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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

I have a question, is my remedy working? Page 10 of 13

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Hi Ana,

This is an excellent response when we look at the mental improvements.

So, you are saying you have both 30c and 200c with you, and you are not sure if you took 30 or 200 ?

sameervermani last decade
Yes. I want to trust myself in that I took the 200c because I'm usually thorough when doing something. It's later on that I keep thinking 'what if I didn't do what I think I did...'

I am going to go count the tablets now..
anabanana last decade
I can't tell by looking at the bottle. They both are filled up the same. So I don't know. I didn't want to take them all out and count them and then they'd get ruined...
anabanana last decade
Can't you tell by which seal is broken ?
sameervermani last decade
I tried that...seems I broke both. (That was the first thing I went to check :D)

I think the skin discoloration is starting to face a bit since I wrote about it. I still feel pretty upbeat and motivated.

Every now and then I get glimpses of mood swings.

I think there is improvement, but it's not an all around thing. More energy, definitely. But I feel like I'm too wrapped up in my business to where it's not even letting me sleep.

Usually when I'm about to get my period, which I am, everything gets much worse. I do feel this starting to happen, but ...it just seems more gradual than normal. My intrusive thoughts aren't that bad. My mood is pretty good. I'm not as fearful. Etc.

Even though I am still very much overweight I still feel attractive and am caring more about how I look when I go out. I don't feel like what I look like and then when I look in the mirror I'm reminded of what I really look like, but the feeling I get is more like 'Oh well, rock it!'

Whereas before I'd get very depressed, not want to go out and be seen, etc. I've been more able to look at the positive qualities about me and feel pretty strong. All my physical pains and twitches are still there, but they aren't stopping me and I go about my day without even thinking about them. Like last night I was thinking, 'Did I have that head tick today?' And that made me aware that I was doing it.

So I think we can probably guess that I did take the 200c, right? Could the 30c last this long?
anabanana last decade
Hi Ana,

Whether it is 30c or 200c, it is working darn well, and I am very happy with your progress.

Let us wait and watch.

Maybe you can also procure a 1M of Medorrhinum.
sameervermani last decade
I already have 1M, also.
anabanana last decade
Nice, let's wait and watch for another week.
sameervermani last decade
Sameer, I have posted several times, no one ever posts a reply. Can you check my recent post titled Lycopodium? thank you
taz55 last decade
Hey Dr. Sameer,

I think any effect from the remedy is gone. I'm having a lot of intrusive thoughts, lack of motivation, bad memory and lack of concentration, etc.

I'm right near my period, though, so it may be that.

I've had what I think is eczema in the back of my neck for a while now. It's very itchy and feels like a line/cut. It's whre the hairline is back there. That is really bugging me now...and I'm itchy all over because I had too much sugar today.

I'll wait for your instructions. Thanks!
anabanana last decade
how did u get Sameer to respond, you are fortunate. I have posts up and no one responds. I would like him to personally, and maybe he will see this and check mine, I have the entire questionnaire answers posted.

Anyway, interesting following this thread and wish you the best in health and wellness. homeopathy is amazing, and alot depends on the homeopath. Sameer is an excellent one.
taz55 last decade
Hi Ana,

Please take the 1M dose.

Dissolve 2 pellets or 2 drops in 250 ml water, and take a spoon.

Report after 3 weeks.
sameervermani last decade
Hi Taz,
I'm sorry your haven't had a response. I know he's a very busy person on here and I'm sure he has his own personal life, too. How I got him to respond? I posted and waited. ; ) Please be patient.
anabanana last decade
Thank you Dr. Sameer. Will do as instructed.

I got the tablets, instead of pellets. I thought they would be soft like the Hyland's tablets. They don't seem to dissolve completely in the water...you can see tiny granules. Is this okay?
anabanana last decade
Let them stand for 1 hour in water, they should dissolve, and then take the dose after shaking a little bit.
sameervermani last decade
Hi Dr. Sameer,

There was absolutely no reaction from this. I am on my regular ups and downs cycle...nothing changed at all. I've had intrusive thoughts lately, twitches, fears, paranoia, etc. Everything that starts just before my period.

I've been extremely forgetful and lack of focus...it's really annoying when I stand in front of the fridge for 5 minutes and what I was going to get keeps 'almost' entering my mind and then it leaves again. Or when I'm walking into another room and can't remember why. Or when I'm calling someone on the phone (or answer the phone) and by the time they answer I'm totally confused because I can't remember who I was calling or if they called me instead.

