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Sorry saw your latest post.

Go to LM3 in that case, and dose with just 1 drop in 250 ml, same number of hits.

Dose once every week.
[message edited by sameervermani on Thu, 10 Nov 2011 17:14:14 GMT]
sameervermani last decade
Ok, thank you Sameer! I will definitely order that. I think I will need to get that from Helios. They have a minimum order so is there anything else I should get at the same time?

bethy380 last decade
Get Med LM4 as well.
sameervermani last decade
Hi Sameer,

I have had a migraine headache over my left eye for 2 days now. I was in bed all day yesterday with it and it's still with me today. It seemed to coincide with the start of my period(as it always does), although my period has only been spotty this time. Since I had my appendix removed in September, my period never came last month and this month just spotting, where usually it is very normal and on time.
I received an email from Helios saying that my remedies won't be here for up to 2 weeks. Is there something I can take for this headache in the meantime? It feels like a knife above my left eye with sinus pain and pressure and a little sinus drainage. The same time that the headache started, I also started getting heart skipping. This also seems common for me a day or 2 before my period starts, then it usually goes away, which it has. It's just a strange symptom that I was told is caused from a sudden drop in estrogen right before a period. I think a lot of these symtoms are definitely hormone related.
I have also been having a strange feeling of internal trembling along with weakness. My doctor wants me to have an iron IV this week because of my anemia problem, and possibly once a month.

Should I take another Med LM2 dose, or maybe something else for the headache?

Thank you,
bethy380 last decade
What are the symptoms of the headache ?

What makes it better/worse? Times of aggravation ?
What other symptoms (in other body parts) accompanies it ?
sameervermani last decade
Hi Sameer,

The headache is finally better tonight after 2 days even though I'm still a little nauseas and really sensitive to loud noises right now. This always happens a day or two before my period, which definitely seems like a hormonal issue. I can definitely count on getting a bad migraine headache every month.
It starts out as a frontal headache, between my eyes and always ends up as constant knife-like pain above my left eye. Sometimes it moves around to the back of my head on the left side, but is predominantly over my left eye. It is usually always accompanied by heart arrythmias only on the day before my period starts. This time I also had a lot of neck pain into my shoulder on my left side at the same time. Applying heat to my neck made it feel a little bit better.
I can't tolerate bright light or sound when I get one of these headaches, I can only have it quiet. Any quick movements will make me dizzy and nauseas, like motion sickness. Pressure makes it feel better.
Usually I just want to get in bed and lay on either side and just wait it out, usually 1-2 days. I find it hard to lay on my back with the head pain. I also usually feel very weak, shaky and nauseas when I have this headache.
Normally, I'm not very hungry when it hits, but this time I felt constantly hungry, even when I ate something, I would still feel hungry. Also, this time I had a weird electrical buzzing sensation in my lower abdomen and upper thighs, which is actually still happening right now.
I usually feel very irritable with this headache and I just want to be alone.
The headache will usually start 1-2 days before my period and then will go away once my period starts, but this time the headache started with my spotting, it still lasted the same amount of time, 2 days, and I never really got a normal period, just light spotting.
I think the appendix surgery really screwed up my cycle, kind of a shock to my system maybe, but the headaches are still the same as usual.

I hope this all makes sense.
Thanks Sameer!

bethy380 last decade
Dear Bethy,

Please take a single dose of BRYONIA ALBA 200c, and report after 3 days.
sameervermani last decade
Ok, will do.

Thanks so much Sameer!

bethy380 last decade
Hi Sameer,

My local remedy source doesn't have Bryonia 200C on hand so it will have to be ordered. I already have Bryonia 30C so can I take that until the 200C comes in?

bethy380 last decade
Yes, take a single dose.
sameervermani last decade
Sounds good.

Thanks Sameer!!
bethy380 last decade
HI Sameer,

I have been feeling better since I took Bryonia 30C the other day. The headache pain and pressure improved and I seemed to be in a better mood than usual. I felt happier and more able to accomplish things.

