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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Chronic Constipation

Dear Sir,

Suffering from Chronic Constipation. Suffered from Annal Fissure for last 4-5 months. All the tremendously paiful symptoms have subsided by 80%.

Constipation is something that is troubling me. Although bowel passing happens every morning, the stool is inconsistent and hard, with not very strong urge to pass stool. Discomfort in Anal area after bowel passing, though not as bad as it used to be when I was suffering from fussure a month back.

My toungue is white with sediments. Stool of less quantity, small volume and inconsistent, yet hard - that hurts, and creates and irritation throughout the day. In fact, during last three months I have had couple of occassions, where I had liquid stool for couple of days and then again went back to hard stool, without any change in routine.

Currently having Ayurvedic medicines - Pirrhoids Tablets (2 Tabs, twice daily), Abhayaristha Tonic (2 spoons, twice daily)) I was also advised to take Panchsakar Churna 1 spoon daily before bedtime (purgative), but since I thought it is habbit forming I have it only 2/3 times a week maximum. I also take psyllium husk (Isabgul)-I spoon before bed-time (2 times a week).

I have also given some homeopathic medicines by my local doctor (Bryonia Alba 200, every morning, 4-5 globules and Nux Vom 30 , 4-5 globules, every night before going to bed.

I have fish (1 pc maximum 3-4 times a week), no meat for last 3 months, daal, lots of veg/fruits, atleast 5 litres of water daily, and no spicy outside food, less rice, more brown bread chapatis.

I do exercise/yoga for about 45 minutes atleast 4 days a week.

My routine for last 3 months has helped me reduce fissure dramatically, but the conmstipation is creating a lot of problems. I need relief from constipation as it is affecting my personal and professional life.

I have a very stressful professional life and my parents have history of constipation & piles/fistula.

Pls help.
  Vaskar2007 on 2007-05-31
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
The Homeopathic medicines given you are looking appropriate but I would suggest you to take then in the following order.

1. Sulpher 200 (3 drops morning empty stomach)
2. Bryonia-200 (three drops after lunch in a little water)
3. Nux-Vomica-200 (3 drops night at bed time)

dr. mahfooz
Mahfoozurrehman last decade
Dear Dr. Mahfooz,

My homeopath doctor intially prescribed a combination of Sulpher 200, Bryonia-200 and Nux Vom 30, but stopped Sulpher after a week since there was no sign of reduction in pain/itching/ tenderness in the anus. He then prescribed Bryonia-200 in the morning, Acid Nitric 200 in the afternoon and Nux Vom 30 in before going to bed in the night. This did help a lot in reducing the pain, burning sensation and itching, although I would still be constipated without the Ayurvedic Purgative.

Last Sunday I met another homeopath, who asked me to stop all medication and prescribed me the following:

Acid Nitric 1000 : 4 Doses (prepared by the pharmacist, C Ringer and Co.), to be taken in the morning, empty stomach on alternative days.

Chelidonium (Mother Tincture): 7 drops in little water, every night before going to bed.

I have had two doses on Acid Nitric 1000 and 3 doses of Chelidonium till now, and have stopped, Bryonia, Nux and other Ayurvedic Medications completely since last Sunday.

My concern is that all of a sudden again from last 3-4 days I am having very strong constipation. I feel the urge every morning, but have great difficulty in passing the stool, as if the stool is not being able to come out of the rectum. Sometimes the stoll seems to retract into the rectum out of fear of pain. I have to put pressure to evacuate and that is again hurting me in the rectum and creating irritation in the rectum.

I need your advice.

I also need to know, if it is ok to take Nux Vom 30 along with Acid Nitric 1000 (I felt Nux Vom does help me quite a bit). Or is it better to go for the combination of Bryo-Acid Nit-Nux Vom?

Is it ok to continue using Ayurvedic Laxative / Purgative?

Doctor, I would look forward to your advice.

Thanks a lot.

Vaskar Bhattacharya
Vaskar2007 last decade
Dear Patient,
How can I suggest you or advise you further. You are following your local dr. therefore it is advisable for you to go to him for advise.

dr. mahfooz
Mahfoozurrehman last decade
Dear Doctor,

Actually I did not go on-line for a long time and saw your advice only today after logging in. I had visited my local homeopath in the mean time.

I want to follow your advice hence I wrote my mail to you.

Pls advice.

Vaskar Bhattacharya
Vaskar2007 last decade
Okay, then please follow my earlier advise of 31st. No other medication.

dr. mahfooz
Mahfoozurrehman last decade
I am not a doctor but studying homeopathy and taking homeopathy medicine for self and family and have great confidence in homeopathy medicine because if you use proper medicine in proper way it acts as magician and give magic effects. I wrote this if from my personal experience.

I know a good medicine for chronic constipation that is Alumina-30. Take this medicine early morning you will get good result.
Devi_Raj last decade
The reason you are not getting relief is because your vital force is bombarded with too many medicines, indiscriminately.

One medicine in the morning, another in the evening and the third in the night.!!!

You would have got a complex medicinal disease by now.!!

Homeopathic medicines are not sugar pills. They are very potent ENERGY MEDICINES.

They have the power to harm you, if used irresponsibly.

Please avoid all medication atleast for 2 weeks. Let the symptoms stabilise and come back.

gavinimurthy last decade
The reason why people prescribe one medicine in the morning ,another for lunch and the third for dinner is with the blind hope that atleast one of them with work.

They are too lazy to take a proper case, and hunt for the suitable single remedy.

Please avoid this sort of prescriptions as if it is plague.

