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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

I have a question, is my remedy working? Page 2 of 13

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Sorry, I had a feeling I should have asked first. I will start on Monday, sicne I only took the aconite yesterday morning...it didn't work, but I will just not try anything else.

I've never really used any other meds outside of homeopathy and my synthroid, so not sure what else I can take to feel a bit better. I guess I'll just suck it up and deal with it; it shouldn't last more than a day or so.
anabanana last decade
Just wanted to update that I took my remedy Monday, as directed.

So far no reaction at all.

Dr. Sameer, I have another post on here about my son's eczema (and some other issues)...I was wondering if you had seen it?

Here is a link, if you have time:

anabanana last decade
My mother just put on some Icy Hot (menthol, etc) and walked in front of the fan in my room and the smell went right toward me. I can smell it all over the house! Is this going to affect my remedy now?

anabanana last decade

Any changes I've felt have been slight. I feel less anxious and have been having less intrusive thoughts. This was strongest a few days ago and then it started dissipating. I have been feeling more angry, though, and less patient. People are aggravating me quite easily, actually.

Same as the anxiety, my sleep has been better. I've actually been getting tired and quickly falling asleep and have had pretty sound sleep at night with less vivid dreams. This also began to dwindle a few days ago and my insomnia is coming back. But when I do lay down I fall asleep easily.

Physically, nothing's changed and if anything, it's gotten a bit worse. I have been craving sweets like never before, and have also GAINED some weight. This aspect has been more difficult to control.

My stress levels right now are at their peak. We are on vacation and it's been hellish! So this may be affecting it all; that I'm not in my regular atmosphere.

Those blistery things on my left foot have been getting worse, also, and I got some teeny ones on both my hands. :/ I'm also very swollen and constipated. Of course, change in diet may have something to do with that. I'm at my sister's and have to eat what they have...I'll be traveling back home tonight.

What now?

anabanana last decade
Oh, I forgot to mention: My hair pulling thing is a bit less, I think. I still do it, but it doesn't have the same appeal it used to.
anabanana last decade
Hi Ana,

Please procure Arsenicum Album 200c, and update me when you have the remedy with you.

sameervermani last decade
Do I order this online? Can you recommend where?
anabanana last decade
You can order it at www(dot)remedysource(dot)com
sameervermani last decade
Dr. Sameer, I haven't been able to get the remedy, yet (waiting on husband depositing cash into my account); should I repeat the remedy I already have while I wait?
anabanana last decade
No, we will NOT repeat the same potency.

Please update when you get the remedy.
sameervermani last decade
Okay, will hold off.

I went to the endocrinologist yesterday and she told me several things that I probably should post here.

My thyroid gland is enlarged and in my chest, or rather, behind my collar bone. She said this is causing the swelling in my upper body, arms & hands.

What I thought were petechiae are not. They may just be due to a change in estrogen levels, but she said it was nothing to worry about.

My blood pressure was great (which it usually is, 120/71), as was my blood sugar (I thought I had diabetes because my hands and feet always feel burning hot - actually, they alternate between hot and cold, but mostly feel hot at night when I sleep. It's as if my body temperature can never regulate).

I wrote that I crave heat because my skin feels cold all the time,b ut even so, I can't stand to be in a warm room. It makes me feel like I can't breathe. Even in the winter I won't use the heat and will have the fan on in my room (for noise and ventilation).

She tested my iron and I'll update on that when we get the results. I'm pretty sure I'm anemic, though.

I wanted to clarify some things about my original post, though, the one where I speak of all my maladies... I wrote that I have OCD, but I didn't want to give the impression that it was the 'tidy,' type, but more the repetitive behaviour type. I'm actually quite lazy and would rather people do things for me.

It's shameful to say, but I thought I should be as honest as possible.

I have an aversion to feeling things on my skin; such as thick or rough clothing, scratchy fabrics, lotions, or feeling sticky. The thought alone makes me cringe!

I'm an artist; paint, draw, etc.

I can never sit still; have to move constantly even to fall asleep; shake a leg, etc.

I love to lecture and bore people on subjects I have even a smidgeon of knowledge of! :-p I'm a know-it-all.

I didn't mention these things and yet they are probably the first things people would complain about if asked about me. I asked my sister and these are some of the things she mentioned. :)

She also said I'm arrogant and 'stuck-up!' :/ I disagree,b ut it may be the first impression people get from me.

