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I forgot to tell you about a really strange symptom I have. Just about every time I drink cold water(not warm or hot) I get terrible heartburn. I've had this for quite a long time but was able to control it with a strong prescription antacid for many years which I recently decided to stop taking. Even while on the antacid, if I forgot to take it for one night, the problem would immediately come back and now that I'm off of it completely, the problem is with me most of the time now.
I'm not sure if this will help, but thought I'd mention it anyway.

Thanks again!!
bethy380 last decade
Hi again Sameer,

Just another quick update. I woke up this morning feeling a little depressed with some anxiety. I'm feeling a little down on myself, like I'm a big failure in life. I guess this has been coming on gradually for the past day or so. I'm still very tired and can't imagine having to do anything today or even talk to anyone and there is so much I need to do to get ready for my trip. I guess I'm feeling a little overwhelmed.

bethy380 last decade
Hi Bethy,

Please give me a day or 2 to analyze this.

sameervermani last decade
Okay, that sounds good Sameer!

bethy380 last decade
I just wanted to add a few things Sameer. I'm starting to feel very insecure and I constantly need reassurance from my boyfriend that he loves me and thinks I look good. Even if he tells me what I want to hear, I keep feeling this need to be reassured quite often. I also keep thinking of incidents from the past that really bothered me. It's like every terrible thing that I said or did, even as a kid, is coming back to me and just making me cringe inside even though I know it's really minor stuff. Also my OCD seems to be much worse today.
I also have a problem understanding why people like me. I know this is strange, but people seem to really like me and deep down inside I can't inderstand why because I feel like such a failure and like I don't measure up to anyone's standards. If I get compliments I'm very thankful to the person giving the compliment but inside I just don't believe them because when I look in the mirror all I see is ugliness. I don't think anyone has a clue that I feel this way about myself. I think I must come across as being secure and put together.
Something else that I have always had a hard time with is that when I talk I either feel like nobody hears me or that they are looking at me like they don't understand a word I'm saying. It makes me feel like I'm really unintelligent.
It seems like all of these feelings are kind of appearing all of a sudden and I thought I should mention them in case they might help somehow.

Thanks as always Sameer!!

bethy380 last decade
Hi Bethy,

Do you have a fear that you mental confusion/condition will be observed or noticed ?

Think carefully and answer.

sameervermani last decade
Hi Sameer,

I'm not really sure how to answer that but I don't think so. As a child I couldn't stand to have people look at me or notice any flaws that I might have and the thought of public speaking would make me physically ill, but now, as an adult, I don't think I really have a fear that my insecurities will be observed or noticed. I guess I assume that people already think of me the way that I think of myself.

It's very surprising to me,though, when someone looks up to me or asks for my advice or even compliments me. As a matter of fact, I had lunch with a neighbor recently and she said she admired my personality and wished she was more like me, which just blew me away because I just don't see it. I think it's really a major case of self-loathing that I have which I developed as a young girl. So I guess the answer is no.

I must say that I definitely don't like it when someone criticizes me in any way. It stays with me for a long time and makes me feel even more like a failure.

Something else is that people always seem to open up to me about very private things, even if I hardly know them.

Well, I hope some of this makes sense.

Thank you,
bethy380 last decade
Hi Sameer,

I just wanted to add one more thing. It's kind of hard for me to describe but I almost feel like I'm having some type of detatchment from myself and my life. Maybe that's why I feel so overwhelmed by everything and why I desperately want to see myself as others do. I remember when I was about 9 years old I had a major feeling of detatchment, like all of a sudden I changed and was observing my life from the outside rather than actually experiencing it from the inside. I hope this makes sense somehow.

Thanks as always Sameer!

bethy380 last decade
Dear Bethy,

I need a bit of help from you. Please read about Thuja from here:


and let me know what you think about this remedy picture.
sameervermani last decade
Hi Sameer,

I looked over the description for Thuja and I definitely feel as though I have a lot of similarities:

- lack of self-esteem and feelings of worthlessness & depression
- loneliness and sadness from a sense of being separate
- spending great energy to portray a pleasing and expected image to the world
- chronic fatigue
- connective tissue disorder
- ovarian cysts and uterine fibroids
- effects from vaccinations
- left frontal headaches
- acne problems

There are some symptoms that don't really seem to match like being secretive or deceptive and lying. I actually have a great intolerance to lying. Also my complaints are usually right sided instead of left sided and I usually have complaints due to warmth rather than chilliness, but I realize that not everything will match completely and that a lot of these major symptoms that I have do match this description.

I think it sounds like a good remedy to cover these recent symptoms that are surfacing.

Were there any others that you were also considering?

