17 ***
Morning sickness feeling.
on 2011-02-20
Constipated for last two day. I have found that I normally get constipated when some body is around. If I am alone during a particular time (only morning) nature's call happens. After that even If I feel the need to pass stools I am unable to. When constipated I have feeling of flatulence, chronic gastric feeling in my stomach and stomach bulges like a tyre. In this case if I try maximum from my side to pass stools, the only outcome is very dry stools, almost clay type and in a very small amount.
on 2011-02-21
I am also having pain on left bottom side of stomach and could feel the same at rectum.
on 2011-02-23
Yesterday I was just checking my throat, At times I feel it is little bulged out giving a feel of thyroid by I am really not sure whether it is a normal structure or something else. Yesterday I suffered from slight cold and feeling of having tonsil pain in my throat. Today I have slight cold and pain in throat.
on 2011-02-23
I am also having pain on left bottom side of stomach and could feel the same at rectum. - Whats happen in this matter now? >> It is perfectly fine now.
> Can you connect it (tonsil pain) to any recent or past event or disease?
>> No really except this that I am very prone to tonsils resulting fever. I normally get this when there is a change of weather or I eat something sour. How ever this time it has happened after a long gap. Yesterday I did eat pickle.
on 2011-02-24
Cold and throat are fine. No pain as if now.
on 2011-03-01
I too had fever since 2 days but today I am better. Is this also an after affect?
I would also like to share when I do brisk walking, I am fine but if I run then after running some time there is a pinion right side middle part of abdomen.
After motion my stomach is not bulging but as soon as I eat something may be in little amount, it bulges.
on 2011-03-10
All fine but pain in stomach due to monthly periods. If in case this pain is intolerable, like I had yesterday.
==>> on Mar 8, 2011 at 4:46 AM,
I forgot to share, after surgery I have a feeling of missing heart beats. Before surgery doctor checked and said beats was missing in between but other time they were fine. Since some days I am facing the same situation when I breathe, my breath gets stacked for a moment and then in a millisecond it is fine.
on 2011-03-08
I feel wonderful after this treatment, like I never felt before since the time I remember.
No morning sickness
No tiredness
I can run more
Little sweating has started.
Pimples almost gone but still scars are there.
Warm hands and feets.
I exercise regularly and like before the feeling of fatigue has gone.
How ever I would like to share that when I cycle there is a voice that comes out of my knees.
==>> on 2011-03-11
I did not feel that in presence of others I was not able to pass. It was the natural pressure today. I would also like to add that I also suffered from poor concentration. I am was doing some work , my mind will think in other direction along with that I also used to get scared while experimenting new things and could feel the increased scared heart beat.
Today Though I got normal stools and stomach was emptied properly however since noon I am feeling very gastric.
Note: If you carefully see than you can understand that first of all your remedy start to act on your mind. You feel some strange change on your mindset and than with in a very short time you can see some aggravation on your physical symptoms. It means; this law states that the cure takes place from the more important organ to the less important organ, from above downwards from within outward, in the reverse order of the appearance of the symptoms, since it defines the direction of cure.
=> How sepia 200 is acting on mind?
=>> I believe, your can find the answer of this question too.
Best wishes,
Info.rahiq last decade
Hello Doctor,
Thank you so much for helping me understand my situation.I think this is also the reason why I am getting some pimples on my face.
Status: All well.I have observed that in a week one day I am still constipated which being the holiday for rest of the days going good so far.
Any tips for weight loss as well.Pls
Thanks a lot
Thank you so much for helping me understand my situation.I think this is also the reason why I am getting some pimples on my face.
Status: All well.I have observed that in a week one day I am still constipated which being the holiday for rest of the days going good so far.
Any tips for weight loss as well.Pls
Thanks a lot
HoneyKhanna last decade
Hello Doctor,
Pls find update:
I din have motion today .ALong with that I would also like to add that now a days I feel slight strechness in stomach similar to one in periods.
[message edited by HoneyKhanna on Wed, 16 Mar 2011 06:30:07 GMT]
Pls find update:
I din have motion today .ALong with that I would also like to add that now a days I feel slight strechness in stomach similar to one in periods.
[message edited by HoneyKhanna on Wed, 16 Mar 2011 06:30:07 GMT]
HoneyKhanna last decade
Hello Doctor,
Today's update:
Not complete motion. Along with that when i press on left side I have a same feeling which was before this treatment. i.e I could feel gas in stomach and when I press left lower part of abdomen I could feel that pressure is applied on that along with it also gives me a feel of passing stools but actually I am unable to.
