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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Chronic Constipation Page 3 of 12

This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
hi sorry to change the subject, but has anyone heard of constipation caused by dairy products as a cyptom in a remedy picture?
irenek last decade
Kind/Murthy -
the same slippery boat indeed! i'm pleased to know Murthy's on board.

for some time now, i have been searching for a homeopath with experience treating sensitive patients by using medicinal solutions (the wet dose - as Murthy prescribed).the fruitless search turned into a catalyst to begin my own studies in homeopathy. the classic homeopath i was treated by strongly believes the minimum dose is defined by the potency/frequency of the remedy and not the quantity. this lead to all sorts of provings and aggravations.

thank you again Murthy for addressing how to dillute the quantity of the remedy. Kind - you have certainly perservered!

another thought for sensitive cases;
olfaction - holding the vial of the remedy under the nose, taking small short breaths or deep long breaths of the remedy, depending on the degree of sensitivity. i have just begun researching this option so i can't offer you any tangible/personal experience.

kinds regards,
natcam last decade
Good to hear from you. Regarding olfaction, do the remedies need to be in liquid form? Alcohol tincture?
thekind78 last decade
Yes. Olfaction is another possibility for sensitive patients.

A few pellets moistened with the liquid dilution too can be used for olfaction.

Hahn. says a single pellet moistened with the medicine can be used for olfaction many times.

gavinimurthy last decade
Hi Kind - go to the web page www.simillium.com at the very bottom of the page click on - 'Visit the Little Library' In the little library click on the article 'solutions large and small' towards the end of this article you'll find olfaction explained in detail.

best wishes
natcam last decade
Thanks Natcam, for reminding me too about this excellent article.


I am giving the clickable url here, so as we can refer to it easily.

gavinimurthy last decade
What happened when there is heavyness in the abdoman below the naval creating difficulty in walking, sitting and lying down although the stools are somesimte semi formed and in instalments.
Rajendra last decade
If symptoms are relieved for a day or so and then reappear, can we infer that a higher potency of same remedy is required?
thekind78 last decade
Yes. If you are better for a day, and the sympoms come back, the same medicine is to be repeated, after succussing the water potency,before taking, every day.

If the symptoms come back unchanged after two days, you have to repeat evey third day.

If you are better for a week, then the repetetion has to be once in a week.

Never repeat the dry potencies. The split dose method is the only way for repeating the medicine at suitable intervals.

gavinimurthy last decade
don't jump abruptly from 30c to 200c, the next day.

gavinimurthy last decade
Mr. Murthy,
It has been a week since my last dose of Sepia 30. The angina problems I had due to Nux have disappeared. However, the problem with my bowels - i.e. ineffectual bowel movements - still persist. Should I try repeating the Sepia course? Any suggestions much appreciated. Thanks again for your sincere efforts.
thekind78 last decade
What about the new symptom, frequent urination?

Has it also been resolved?

gavinimurthy last decade
Yes, frequent urination symptom resolved. Restless sleep still persists. Not sure if this is carry over from Nux.
thekind78 last decade

I just returned after a long drive.

I will review your case tomorrow.

gavinimurthy last decade
Hi Kind

While I review your case, here is more food for thought.


Please read it, and let me know your views.

gavinimurthy last decade
Mr. Murthy,
I am beginning to understand the efficacy of the liquid dose. Nux had wonderful results for me. Unfortunately, I repeated a dry dose of 1M. I waited out the aggravations for 3 weeks. After which it was simply intolerable. However, attempts to antidote only compounded the situation and here I am 4 months later with the same results! The irony is, I took Nux again initially to help with stuffed chest/nose after meals. The bowel symptoms were actually cleared at that time! Now they have reappeared. I see, however, that the liquid dose is the way for repetition of dosage. Thanks for your guidance and insights. Great article, I happened to read it once before but was under the impression that 'LM' was another potency. Does it refer to liquid dose or a higher potency?
thekind78 last decade
LM is another scale introduced in the sixth edition of Organon. It is a dilution of 1:50,000. C potencies are diluted in 1:100 scale.

The water doses concept is introduced in the 5th edition, which is originally for 'c' potencies.

The concept is extended to LM potencies.

So, any potency either c or LM can be given as water doses.

I will come back.

gavinimurthy last decade
Mr. Murthy,
Another question, how does one know when to move to higher potency? Say a remedy provides relief but only for a brief period, and then symptoms reappear, is it safe to assume that a higher potency should be used? Or, using liquid dose continue to repeat dose at original potency? Thanks again for your help.
thekind78 last decade
By succussing a liquid potency, before taking, we are in efect rising the potency, though slightly.

If a remedy has helped you, briefly, it is important to note how brief that period is, and repeat in succussed water dose at the appropriate interval, as mentioned earlier.

No need to jump from a 30c to a 200c, for example.

Suppose, at some point of time, even the succussed dose, completely fails to relieve, and there are no new symptoms, but the same old symptoms continue, it is time to pause and think.

There are two possibilities. One is to go to the next scale of potency, say from a 30c to 200c, or intervene with an intercurrent medicine, to remove possible miasmatic blockage.

gavinimurthy last decade
Mr. Murthy,

I am interested to know the answer of the below mentioned querry of the original writer specially on ineffectual bowl movement with your vast knowledge:

'It has been a week since my last dose of Sepia 30. The angina problems I had due to Nux have disappeared. However, the problem with my bowels - i.e. ineffectual bowel movements - still persist. Should I try repeating the Sepia course? Any suggestions much appreciated.'
Rajendra last decade
I am not in a hurry to prescribe. I want the symptoms to stabilise totally.

Sometimes a single dose works for three weeks or more. Since her angina problems are resolved, there can be gradual , imperceptible improvent in other aspects also.

We will know after a few more days.

Thanks for your concern.

gavinimurthy last decade
Mr. Murthy,
You won't believe this, but I am beginning to feel better! My bowel symptoms seem to be clearing up! I am wary to jump the gun and say I'm cured but I am feeling much better. Energy levels are improving, which I think is always a good sign. I will keep you posted. I can't thank you enough.
thekind78 last decade
O.K. Kind

It is good news.

gavinimurthy last decade
Mr. Murthy,
If I haven't vexed you already here's an update on my condition: I am now experiencing symptoms of diarroeah?! Energy levels are good, sleep somewhat restless but tolerable. Extreme flatulence and stomach distension immediately after a meal. Great rumbling in stomach after a meal. I am a beer drinker. I was thinking perhaps Aloe? Any thoughts? Thanks again.
thekind78 last decade
Hi Kind - still following. just wondering how long the digestive symptoms persisted before taking the nux/sepia. chronic symtoms require more of a constitutional remedy.
natcam last decade
Thanks for your concern. I've been suffering from what I think is IBS for at least 2 years now. There was a respite of about 3 months after a dose of 1m Nux. I repeated it ,foolishly, and have had all sorts of ups and downs since then. Mostly constipation,now, however, it is the other side! I'll never figure it out! Thanks for your reply.
thekind78 last decade

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