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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

I have a question, is my remedy working? Page 12 of 13

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Not much change, yet.

I have been a bit short tempered; having sudden outbursts and then feeling bad. I yelled at my mother and feel really bad about it...that sort of thing. I'm feeling frustrated with everyone. But I don't think this is from the remedy; I was like this before and this is usual for the time before I get my menstruation.

I really can't say there's much difference. I think everything I'm feeling is normal for this time of my cycle. I have had the dreams and stuff before.
anabanana last decade
Okay let's give this 3-4 more days, and then we can re-assess.
sameervermani last decade
I keep forgetting to update, but I do not notice any difference.

I've noticed that I will react good to the 30c doses, but never to a higher dose. : /
anabanana last decade
Hmm... I might need to analyze this again. I will get back to you in a day or 2.
sameervermani last decade
Hi Dr. Sameer,

Can you please look at my case again? I'm getting worse. If I had to sum up my mental state in a couple words right now (and for a while) it would be fear and panic. It's so bad at night and it seems to be getting worse by the day. There's not really a cycle anymore. It's all the time.

And I have a persistent cough and have been getting sick a lot with coughs/colds (which have never happened before, not like this!) and nasal issues. Of course, I'm thinking the worst! :(

I'm tired of being like this all the time. I feel cold and panicky every night. I can't sleep because I'm so scared.
anabanana last decade
Is the fear and panic new?
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
No, it's not new. I've always had it, but it used to be a few days before my cycle and then I'd improve. It started lasting 4 days, maybe the past year 10 days, and now it's continuous, with no break in between. It does peak right before my period, which is now.

But the past few months I've been waiting and waiting for that break and recently I've realized I'm just not getting it. I'm exhausted.
anabanana last decade
Sorry for the delay Ana, I will get back to you in a few hours.

I have been keeping very busy with other stuff, so haven't been able to keep track of the forum cases.
sameervermani last decade
Because of the extreme dryness in my eyes, mouth, and everywhere else, I am going to try pulsatilla 30c, the usual 3 doses. Can someone, if not Dr. Sameer, respond and let me know if this is a bad idea? It's what came up in the Remedy Finder when I entered my most bothersome symptoms ( at least right now).

I figured there would be no harm in trying to Dx myself and trying some remedies out. I'm desperate.
anabanana last decade
Actually you can make yourself much worse self prescribing. I would not do that if I were you. The forums are full of posts from people suffering severe side effects from misuse of our remedies.

I am not sure if Sameer is still supervising your case, but if he is not I am happy to take over. Sameer and I will do this from time to time.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
Hi Ana,

What apart from the dryness is going on these days ?

sameervermani last decade
David, Our posts crossed :)
sameervermani last decade
Hi Brisbane, I figured something like that, but figured I'd antidote and try something else if it went wrong. I know it's not the best route, but was really hoping I'd get lucky.

Thanks for responding, Dr. Sameer. :)

I recently found out that what I thought was fungus on my feet and hands is actually a type of eczema which causes blistering. So I have that. Mainly on my feet and it is aggravated by stress and heat.

I have diarrhea a lot and the few days I don't it's constipation.

My usual mental symptoms. Fear of being alone, fear of the world ending, dying, or something horrible happening to my family or me. It's the uncertainty of it all that gets me...I guess from lack of faith.

I hate being alone. This is worse in the morning. I always feel like I'm being abandoned when my husband goes to work or when my mother stays with my brother. I think it's worse with my mother.

I've been feeling sad a lot and have the feeling of being near tears a lot.

I'm lazy and unmotivated.

I've been getting pain where the liver and pancreas are. Both those sides and it runs from front to back.

I still get swollen and still am oversensitive to textures. Can't stand tight clothes.

Tired all the time, but don't want to sleep at night. Fatigued and feeling like I can't catch a whole breath. Like I have to yawn a lot. Sneeze all the time, too.