I noticed in some of the other posts that people describe some of their personalities, but I mostly described my issues...so thought I'd add this bit.
anabanana last decade
I probably should have mentioned long ago that I have had several VERY traumatic experiences in my childhood and adulthood, begining at age 5.
anabanana last decade
Okay, I ordered the remedy. I'll post back when I receive it.


anabanana last decade
Okay, Dr. Sameer, I got the remedy. What now?
anabanana last decade
Dissolve 1 pellet in 120 ml spring water, and take a teaspoon from there ONCE.

Make sure nothing enters the mouth 1 hr before and 1 hr after the remedy.
sameervermani last decade
Is it okay to do it first thing in the morning when I wake? Before brushing or anything like that, I mean.

I'm planning on doing it MOnday morning when my mother is home with me for a couple days, just in case it makes me horribly sleepy.
anabanana last decade
okay , sounds good. Brush your teeth after breakfast that day.
sameervermani last decade
Hello Dr. Sameer,

I wasn't able to take the remedy on Monday, but did so on Tuesday morning.

I'm feeling pretty good today (motivated, active, etc), but may be because I went out and that usually makes me feel better the rest of the day...we'll see tomorrow.

I'm feeling somewhat short temepered, though.

I'm having all sorts of cravings and have definitely overeaten today! This worries me because I've actually been loosing weight lately and my goiter had gone down (it seems to be more swollen today). I had the feeling, prior to taking the remedy, that my thyroid was begining to normalize...now not so sure.

When do you want me to update?

Thank you,

anabanana last decade
MY neck seems to be getting more swollen and the itching, which had previously gone away, is back.

Since I last saw the endo my symptoms had begun to improve, in general. MY swelling had gone down a lot, too. Even my period came back as it was before preg. It was horrible, but I took it as a good sign cuz after preg I've hardly had periods (Mostly due to exclusive breastfeeding on demand) and not very many symptoms, i.e. swelling, cramping, tiredness, appetite increase, etc. This time around it felt more like what my periods have always been like. I'm not sure if I already mentioned this...or that it matters.
I had also been feelign more active the past few days and doing stuff like cleaning, going out,et c.
The itching is quite annoying and it sort of feels like if mosquitos are biting me allover the place and there are spider-webs on my face.

The blisters on my left foot and hands were mostly going away, also, but they are flaring up again, though not too bad.

I don't know if this is a good thing or bad, but if, say, this were not the ideal remedy for me, how long would it take to get out of my system? I'm getting a bit paranoid because of the itching...it's quite annoying.

Also, a few headaches today.
anabanana last decade
It has just been 2 days since the remedy, so please do not do anything. Return of old symptoms and itchy skin are all good signs.

Please update in about 8 days from now.
sameervermani last decade
ok, will do!


anabanana last decade
Dr. Sameer,

I have been having some 'aggrevations,' today that I feel I should report. If it's nothing then feel free to ignore my post, but I'd rather post it just in case, since I really don't know much about homeopathy and/or what I should be expecting or looking for.

I am having severe weakness in my body. LIke when you excersize and there is a lack of oxygen to the muscles and you get that weird weak/burning feeling. Now I'm getting this just walking around. I was vaccuming and it was very difficult to complete this task.

Oddly, where I normally would have used this as a perfect excuse to not do stuff, I feel an overwhelming feeling to do things and not let others do them for me. It's like my mind is still fighting this, but there's definitely more motivation there. Which completely contradicts what my body is going through. Normally, I tend to look for excuses and maybe act sicker than I am becasue I just want to curl up and do nothing, at least not physical, but it's turning around a bit.

I can feel the weakness even to my fingers, back, legs, arms, etc.

...And a lot of back pain as if I'd had a long workout yesterday.

I'll keep updating as I go, if you don't mind because some of these things make me nervous and I don't know what would be important.


anabanana last decade
I have felt my knees are more swollen and it’s harder for me to get around. Mentally, I’ve been feeling no motivation; I know this is because I’m feeling so crappy physically. I have had many cravings for things I shouldn’t be eating, sweets. I’m feeling very bloated and heavy. I’m constipated…

I spoke with my Endocrinologist yesterday and she said my thyroid is definitely low and I’m iron deficient, anemia. She prescribed me a type of synthroid; forget the real name, and also an iron supplement, SlowFE. I started taking Blackstrap Molasses yesterday, instead of the SlowFE. Endo wants me to go in to get my colon checked since I told her about the periodic extreme bleeding. She says it’s the type where they don’t go in all the way, but mainly check to make sure the bleeding is from hemorrhoids or something insignificant.