Today's update:
Not complete motion. Along with that when i press on left side I have a same feeling which was before this treatment. i.e I could feel gas in stomach and when I press left lower part of abdomen I could feel that pressure is applied on that along with it also gives me a feel of passing stools but actually I am unable to.
HoneyKhanna last decade
I never had any history for any skin disease except 2 years back when I started getting pimples without any reason.My face turned very bad with black spots all over.I still get pimples but frequency has reduced since this treatment.its only 1-2 .
I could see litlle extended skin near my neck, with very small size.I do not know what it is called.
If I talk about my parents :
Mother: No skin disease and has a clear skin.
Father: He had eczema which got cured when he took hot sulphur water bath 2-3 times.
[message edited by HoneyKhanna on Wed, 16 Mar 2011 09:29:26 GMT]
I could see litlle extended skin near my neck, with very small size.I do not know what it is called.
If I talk about my parents :
Mother: No skin disease and has a clear skin.
Father: He had eczema which got cured when he took hot sulphur water bath 2-3 times.
[message edited by HoneyKhanna on Wed, 16 Mar 2011 09:29:26 GMT]
HoneyKhanna last decade
How much natural food salt (NaCl) craving do you have; Excessive, normal or less?
Do you take excessive natural food salt or avoid salt while taking normal food or drinks?
Do you take excessive natural food salt or avoid salt while taking normal food or drinks?
Info.rahiq last decade
As if now its normal i.e. in cooked food.At times say 1 out of 15 days I feel like having little more salt.
I avoid salt with fuits as I have heard tht it reduces their nutritious effect.How ever i have no problem in taking that if it causes no harm with fruits.
Hello Doctor,
I would also like to add something:
Some time back before this treatment, accu pressure doctors told me that constipation is due to dharan where the bunch of nerves shifts to left side or right side of abdomen and swells which leads to constipation(if in left) or diarhhoea (if in right).Reason for Dharan could be anything eg. weight lifting, running etc.Since I updated you that in excercise I am running as well, and have been feeling same syptoms like i mentioned in post above.Are there chances that dharan is bck again.Pls check the link below:
Another observation:
I could see my shoulder /neck bones visible little but if I see above that there is a bulge in a neck though very small but I am able to make out its presence.
kindly suggest
[message edited by HoneyKhanna on Thu, 17 Mar 2011 04:32:44 GMT]
[message edited by HoneyKhanna on Thu, 17 Mar 2011 10:46:26 GMT]
I avoid salt with fuits as I have heard tht it reduces their nutritious effect.How ever i have no problem in taking that if it causes no harm with fruits.
Hello Doctor,
I would also like to add something:
Some time back before this treatment, accu pressure doctors told me that constipation is due to dharan where the bunch of nerves shifts to left side or right side of abdomen and swells which leads to constipation(if in left) or diarhhoea (if in right).Reason for Dharan could be anything eg. weight lifting, running etc.Since I updated you that in excercise I am running as well, and have been feeling same syptoms like i mentioned in post above.Are there chances that dharan is bck again.Pls check the link below:
Another observation:
I could see my shoulder /neck bones visible little but if I see above that there is a bulge in a neck though very small but I am able to make out its presence.
kindly suggest
[message edited by HoneyKhanna on Thu, 17 Mar 2011 04:32:44 GMT]
[message edited by HoneyKhanna on Thu, 17 Mar 2011 10:46:26 GMT]
HoneyKhanna last decade
I have also been suffering from constipation. I have tried everthing but nevevr cured permanently.Seeing Honey's case I am getting optimistic and created a new thread
Plz Plz hel me.
I have also been suffering from constipation. I have tried everthing but nevevr cured permanently.Seeing Honey's case I am getting optimistic and created a new thread
Plz Plz hel me.
hazra last decade
Dear Honey,
Please take 1 (single) dose of Lycopodium Clavatum 200c only for one day. Do not take any other remedy or herbs on the next 15 days. Do not repeat it on the next 15 days.
One dose means:
Get a 500ml bottle of distilled water from the nearest supermarket. Pour out about 250 ml of water from the bottle to leave some airspace. Insert 1 pills (If the remedy is in pills form) or Insert 1 drop (If the remedy is in liquid dilution form) of the remedy into the bottle and shake the bottle hard 15 times in a row (15 strokes of equal strength). Shaking the bottle hard is homeopathic succession which is done to enhance the medicinal power of the remedy.
Please take only 2 drops of the reconstituted dilution of 250 ml using a disposable dropper.
Please report back after 3 day. I look forward to your response.
1/. Nothing should enter the mouth for 1 hour prior to, or after taking the remedy.