How should I proceed? I'm starting to feel a bit hopeless..

anabanana last decade
Hi Ana,

Please take a single dose of Sulphur 200c, and report back after 2 weeks.
sameervermani last decade
I'm doing this in a few minutes.

Thank you,
anabanana last decade
Hi Dr. Sameer,

I just have a question. Am I supposed to notice a difference, if any, after the 2 weeks or during? How long after I take the meds? So far nothing, but yesterday had very bad pain in my liver area.

I wonder if I may have some mercury poisoning? I've had a molar that cracked and this molar had a root canal from years ago. When it happened there was a chemically smell/taste in my mouth for days. Now it's gone, though. But I have several dental fillings and they are the type with mercury. I know I've been exposed to it as a child, too.

I've been having a lot of muscle/nerve pain. It's random, sudden, and dull. It can happen anywhere in my body, but happens a lot on my legs, around my inner shins.

anabanana last decade
Hi Ana,

Did you feel any mental changes since the Sulphur 200c dose at all ?
sameervermani last decade
No. Same fears and paranoia. Nothing changed. Normally I get better after my period, which would be now, but for the past couple months this has not been the case.

I forgot to mention that I went to my endocrinologist and she increased my dose of Armour. My thyroid tests should be back by Friday and I'll post the results then.
anabanana last decade
Hi Ana,

Do all the original symptoms still hold (the ones you mentioned when you started this thread)?

sameervermani last decade
No, a lot of them are different. I can list the ones that are still the same and I have some new ones, such as the severe dryness and twitches. How about if I just make a list with the biggest things bothering me right now?
anabanana last decade
Current Symptoms:

Random pain everywhere. Mainly on back, upper chest, lower arms, lower legs (shins), knees. I guess it feels like arthritis...all over.

Skin hurts with pressure.

Right now I have bad pain on the right side of my chest and I'm scared it will be something really bad, but will not get it checked out because I feel that if something is not confirmed, then it doesn't exist.

Dryness in eyes, mouth, nose, vagina... Starts getting bad int he evening, progressively worse through the night, suddenly improves when I wake up.

I have to twitch my head and catch myself making weird faces or curling my tongue in strange ways. Worse at night.

I get stiff neck a lot.

I sit at a computer a lot and have bad posture.

Weight gain. Obessity.

Get swollen when I wear tight clothes, like a bra. Worse during the day.

Severe dry, cracked feet. Bite nails and my fingertips always hurt because I'm always picking or biting something.

No motivation. I'm trying to start my business and I find I'm afraid of it. Sometimes I want to give up and forget it. Often, actually.

Tired all the time, but worse in the morning/afternoon. I get some energy late afternoon.

Feeling depressed and worry about everything. Worrying is worse at night. Fears are worse at night.

I zone out a lot and it's hard to speak or concentrate. Can't finish sentences or relate thoughts when I'm speaking. I wish I could telepathically send my ideas to people because they're always cutting me off when I pause to think and it sucks!

When I type it's easier because I can pause, zone, and come back to it. It's constant. I'm extremely forgetful. But it's more short term. Long term, I have an incredible memory. Remember things verbatim. Remember a lot of my early (age 1-5)childhood, for example, and as I get further away from a certain time, the more I will begin to remember it.

I am extremely intelligent. :D I can just figure things out without ever having read about them. I'm a know-it-all. I'm always thinking about life's origin, the universe, etc. It's driving me crazy, especially because that sort of stuff really scares me.

I see the world and think, 'why?' We suck. I keep thinking about children suffering and it's hard to see the beauty in humanity or life. It's hard to enjoy anything because of this. And every feeling of joy is followed by the afterthought that someone somewhere is hurting, being abused, tortured, sad, alone, cold, hungry, in fear, etc.

The uncertainty of everything really bothers me.

Oh, I still have intrusive thoughts and they have gone away for a while, but now they're back. This is where I keep thinking of horrible things that I could do to someone or that can be done to me or my family and what the reactions/outcome would be.

I'm overwhelmed by my responsibilities and really, I shouldn't be, because I have it REAL easy. But I just can't get things done. I want to put my son in childcare just so I can sit at home doing nothing all day. I have to do this so I can work, but part of me is looking at it like a release from having to care for him in the early day, which is when I feel my worst.
anabanana last decade
Oh, the pain I feel is kinda like that pain people get when they're getitng the flu or a cold...achy. That's how I feel all the time.
anabanana last decade
'This is where I keep thinking of horrible things that I could do to someone or that can be done to me or my family and what the reactions/outcome would be. '

Please expand further with examples.
sameervermani last decade

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