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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Chronic Constipation Page 5 of 12

This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Do you think my overdosing/repetition of Nux 1m may have caused permanent damage? Is it reversible? Still, now I feel symptoms of Nux - mostly the reverse peristaltic activity. It doesn't seem to be going away. Although, after the dose of Sepia you recommended the angina symptoms have gone away. I really hope there is some way out of this! Thanks again.
thekind78 last decade
There is no permanent damage. Don't worry. You will be alright.

just wait for a few more days and come back.

gavinimurthy last decade
Thanks for your reassurance. Much appreciated.
thekind78 last decade
An academic question for you of sorts. If there is a chronic physical condition, do we select a high potency even if mental symptoms do not tally? Thanks again.
thekind78 last decade
The selection of the potency depends more on the vitality of the patient.

Childern can bear higher potencies well.

They are not advisable for older people.

It is always safer to start low, and move up gradually ,if required.

gavinimurthy last decade
Can the progression of potencies be applied to all remedies? I've read for Nux that it should be given in high potencies and not repeated often. Does this apply to the 'wet' dose methodology? It seems the 'wet' dose significantly reduces aggravations etc. Thanks for your insights.
thekind78 last decade
Medicines like Nux.v are plant based, and they can be started as low as 6c, or even less.

The only exceptions are some posions and nosodes, where low potencies are generally not advised.

The repetetion schedule can be tailored to the patient's sensitivity and severity of the problem with water doses, and it is difficult to do that with 'dry' pellets.

The aggravations are definitely less with water doses.

gavinimurthy last decade
Mr. Murthy,
In my experience, the dry dose sometimes produces immediate results - good or bad! The wet method seems to take longer to react is this normal? Thanks again
thekind78 last decade

Wet dose is milder, but its action is not slower. A wet dose allows you to repeat frequently, and hence cut shorts the time required for cure.

gavinimurthy last decade
Mr. Murthy,
Yes I think I understand. Milder is the better way to describe it. Since it is subtle it seems to take longer. Thanks again.
thekind78 last decade
Mr. Murthy,
Still after several days I am suffering from this reverse peristaltic activity. I have been trying to look into remedies myself but I would like to defer to your expertise if you have the time. I know you are quite busy on this forum! Like I said earlier, my stomach problems started 2 years ago after the death of my father. The initial symptoms were morning diarrhea with tremendous amounts of mucous. After a while, these symptoms subsided. The symptoms changed into frequent but ineffectual bowel movements - no mucous however. This is where I stand now. There is irregular peristalsis where there is urging for stool but when getting to toilet the stool seems to reverse back into intestines. This causes a tremendous headache mainly at the temples, eyes and sometimes back of the head. A stupor like effect to be honest with you. If you have any suggestions, they would be much appreciated. If, however, you are as vexed with the whole thing as I am(!) I totally understand and thank you in advance for your insights and guidance.
thekind78 last decade
Dear Kind

I am not vexed. Will never be on homeopathic matters.

This is what you said a few days before.

'Diarrhea has subsided, however in the afternoon immediately after lunch I have tremendous rumbling in the stomach and desire for bowel movement. The movement is ineffectual though, only passing wind. Immediately thereafter I feel a great headache behind the eyes and at the temples as well as a stupor like feeling in my head.'

'Ineffectual urging only in afternoon. Morning stools are normal. After lunch, which is really my first meal, immediate rumbling, feeling as if stool is in rectum, then when at toilet only pass wind. '

'The main recurring symptom is: ineffectual bowel movement in the afternoon after lunch. Followed by headache and faintness/stupor in the head. Even when overall symptoms and health improve, I am unable to remove this. '

and then the above post.

You said stools are normal in the morning, and the problem starts only after lunch.

What about breakfast? Don't you feel the same after breakfast? What do you normally take for breakfast?

What do you eat for lunch normally?

Once the headache starts, how does it get subsided? What do you do to get relief?Will it subside on its own? If so, at what time?

What happens after dinner? What food do you generally take for dinner?

Are you still feeling normal in the mrning and the problem starts only after lunch?

As I told you earlier, don't despair. You will be o.k.

Let me first understand you and your problem thoroughly.

Selection of the next medicine doesn't take much time. Getting details like these, and more importantly stabilisation of symptoms , is what I am waiting for.

gavinimurthy last decade
Mr. Murthy,
Thanks for your patience and dilligence. Here are my replies to your queries:

You said stools are normal in the morning, and the problem starts only after lunch.
This is usually true. There is no need for straining or ineffectuality of the bowels.

