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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Chronic Constipation Page 6 of 12

This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.

You please do exactly as detailed here, and come back if you have any doubts.

Succuss the remedy solution bottle thrice, by hitting it hard against your palm.

Take about 50ml. of water, in a cup, and mix a teaspoonful of the remedy from the remedy solution bottle in it, and mix thoroughly.

Take a tablespoonful from this cup,let it stay in your mouth for a few seconds before swallowing it.Throw away the rest of the water from the cup.

Store the RSB (remedy solution bottle) in the refrigerator.

Take the medicine on alternate days. The succussion before taking a fresh dose, and the subsequent procedure is to be followed, meticulously.

Make sure that there are no odors on you(perfumes etc), near you(in the room, incense sticks, deodorant sprays etc), and in your mouh while taking the medicine.

I am repeating the above caution, as the medicine is very likely to be antidoted in the process of taking itself, if it is exposed to strong odors.

Report after a week.

gavinimurthy last decade
Mr. Murthy,
A question: If the primary symptom is relieved after taking the remedy, however, later the symptom reappears - albeit diminished in intensity - should one take the remedy again? Using the 'wet' dose method? Or should one opt for a higher potency altogether? Thanks for your help.
thekind78 last decade
I should add to that a third option: Wait and see. Thanks again!
thekind78 last decade
One shouldn't leave a potency that benefitted, and jump to the higher one immediately.

The wet dose method allows the potency to be rised very gradually to suit the patient.

The 'test dose' is given to see how long the medicine holds. If the symptoms are returning after a week, we repeat once in a a week.

if the symptoms are returning after three days, we repeat every fourth day.

The number of succussions are also important. They too are chosen depending on the sensitivity of the patient.

No two patients are the same, and the dose is to be tailored to the individual patient.

We are in fact rising the potency, with every dose, though slightly.

We need to think of the next scale of potency, only when the present potency no longer holds, and the symptoms remain esssentially the same.

Once the test dose acts, and the frequency determined the need to wait and watch is less in split dose method. It is more applicable for dry doses.

The split wet dose is invented to reduce the time taken for cure, and to prevent unnecessary aggravations.

gavinimurthy last decade
Mr. Murthy,
So that being said, should one continue taking the remedy until the symptoms completely disappear? I wonder if at the sign of amelioration one should stop or not? I thank you for addressing and re-addressing this issue!
thekind78 last decade
Yes. If there is progressive amelioration, and no new symptoms develop, the same medicine can be repeated as a split dose, even for a month.

For certain chronic problems, it may take a couple of months also.

The frequency of taking the medicine is tapered off, as the patient improves, and it is stopped altogether, once the relief is complete.

gavinimurthy last decade
Let me make it more clear to you.

You are better for a day, after the first dose. The symptoms return after a day, and hence we are repeating alternate day.

Now, let us say after the fourth dose, we will pause and see if the same frequency is required. If the medicine can hold for three days now, we will repeat every fourth day, in the second week.

So, the frequency gets reduced gradually, and finally the medicine is stopped altogether.

gavinimurthy last decade
Mr. Murthy,
Thank you very much. It is clear to me now.
thekind78 last decade
Mr. Murthy,
Another query, although a bit of a tangent(!), can we attribute Cuprum as a chronic to Nux? Thank you.
thekind78 last decade
cuprum is not generally discssed in relaton with nux.v.

Though both have spasms, the spasms of cuprum are more violent, as in some types of cholera and whooping cough.

Cuprum is sometimes suggested as a collateral to many medicines,nux.v included, particularly when the patient reacts violently even for well indicated homeopathic medicines.

But, that is one of the last resorts, and even then we will look for symptoms of cuprum in the patient.

Looks like you are reading a lot. : ). Good. But, don't plunge into self prescribing right now.

gavinimurthy last decade
Mr. Murthy,
Thank you. I have learned my lesson, no willy-nilly self-medicating! Thanks again.
thekind78 last decade
Mr. Murthy,
Since you are kind enough to reply to my queries - however incessant - here is something that I have been wondering: If it is 'one remedy, one dose' why is it necessary to repeat the dosage of the same remedy? I know by sucussing we effectively increase the potency, but if after first attempt there is little or no amelioration do we continue with the medicine? Or try another? Thanks very much for your insights.
thekind78 last decade
Dear Kind

There are two distinctly diferent methods, homeopaths use.

The first one is the dry dose method, as per the 4 th edition of Organon, where in a single dry dose is given, and the patient is asked to wait and watch for reaction,some times even upto three weeks.

The chances of aggravation, and the continuation of suffering is great in this metod. Hahn. experimented for a better method, to prevent the aggravation, and hasten the cure, and introduced the 'split dose' method in the 5 th edition of the Organon.

In this method, the same single dose of a few pellets is 'split' and given over a period of time, once in every day/2 days/week etc, based on the sensitivity of the patient, and he found that this method produces minimal aggravations, if any, and alleviated the sufferings quickly.

Unfortunately, this method has not become popular, and many doctors still follow the method of 4 th edition. However, interest in the methods of 5th edition, and the 6 th edition (LM potencies), is revived recently, and many doctors are veering towards it.

