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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

I have a question, is my remedy working? Page 13 of 13

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Okay, this is something I've not wanted to share, but maybe it's important. I have some sexual issues. Are they relevant?
anabanana last decade
Okay, I think I briefly mentioned this early on in this thread. It's something that I'm very embarrased by. I have a masturbation issue. I have to do this a lot. It really gets in the way of living because it takes me forever to get whatever fantasy I'm concocting just right so that I can go ahead with the act. It takes hours every night. And even though my husband is right there and loves sex, it's something I like to do alone. I watch/read porn during the times when this is bothering me...a lot of it and I feel like it's never enough. Like it's never exciting enough. I will watch the sickest things; rape, violence, etc. After the fact I feel guilt and disgusted with myself, a lot of the time.

I'm also attracted to the same sex, which I recently discovered. This is somewhat of a new development...over the past year.

All of this had gone away for a long time, but returned with a vengance a few months ago. This is why I never mentioned it. I figured I was 'healed,' at least in that respect.
anabanana last decade
Okay, a lot of different remedies come up, Puls, Staph, Ars, Phos, Medorrhinum and usually when that happens, a remedy named Carcinosin is indicated.

Please take 1 dose of Carcinosin 200c, and report after 2 weeks.
sameervermani last decade
Thank you. Will do.
anabanana last decade
Dr. Sameer, I went to order from Helios and they have a bunch of different kinds of carcinosin. No clue which to order.
anabanana last decade
Never mind, I figured it out.
anabanana last decade
Is there anything else I should order, so I can fill the minimum order?
anabanana last decade
Carcinosin 1M as well.
sameervermani last decade
Dr Sameer,

Is there anything I can take for sunburn. I have a horrific sunburn. I have a fever, can't move, severe pain/burning. I went to the beach this weekend and didn't notice it until it started to sting. It's just so painful and ALL over (arms, chest, back, legs, face, ears...my ears feel swollen). I'm on the 3rd day (happened Saturday) and it feels like it got worse, not better. : (

I've tried everything as far as cold showers, hot showers, lotion, someone told me egg whites, corn starch, vinegar. The only thing that has relieved it is motrin and pressure when I lay on it in bed. So I will rotate to give each side and my back a turn. Cool stuff feels good (not cold), like the cold bed when I first lay down, cold blanket or any fabric., to apply pressure with.
anabanana last decade
I finally got the remedy. It took forever to get here. I've had it for about a week, but I've had a cold and have been waiting to get over that. I plan to take it today.
anabanana last decade
Ok, lemme know how it goes with Carcinosin 200c.
sameervermani last decade
Hi Dr. Sameer,

I know it's been a while, but I did take this remedy and nothing. I vaguely felt some annoying symptoms, like the eczema behind my neck, which has mostly gone away, felt like it wanted to come back and did for about a day immediately after the remedy.

I think that when I first took it I felt a hint better for a day or so. Not sure,though. It was a few weeks ago. This is how long it took me to build up the courage to take it since it has I fear the disease it's made from It's hard to take a remedy made from something you fear so much. But I did, quickly, before I could change my mind. I think it's been about 3 or 4 weeks.

My esophagus is sore and painful lately. I thought this was chest pain, but now I clearly feel that it's my esophagus. I feel like I have acid or something. It feels like burning and soreness, but also like spot pain.

It is there all the time, but worse when I eat dairy or certain foods. Like tonight, I had a potato and egg omelet (sp?) and it's the worst it's ever been.

I'm feeling angry, short-tempered, and emotional. I feel like going out and drinking and having an affair or something.

Nothing else new... I'm losing weight. It's slow, but happening.

A few days ago I got real dizzy and had to go to the ER. I think it was from using my eyes too much. This happens to me a lot (maybe vertigo), and it freaks me out. I always think that I'm having an embolism or something because several people in my family have died from that.
anabanana last decade
I'm bumping this up in hopes that I will get a response and can continue to try other remedies. I know it hasn't been a very positive outcome, but I'm not ready to give up, yet.

Dr. Sameer, on that other thread I had opened about my cold/flu symptoms you suggested I take pulsatilla 200. I only had 30 on hand so I went with that and believe I only took one dose. My cold had started improving before that, but it did speed things up, I think.

I started feeling better while on puls. Again, I never know if It's the remedy or part of my vicious cycle. But this time around I felt something different. I felt 'milder,' if that makes sense. I even felt as if my eye dryness had improved a bit. But the a few days ago the dryness started peaking again, as it does periodically. So I did something I normally would not do and took another dose of puls. 30. This time around it made my eyes worse.

Or maybe it would have been that way anyhow. I don't feel well. I also now have pressure in my eyes/head. It starts around 7pm and continues to get worse as night progresses. It's at its worst when I close my eyes. It's as if the lack of something to focus on and the darkness makes my eyes strain.

So, I've been reading up about remedies, a lot! And what comes up over and over that I should take is lycopodium. But while this matches most of my physical symptoms, it doesn't fit my personality.

While studying the remedy for a few days it just doesn't feel right for me. Cowardice is not me. I mean, yeah, I sometimes want a break from responsibility, but would never run away from it with that which is most important to me...my children/family. I get nervous before work, but I get there and do it and a few minutes into it I'm in charge. I don't mind others knowing I'm shaking out of my skin. And I like this fleeting nervousness. It makes me feel empowered and brave afterward. Anyways, that doesn't seem like lyc to me, but I feel I need some relief for my eyes because it gives me horrible anxiety and makes me think I have some bad disease...so much so that I went to the er over it. But I figured I could be doing more harm than good....

If you can, please advise me.

anabanana last decade
Can you please e-mail me. Want to ask you something. id is in profile.
sameervermani last decade

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