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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

I have a question, is my remedy working? Page 9 of 13

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Medorrhinum 200c and Medorrhinum 1M should be ordered. Gonorrheal virus is correct.

sameervermani last decade
Dear Dr. Sameer,
Let me begin by apologizing for disappearing and not following up with this last rememdy. After I didn't see improvement I began to get really depressed and sort of went into a shell. I'm still very depressed and don't really feel like doing much or talking to anyone.

However, this recent thing that has been bothering me is just too great for me to ignore. And the possible deteriorating effects are too frightening and stressful for me. So I'm hoping you will continue to help me, if you would be so kind.

Yesterday in the afternoon I began to notice that my eyes were feeling dry. By the eveniung they were completely dry and last night I put olive oil in them to be able to sleep. I can barely keep them open to look at the computer so I'm now typing with my eyes closed. They feel like they burn when I stare at TV/computer or anything. I put castor oil in them twice today and that helped some in the afternoon.

I got to reading about dry eye and I'm just so terrified of what I'm reading. Stuff like corneal abraision and blindness. I'm devastated.

My Endocrinologist switched me to Armour thyroid about 6 mos ago, not sure if this is why because I've heard of a couple other people that are on Armour and had this side effect due to their hypothyroidism.

My thyroid is on its way to getting better, supposedly, it's close to normal. I don't have as much pain as I used to. Can move around easier. I'm losing weight..slowly. But I'm feeling more depressed. No motivation, want to just zone out and not do anything. I have to force myself to take my 3-year-old out to play. : ( I'm just so sad.

I'm hoping the eye thing is just because my meds need to be adjusted, as I read this is sometimes the case.

I was going to go ahead and get this last rememdy you gave me, but I wanted to check and make sure it was still okay.

Kind regards and my sincere gratitude,
anabanana last decade
One more thing...
I also have a severe fear of spiders now that started just a couple months ago.

It started after I found a spider in my home and began to read about them. Then it sort of got a bit better, but my son found another one, Brown Recluse, and now I'm afraid all night. To the point where I wake several times to check around the room. The phobia isn't bad during the day and I'm able to sleep. Everything is better during the day, mentally, except my energy level and mood swings because I'm too tired from not sleeping at night.
anabanana last decade
Last night during sleep the dry eye was horrible. I could feel my eyes rubbing against my eye lids while I tried to sleep. I got up several times and would wake crying in my sleep because of the discomfort and depression I'm feeling.

Now I have sunglasses on because they help to keep the moisture around my eyes from evaporating so quickly. I put more drops of castor oil in, so I can barely see and can't keep my eyes open for long before they start to burn.

Today is the third day into this issue.

The outside corners of my eyes tear up all the time and the skin around my eyes is very irritated and dry. Somehow the tears are just not making it to where they need to be, inside.
anabanana last decade
Will respond in a couple of days.
sameervermani last decade
Yes, Dr. Sameer, thanks so much!

The eye problem has been getting progressively better since my last post. I've been doing a 'healthy eye,' diet. I'm not sure why it's gotten better because there have been a number of changes.

I'm no longer on my computer for hours and hours every day. In fact, haven't been on at all since I wrote here because it does make the problem worse. I only came online to check my email and see if you'd replied.

I've been taking Omega3 fish oil stuff, religiously.

My Endo called me and said that my thyroid meds indeed needed to be adjusted, so now I take 3 grams (I think this is the dose) of Armour instead of 2.

I cut out dairy and sugar 100% from my diet and added good healthy stuff, like raw juices, which I'd stopped doing for a while when I got really depressed.

I'm TRYING to stay upbeat and not allow myself to become depressed. So I've been more active and taking my son out to play.

But I feel SO tired/sleepy during the day that it's hard. Even when I get a good night's sleep.

Today was pretty good with the eyes and not too bad last night. I notice quick improvement as time goes by. The day I wrote my last post here was the worse.

anabanana last decade
Can you please form a list of the current mental and physical symptoms ?

sameervermani last decade
Yes, of course. I'll try to write it out tonight.

Thank you.
anabanana last decade

Get really depressed when I'm alone and when I know that I'm going to be left alone, especially at night.

My husband has been going away to work 3 days/week. When it starts getting close to Monday, I begin to feel anxious, depressed, sad, etc. I just hate feeling alone. When he's with me I feel safer.

I'm afraid a lot – of fires, people breaking in, accidents...always paranoid, like when I drive I pray several times. The prayer HAS to be the same or it's not effective. ; ) But seriously.

I think a lot about gloomy and morbid things, bad things happening to people, especially children. Try to shake the thoughts. This is especially bad at night and a few days,maybe 10, before my period starts. However, the intrusive thoughts are not as bad as they used to be when you were treating me before. So this has gotten better, but still happens, just fewer days and not as strongly.

I've developed a ritualistic blinking habit where I have to blink and quickly nod. I can control it around people, but when I'm alone I do it a lot. Like almost everything else, this is worse a few days before my period. At least this is when I notice it.

