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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Chronic Constipation Page 8 of 12

This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.

gavinimurthy last decade
Dear Mr. Murthy,

If you re-call this string started with my case of anal fissures and Dr. Mahfooz suggesting medical a medical remedy.

I did update the forum that my homeopath, asked me to discontinue all medications for a week, including use of laxatives / purgatives, etc. Subsequently he prescribed me Acit Nitric 1M (4 doses, to be takem on alternative mornings) and Chelidonium Majus (7 drops of the same in little water before retiring to bed in the night.

The conditions initially got aggravated, and I had a sore anus for almost a week, but could feel that the fissures were getting cured from within slowly down the canal. After the 3rd dose I started feeling better and after 4th dose I felt much better. I have been advised to finish off the 30 ml of Chelidonium as per the suggested dosage.

Since then 60 days have passed and the symptoms have swayed like pendulum. I would be feeling great and no pain while passing stool or irritation afterwards for 4-5 days and then i would have 2-3 days of discomfort (the degree much lesser than before though) and then I would feel better again. Constipation and lethargic peristalsis has improved by leaps and bounce.

My homeopath, didn't prescribe anything further, even when I informed me of the developments.

I hope I will be able to recover completely without any further medication. He has asked me to take 1 drop of Acid Nitric in the morning for two consequtive days, if my discomfort is too much (which is not), otherwise refrain from taking anything further.

Just for your information, I have suffered from IBS all my life ... sometime constipated, sometimes dyssentric, sometimes loose motion, etc. Infact I used to be dyssentric just before getting attacked with fissures and constipation. While I was having dyssentry I used to have dark, inconsistent stool, couldn't control urge especially after major meals.

Now my stool is atleast yellowish and more or less consistent, except for the days I feel discomfort (when the stool gets a little large and hard.)

FYI, my earlier doctor had prescribed a combo - Bryonia 200 (4-5 globules every morning) and Nux vom 30 (4-5 globules every night).... these initially helped but became virtually ineffective after 4 months of medication.

Sir, your thoughts pls on my condition.

Vaskar2007 last decade
Hi Vaskar

Though this thread is started by you, of late it has turned out to be a treatment plan for Kind.

To avoid confusion, one of you have to open a seperate thread.

I will look into your case and come back.

gavinimurthy last decade
Hi Vaskar

I have reread the whole thread once again, and except for the few initial posts, this thread is primarily discussing Kind's case.

I will open a seperate thread for you. Come there.

gavinimurthy last decade
Dear Dr. Murthy,

Thanks for your revert. How do I join the new thread?
Vaskar2007 last decade
Just click on the following url, and start posting. : )


gavinimurthy last decade
Mr. Murthy,
I am sorry to trouble you but I wanted to ask your opinion on my current situation. The last dose of Nat mur I took was on Tuesday of last week. Here are my current symptoms:
Peristalsis much improved, no longer reversed. Still a little sluggish but improving. Sleep very disturbed. Waking several times a night. Also, marked nocturnal pollutions. Three times in the last week, embarassingly enough. General chill in the body and extreme fatigue. Do not seem to have the energy to work out and run which up til last week was doing every day. Do you think this is Nat Mur aggravation? I am going to wait it out either way! Thanks for your help.
thekind78 last decade
I don't think it is nat.mur aggravation.

You wait it out , and come back on tuesday. I will be out of station, till then.

gavinimurthy last decade
Mr. Murthy,
Previous symptoms seemed to be affiliated with fever/cold I contracted. I am still, however, suffering from ineffectual bowel movements. They are related to the Nux taken so long ago. I wonder if I will ever get cured! Same symptoms: afternoon ineffectual bowel movements, frequent, followed by headache/stupor due to the spasmodic peristaltic activity. Any suggestions?
thekind78 last decade
You reported amelioration of bowel symptoms, at least for a week, after taking nat.mur water dose.

That means the medicine worked, and what we have to do now, is adjust the frequency of taking the water dose.

