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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

I have a question, is my remedy working? Page 11 of 13

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'This is where I keep thinking of horrible things that I could do to someone or that can be done to me or my family and what the reactions/outcome would be. '

Please expand further with examples.
sameervermani last decade
I'll think, what if someone has broken in and is hiding in our home waiting for us to go to bed. What would they do to us? Shoot us or torture us for days? What would they do to my son? And it gets pretty graphic from just shooting us to maiming and mutilation.

And the entire time I'm thinking this stuff I'm trying to come up with ways of protecting us.

Mainly it has to do with being vulnerable in certain situations...like when I would bathe my son when he was a baby I'd start thinking about movies I'd seen where babies were drowned. : ( ...There was an asian movie I saw where the woman drowned her son. Then I'd picture my baby in that situation and I'd either shake the thought away or get really depressed and start crying. It would depend on the time of the month how successful I was at shaking it away.

So basically, if the situation/scene is similar to something I've seen or read then it makes me think of that. And when I was really young I used to LOVE to read horror and anything that was exceptionally cruel, so I remember a lot of stuff.

Let me clarify I'd NEVER EVER think of hurting my children or anyone! It's more of remembering or creating a horrible situation and envisioning someone I know in that situation.

BTW, the intrusive thoughts were worse right after I gave birth to my son and gradually got better over the years...very gradually. But a couple months ago they were almost gone and very easy to control and now I've noticed a spike in them...but they are nowhere near being as bad as they were initially.

I also have a lot of guilt for several things I did as a child...thought I'd add that.
anabanana last decade
This vaginal dryness, how long has this existed for ?

Also, what about the dryness in the eyes, mouth and nose ?

So, is there a feeling of antagonism with the self for not caring for your child ?

You are certain that these intrusive thoughts started after delivery ?
sameervermani last decade
I've always had the intrusive thoughts, and most of everything, but everything escalated after delivery...severely. Before that it was like I got a thought and just quickly shook it away. I think I was pretty normal with that stuff before. It started to get bad during pregnancy and kept getting worse. After delivery it was horrible, though.

All the dryness began at the same time as my eyes...I think it was about 6 mos ago and it was sudden with a flare up. I was actually reading a story about someone with severe eye dryness and that's when it all began. However, I think I've had eye dryness for a while, but was never aware of it. Because I'd periodically get the feeling of sand in my eyes and I always thought it was an eyelash or something.

I'm not sure I understand the question about antagonism, please explain?
anabanana last decade
I mean do you try to constantly fight with yourself, or feel angry with yourself for not being able to take care of your child ?
sameervermani last decade
Not necessarily fight or feel angry, but do have a lot of guilt and do look down on myself for it.

I do take care of him, btw, but I always feel as if I should be doing more. And I should! My main issue is in the mornings, until about now, 1:00pm. I actually just woke up and he's been watching TV all morning. It's only about 2 hours because he wakes late, around 10:30 or 11. And I do make him breakfast and lunch. The issue is that I'm so exhausted that I can't STAY awake. So I'm not even really asleep all the way.

Once I wake up then I'm fine and I get him dressed and try to get out of the house, but lately it's been hard because I've been too tired and in pain.
anabanana last decade
For the past few days I've been feeling very achy, could this be because of the sulphur? I'm not feeling well at all, mentally or physically.
anabanana last decade
I also have lack of appetite and nausea.

I feel fine when I'm sleeping, but it kicks in a little after I get up.
anabanana last decade
Have you ever taken Sepia ?
sameervermani last decade
I don't remember...I'll read back.

If you mean before you treating me, then no.

I think I have the flu. I'm achy and with fever. At least my nausea is mostly gone. My son is the same way, but with a cough, too. This sucks because I have a session tomorrow and it's for a prom, so I can't reschedule (once in a lifetime event, kwim) Ugh. I'm not the type that can't function on the flu/cold, but I'm afraid to drive because of the dizzines.

Is this weird? I actually like the way I feel when I'm sick like this (EXCEPT the nausea! Hate that!)? Something about it is soothing to me. Maybe that it's a valid excuse to lounge around? : /
anabanana last decade
One option is to wait, and see if this is just a return of old symptoms which might be followed by improvements.

Do you feel mentally better in any way ?
sameervermani last decade
No. I feel depressed and semi-suicidal. Well, not that I would ever hurt myself, but I keep thinking that if I didn't have my son it would be so much easier to just let go, kwim, and stop trying to improve.
anabanana last decade
Are we going to try Sepia?

I have a horrible cough right now. It's so itchy in my lungs and mainly to the right side. It hasn't let me sleep all night. I just took some honey and I think that helped...or maybe it was that I gave up on trying to sleep.