The dryness is worse at night, especially while I sleep. I have to put castor oil in my eyes or they stick together. In the morning it gets better, but they tear up on the outer corners and it irritates that area. This happens all the time. They always feel irritated.

I have that crack in the center of my bottom lip that won't go away, but gets better and worse.

My hair falls out a lot.

I still have a lot of ticks/manias. They are voluntary, but I have to do them. Also grind my teeth.

These are not in any order of importance. The things that bother me most are the dryness (which really depresses me) and the lack of motivation/lazyness.

Oh, I have dreams that the world is ending all the time or something horrible involving murder or torture or fright. My dreams always seem abnormally long and like a movie or clips from differnet movies.
anabanana last decade
Please take 3 doses of LAC CANINUM 30c in water (usual method), and report after 10 days please.
sameervermani last decade
Thanks! I already ordered it.
anabanana last decade
I just took it a few minutes ago. Will report back in a few days. Thanks! :)
anabanana last decade
Hey Dr. Sameer,

I have waited a few days extra. I figured you'd probably tell me to wait.

I have this eczema behind my neck. At least I think it's eczema (my skin breaks, welts, and itches, but hurts if I try to scratch). Well, this has always been to the right side. Immediately after I took the remedy it spread to the left, but only partially. It mostly itches to the left now when it does itch. I think it's kind of centered. I almost want to say that it centered and that it went away from the right side a bit.

On my lip, again, it used to crack to the center/left, but now it's chapped to the right and the other crack I normally get is barely there.

I've been feeling angry, but I usually do around my period.

I *think* I'm a bit motivated. I can't explain it.

Something bad happened to me recently and I'm dealing with it in a rollercoaster way. Sometimes I think everything will be okay (a blessing in disguise) and sometimes I think I want to be angry/resentful. I really don't know how to feel or how to deal with it. I think I can say that I'm a little more angry and outspoken after the remedy, but with these things it's hard to tell.

I took this at a time where everything was chaotic, so I'm having a hard time figuring out if all this is from the remedy or a normal part of the emotional process of overcoming adversity.

Oh, my eye dryness has been horrible. I've been losing weight, though, and this is without trying, but I've been for a while.
anabanana last decade
I also found a white hair growing out of my neck, to the right, near my thyroid.
anabanana last decade

Should I get the next dose up?
anabanana last decade
I think we should wait for 3 more days. Update me on Sunday.
sameervermani last decade
Will do, thanks!
anabanana last decade
Still nothing. The crack on my lip didn't get as bad as it usually does. That's all.

Mentally, everything is just as bad as ever.
anabanana last decade
Okay, please take 3 doses of Pulsatilla 30c in 250 ml water at 2 hour gap, and report after 1 week.
sameervermani last decade
Awesome, I already have that! : )
anabanana last decade
I think it's been about 8 or 9 days since I took it.

The cracked, bleeding, skin behind my neck is almost healed completely. It still itches like it wants to come back sometimes, but much better.

My eyes are just as dry, I guess.

Mentally, it's hard to say. I'm on a cycle and this is the time where I'd usually be feeling better, so it may be coincidence. I'm still not feeling great, but better than I was 2 or 3 days ago where I was going insane with fear.

The one thing that I've noticed different is that I'm breaking out all over the place. Like pimples, which I NEVER get. It's sporadic all over my body and nothing that would be noticeable to anyone but me. Oh! and when I first took it, a couple days later I started to get some weird scabbing in my scalp, on top. They didn't hurt or anything...just something else for me to pick at. But they are almost all gone now.

Another thing is that I have that thing where it feels like I have to pee, but don't. Maybe a UTI? A few days ago when it started there was a little blood after.

It's hard to tell with the lower doses because I don't know what I'm looking for. I keep thinking that when it's the right one I'll just know, but maybe not.

Is it possible to skip the 30c's and just start with 200's? I can feel how those affect me more clearly.

anabanana last decade
Okay, this is something I've not wanted to share, but maybe it's important. I have some sexual issues. Are they relevant?
anabanana last decade

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