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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Chronic Constipation Page 7 of 12

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Dear Rajendra

Did you ever read Organon?

The answer to your question is very much there.

Try to find out what Hahn. suggested to do in such circumstances.

I can give you one clue though. There is no need for multiple medicines, even for hypothetical cases like these.

I can answer any number of queries by seekers of knowledge patiently.

But,if the questioning is to test my knowledge, I refuse to answer.

You might have observed that I do prescribe for acute as well as chronic cases, though selectvely.

You might have observed that I am fairly successful, if you observe the feed backs.

It is not only on these forums, but in real life too.

I see no reason to deviate from strict Hannemanian's methods.

gavinimurthy last decade
Mr. Murthy,
I wanted to ask you a question again. (If you don't mind!) What causes a remedy that once worked to stop working? Nux produced such wonderful results for me. Now, it seems to be useless as it only causes aggravations. Why is this? Was it a palliative only? Thanks for your help
thekind78 last decade
The simple answer would be the layer corresponding to nux. is removed, and the next layer, which is not homeopathic to nux. is exposed, which needed a different medicine.

No person can benefit on the same medicine throughout his life, by the same medicine.

Your getting Angina like symptoms on repeating Nux. which you never had earlier is a pointer to the fact it is producibg accessory symptoms, and the warning bells were ringing.

If we don't heed to that and repeat Nux., based on the main symptom alone ,the damage will start.

gavinimurthy last decade
'Your getting Angina like symptoms on repeating Nux. which you never had earlier is a pointer to the fact it is producibg accessory symptoms, and the warning bells were ringing.'

THis indicates that nux is no more required and you need change of medicine.
sajjadakram635 last decade
Thank you. It explains alot. I should have realized this at the onset of the angina symptoms. I assumed it meant that this was a necessary aggravation. Thanks ever so much for clearing this up for me. It settles a lot of doubts!
thekind78 last decade
mr. murthy,
Rajendra last decade
Mr. Murthy,

The question I raised is a real story and I had to advice him for giving 4 different medicines. The patient was cured with that.

But if you have any one medicine, it will be helpful for me for future views.
Rajendra last decade
Mr. Murthy,
I have yet another question for you! Being a sensitive person - as far as remedies are concerned! - I seem to always get accessory symptoms. For example, when I took Sepia I noticed a rise in anger, frequent urination and restless sleep. With Nat mur, I've noticed jerking motions prior to sleep. How do we know that these are the right remedies given the accessory symptoms? This being said, Sepia, as you said, fixed my Nux caused angina symptoms. Nat mur seems to be working on my digestive problems. I guess we have to look at the overall well-being and see if things improve as far as energy levels etc. But if an accessory symptom lingers, do we assume this is the wrong medicine? Even if it seemed to have fixed the underlying problem? These are all questions I'm sure you are hesitant to answer with broadstrokes but any insights/comments as always are very much appreciated. Thanks again.
thekind78 last decade
Dear Kind

It depends on the severity of the accessory symptoms.

Minor symptoms can be ignored, as long as the energy is better and C.C is improving.

These minor symptoms will go away,once you stop the medicine.

gavinimurthy last decade
Mr. Murthy,
can a nux aggravation last so long? 4 months?! Unbelievable! My experience alone should be testament enough not to self-medicate!
thekind78 last decade
amen. : )

gavinimurthy last decade
Mr. Murthy,
When we think of antidotes I take it we look at symptoms. Though Nat Mur isn't listed specifically as an antidote to Nux, its effects on the intestines parallel Nux to a certain degree. Thus, we can use it to antidote an erroneous dosing of Nux. Am I somewhat correct in my thinking?!
thekind78 last decade
There will be some relation in the next medicine we choose, to the first medicine.

