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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Chronic Constipation Page 2 of 12

This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
I did consider Alumina, but it doesn't have the angina symptoms, coupled with the portal problem.

whenever a medicine produces new symptoms, not experienced the patient earlier, those new symptoms have to be into account while choosing the next medicine.

More over Nux.v is acute of Sepia in digestive disorders.

Let us wait and see.

gavinimurthy last decade
sorry for the missing words in the earlier post..

'whenever a medicine produces new symptoms, not experienced by the patient earlier, those new symptoms have to be taken into account while choosing the next medicine.'

gavinimurthy last decade
Dear Vaskar,

According to the following symptoms Silicea will solve your problem.

1. Stool recedes (in your words 'retracted')

2. Rectum unable to expell even a soft stool.

3. Retaining stool due to pain.

Take Silicea 30 one dose daily at night for 3 days. If this fail Silicea 200 single dose will definitely solve your problem.

Wishing you for a speedy recover.

C. Anbazhagan
homeoanbu last decade
Dear Mr. Anbazhagan,

Thanks a lot for your advice. But, I have achieved great relief from my local homeopath's prescription. Although initially the symptoms increased greatly and I have had great pain for about a week, I persisted and today I feel much much better and still improving by the day. I guess my doctor currently identified that the main problem lies in a my troublesome lever (the cause), constipation is the effect while fissure was the painful outcome. The following was the prescription given:

Acid Nitric 1000 : 4 Doses to be taken in the morning, empty stomach on alternative days.

Chelidonium Majus: 7 drops in little water, every night before going to bed.

Currently I am continuing with Chelidonium Majus (I have been asked to continue the same for about 3 months).

I am really greatful to my homeopath as well as all the well-wishers in this useful site who tried to suggest remedies to pull me out of the pain.

Thanks a lot to all.

Best regards,
Vaskar Bhattacharya
Vaskar2007 last decade
I have tried Sepia 30. Improved the angina pains however no amelioration to my bowels. Also, caused a very restless sleep. Any suggestions? I am tempted to try Nux again. It seems to be the correct medicine but am so wary as to dosage etc. due to horrible aggravations. Any suggestions much appreciated.
thekind78 last decade
Continue the medicine that is giving you relief.
For Angine pain you have to take 'Arnica 30' 4 pills three times a day.
Rajendra last decade
I have been away for a few days. Don't take any medicine now for atleast a week.

Report your position after a week.

You need to have a permanent solution to your problem ,and not palliation.

It takes time.

gavinimurthy last decade
Mr. Murthy,
I will heed your advice and wait it out. Thanks for your diligence.
thekind78 last decade
Mr. Murthy,
One general question regarding dosage frequency. If an effect is felt - either aggravation or amelioration - should the course be stopped? Thanks for your insights.
thekind78 last decade
Yes. In homeopathy it is very very important.

You said your angina like symptoms are better. But, the restless sleep is not a good sign.

So, the picture is right now confused. We have to wait till the symptoms stabilise and get the correct picture.

Stop all medication, including aurvedic ones for a week. Let the true unmasked symptoms come out.

gavinimurthy last decade
Mr. Murthy,
To add to my overall reaction to Sepia: I also noticed a marked increase in the frequency of urination. Something completely new. I looked at Kent's description of Sepia and this is one of the symptoms. I seem to prove all remedies!
thekind78 last decade
This feedback is essential. It allows us to adjust the dose.

In future, you have to take a single dose of any medicine, and wait for response.

proving a medicine is not bad in itself, as long as the accessory symptoms are managable.

These symptoms should go away in a couple of days.

How is your sleep, and energy right now?

gavinimurthy last decade
Sleep still very restless. Energy level fairly well. Feeling good except for ineffectual bowel movements. Which have been absolutely bothersome for four months now! Thanks for your help.
thekind78 last decade

Let us wait for a few more days.

gavinimurthy last decade
One other question for you. What is the procedure for antidoting using another remedy? Is the antidoting remedy selected at the same attenuation as the aggravating remedy? Thanks again.
thekind78 last decade
Don't think of antidoting now.

There are many methods to antidote a remedy, and the material will be sufficient for a book.

However I can reassure you that, one method of antidoting the excessive action of a previous remedy is to select a new remedy based on the new symptoms the remedy created, along with the old symptoms.

I can't help if you are in a hurry. Please avoid ALL medication for atleast a week, and come back.

You can be helped, provided you co operate with me.

gavinimurthy last decade
The potency of the next remedy is to be chosen based on your energy levels, the severity of your problem, their location etc.

there is no hard and fast rule.

gavinimurthy last decade
Thanks for your advice. I am following your guidance. Just curious as to the practices of homeopathy that seem to be a little esoteric. Thanks again.
thekind78 last decade
following all of your posts and waiting patiently for the nux/sepia provings to be alleviated as i have experienced similar long term aggravations/provings to remedies. i appreciate Murthys perspective of your case and his advice about mixing the sepia with 250ml of water, succussing, then taking one tablespoon early in the morning. If you are having a proving of this perhaps one tablespoon was all that was needed of the succussed sepia (a good time to wait and see) vs. the extra two doses for the next three days. in your case as with most sensitive people, the minimum dose is extremely important.
natcam last decade
I see we are in the same boat! I remember discussing antidoting of Nux with you previously. Its a slippery slope! I'm following Mr. Murthy's advice and just waiting. After 4 months of nux proving/aggravation its difficult! In my empirically gained knowledge, it seems most critical for sensitive folks not to repeat dosage. I hope I get relieved enough to realize this!
thekind78 last decade
Dear Natcam

On hind thought,I should have advised Kind to take a single dose of Succussed Sepia and wait.

The repetetion over the next two days, though succussed before each dose to increase the potency slightly, seems to be unnecessary.

Hopefully, the effect will wear off in the next few days. If not, we will intervene with a better management.

gavinimurthy last decade
Mr. Murthy,
The most difficult thing with homeopathics seems to me to be the wide range of effects. One can look to Kent or Nash and see the remedy described in detail, but even then it is a fluid process. Its difficult for the layperson not to adhere to hard and fast rules! Granted, the layperson should probably not be tinkering with homeopathics! Lessons, unfortunately, learned the hard way! Thanks for your insights, advice etc.
thekind78 last decade
Hi Kind

The sensitive people like you are special. : )

However, there are methods to help even people like you, but it needs real expertise and knowledge to deal with cases like yours.

I will try my best to help you.

gavinimurthy last decade
Mr. Murthy,
One other question if you have the time. You recommend the 'wet' dose frequently. I'm sure there is a reason behind this. Could you please explain whenever you get a chance? Thanks.
thekind78 last decade
The wet dose allows us to reduce the quantity of medicine, for sensitive people.

We can ask the patient to dissolve a single pellet in about 250ml .of water, and take a sip.

For most sensitive people, we can ask them to add a teaspoonful of the remedy water to another cup, and take a teaspoon out of it.

We can reduce the 'quantity' of medicine simply by increasing the dilution, as much as it is required.

Secondly for chronic cases, it allows us to repeat the medicine more frequently. The succussion of the liquid potency, before taking each dose rises the potency slightly, and hence the medicine is well tolerated.

By giving a succussed water dose frequently, the time for cure can be cut down drastically.

There is so much more to tell, but this is the essence.

gavinimurthy last decade
hi sorry to change the subject, but has anyone heard of constipation caused by dairy products as a cyptom in a remedy picture?
irenek last decade

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