Yesterday I started to feel a little weepy and about an hour ago I started getting another headache located in the center of my forehead between my eyes. It feels better with pressure and it hasn't gotten too bad yet, but this is how it usually starts. I also have aching pain in the back of my neck, same as usual when I get these headaches.

I received the Bryonia 200C as well as the Med LM3 and LM4 in the mail today. Should I take the Bryonia 200C since I am starting with another headache?

Thank you,
bethy380 last decade
Yes, please go to BRYONIA 200c, single dose.
sameervermani last decade
Thank you Sameer!

Have a Happy Thanksgiving!!

bethy380 last decade
Hi Sameer,

I took Bryonia 200C last Wednesday and since then I have been feeling very tired and a little irritable and depressed. Today the ocd came back quite a bit and I'm feeling a little bit of anxiety tonight.

What do you think so far Sameer?

bethy380 last decade
Hi Sameer,

I'm still feeling quite a bit of anxiety tonight and still irritable. A couple of times today I felt like I was on the verge of an anxiety attack, like I was starting to find it hard to take in a breath. I'm also feeling a little more withdrawn tonight. I don't really want to talk to or be near anyone. Kind of like I'm retreating back into my shell.
I've kind of been snapping at my husband since yesterday and I have felt very impatient with everything. The slightest things are just very irritating and annoying to me. I'm getting very overwhelmed again. I'm also feeling a lot more tired than usual. There are things I need to get accomplished and I just have no desire to do anything at all.

Do you think this is all a good sign Sameer?
Looking forward to your opinion.

Thank you,
bethy380 last decade
Hi Sameer,

Hope you are doing well!

I just wanted to give you an update. The past few weeks I haven't been feeling very well. I have been extremely tired and the heart arrythmias started getting much worse two days ago. I have a skipped beat every few minutes. I usually get a heart skipping sensation a few times a week, but now it's back to every few minutes. Almost the same as a couple of years ago when you recommended that I take Thuja, which helped tremendously. I think the highest dose of Thuja that I took was 1M back in July of 2010. I'm also getting frontal headaches and have had a lot of neck pain and stiffness. My weight is still creeping up and since my appendix was removed in September, I have gained another 10 pounds, which makes me about 60-70 lbs overweight. A few weeks ago I noticed a small, round rash about the size of a quarter from a bug bite on my left shin. I'm worried it might be a Lyme rash from a tick because it looks like a red ring around the edge with a white center. That's about the time when I started feeling much more tired and have continually felt worse over the past few weeks. I'm concerned that this could be what is affecting my heart rhythm too.

What do you think Sameer?

bethy380 last decade
bumping up for Sameer:)
bethy380 last decade
Hi Sameer,

Just adding to the above posts. I ended up at the emergency room Friday night and they kept me overnight for observation on a heart monitor. I was having chest pain, shortness of breath and arrythmias. They sent me home with a beta blocker which makes me feel terrible and brought my blood pressure down too low so I am waiting to hear back from the doctor about that. Today I am still getting a lot of arrythmias. I have to do a stress/echo test on Wed. The doctor thinks it is lyme related. I have no energy at all and I was awake most of the night with arrythmias. I'm also getting occasional pains in the center of my chest. Sometimes it is a burning pain the lingers and at other times it is a sharp pain that only lasts a few seconds. I also have a dull aching pain in my back on the left side just below the shoulder blade. Just very tired, shaky and weak feeling.

Looking forward to your opinion:)

bethy380 last decade
Hi Bethy,

In the last few months, which remedy made you feel the best ?
sameervermani last decade
Hmm...I know this isn't very helpful, but I just really don't know the answer to that. Bryonia helped with headaches, but I also haven't felt very well physically since I started on it. Before that, I felt a little better initially on Sepia and then started to not feel well again. It seems as though I progress a little and then go back to feeling lousy again. I know that back in 2009, Thuja helped quite a bit with the heart arrythmias. I think the remedy that stands out the most to me is Carcinosin in 2008. Mentally I felt better when I initially started on it. I think that it was the only remedy where I actually felt happiness again. Also, I remember that Phosphorous was helpful but it's hard for me to pinpoint any partcular remedy recently. I feel like my body is so sensitive to everything and I am easily susceptible to aggravations even after I start to feel better mentally. Does this make sense at all?

