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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Chronic Constipation Page 4 of 12

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Thanks for your concern. I've been suffering from what I think is IBS for at least 2 years now. There was a respite of about 3 months after a dose of 1m Nux. I repeated it ,foolishly, and have had all sorts of ups and downs since then. Mostly constipation,now, however, it is the other side! I'll never figure it out! Thanks for your reply.
thekind78 last decade
Since when these diarrhea like symptoms started?

Beer definitely aggravates the diarrhea and please abstain from it, till the problem is resolved.

You said you had this problem since the last two years. Are the symptoms of those two years same as you are experiencing now? Is there any difference?

How did the diarrhea change to constipation? please give details chronologically, in as much detail as possible.

gavinimurthy last decade
Mr. Murthy,
I was getting better with constipation under the treatment you prescribed. I had a few beers last Friday. After which, diarreah has started in. In the past, I suffered from alternating diarreah and constipation. I think these are the symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome. After taking nux for the first time, things settled down miraculously and bowel movements were regular. The repeated dose of 1m nux caused a constipation where there were frequent urges but ineffectual evacuation. That has been ameliorated by your prescription. Now, I think I spoiled the thing all over again! The diarreah symptoms now seem similiar to what I experienced previous to taking my initial dose of Nux. It is all quite convoluted! If you can see anything here that may lead to some insights please let me know. I shall restrain from beer. I did not see it on the antidote list on Dr. Gray's website nor mentioned as a specific antidote to Sepia, however, it looks like it has caused mischief nonetheless. Thanks again for your help.
thekind78 last decade
Hi kind

can you explain the diarrhea like symptoms?

how many times you are going in a day?

what makes you to go to stool?

What is the type of stool? (Loose, watery, soft, mixed with mucus,etc .Describe in detail)

Do you get relief after going to stool?

Is there any pain associated anywhere?

which one seems more troublesome to you? The constipation or this diarrhea?

don't get despired. I will do my best.

gavinimurthy last decade
The diarrhea is mainly in the morning. I go about 4 times in a 2 hour period! Stool are loose and frothy. A peculiarity of this, and it is a symptom I've had for quite some time, is that immediately after lunch my stomach seems engorged and there is great rumbling, gurgling and flautlence. By the afternoon, urging continues but no stool passes only wind. There is also headache after the ineffectual stool in the afternoon. A sharp painful headache that is mainly behind the eyes and at the temples. All in all, there are no stomach ache per se. Only diarrhea in the morning, rumbling and flatulence in the afternoon after lunch, then afternoons followed by frequent urging but passing only wind which is followed by painful headache. The constipation is perhaps more uncomfortable but I have a feeling the diarrhea is worse for my health as I seem to be depleting minerals, electrolytes etc. Any suggestions? I looked at aloe long ago, never took it as I did not think it exhibited the 'polychrest' features of nux. Thanks again for all your help, Sir.
thekind78 last decade

You gave enough data. Let me look at it.

Take plenty of water with a little salt and sugar mixed in it. That will avoid any possible dehydration.

Aloe has sudden urge. You have to rush to the toilet for the fear of loosing the stool in clothes itself.

Any way, I will look at it also.

Give me some time. I will come back.

Meanwhile don't take any medicines and bear with it.

gavinimurthy last decade
Yes, I will follow your advice. I have no idea why the symptoms are so changing! Thanks again for your advice.
thekind78 last decade

If beer is the cause of aggravation then Bry., Kali Bioch., Nux M. are the remedies.

Let Dr. Murthy decide which one of these will work for you.
Rajendra last decade
Yes, beer seems to be the cause of the aggravation. Perhaps, it has always been the cause! My previous use of Nux offset the reaction, I think. Since discontinuing Nux, this was the first time I took beer. About 2 days later the diarrhea was in full swing. Don't know what to make of it. Thanks for your insights.
thekind78 last decade

Pl. Wait for Dr. Murthy's advice as he is in touch with you, if not then I may suggest.

Rajendra last decade
Hi Kind

How is the situation now?

I wll intervene with a new medicine only if there is no improvement. Even if there is slight improvement in your diarrhea symptoms, I prefer to wait.

gavinimurthy last decade
Mr. Murthy,
Sir, the morning diarrhea has subsided to a great extent. I think perhaps it was due to beer consumption. I had no idea beer had this effect. There has been a marked improvement over the last 2 days. I guess this means no beer for me for a while! Thanks for your help as always. I cannot thank you enough.
thekind78 last decade
Hi Kind

That is good news.