Last night I wasn't able to sleep; for the past two nights my insomnia has gotten worse. I get this strange feeling where my body feels too light when I'm in bed. Like I would want something pushing me down so I can sleep, it's mainly in my head and it doesn't let me sleep, though I'm exhausted. I am, however, very sleepy and tired during the day and would be ablet o sleep now, I can tell. It's like my body is confused with day and night or prefers it backwards.

When I layed down last night I would get this sort of electrical-like surge through by body, mainly my head. I was also VERY VERY dizzy. I have been getting these vivid images that come for split seconds. They don't last long enough for me to even remember what they are, but they are very crisp and clear...weird. I don't think it's anything frightening, though, they just seem random.

I don't know if I mentioned this before, but I have this thing where I always need to be covered, even when hot, while I sleep. I hate the feeling of nothing on top of me. I hate having my hands out in the open...all the time. I'd rather wear stuff with pockets so I can put them in there and at night I sometimes feel the need to lay on top of them, especially my right hand. I mostly like to keep them near my head/face, like under my head. I also hate my legs hanging down. I want them up all the time and curled, somehow. I like to feel something in front of me, like a pillow, when I sit.
I feel ackward when I walk/stand, don't quite know what to do with my hand, especially in the summer, so I often put them on my waist/hips...I must look ridiculous. :-)

If you can imagine what a cat is constantly doing with its paws, that's me with my hands. In fact, I pretty much have that type of personality all around.

A couple days ago I thought I was feeling pretty good, mentally, but now, not so much.
anabanana last decade
Hi Anabel,

Let us wait till Tuesday.

If the aggravation persists, we will think of something.
sameervermani last decade
Hey Dr. Sameer,

I think physically, I'm feeling better as far as my legs and the weakness. However, my thyroid feels very swollen and it's hard to breath and uncomfortable to swallow. This may be a symptom of the Synthroid that I started taking again...it happened last time, too.

I hadn't had any intrusive thoughts of OCD-type behavior until last night when I got it all back. Last night I was feeling fearful of large objects (planes, ships, ocean, planets..) and irrational things (monsters, ghosts, et c.). Like I said, intrusive thoughts started up again and they were pretty much like before, a while back. These weren't horrible, but I can tell they're all starting up again. I have a bunch of phobias...

I'm still tired, fatigued, and now have anxiety, too.

I'm also feeling fearful of diseases; incurable or life-altering stuff, especially since I have to have the colonoscopy done (or the less invasive procedure, but don't know the name). I was feeling semi-fine about this until the night before last. Now I'm really nervous about it and I don't even have an appointment, yet.

All of these had subsided, a substantial amount, until the past couple nights. Last night they came back strong and with a headache.

Here's what I wrote on Sunday:
6. Sunday, May 24, 2009 – Lately I’ve been waking up feeling as if I’m grinding my teeth. My nose is feeling stuffy and dry and there is heat everywhere. My skin feels like there is sun burn, but it still feels very cold (except for my hands and feet, which are actually very hot) and still feels good when I apply heat. The heat relieves the burning on my skin, but not on my hands and feet where it feels like I need cold. My face is relieved by both cold and hot, alternating. My knees are very swollen, especially my right one, as are my joints. My hands and feet are swollen. My goiter is worse. I feel very weak. I wish I felt physically better so that I could get out of the house. I’m depressed, but hopeful. Mentally, I think I’ve been better for a while. No intrusive thoughts, really, that I can recall and my depression seems to be mainly because of my physical state. When I’m outside, even as miserable, heavy, and achy as my body feels, I feel much better. I’m craving to be outside in the open air and am hoping for a huge downpour, thunderstorms and all. Normally I’m terrorized of lightning, but it went away before I started taking the remedy…now it’s somewhat back, I think, but I still like the sound of rain and thunder. I’m very sleepy, all the time. I went to bed early last night and got a good 10 hour sleep and also took a nap during the day, but still very tired and feel as if I’d like to sleep for a couple days. Sometimes it feels like that would resolve everything, sleeping for a period of days. OH, I haven’t been fearful. My upcoming colonoscopy would have sent me into severe depression and anxiety, even to the point of shaking, but it’s not phasing me much.
anabanana last decade
Sorry my posts are so long, I could probably try to shorten them a bit, but I tend to type as I think, what I think. :-)

anabanana last decade

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