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PCOS, Thyroid tumor, Insulin Resistance, Lyme Disease, &more Page 2 of 28

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You are ordering the correct one .
sameervermani last decade
Hi Sameer,

It has now been 2 weeks since I took the remedy. On days 8 and 9 I felt an inner trembling all through my body. Like a constant electrical buzzing in my nervous system (an old symptom I've had off and on for years), and also a lot of numbness on the right side of my face and body (another old symptom popping up). I have also had deep aching pain in my joints and muscles, which I have had continually for many years now since getting lyme disease, but this was much more intense. It felt like arthritis all over my body. The past 3 mornings I have had trembling throughout my whole body upon waking in the morning. This is also something that I get occasionally. I have had diahrrea off and on all week and I have had no appetite or cravings for food at all. My skin problem seems to be getting a little better. So it seems as though there are a lot of symptoms surfacing at once. I still feel a little clearer mentally and calmer inside. I have also been extremely fatigued which is something I usually deal with anyway on a daily basis.
I'm looking forward to hearing your thoughts on all of this.

Thank you!
bethy380 last decade
Dear bethy,

this is the ideal response--mental amelioration with return of old physical symptoms.. let the carcinosin do its work.. it is not yet time to dose ..keep waiting and update me in 1 week.

sameervermani last decade
Okay Sameer. I will update you again in 1 week. I'm happy to know that this is an ideal response. That's great news!

Thank you!
bethy380 last decade
Hi Sameer,

It has been another week since I updated you last. I would say that all of the old symptoms that were popping up have pretty much disappeared and I haven't really noticed anything else new to tell you about.

I almost feel as if I'm slowly returning to the way I was before I took the remedy, not quite as peaceful feeling inside.

Even though my appetite and cravings subsided at first, it still seems impossible for me to lose even a pound of weight. My weight has been such a struggle for many years now and it doesn't seem to matter if I eat or starve myself, the weight just won't budge. It feels as if my body is trying to protect itself by holding onto every ounce it can.

I'm starting to feel the depression creeping back again like before the remedy. Almost like I'm withdrawing into myself. When I first took the remedy, that feeling disappeared immediately and now it seems to be slowly coming back.

I'm still waiting for the carcinosin 200c to be delivered from the UK. I'm hoping it will be here soon.
I understand you are on a vacation for a while and hope you are having a nice time! I look forward to hearing from you whenever you get a chance. Thank you again for your help!

bethy380 last decade
Whenever you get the Carcinosin 200, please do the following,

dissolve 2 drops or 2 pellets of carcinosin 200 in 250 ml spring water, stir and take a teaspoon from there JUST ONCE. nothing should enter the mouth 1 hr before and 1 hr after the dose.

Report in 10 days after the dose.
sameervermani last decade
Thank you, I will do that and report back to you!
bethy380 last decade
Hi Sameer,

I just wanted to tell you that I took carcinosin 200c 2 days ago and I seem to be having quite an aggravation. I've been feeling very down emotionally since taking it and at first it felt as though everything was moving in slow motion. I have this sick feeling in the pit of my stomach with some anxiety. I have had a lot of stomach distress with terrible diarrhea that woke me up out of a sound sleep at 2:30 am, nausea, weakness and shakiness. I'm wondering if this is okay because when I first took carcinosin 30c, I felt so happy and peaceful initially and didn't get such a strong aggravation. I know it hasn't been 10 days, but I was just wondering what you would think of this.
Thank you!
bethy380 last decade
Hi Bethy,

I think we repeated a bit early.

Please keep waiting, as this aggravation will always be followed by long term improvements.

We must wait for 2 weeks now.

sameervermani last decade

This was definitely my fault because I wasn't feeling well this past Sunday and I attributed it to the weather. Now I realize it was still the 30c doing its work. I should have contacted you and you probably would have told me to wait a little longer before taking the 200c. Instead, I took it that night hoping it would help to make me feel better.
Do you think I screwed up the healing process because of this?
Another question: Are there the same restrictions as far as coffee and everything else with the 200c potency as well?

I appreciate the time you are spending on this!!

bethy380 last decade
Hi Bethy,

This should not derail the process of healing.

We might need to wait out for a long period before re-dosing now.

You can take coffee now in moderation.

sameervermani last decade
Thanks Sameer! I'll be in touch.

bethy380 last decade
Hi Sameer,

I hope you are doing well!

It has been 2 weeks since I took one dose of carc 200c.
and I wanted to update you on everything.

The first week:

*For the first few hours everything felt like it was in slow motion

*Felt very 'down' emotionally

*Really bad diarrhea, nausea and stomach distress

*Weak and shakey

*I had extreme fatigue, was achy all over in joints and muscles (felt like arthritis all over body).