All in all, we go by the 'present' symptoms ,keeping the past history in view.

gavinimurthy last decade
Mr. Murthy,
I wanted to let you know that I am feeling much better. I hope the improvement will last. I want to thank you again for all your help and dedicated efforts.
I also wanted to ask you another question(!) Every remedy I've taken first effects my intestines/stomach then has accessory reactions. For example, Nat Mur, first slow down the spasmodic tendencies of the intestines - a problem I had that was further aggravated by Nux. Then, Nat Mur produced some other effects - jerking of the limbs at night in particular. Sepia, too, had an initial reaction on portal constriction, followed by increase in urination and also immense anger! Nux, when initially taken, improved peristalsis but thereafter caused angina, fluttering of the left eye and anger as well. I wanted to ask you what, if anything, could be gleaned from these reactions. Can we assume that the disease in my body - for lack of a better word - lies in the GI tract? Or is it universal for patients to react this way - first in the GI, then elsewhere, then somewhat psychologically? Thanks ever so much for your help and willingness to inform.
thekind78 last decade
Dear Kind

No two persons are same. Different people react differently. Our job is to handle special people like you, very gently. : )

Glad that you are feeling much better.

gavinimurthy last decade
Mr. Murthy,
Sometimes a cold is just a cold, but starting yester-evening I've developed a violent cold. I would dismiss it as just a cold, however I've noticed that the coryza is just like water and very fluent. There is also profuse sweating and moisture from the eyes. I took my last dose of Nat mur on the past Tuesday evening. I wonder if this could be an aggravation? If so, shall I just wait it out? Or is there anything to ameliorate the condition? Thank you, sir, as always.
thekind78 last decade
how is your chief complaint?

Tell me about all the problems as on now.

gavinimurthy last decade
Mr. Murthy,
Intestinal problems seem almost resolved. There is still a slight sluggishness to the bowels but the reverse peristalsis seems to be comepletely relieved. This cold, however, seems quite odd. I say this because it is accompanied by a profuse sweat. Which is very watery in nature - unlike sweat which beads on the skin, this sweat seems thin and immediately drips off. The discharge from my nose is the same - so watery that it trickles out uncontrolably. What do you make of it? I haven't taken Nat mur since Tuesday night previous, as mentioned above. I thank you for your repeated patience.
thekind78 last decade
Did you ever have this sort of problem earlier?

What type of cold do you normally get and how frequently?

Was there any change since yesterday evening and now? Is it worsening, remained the same, or improved?

gavinimurthy last decade
Usually when I get a cold I get a stuffy nose and the coryza is not this fluent. I don't catch cold that often. Since yesterday, coryza has lessened a little however still present. Sweating seems to have decreased. Yesterday, there were profuse sweats even before the onset of the cold. Thanks again.
thekind78 last decade
Mr. Murthy,
In addition, last year sometime I took biochemic Nat Mur 12x. I noticed then that it caused fluent coryza as well. Although I didn't encounter the sweating problem.
thekind78 last decade

If you can bear it out, I prefer not to intervene with any medicine now.

Try to take hot chicken soup.

Come back tomorrow, with details.

gavinimurthy last decade
Mr. Murthy,
Yes I'm hoping it will pass. I recalled when I took biochemic Nat Mur I had experienced post-nasal drip, which is similar to what I have now - simply, I think, due to the wateriness of the dishcharge. Is it normal for someone to be so sensitive? I took 2 doses of Nat Mur,the last one being a water dose using the method you described - sucussing the stock bottle, taking a teaspoon out of it and diluting in a half cup of water. That was 5 days ago! I think, if I get clear of these ailments, I'll be giving homeopathy a bit of a rest!
thekind78 last decade
I can't conclude right now, whether it is an aggravation from Nat.mur, or a result of your getting a new acute problem.

It is possible that you get a fresh acute problem while under treatment for a chronic problem.

In such circumstances we will intervene only if the situation is unbearable.

Hopefully you will pass this acute phase quickly, and settle down.

gavinimurthy last decade
Mr. Murthy,
Just to update you, I think I 'merely' caught a bug of some sorts. I had a fever and cold symptoms, but they seem to have abated as of today. There is still profuse sweating though. I think this is still after effects of Nat Mur. I'll wait and see if it too subsides. Thanks again for your help.
thekind78 last decade

gavinimurthy last decade

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