I also have a stuffy nose, eyes are burning a bit and I'm sneezing a lot, but in really spaced out intervals.

I've been feeling better lately, but my daughter is in from out of town and I'm happy she's here. I'm already dreading that she will leave next Sunday. And I'm sad about the impact this will have on my son (he's extremely happy with her here). Since my daughter is here all my depression from loneliness is gone. Still, no motivation to take care of my responsibilities (cooking, cleaning, food shopping, etc.)

I'll wait for further instruction.

Oh, my doctor called me and said that my T4 levels are still too high and that my iron is too low.

anabanana last decade
Please take just 1 dose of Sepia 30c, 1 pellets in 250 ml spring water, and 1 teaspoon from there.

Report in 3 days.
sameervermani last decade
Dr. Sameer,

I was reading back on this thread and saw that I took Lachesis before. Since you said that it works better after Med. and I have 80% of the same symptoms as my son, I was wondering if it was worth a try?

I know I took 30c before...I have 200c on hand from my son.

I did order Sepia online, but have not received it.
anabanana last decade
Hey Dr Sameer,

I just woke up choking. This is the second time this has happened to me really badly in the past couple weeks. I wake up and it's like I choked on my own saliva. But it's SO bad that I feel like I'm drowning on it and it takes me a while to be able to catch my breath. I start trying to swallow and I guess I swallow air because then I keep feeling like I have air in my stomach. After I'm able to catch my breath I keep coughing trying to get it all out of my lungs, but it feels like there's a little liquid there for a LONG time. Like last time it lasted for 24 hours. The coughing is violent and it triggers something that makes me feel like I want to throw up.

I've been coughing for the past hour and it still feels like there's something in my windpipe. And I'm burping a lot.

The last time this happened it was when we had the tornadoes, on the first day, and we didn't have any power. I actually went for the phone to call an ambulance when it was really bad, but had no power/signal.

Since I had no power for like 4 days after that I forgot to write this here. Now that it happened again I remembered. This has happened to me before, too, but never so frequently and I think it's never been this bad where it actually gets me out of bed and afraid to fall asleep again.

When it happens I also feel like urinating a lot and vomiting (but I haven't).

Now my lungs/throat hurt from coughing, I'm exhausted, but afraid to fall asleep because I still feel like there's liquid there.
anabanana last decade
I took this when I gave my son the tuberculinum on 5/18, I think it was, so tonight it's about 7 days.

I'm feeling much more energetic, I think. The improvement in my motivation is mild, but it's there. My head twitches have improved. I still have it, but it's not as severe as it's been. I'm still getting the intrusive thoughts and am very emotional (with all the tornadoes that have happened recently). I still get scared of sudden world destruction and all that.

But I've been wanting to move around lately. Like to be more physical, walk, excercize, go out, etc.

I've had a cut on my bottom lip from a few days before I took the sepia. Once I took the sepia it got so bad that it moved down past my lip onto my skin. But today it was suddenly better. Not sure if this is because I got my period today.

Another thing is that when I get my period I usually get really constipated a few days before, but this time around it was the opposite.

Usually when I get my period the days before I feel horrible, but this time I felt quite good.
anabanana last decade
Excellent progress.

Please keep waiting, this was 30c, correct ?

sameervermani last decade
Okay, the effects are gone. They've been gone for a long time now, but I haven't had much time to be online since we have some family issues we're trying to resolve. I've kept forgetting to update. I think it started to get bad again right after I posted here. I have the twitches, anxiety, depression, worry, lack of motivation, etc.
anabanana last decade
Oh, didn't see your question. Yes, it was the 30c!

anabanana last decade
This was expected since this was only a 30c, please take a single dose of Sepia 200c in water, and report after a week.
sameervermani last decade
Thanks! I've already ordered it and should have it in a couple days. : )
anabanana last decade
Hi Dr. Sameer,

I took the 200c a few days ago, 4 days, I think. Today my eye dryness is really bad. But that's all so far. Just wanted to update that I did take this.

anabanana last decade
Oh, and also, for the past few days I've been dreaming a lot about sex and perverted things. It's like I think about it all the time. Kind of annoying, really, because it doesn't let me sleep well.
anabanana last decade
And, what's the status on other things ?
sameervermani last decade
Not much change, yet.

I have been a bit short tempered; having sudden outbursts and then feeling bad. I yelled at my mother and feel really bad about it...that sort of thing. I'm feeling frustrated with everyone. But I don't think this is from the remedy; I was like this before and this is usual for the time before I get my menstruation.

I really can't say there's much difference. I think everything I'm feeling is normal for this time of my cycle. I have had the dreams and stuff before.
anabanana last decade

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