You may continue the nat.mur water dose, as per the procedure suggested earlier, once in a week only.

gavinimurthy last decade
Mr. Murthy,
Thanks for the advice. I'll keep you posted.
thekind78 last decade
if the bowel symptoms are directly related to the sudden passing of Kinds father, i'm wondering if 30 C, even after succussing, is a strong enough potency to address or hold the emotional resonance of his situation.

in regards to some of your new symptoms, the sodium tissue salts work as cleansers. perhaps the nat mur is throwing off old residues/suppressions that have accumulated in your system.

Kind and Murhty - i have appreciated following your insightful exchange.
natcam last decade
Thanks for your input. Nat mur seems to have many things going for it in regards to my symptomology. I cannot speculate on potency, as is evidenced by my Nux fiasco! Mr. Murthy, any comments?
thekind78 last decade
I would not jump the potency right now. Stick to the medicine in the RSB(Remedy solution bottle) for the time being.

We will review after a couple of weekly doses.

gavinimurthy last decade
Mr. Murthy,
An academic question if you have the time: There is usually a disclaimer that if a wrong homoepathic remedy is administered there will be no effects to the patient. How far is this true? Does it exclude sensitive people? I seem to feel effects of every remedy I've tried. It seems very difficult for me to 'feel' whether or not a remedy is the correct one. Any comments as usual much appreciated.
thekind78 last decade
Sensitive people do react on most of the remedies.Any medicine which works does some good to you, provided you stop with minimum dose, and don't go for the next medicine too quickly.

gavinimurthy last decade
Mr. Murthy,
While Nat Mur seems to aid my problem by slowing down the digestive process I am still unable to get rid of the reverse peristaltic activity. Mainly, at the time of urging for stool I can feel the stool move to my rectum. By the time I get to the toilet, I can feel it move back up the rectum as opposed to out. Only gas and small amounts of stool are passed. The reverse motion causes tremendous headache behind eyes and temples. This seems like classic nux proving. Is there any remedy to antidote this symptom in particular? Will I have to wait it out? How long? Thanks again for all your help.
thekind78 last decade
When was the last dose of Nat.mur taken?

gavinimurthy last decade
Almost two weeks ago. I repeated the dose today as per our correspondence yesterday. I know it is perhaps too little of time to see results, but the results I have seen regarding my main problem (bowels) have been:
1) Slower peristalsis - this has combated the irregular movements of Nux
2) Dry stools

The main problem which is what I described above still continues intermittently, but still there. Thanks again for your help.
thekind78 last decade
As always, thanks for your help. I do not mean to sound peevish but sometimes the problem is so debilitating I cannot help but get frustrated. Thanks again for your help.
thekind78 last decade
I understand. Report after two days, and we will review the case once again.

gavinimurthy last decade
Mr. Murthy,
Yesterday's dose of Nat Mur has helped my stomach it seems - the true test will come in the afternoon - however I've developed cold symptoms! Amazing! I never knew that: a) homeopathic drugs could be so powerful and b) I have such a sensitive metabolism. Thanks for your help, I will keep you posted.
thekind78 last decade
Many patients and prescribers too don't believe that homeopathic medicines need careful handling.

I wish more people read this thread to understand how sensitive certain persons can be to homeopathic medicines.

gavinimurthy last decade
Indeed. Really, homeopathic medicines can cause effects far more drastic than most OTC allopathic drugs. However, they are classified even less stringently than OTC drugs like aspirin, etc. They have wonderful effects for functional problems that OTC allopathic medicines cannot seem to handle. However, there potency is more akin to scheduled/prescribed drugs. If I get over this bout, I'm only looking into homeopathic academically! No more self-prescription!
thekind78 last decade
Mr. Murthy,
Sir, feeling much better. Some residual effects of Nux - but greatly diminished. I'll keep you posted. I can't thank you enough. As always, all the best.
thekind78 last decade
Dear Kind

I sincerely try to help to the best of my ability. Glad that you are improving.

gavinimurthy last decade

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