2/. If your remedy came in pills form do not touch the pills with your hands, tip them into the cap of the container they came in and then into the water.
3/. Avoid coffee, tea (including green), and other sources of caffeine such as some fizzy drinks and large amounts of chocolate, except where this would cause a drastic change in consumption
4/. Avoid wearing perfume or exposure to anything with a strong smell on the day and 3 days following the remedy administration. This includes any and all essential oils, and incense.
5/. Avoid the consumption of excessively spicy foods.
6/. The use of medicinal herbs, either as 'teas' or supplements should be avoided during Homoeopathic treatment, as should the use of over the counter medication, unless this has been recommended by your Doctor.
Best wishes,
Please take 1 (single) dose of Lycopodium Clavatum 200c only for one day. Do not take any other remedy or herbs on the next 15 days. Do not repeat it on the next 15 days.
One dose means:
Get a 500ml bottle of distilled water from the nearest supermarket. Pour out about 250 ml of water from the bottle to leave some airspace. Insert 1 pills (If the remedy is in pills form) or Insert 1 drop (If the remedy is in liquid dilution form) of the remedy into the bottle and shake the bottle hard 15 times in a row (15 strokes of equal strength). Shaking the bottle hard is homeopathic succession which is done to enhance the medicinal power of the remedy.
Please take only 2 drops of the reconstituted dilution of 250 ml using a disposable dropper.
Please report back after 3 day. I look forward to your response.
1/. Nothing should enter the mouth for 1 hour prior to, or after taking the remedy.
2/. If your remedy came in pills form do not touch the pills with your hands, tip them into the cap of the container they came in and then into the water.
3/. Avoid coffee, tea (including green), and other sources of caffeine such as some fizzy drinks and large amounts of chocolate, except where this would cause a drastic change in consumption
4/. Avoid wearing perfume or exposure to anything with a strong smell on the day and 3 days following the remedy administration. This includes any and all essential oils, and incense.
5/. Avoid the consumption of excessively spicy foods.
6/. The use of medicinal herbs, either as 'teas' or supplements should be avoided during Homoeopathic treatment, as should the use of over the counter medication, unless this has been recommended by your Doctor.
Best wishes,
Info.rahiq last decade
3 days update: totally constipated n gastric.situation same as before starting treatment
pls suggest.
pls suggest.
HoneyKhanna last decade
Hello Doc,
Todays update: motion was there but very very less, dried and through out the day I have gastric feeling with burning sensation in my stomach.There is also a bulge in stomach after eating anything.Burning feeling at rectum opening as well.
Why is this happening.Is this because of medicine.
Kindly suggest
Todays update: motion was there but very very less, dried and through out the day I have gastric feeling with burning sensation in my stomach.There is also a bulge in stomach after eating anything.Burning feeling at rectum opening as well.
Why is this happening.Is this because of medicine.
Kindly suggest
HoneyKhanna last decade
Hello Doc,
Today's update: no motion, gastric, bulgness in stomach and burning sensation as well.
I am really no liking Lyco but i loved sepia.I do not understand what this remedy is doing.All the good changes have gone suddenly.
Pls suggest
Today's update: no motion, gastric, bulgness in stomach and burning sensation as well.
I am really no liking Lyco but i loved sepia.I do not understand what this remedy is doing.All the good changes have gone suddenly.
Pls suggest
HoneyKhanna last decade
A question keeps on coming in my mind, why this situation.How Lycopodium is working.Will be great if you help me in knowing why my body is reacting this way.
A question keeps on coming in my mind, why this situation.How Lycopodium is working.Will be great if you help me in knowing why my body is reacting this way.
HoneyKhanna last decade
pls find today's update:
Motion was there , stool was small and hard.Stomach not clear and one more observation: skipping of beats lessened.
still pressure on rectum but no motion and keeping something hot on lower abdomen makes feel relieved.
as if now the stomach is bulging and heavy
[message edited by HoneyKhanna on Thu, 24 Mar 2011 06:04:35 GMT]
[message edited by HoneyKhanna on Thu, 24 Mar 2011 06:23:11 GMT]
Motion was there , stool was small and hard.Stomach not clear and one more observation: skipping of beats lessened.
still pressure on rectum but no motion and keeping something hot on lower abdomen makes feel relieved.
as if now the stomach is bulging and heavy
[message edited by HoneyKhanna on Thu, 24 Mar 2011 06:04:35 GMT]
[message edited by HoneyKhanna on Thu, 24 Mar 2011 06:23:11 GMT]
HoneyKhanna last decade
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