Thanks Sameer!!

bethy380 last decade
Hi Sameer,

Do you think I should try Thuja again since it helped the heart arythmias in the past? I took 3 doses of Thuja 30C in April 2010, 1 dose of Thuja 200C in May of 2010, and 1 dose of Thuja 1M in July of 2010. These are the only ones I have on hand, anything else I would need to order.

Today I am still feeling awful. I'm still getting the arrythmias. I have burning pain in the center of my chest, back pain below my left shoulder blade and some burning, aching pain in my left shoulder and upper arm. I feel weak and shaky, and have no energy at all.

bethy380 last decade
Hi Bethy,

What do you think are the main issues bothering you these days ?

Please provide detailed information. We need to start afresh as this is not going anywhere.

sameervermani last decade
Hi Sameer,

Here is a fresh list of symptoms:


- heart symptoms- arrythmias(skipping, extra beat every few minutes), sometimes shortness of breath, burning pain in center of chest and shoulder, sharp pains that last for a few seconds

- weakness, shakiness, sometimes internal trembling

- hormonal symptoms- hirsutism, acne along jawline and under chin, oily hair, overweight, hair thinning, uterine fibroids, ovarian cysts, enlarged uterus

- change in menses since appendix removal in Sept.- skipped altogether the next month; spotted slightly the 2nd month after the operation; this month it lasted only 1-2 days with spotting (used to be heavier and longer up to 5 days)

- fatigue- feel exhausted all of the time, never feel rested

- extremely sensitive to odors and noise; allergies to certain medications and chemicals

- feel physically agitated quite often

- neck pain and arthritis- aching, stiff pain worse with bad weather

- headaches are better but I did have a slight frontal headache 3 days ago

Mental symptoms:

- ocd

- irritability

- depression, sadness, emotionally flat, feeling of emptiness

- feel like a failure, afraid of failing and disappointing others

- feel stuck, like I can't progress physically and in other areas

- always feel like I'm making the wrong decisions

- always feel like I'm being judged by others

- I had a picture in my mind of how I wanted my life to be and I feel very disappointed in the way it is turning out.

- I feel afraid of dying and think about it often

- I worry about how I sound to people when I talk, like I need to filter everything I say. I'm afraid that I don't sound intelligent enough or what I say won't make sense to anyone.

- I have a lot of insecurities, but most people are totally unaware of this about me. I always put on a 'happy face' even when I'm having a bad day. I'm afraid people will find out that I'm not the person they think I am.

- I find that people open up to me with their personal issues, even if I hardly know them.

- I feel guilty quite a bit

- I am a frustrated artist.
I haven't felt well enough to pursue an art career and at this point I feel like it's too late to even try. I also feel as though I'm not good enough at it as well as most everything in my life.

- There are projects that I would like to start but I can't seem to make myself do them. I'm overwhelmed by everything I need to do on a daily basis and it's mainly because I feel so exhausted all the time.

- I feel like my life is passing by too quickly and it is too late for things

- I am super sensitive to criticism.

- I am very affected by conflict and absolutely hate it if there are any arguments or confrontations of any kind. I crave peace and quiet.

- I definitely have mother issues- guilt complex, never feel good enough for her, always trying to please her and say the right things, needing to be perfect in her eyes.

- I worry about things from the past that I have said or done wrong.

This is all I can think of for now. I hope it is helpful.

Thank you Sameer!!

bethy380 last decade
Ok thanks, delusions of emptiness, sensitivity to criticism, uterine fibroids, mother issues, fear of failure, feels responsible for others, aversion to quarreling, and I see elements of both sycosis and syphilis. I think we need to go to Aurum Muriaticum Natronatum.

Please procure Aur-m-n 200c, and take a single dose.

Dissolve 2 pellets in 500 ml spring water, stir and take a teaspoon.

Report in 10 days please.

sameervermani last decade
Thanks so much Sameer! I have ordered the remedy and I'll be in touch. Thank you for your help!

bethy380 last decade

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