Thanks so much for your time Sameer!!

bethy380 last decade
Please read about Medorrhinum from here


Also, there are shades of Lycopodium as well , as Lycopodium is very afraid of confrontation and becomes mild natured to keep the peace. He/She attempts to please people because there is great fear of social rejection. In this process, Lycopodium can put his/her friends before family, and even though he/she is not at all close to the friends, he will do anything to keep in favour with them.
Lycopodium is a very diplomatic person when in this state. But, Lycopodium is also a bit more of an opportunist, and hence I am a bit hesitant about this remedy.
sameervermani last decade
Hi Sameer,

I have read the info about Medorrhinum and Lycopodium. I see some similarities with both of these remedies also.

With Medorrhinum I have extreme sensitivity, poor memory, forgetfulness, claustrophobia, fear of heights, sensitivity to reprimand, strict parents, repression as a child, desire to procrastinate, trouble with exams as a kid, and I get hurt at the slightest comment. The traits that are not similar to me are: self-centeredness, poor sense of responsibility, impatience, and easily startled.

With Lycopodium I have low self-esteem, low confidence, withdrawn, shy introverted at times, sometimes feel like a loner(even though I enjoy company and have many friends), claustrophobia, fear of people, anxiety about health, conflicts and career, crave sweets, gastrointestinal complaints, ovarian cysts and uterine fibroids. The traits that are not similar to me are: love of power, egotistical, fear of long term commitments, bullying, domineering, arrogant and opportunistic.

It is very difficult for me to choose one out of the 3 remedies but I think I'm leaning toward the first remedy you mentioned, Thuja.

What do you think Sameer?
bethy380 last decade
Hi Bethy,

All the remedies seem to be contra-indicated in some way, and that means, I am missing something. Let me think more about this, and then I will get back to you.

sameervermani last decade
Okay Sameer, that sounds good.
I just wanted to tell you that I was reading up on the personalities of the three remedies a little further and I think that I do seem to resonate quite a bit with Thuja as compared to the other two. There was something that I read that said the Thuja personality feels as though they will never be well physically no matter what they do and how hard they try( I have felt this way very strongly for quite a long time) and also that it's very hard for them to lose weight because their metabolism can get so slow. There was also something about feeling pregnant even when they're not and I have felt that way many times over the years. There were a few other things too that I can't recall at the moment.

I could be wrong but I think the medorrhinum personality is a bit too strong compared to mine. I feel that I am much more reserved and keep things inside more.

I'm still not sure about Lycopodium. I definitely don't resonate with the domineering, arrogant and egotistical aspects of the remedy but I know that not everything will always apply.

I hope some of this helps.

I look forward to your opinion.

Thank you,
bethy380 last decade
Okay Sameer, that sounds good.

I just wanted to tell you that I was reading up a little further on the three remedies and I feel like I resonate more with Thuja than the other two. I read something about the Thuja personality feeling as though they will never get well no matter what they do or how hard they try( I have felt this way for a very long time). Also I read something about feeling like they are pregnant even when they are not. I have experienced this feeling many times over the years. There were some other things too that I can't think of at the moment.

The medorrhinum personality seems to be quite a bit stronger than mine. I think I might be more reserved and I'm extremely patient.

I'm still not sure about Lycopodium. I definitely don't resonate with the domineering, egotistical and arrogant aspects of the remedy but I know that not every symptom will apply.

I hope some of this helps.

Looking forward to your opinion!

Thanks Sameer!!

bethy380 last decade
Sorry, I thought I lost the info, so I hit the button more than once.
bethy380 last decade
I have a question Sameer.
With Thuja, can a person feel as though their mind is separate from their body? Sometimes when I feel the sensation like I'm blowing up like a ballon with my weight, I feel as though my body has a 'mind' of its own and I have no control over it. Is this Thuja or could it be something else?
bethy380 last decade
Hi Bethy,

I analyzed the case and several remedies come to the front, Puls leads the way along with Carcinosin, and is closely followed by Lycopodium and Medorrhinum and lastly Cocculus Indicus.

Also, can you please clarify if you get ailments from travelling (you mention motion sickness) ?

And, do you get numbness in the right half of your body (you mention right half of face) ?

Also, you uncover your feet at night still ?

sameervermani last decade
Hi Sameer,

I have read the descriptions of the remedies and I agree with you that Pulsatilla and Carcinosin are the strongest choices.