Some times the problems due to indiscretions we indulge in get resolved on their own, provided we refrain from continuing the source of the problem.

No beer ,perhaps for a long while. Hope you can refrain from it.

The wait and watch approach is the best, particularly for sensitive people like you.

I know you are not yet cured. But we have to go at it slowly. Let me know in case of any change of symptoms.

All the best.

gavinimurthy last decade
You are correct, I do not feel 100% yet. That being said, what should be the course? Wait out until symptoms relapse? Or, try same remedy at higher potency? What is the indication when there is an amelioration but not a cure? Thanks again for your insights.
thekind78 last decade
Hi Kind

I normally wait and let the symptoms stabilise. What I mean by 'stabilise' is that you have the same set of symptoms whose intensity remains more or less same over a period of atleast one week.

Then I retake the case and look at it as a fresh case, in case there is change of symptoms.

I don't rule out the previous medicine altogether, but if the symptoms changed, it is an indication for a different medicine.

It is important to keep in touch with your homeopath. you really can't self prescribe, unless you have enough knowledge in the philosophy of homeopathy, and ofcourse eough experience.

gavinimurthy last decade
Mr. Murthy,
Thank you, once again, for you insights and advice.
thekind78 last decade
If you could help me once again. Diarrhea has subsided, however in the afternoon immediately after lunch I have tremendous rumbling in the stomach and desire for bowel movement. The movement is ineffectual though, only passing wind. Immediately thereafter I feel a great headache behind the eyes and at the temples as well as a stupor like feeling in my head. This has been the main symptom for me for over 2 years. Do you have any suggestions? I thank you once again.
thekind78 last decade
Hi Kind - i'm still following. your situation requires constitutional treatment. the physical symptoms are only expressing what's going on in the mental/emotional side of your nature. perhaps Murthy can help. if not, you have the option to repost your position on this forum requesting 'constitutional treatment' somewhere in the title. again, the person treating you must have experience working with sensitive natures. it's obvious you need to stay with the minimum wet dose, regardless of the remedy. In the end you may need to use a combination of Lm and C wet dose potencies. there are also remedies which are more sensitive in nature vs. using the more aggressive poisons. i have appreciated Murthy's patience and understanding of your case. wish i could offer more.
natcam last decade
Thanks for your advice. Not to sound like a broken record, but after taking a 1M dose of Nux I felt completely relieved for about 3 months. I repeated the dose, and was back to square one. I can't help but think that somehow I undid the good effects of the initial dose. Is Nux a constitutional remedy? Sulphur? I hate to be so arbitrary! Thanks again for your concern and insights.
thekind78 last decade
yes, nux and sulfur are constitional remedies but to determine if they are your constitutional remedy requires some involved case taking, most especially because your condition is of a chronic nature. if after taking the nux you felt completely relieved - mentally, emotionally and physically, perhaps you were on the right track. your physical symptoms are acute but what's causing them to manifest (chronic) for the last two years will help determine the right constitutional remedy for you.
natcam last decade
I hope you won't mind me picking your brain a little. Actually, all my stomach ailments started 2 years ago, about 2 weeks after the sudden passing away of my father. Before that, I had an iron gut! Do you know what remedy corresponds? Thanks.
thekind78 last decade
To give complete history of the ailment, it first started out with pains in the lower left portion of the abdomen. Relieved by stool. Then, stools became more frequent accompanied by much mucous. After a while, mucous stopped, stool frequency remained same, however, stools were often ineffectual. Here is where I am now! Thanks for everyone's help.
thekind78 last decade
To complete the symptomology(!) Ineffectual urging only in afternoon. Morning stools are normal. After lunch, which is really my first meal, immediate rumbling, feeling as if stool is in rectum, then when at toilet only pass wind. I'm sorry to bother with so many posts, but really, these troubles are debilitating. Thanks again.
thekind78 last decade
Hi Kind

Your symptoms are still changing. Let us wait for a few days more. Come back when you feel the pattern remained the same atleast for a week.

gavinimurthy last decade
Mr. Murthy,
Will do. The main recurring symptom is: ineffectual bowel movement in the afternoon after lunch. Followed by headache and faintness/stupor in the head. Even when overall symptoms and health improve, I am unable to remove this. Thanks again for your help.
thekind78 last decade
Do you think my overdosing/repetition of Nux 1m may have caused permanent damage? Is it reversible? Still, now I feel symptoms of Nux - mostly the reverse peristaltic activity. It doesn't seem to be going away. Although, after the dose of Sepia you recommended the angina symptoms have gone away. I really hope there is some way out of this! Thanks again.
thekind78 last decade

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