Don't fall prey to these useless prescriprions, be it your local doctor or so called doctors who prescribe here.

gavinimurthy last decade
No comments on dr. murthy reservations but some time complementry medicines helps the patient rather than the single.

dr. mahfooz
Mahfoozurrehman last decade
Dear Mahfooz

The complimentary action is useful, after the first medicine exhausts its action. The remedy picure should change and indicate the complimentary remedy.

Do you think the remedy picture changes as quickly as a few hours after a dose of sulphur, to indicate bry?

I know some people prescribe nux in the night and sulphur in the morning. As they are complimentary to one another, this alternation may not pose much of a problem, but personally I feel even this is to be avoided.

Let me quote from Rehman


Bry after sulphur

Absorption of exudation into serous sacs,pleura,meningeal membranes, peritoneum, serous and mucus membranes, essetial physio pathological complaints.

So, you can use Bry after sulphur in case pleuritic complaints doesn't get resolved fully with Sulphur.

Nux.v is not a complimentary to bry, but is a good follower.

Sulphur is complimenary to Nux.v in the following conditions.

Constipation in hemorroidal and hypochondriac persons; in pregnant women and in new born childern, and also in constipation alternating with diarrhoea and skin troubles. Abdominal plethora,haemorroids. Dyspepsia from farinaceous food

There are authors who feel that it is complimentary in nearly all diseases, and that especially nux.v in the night and sulph in the morning can be prescribed especially when their complimentary action is desired.


But generally speaking, the complimentary action of one medicine to another is not universal. They are complimentary only in certain spheres.

You try to prescribe after asking for more details, and I appreciate that.

That is the reason I am discussing in detail with you.

gavinimurthy last decade
Sorry to hijack this thread. I wanted to ask the experts how to amend excess repitition of dose. I'm afraid I repeated Nux at higher potencies once too many times. The effect has been almost complete atony of the intestines - which, from what I garner, is classic symptom/proving of Nux. Is there any way to remedy? I've tried Coffea Cruda 30c no effect. I've tried using Nux 6c and I think I'm compounding the situation. Any light on the subject would be very much appreciated.
thekind78 last decade
Can you please explain more the 'complete atony of intestines'?

The dictionary meaning of atony is

'Lack of normal muscular tension or tonus'

What is your actual problem now?

don't you have any desire to go to stool whatsoever?


is it that you feel an ineffectual urge to go to stool?

I should not put words in your mouth;these are just examples on how to express your problem.

Your problem may be totally different. The more detailed way, you tell about your complaint,that much easier it will be for us to choose the correct remedy.

gavinimurthy last decade
There is urge however no involuntary force to expel the stool - i.e. have to strain even when there is great urge. I had this problem once before. I took Nux and it was solved. I repeated a 1m dose - unecessarily - and am having a hell of a time with a relapse. This is the main problem. It is going on 4 months now! Thank you for your help, Mr. Murthy.
thekind78 last decade
That is the main symptom. I have also coryza after meals and restless sleep - all which seem to tally with Nux. However, the repetition of so high a dose has really done me in! On the upside, I have total faith in the efficacy of homeopathic remedies. I did not think a 1m dose had any sufficient reactionary properties - the dilution is to such an extent. However, I have been proved (unpleasantly) wrong! I see that higher potencies should only be used for more psychological conditions. Mid-range potencies seem to be better for chronic physical problems. Alas, all learned too late! Any suggestions, once again, very much appreciated.
thekind78 last decade

You have the urge, but have to strain hard to expel the stool.

Does the stool tend to be hard or soft?

gavinimurthy last decade
Stool is of normal consistency. Digestive powers seem to be functioning well. It seems to be an issue of irregular peristalsis coupled with loss of tone in the intestines. A nux proving that will not go away. Is this possible?
thekind78 last decade
What changes occured in you after you took Nux, other than what you already mentioned?

Is there any change in your body's reaction to heat, cold etc?

Anything strikigly different, in any other area?

gavinimurthy last decade
Dr. murthy, I really appreciate your guidance to peoples like us having little knowledge of homoeopthy. But it is also appreciable that we should exchange our views and knowledge to each other for the welfare of human being.

Mahfoozurrehman last decade
Dear Mahfooz

I am not a doctor. I am just a self learner.

gavinimurthy last decade
The one striking thing I've noticed is agina like symptoms. I never had this problem before. However, after taking Nux 1M I've noticed intermittent periods of angina. I read in Nash's tome that angina is something treated by Nux. This is why I have been so sure it is a proving. However, I am aghast to find that a proving will last 4months??! Thanks again, Mr. Murthy, for your help.
thekind78 last decade

It is too late in the night here.

I will come back tomorrow. I need sometime to think about your case.

gavinimurthy last decade
Mix two pellets of Sepia 30c in about 250 ml of water,mix thoroughly, and take one tablespoonful early in the morning.

Succuss the bottle well for about 10 times and take another dose in the evening.

Continue for three days two times a day, morning and evening.

You have to succuss the bottle every time before taking the medicine.

Make sure that there are no odors on you (perfumes etc), around you (in the room), and in your mouth before taking the medicine.

Avod milk,pork and tea.

Stop the medicine after three days.Wait for another four days without any medicine and post response.

gavinimurthy last decade
Mr. Murthy,
Will try it out. Thanks for your advice.
thekind78 last decade
There appears to be weakness in Rectum and not the Entestines.

Pl. give Alumina. 30 (three times a day)
Rajendra last decade
I did consider Alumina, but it doesn't have the angina symptoms, coupled with the portal problem.

whenever a medicine produces new symptoms, not experienced the patient earlier, those new symptoms have to be into account while choosing the next medicine.

More over Nux.v is acute of Sepia in digestive disorders.

Let us wait and see.

gavinimurthy last decade

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