- easily dominated and influenced
- strong family figure(mother)
- needs support and reassurance
- sympathetic and sentimental
- shyness- makes excellent contact with others but has initial shyness
- strong desire for affection
- desires comforting and consolation
- often asks 'Do you love me?'
- can become VERY irritable
- stubborn
- changeability of physical complaints
- increase in body heat aggravates; worse in warm room
- better in open air
- fears heights, claustrophobia & robbers(recently has started bothering me)
- hirsutism
- dry mouth but no thirst
- history of hayfever
- crave sweets
- averse to butter and pork
- abdominal distension
- palpitations- worse lying on left side
- fibrocystic breasts
- back pain before menses(kidney area)
- pains in heels
- arthritic pains in hips and knees(also hands and neck)
- heat in feet & must put feet out of covers
- anxiety & depression
- history of migraines
- weight problem


- chemical & food allergies
- changeability of symptoms
- chronic fatigue
- anemia
- diabetes
- indigestion
- stomach gas(just started in the past week or so)
- physical exertion aggravates
- thalassemia
- Great fear of spiders & other insects
- intuitive
- artistic
- very long eyelashes
- brown cafe au lait spots(one on stomach & one in back of neck)
- acne
- ovarian cysts & uterine fibroids
- likes thunderstorms
- fear of failure & heights
- feelings of guilt
- weather extremes aggravate
- better by seashore & open air
- inflammation of joints
- excessive weariness & fatigue
- weight problem
- ill effects from vaccines
- history of cancer in family
- tumors, fibroids & keloids
- hormonal imbalance
- history of abuse
- aversion to reprimand
- aversion to eggs
- desires chocolate & sweets
- aggravation from alcohol, wine, coffee, milk, eggs & meat
- feeling of heaviness in forehead
- headaches from exertion
- headaches above left eye
- headaches worse from stormy weather
- heart palpitations
- twitching(right hand)
- at times aching in thighs- better with heat
- arthritis pains
- enlarged liver
- sometimes speech stammers
- clothing on neck aggravates
- thyroid disorder
- history of sinus problems
- history of hayfever
- wounds are slow to heal
- at times sleeplessness from anticipation
- unrefreshing sleep(always)
- sleep on right side
- anxiety in pit of stomach
- heartburn
- at times nausea in morning
- nausea at beginning of menses
- motion sickness
- history of bulimia

Phew, this is quite the list of similarities! Sorry it's so long, I wanted to be as thorough as I could.

As well as the motion sickness, I do get extremely exhausted from traveling and get very anxious beforehand.

When I get the numbness, it is mostly on the right side of my face but at times I have felt it down the whole right side of my body. I would say also that the right side of my body is always weaker then the left.

Yes, I do still uncover my feet at night.

Thanks Sameer!!

bethy380 last decade
Hi Bethy,

I would recommend a single dose of Pulsatilla 200c, by dissolving 2 pellets in 120 ml water, and taking a sip from there.

Report in 1 week after that.

sameervermani last decade
Hi Sameer,

I'm leaving on my trip in about 10 days. Can you recommend a reliable remedy source on the west coast who might be able to ship Pulsatilla 200c to me within the next week or so? Helios can sometimes take up to 2 weeks to get to me.
I do have Pulsatilla 30c if you think that might be okay to start with while I'm waiting for the 200c.

What do you think Sameer?

bethy380 last decade
Hmm.. you can take a single dose of 30c for now, but I would like to try 200c before passing a verdict.

I think www.remedysource.com might be worth considering
sameervermani last decade
Okay, that sounds good.

Thank you very much for all the time and energy you have put into my case! I greatly appreciate all the help you are giving me!!

bethy380 last decade
Hi Sameer,

This is the 7th day after taking a single dose of Pulsatilla 30c. Here is my update:

Day 1:

- feeling calmer
- very tired

Day 2:

- feeling of having a head cold
- sinus pressure and draining
- headache above left eye which turned into a sinus headache
- sweating

Day 3:

- headache gone upon waking
- a little more energy today
- sinus pain and pressure in the afternoon
- feeling calmer inside
- felt irritable in the evening and a little depressed

Day 4:

- woke up still feeling a little depressed
- depression better by mid-afternoon
- irritable again in the evening

Day 5:

- diarrhea
- tired but not quite as bad
- calm inside
- hard marble-sized nodule has appeared under chin(recurring)

Day 6:

- feeling good mentally
- still tired with low stamina
- diarrhea is gone but stomach feels bloated
- lump under chin is getting smaller

Day 7:

- mentally felt good in the morning
- very tired still with low stamina
- exhausted by mid-afternoon
- still having sensation of a bloated stomach

Today I was shocked to see a picture of myself that was taken the other day. I almost didn't recognize myself. I look extremely tired with deep indented circles under my eyes and I look like I've aged about 10 years in the past few months. I actually feel like I'm aging by the minute but I didn't see it in myself until this photo.
This has really depressed me today because I just can't believe the change in my physical appearance. I feel like this is happening very rapidly all of a sudden.

Sameer, I was wondering, have you ever heard of this happening to anyone and does Pulsatilla cover this problem?

Thank you!!

bethy380 last decade
Hi Bethy,

Did you get 200c of the remedy ?

About your looking 'aged' ,we have a symptom called
'face; expression, old looking' , and it is not covered by Pulsatilla.

sameervermani last decade
Hi Sameer,

The 200c hasn't arrived yet. I ordered it last thursday so it should be here soon.

The symptom you mentioned is definitely what I have. What remedy covers this symptom?

bethy380 last decade

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