*Felt calm but still no feeling of happiness or joy like I did with the initial 30c dose

*acne(large red cysts on chin, jaw, neck and chest area) seemed a tiny bit better but hirsuitism is the same

*food cravings are better but still desire chocolate

*Had a bad Lyme reaction at the end of the first week with tremors and convulsions. I get these every so often, but this was a particularly strong episode that lasted about 20 minutes.

Second week:

*Extremely exhausted all the time. All I can do is sit or lie down and haven't been able to do very much. Feel like I look really haggard from being so tired.

*Right hand twitches constantly (forgot to mention this before). Very noticable if I'm sitting still and reading a book. It seemed to have gotten a little better with the 30c dose but is back again. I'm also noticing my left hand starting to do the same thing for the first time.

*Very depressed and sad for a couple of days with feeling of being surrounded by darkness

*This sadness made me remember a time when I was 7 or 8 years old and I had some kind of depressive episode happen. I had always been a very happy, energetic child with a lot of friends and one day I went to school and I couldn't seem to speak to anyone. I felt like I was stuck inside myself and couldn't get out. Almost like I was paralyzed inside with emotions. There was also a feeling of darkness surrounding me. That's about the time I started having nightmares of being chased by a man in a dark suit down a long, dark corridor and I would wake up just before he caught me. I had this dream for years and years. This depression seemed to stay with me to a certain degree for a long time although I tried not to let on. I believe I started to feel very different from everyone else and to this day I still feel that way, like I don't really belong.

* My nails have been peeling and not growing very well for about a year now. I'm wondering if it is thyroid related.

*Not sure if this means anything, but I seem to sweat under my arms all the time even if I'm really cold. I'm constantly applying deoderant even when the rest of my body is either comfortable or cold.

*Still craving chocolate

*Still can't lose any weight. I'm dieting but gaining anyway. I used to be attractive as a young girl and into my twenties and I'm wondering if the weight is for self-protection or fear of attention somehow. I've also been told it could be my body's way of dealing with the illness (Lyme).

*Looking back at everything I realized I hadn't mentioned that I have dealt with OCD and bulemia over the years.

Well, I know this is a lot of information. I hope it can help in some way.

Thanks for your help Sameer!

bethy380 last decade
Hi Again Sameer,

I forgot to ask you something. The last time I went to my endocrinologist for the diabetes and PCOS, he told me about a new treatment for PCOS. It's an injection made from lizard spit from the 'Gila Monster' lizard that seems to be quite successful. It's a fairly new trial without a lot of side-effect data and it's quite expensive so I'm very reluctant to try it. I'm wondering if there is a homeopathic remedy that might be similar to this and if you think it would fall into my treatment somewhere or not.

Thanks again!

bethy380 last decade
Please wait for a few days, I will respond to this as soon as possible.
sameervermani last decade
Will do!

Thank you!!
bethy380 last decade
Hi Sameer,

I know you are still really busy! I just wanted to add in some more info to the above so I don't forget.

Speaking of forgetting, my memory is absolutely terrible and seems to be getting worse. This also started with the Lyme but it seems like it's much worse the past few months. I have to write everything down.

- I'm not feeling quite as overwhelmed by everything since taking the carc 200c. which is good!

- still getting tired very easily

- sometimes I feel like I can't breathe

- looking back at earlier info, I forgot to mention that I had 2 miscarriages around the age of 20 and since then I notice that I always lactate a little first thing in the morning. Also, my uterus has always been distended since then. My doctor says it is the size of a 14 wk pregnancy even though I'm not pregnant.

- I always get this strange pressure behind my eyes, like it's in the middle of my brain and it's usually accompanied by swelling and weight gain in my face and body. Have always wondered if my weight problem was caused from a hormonal or neurotransmitter imbalance.

- My weight problem is really bothering me!

-still feeling calmer inside and not as sad

- still feeling insecure as well as jealous and suspicious of only my boyfriend. I feel like I'm not good enough, pretty enough, etc. I really struggle with this and he has no idea I feel this way. I usually struggle with things in silence because I don't want to seem ridiculous.

- still having feelings of inner paralysis when it comes to starting projects or doing things that I know need to be done. Sometimes, even if I'm just calling a friend to say hello, I get this feeling inside that I'm just not sure if I can talk. I'm not afraid to, it's just something that grips me inside and keeps me from doing it.

Thank you!!
bethy380 last decade

Do you have a mild/yielding temperament or you tend to be assertive ?

I have analyzed the information at hand and have various remedies in mind, but we will need to differentiate further.