I also pull on my hair all the time. Like if I have a free hand, this is what I'll be doing. I don't mean I pull it out, but feel on each hair individually, looking for anyone that may feel damaged. If I find one that feels damaged, I pull it out.

I have a phobia of spiders, frogs, heights, and traveling by air or water.

I forget everything. It's always at the tip of my tongue. If I walk to the kitchen I'll forget why. I forget what I'm saying mid-sentence. I do much better when I write.

Laziness. I'm just so not into doing anything that I HAVE to do. I have been like this all my life. Even as a child. I hate responsibility. I get easily overwhelmed by it.

I have having my hands out in the open...I sleep with them under me somewhere. Also hate the feeling of my arms being down at my side. I always have to have my arms crossed, hands at the hip, etc.

My dreams are vivid and always about someone dying, me killing someone (in self defense) or some planetary cataclysm.

I think a lot about my childhood and how bad it sucked. I have a really hard time letting go or knowing what I'm supposed to do with hurtful events in my life. Like I seriously don't know what I'm supposed to do with those memories. Put them aside or face them? Talk about it or keep it inside? Not sure what will make things better. I wish I wasn't so sensitive.


Pressure/tension in my forehead, mainly to the right. Directly over my eyes. I've noticed that when I look at the computer and TV my head is tilted downward and to the right, with my gaze upward. When I straighten my head I feel the pressure instantly get better...so this is probably why. When I was little I used to look at people this way till someone made me aware of it and told me I looked scary.

I have bleeding gums. This is probably due to very bad oral hygiene during my preg because I was so severely nauseous that even the thought of putting a toothbrush in my mouth made me gag. I know I have cavities, too, because when I eat sweets my teeth hurt. Drinking cold water bothers my teeth a lot.

I'm still overweight, obese, but losing weight at a good rate, I think.

Oh, my eyes. They're okay now, but they dried up a few days ago. It was horrible! It actually happened while I was reading something about thyroid and dry eye. I noticed it right then and it got progressively worse. Part of me was thinking that it was like the placebo effect. Kind of a blessing because I was severely obssessed with being online. Now I've stopped and I do much more of what I'm supposed to be doing.

I have an anal fissure that's gotten better, but still there.

I'm constipated a lot and when I'm not, I have diarrhea.

I'm always sleepy. During the day...even when I sleep well at night. And even when I can't sleep.

My lips are always chapped and skin is severely dry. Even around my eyes. This area itches a lot.

My left foot, the heel, is deeply cracked. Sometimes it bleeds.

Actually, a lot of the physical stuff has gotten better or is improving. The eye thing really scared me, though. Mostly, my issues are mental.
anabanana last decade
Take a single dose of Medorrhinum 200c, and report after 2 weeks.

1 dose is: Dissolve 1 drop in 250 ml spring water, stir and take 1 teaspoon from there.
sameervermani last decade
Wow, I never noticed you had replied to this! It never notified me in my email even though I had it set up to do that. : (

I guess I'll get that same remedy, then! : ) I'm doing this right now.


I'm off to write a post for my son! : )
anabanana last decade
Hi Dr. Sameer,

I've had a very difficult time getting this remedy. The first time I ordered it appears I never completed the ordering process online and so I waited weeks before I figured that out.

Now I ordered again and actually got a confirmation email saying it would take a couple weeks. This was already about a week ago, so I'm expecting it soon.

I have a question, if you don't mind. Have you ever considered Sulphur for me? I read back through this thread and can't see that I've taken it before.

I ask because my eyes have been dry and was looking up what I could take and sulphur popped up. While reading about sulphur, I was able to really REALLY relate to it, on every level.

I saw a homeopath once for my son who gave me sulphur 200c based solely on my hot hands and feet. I remember I was sleeping for about 2 days after I took the remedy. The same thing happened to my son with his remedy. Since all my rashes and physical symptoms worsened, I figured it didn't work. But I didn't know how homeopathy worked at time and never looked at the mental...I don't remember at all how I felt in that way.

Do you think it's worth a try?
anabanana last decade
Dear Dr. Sameer,

I've had a sore throat for a few days, but it has not been too painful. Last night it did become very painful. Neck is swollen and very hard to swallow.

I've been feeling weak, lately and achy. It's like something keeps trying to make me sick, but never fully develops.

Please tell me what I can take and if I can also give to my husband?

Thank you,
anabanana last decade
Med 200c is very easy to procure from Helios.

Describe the sore throat more.

What is the sensation, location, what makes it better what makes it worse , any other complaint anywhere else in the body which started with the sore throat ?

sameervermani last decade
Yeah, I did get it from Helios. It's just been a bit of a mess through no fault of theirs. But I should receive it, soon.

The sore throat feels like I have something (tonsils?) swollen. It's been constantly getting worse for a few days. I guess it's a bit more annoying at night.

I feel better when I'm drinking hot stuff (chocolate, coffee, tea) because I can swallow. Swallowing hurts more when I'm not swallowing anything, kwim, but I want to swallow all the time. So constantly drinking hot liquids helps me accomplish this.