If the first dose in the split method does nothing, it is a challenge to the presriber.

Even after reanalysing the case, if he feels that the same meicine is indicated, he may increase the number of succussions, may increase the potency, or increase the frequency of repetetion till a reaction is established.

Change of medicine is also a possibilty, but he will do one of the above first, and think change of medicine, only after all the above alteratives fail.

The case management is as iportant as choosing the remedy.

gavinimurthy last decade
Mr. Murthy,
Thank you, sir. Very interesting. I did not know the background.
thekind78 last decade
Mr. Murthy,
What is the differnce between taking succused remedy from the original stock and putting it into some more liquid and then taking this dose as opposed to simply taking the succussed remedy each time? Thanks.
thekind78 last decade
Dear Kind

You are very inquisitive and I like it.

Very recently, we had a discussion on this at Hpathy, and this was my view.


The ordinary tap water too can be used for making split doses, because the impurities are still in the form of molecules, and have not reached a stage of energy, to act homeopathically.

The reason why it is told to add the succussed medicine to a fresh cup of water, and take a spoon out of it and throw the rest, is to preclude the soluble impurities too getting potensised, even by accident.

It is not correct to make a bottle of the remedy, keep succussing it, and take a sip straight out of it, without further dilution at each stage. Whenever you want to increase the potency, further dilution is a must. This precludes the danger of making the impurities too potensised.


gavinimurthy last decade
Mr. Murthy,
I thank you once again. I'm glad you don't mind me picking your brain so to speak!
thekind78 last decade
Mr. Murthy,
Dilution process aside, must we also increase the number of succussions every time we take the remedy?
thekind78 last decade
Not necessarily. If you are getting amelorated nice and study with, say, three succussions, stick to it.

Only when the medicine fails to hold for the normal duration, say in your case two days, we have to try to increase the succussions to four, and see the response.

gavinimurthy last decade
Mr. Murthy,
I am feeling much better. The anti-peristalsis has almost completely disappeared. There is still some sluggishness of the intestines but at least they are not working in reverse!
I used to have an ironclad stomach. About 2 1/2 years ago, after my father died, all of a sudden I started to have stomach problems. They started with intense pain, diarreah, mucus in the stool. Then, there came alternating diarreah and constipation, with mucous during diarreah. Slowly, the diarreah stopped and a sluggishness of the lower intestines appeared. Almost to a state of reverse peristalsis - which is when I looked into Nux. All this being said, a dose of 1M nux did wonders for me. I hadn't felt better in years. When another dose was taken the reverse peristaltic activity began again. Lasting from March til now. I wanted to ask you if you thought that though nux and subsequent remedies have fixed the problem if I should look at the original symptoms as the genesis of the problem and seek treatment for them? In other words, as symptoms change, do we change the remedy? If so, are we not treating 'symptoms' which could be considered allopathic? Any suggestions thoughts? Many thanks as always for your help and dilligence.
thekind78 last decade
Dear Kind

Nat.mur is chosen keeping the etiology too in mind. It is a chronic 'grief' remedy.

We have to change the remedy, if the symptom picture change. That is because the earlier remedy doesn't cover the new picture, and hence is not 'homeopathic' to the new set of symptoms.

The totality at any time includes the present physical,emotional,general symptoms and past history too.We also keep in mind the medicines used so far. The physical symptoms are only part of the picture.

So, there is no allopathic thinking involved in this.

I am glad you are improving.

All the best.

gavinimurthy last decade
Mr. Murthy,
Thanks very much for explaining that to me. It makes sense. When I re-read Nat Mur in light of what you just described it makes total sense. Thanks for your help as always. I am very grateful.
thekind78 last decade
Mr. Murthy,
Though I am sure this question cannot properly be addressed in the forum, I wanted to ask you how important etiology is to the diagnosis? Thanks again.
thekind78 last decade
If the causation can be identified without doubt, it will be a great help in chronic cases.

However many times patients can't really say what triggered the problem, and even in such cases, the patient can be helped by looking at the present and past symptoms.

gavinimurthy last decade
I admire the effective way of addressing the one medicine concept.

I agree that to diagnose and treat Chronic cases efforts be made to identify one medicine. But what to do of short duration poroblems i.e.

Story of one person:

A person has got a minor cut.

Also he has a ulcer which does not heal.

Simultaneous there is a boil in the hand needs immediate remedy.

Also he is having dyscentry.

I shall be grateful if Mr. Moorthy may suggest whether different medicines are to be prescribed or there can be one remedy for all tese hree ailments.It looks Mr. Moorthy is concerned only on chronic cases.
Rajendra last decade
Dear Rajendra

Did you ever read Organon?

The answer to your question is very much there.

Try to find out what Hahn. suggested to do in such circumstances.

I can give you one clue though. There is no need for multiple medicines, even for hypothetical cases like these.

I can answer any number of queries by seekers of knowledge patiently.

But,if the questioning is to test my knowledge, I refuse to answer.

You might have observed that I do prescribe for acute as well as chronic cases, though selectvely.

You might have observed that I am fairly successful, if you observe the feed backs.

It is not only on these forums, but in real life too.

I see no reason to deviate from strict Hannemanian's methods.

gavinimurthy last decade

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