Do you tend to be timid ?

Also, tell me more about your jealousy feelings.

Do you have a lot of inertia while starting new things ?

Do you have a strong desire to be safe and be in your comfort zone most of the time ?

So, you feel very good by the sea-shore for sure ?
sameervermani last decade
Hi Sameer,

I would say that I have a mild/yielding temperament and I don't tend to be assertive at all.

I'm not really timid unless faced with confrontation which I definitely shrink away from. I would say I try to be agreeable at all times so that people aren't upset with me, but not really timid if that makes sense. I will stand up for myself if necessary. I can't stand it when people are mad at me though, even if it's something trivial. It stays with me for a long time. It's like I need approval that I'm doing and saying things the right way. Also, I hardly ever feel angry, usually hurt.

As far as jealousy goes, I'm not sure if that's what it is or not, but I definitely have suspicious feelings. I'm never jealous of other people's accomplishments or posessions and I always feel very happy for others and what they have. I never feel envious of others. I only feel 'jealous' when my boyfriend gets a little flirtatious with other women in front of me and then I start to feel extremely insecure, like I'm not good enough, etc. I will start comparing myself to the other person and of course I never measure up. It bothers me tremendously. I think it's more of a hurt feeling inside and maybe not so much jealousy. It definitely has to do with my insecurities. I do feel suspicious that he might be communicating with someone else behind my back even though I have no reason to feel this way. It's very upsetting because I have never had these feelings before in my life. I feel like it's a trust issue and I can't seem to let it go. It just doesn't make sense to me that I would develop these feelings since I never felt this way in other relationships with men.

Yes, I have a lot of inertia while starting new things! That's where the inner paralysis usually comes in and the fear of failure.

Yes, I have a strong desire to be safe and in my comfort zone! I sometimes feel very vulnerable when I'm out in public. I've always been uncomfortable with people looking at me and feel like I'm always being judged on some level.

Yes, I definitely feel good by the ocean mentally and emotionally but not so much physically anymore due to my muscle and joint pains. I grew up near the ocean and it could be a comfort zone thing also. Right now I live in the desert and I definitely miss being near the ocean!

I wanted to tell you that I'm feeling better mentally, and the sadness and depression are definitely better! I'm feeling calmer and happier inside. My muscle and joint pains have improved. Even my skin seems a little better.

I'm not sure if this means anything, but usually if I overdo it physically or if I stand or walk too long, I get terrible uterine cramps that last for quite a while then usually go away by the next day. It seems to have nothing to do with my period.

Do you think we need to go further with carcinosin before changing remedies since I'm seeing some improvement, or do you feel that it has done all it can do for me?

Thanks Sameer!

bethy380 last decade
Hi Bethy,

We can try giving Carcinosin a bit longer, as it is always a good idea to make sure that the remedy has done all it could before changing remedies.

So, let us keep waiting till the end of this month.

Update me at that time.

sameervermani last decade
Sounds good! Is there a remedy you think I should order from helios in the meantime or would you rather I wait? It usually takes 7-10 days to get to me.

bethy380 last decade
mmm.. I am not sure we will use it but if we decide to go with Carcinosin further at that time, then it would be the 1M potency.

Rest of the remedies might not need to be ordered from Helios as they are available in US.
sameervermani last decade
Ok then, I'll just wait to see what you think when the time comes and order it then.

Thank you again for all your help! It is greatly appreciated!!

bethy380 last decade
Hi Sameer,

I wasn't planning to write to you for at least another week but I've had a migraine headache for almost 24 hours and I'm wondering if you think it could be the remedy at work or something else. I used to get migraines every 7-10 days for years until I had the thyroid tumor removed along with half of my thyroid gland this past August. Since then I haven't had any migraines at all until yesterday so I was kind of surprised to get one.
What are your thoughts on this and what do you think I should do, if anything?

Thanks Sameer!

bethy380 last decade
Old symptoms can come up during treatment.

This is a passing phase and should not last long.

Keep waiting.
sameervermani last decade
Hi again,

I just starting getting some sinus draining and realized that this could maybe be a sinus headache or cold. I just found out that my boyfriend is having the same problem and I'm wondering if we've both caught a sinus cold. Now I'm not sure if this is an old symptom or something new. I'm also starting to get hot, watery eyes and a hot face.
If this is a sinus cold or infection, do you still suggest waiting it out since it still might be old symptoms or should it be treated with something if it gets worse? I don't want to interfere with the progress from the remedy, but if you think I should have something on hand, I do live near a Whole Foods and can pick something up to treat this if necessary.
Looking forward to your opinion.

Thank you!
bethy380 last decade

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