I've been feeling VERY tired and like a dull achy feeling all over, but it's very slight and comes and goes. My thyroid gland has been swollen with the sore throat, too.

Once I started on Armour thyroid a lot of my physical symptoms went away, but the eye thing began. But now a lot of the symptoms have come back with the sore throat. I've also been extremely depressed, especially when alone. And then I kind of feel the need to be alone, but REALLY alone...like no child, just so I can zone out and do whatever I want without having to worry about anyone else. But just for a day or two.
anabanana last decade
Please take 3 doses of Hepar Sulph 30c at 30 minutes gap, and report after 48 hours.
sameervermani last decade
I just noticed your reply. Is this for the sore throat? It's better today, but my husband said that his got better and then got really bad. Should I still take this if it's better?

Thank you,
anabanana last decade
If you feel better, let's wait, and then go to Med 200c.

sameervermani last decade
I finally got it! I ordered my son's from there and hope it doesn't take this long. : /

Anyways, I didn't go back to check exactly what you had asked me to get and ended up getting the 30c, 200c, and 1m.

I am not sure when you'd want me to take it. I'm about to get my period and my facial/head ticks, fears and anxiety are probably at their peak now. After my period they usually get better (though this last period a lot of things remained stronger than they normally would), so it would be hard to tell, IMO, what's the remedy and what's normal unless the effects are supposed to be dramatic.

Right now the tourettes (with the facial/head ticks and breathing ticks) is driving me NUTS. I'm exhausted from the repetition, very anxious and frustrated. I subconsciously do these things with my tongue where I realize that I'm making faces, and I relax, but then start over until I notice again.

What should I do? Wait or take it now? How quickly will I start feeling the effects?
anabanana last decade
Please take Med 200c dose after your period.

1 pellet or 1 drop in 250 ml spring water, and take a spoon from there.

Report after 2 weeks.

This will be slow to act, at-least 2 weeks of waiting is needed.
sameervermani last decade
Thank you, Dr. Will do as directed.
anabanana last decade
I'm doing this (Med 200c) in a few minutes. I have it all ready to go. Just waiting a while since I ate.

anabanana last decade
Okay, x that. I forgot I had a tuberculosis test today and the last thing I'd want is for that to react and to have to do lung x-rays. I'll wait until Wednessday night, which is when I have to go back to the doctor so they can look at my arm.
anabanana last decade
I took this Wednesday night - forgot to update.

My TB test came back positive. Meaning that the injection site on my arm swelled. However, this has happened to me every time I've had this test and always have to have the lung x-ray done. Which I did and it was fine, as usual.

I'm not sure if this is an allergic reaction (because it swells up pretty big like a silver dollar), or because I had the vaccine as a child in Cuba or because I have the bacteria that causes TB. I read that many people have the bacteria, but are a-symptomatic and non-contagious their whole lives, but will usually test positive.

I'll report back as directed.

Thank you,
anabanana last decade
Hey Dr. Sameer,

I can't really tell if I have felt any different. I mean, I've felt way better and more motivated even though physically I'm very uncomfortable. Mentally, I haven't been freaking out as much. The thing is that I was recently (after 2 years of waiting) able to buy my camera and have started my photography business (portfolio building, actually) and I've been too busy to even think. I've been going out a lot with my son and taking him to the park and having picnics and stuff and also have had his little friends over daily. So when I'm so busy I do much better, normally.

One thing that is happening and it's really weird is that I have spots/discoloration on my body in several areas and it's pretty much symetrical. I have it around my underarms and down my ribs. Then I have a spot right under my sternum and one very large one on my lower back. I think I've seen it on my neck, too, on the back/side. They are also rough, like dry patchy skin. I've had the dryness before and even some discoloration in the past, but right now it's very noticeable. Good thing it's on unexposed places.

But that's not all. Today when I took my shirt off to go get a shower, the shirt (which was beige t shirt) had dark areas right where I have my spots. Like if it was dyed. But when I put the shirt on it was clean and without any stains. So that's weird... This is the first time I've noticed the shirt being like that. Also,

I guess I'm motivated even though I've been waking up achy and swollen.

I'm still up all night and too excited to fall asleep. It's worse now because since I'm so into my business, in the morning I can't sleep in late because I'll start thinking and thinking and will not be able to sleep.

I have still have these sudden mood swings where I feel like not doing anything. Like for short glimpses I feel like not going ahead with my business... It's very short and mainly happens after I was overly happy, excited, busy, etc.

The first couple days after I took the dose I felt great! I'm wondering if I took the 30 instead of the 200. I looked at the bottles, but they still look like they have the same amounts...and there's nothing on the bottle that says how many pills are supposed to be in there.

That's another thing that's been happening for a while...me doubting if I did something the way I was supposed to.

How should I proceed?

anabanana last decade
Hi Ana,

This is an excellent response when we look at the mental improvements.

So, you are saying you have both 30c and 200c with you, and you are not sure if you took 30 or 200 ?

sameervermani last decade

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