What about breakfast? Don't you feel the same after breakfast? What do you normally take for breakfast?
Normally a light breakfast, there is not much quantity of food. I do not feel the uneasiness that is accompanied with my afternoon meal, which tends to be a bit larger but not so much that it should warrant such a sense of discomfiture.

What do you eat for lunch normally?
Usually a sandwich and potato chips. I am a vegetarian.

Once the headache starts, how does it get subsided? What do you do to get relief?Will it subside on its own? If so, at what time?
Once headache starts, nothing usually quiets it down. Only some allopathic drug. Occasionally, if a correct bowel movement occurs
It will relieve the headache.

What happens after dinner? What food do you generally take for dinner?
A light dinner of fruits and breads. Generally, no feeling of rumbling in the stomach or uneasiness. As a matter of fact, I would have to say symptoms are better in the evening. Afternoons seem to be my worst part of the day.

Are you still feeling normal in the mrning and the problem starts only after lunch?
Primarily, yes after lunch

Thanks again.
thekind78 last decade
Mr. Murthy,
I wanted to say, the headaches seem to be from the peristaltic problems. There is a slight start before the urge to go to the bathroom then after I sit and am unable to pass stool there is a tremendous stupor like headache. Thanks for your help, very appreciated.
thekind78 last decade
O.K. Kind

Let me stdy this data. I will come back tomorrow.

gavinimurthy last decade
Dear Kind

Procure Nat.mur 30c, add 2 pellets to about 250ml .of water, shake thoroughly, and take just one smal sip.

Keep the capped bottle in the refrigerator, after labeling it as medicine.

Make sure that ther are no odors on you, around you and in your mouth while taking the medicine.

Report after two days. Only one dose. No repetetion please.

gavinimurthy last decade
As far as possible avoid cold food, and try to take hot food. Avoid anything sour, especially vinegar.

Take plenty of hot soups like tomato soup. Take whole grain bread as far as possible.

Drink atleast 3 litres of water per day. Try not to take water whie eating. If it is must, just take a sip. You can take as much as you want half an hour after eating.

gavinimurthy last decade
Mr. Murthy,
Thank you very much. Will do.
thekind78 last decade
Mr. Murthy,
A theoretical question for you. I still feel the effects of Nux V. THis is predominantly demonstrated in my reverse peristalsis. I read that Nux V antidotes Nat Mur. Do you think there can be any antidoting of Nat mur given the fact that perhaps I 'overdosed' on Nux V in the past? Thanks once again.
thekind78 last decade
No. The nux you took earlier can't antidote the nat.mur you take now.

gavinimurthy last decade
Hi patient nux cant antidote the good effect of our medicine it does it work nicely removing only the bad effect of other medicines.Thank you
Dr.Haran ch malaker last decade
Dr. Malaker and Mr. Murthy,
Thank you for your reply.
thekind78 last decade
Mr. Murthy,
The remedy seems to have worked. However, I feel a slight relapse. I simply cannot get rid of the reverse peristalsis problem. Should I continue with Nat Mur 30? A higher potency? Thanks as always for your help.
thekind78 last decade
Tell me why you feel the remedy worked. What changes did you observe?

gavinimurthy last decade
Mr. Murthy,
There was a relief the first day after taking the remedy of the main problem - i.e. peristalsis was normal and bowel movements not ineffectual. However, yesterday and today the problem has reappeared not to the extent it was before but still present.
thekind78 last decade

You please do exactly as detailed here, and come back if you have any doubts.

Succuss the remedy solution bottle thrice, by hitting it hard against your palm.

Take about 50ml. of water, in a cup, and mix a teaspoonful of the remedy from the remedy solution bottle in it, and mix thoroughly.

Take a tablespoonful from this cup,let it stay in your mouth for a few seconds before swallowing it.Throw away the rest of the water from the cup.

Store the RSB (remedy solution bottle) in the refrigerator.

Take the medicine on alternate days. The succussion before taking a fresh dose, and the subsequent procedure is to be followed, meticulously.

Make sure that there are no odors on you(perfumes etc), near you(in the room, incense sticks, deodorant sprays etc), and in your mouh while taking the medicine.

I am repeating the above caution, as the medicine is very likely to be antidoted in the process of taking itself, if it is exposed to strong odors.

Report after a week.

gavinimurthy last decade

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