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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

I have a question, is my remedy working? Page 6 of 13

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Hi Ana,

Please take a single dose of Calcarea Carb 200c, dissolve 1 pellet in 250 ml water, and take a teaspoon from there.

Report in 10 days.
sameervermani last decade
Thank you Dr. Sameer, will do. I already ordered it online so I'm not wasting time running around trying to find it. I even ordered from a different place, so hopefully it won't take as long as my husband's remedy!

I'm a bit concerned with how my son will react, though. In case he has the same reaction as before would I just give him the Nux Vomica again?

Thank you so much!
anabanana last decade
I do not expect a very strong reaction. If that happens, please talk to me.
sameervermani last decade
Dear Dr. Sameer,

I took the remedy this morning and I'm not sure if this is because of the remecy, but I have a sore throat. It's mainly sore on the left side and there's a drip or something back there, too.

Just updating.

Thanks! : )
anabanana last decade
OKay, I'm also itching a lot. My ears are itchy and I have a headache.
anabanana last decade
I'm having flu-like symptoms. Would these be from the remedy or something separate? Is there anything I can take fro it, I feel miserable.
anabanana last decade
This can be the remedy.

No, it is too soon, to intervene, let these symptoms pass.
sameervermani last decade
My son is getting it now. He's becoming fussy while sleeping and his nose seems runny. He's still asleep, but was complaining in his sleep.
anabanana last decade
I still feel horrible and achy. My son has only really had mild symptoms and the runny nose, thank goodness!

I feel better when I'm out of the house, but I think that just makes it worse at night and in the morning...all the exhertion, so I'm staying in today and trying to rest.

I don't think this is from the remedy, though, since my mother is starting to feel bad, too.
anabanana last decade
Is there anything I can take for this? I am in so much pain and so uncomfortable from the burning sensation, pressure and pain in my ears, sneezing, stuffy nose, and a pulsating and sporadic pain all over. It pulsates and moves around; like on my leg, knee, chest (only right side), left temple, hand, foot, etc. Lots of fevers. I get chills and feel hot.

Is there anything I can give my son? He's having the runny nose and watery eyes, but I don't think (or I hope!) he feels as badly as I do.
anabanana last decade
Hi Ana,

I would recommend waiting as if we intervene now, we would never know what 'would have been' had we allowed the remedy to act.
sameervermani last decade
I feel much better today, not as achy. I'm just coughing and sneezing a lot, congested, and feel weak, but not a huge deal.

As far as the remedy, I don't think I have any of the usual aggravations, yet. I guess we'll see once I'm over this cold how I feel. Right now it's pretty hard to feel upbeat, mentally. : )

Thanks so much!
anabanana last decade
Hey Dr. Sameer,

Okay, I'm becoming very paranoid. I'm fearful of things like the 'end of the world,' or someone breaking in to my home and doing something to us. I just woke up from an end-of-times type dream (I have these a lot; world catastrophes, world wars & revolutions, etc) feeling very afraid. It was actually a dream about some sort of world revolution and I was a man and was shot in my head. Before they shot me I asked the guy to take my son and raise him as his own and not let him see them shoot me. :-(

Usually, just turning the lights on and walking around will make my fears go away, but not now.

So definitely more paranoid, even before the dream...early in the night when I went to bed I was paranoid about someone breaking in and harming us.

I'm also feeling angry (as is my son). Not sleeping well (not that this is new and honestly, I wonder how much of what I'm feeling is due to lack of sleep). I have a lot of anxiety, too, and am feeling depressed.

I don't know if it's the remedy or part of my crazy cylce, but just wanted to let you know and see what you think.

Thanks! :-)
anabanana last decade
By the way, can you please talk more about your pregnancy, and symptoms which started after that ? You mentioned this in your husband's thread so it might be good know that in detail.
sameervermani last decade

Late in 2005 I got pregnant. It was an unplanned pregnancy and I was pretty upset about it, but that only lasted a couple days. The preg started out normal like all my other ones (I have a 13 year old daughter and I've had several miscarriages & ectopic pregs). I got nauseated as usual. I get extreme hyperemesis and excessive salivation, swell up, and begin to gain weight at an alarming rate. By 7 weeks I was as nauseated as can be, but dealing with it pretty well.

I didn't go to an OB because the preg was actually going better than any of my other ones and I didn't want to jinx it. My nausea even began to go away during a trip we took to Miami in December 2005.

Anyhow, I was about 13-16 weeks along and I went to the ER because I had started spotting. They couldn't find the heartbeat after several tries by a few of the nurses and doctors and sent me for an ultrasound.

Right then they told me that there was no heartbeat visible and that it was likely a 'blighted ovum' which is where the preg is lost early on,b ut everything else continues to grow and HCG hormones continue to rise.

This happened on January 5th, 2006, the day before my husband's birthday.

We were devastated. I took it pretty hard for a couple weeks. All my other miscarriages I wasn't aware I was preg until I began to miscarry, so they didn't affect me.

They did a couple ultrasounds and when I went in to the OB they said they were going to give me Misoprostol for my body to expel the pregnancy. I didn't take it for a week because I was terrified that there could still be a baby in there since I had a few people telling me how mistakes have been made.

I ended up taking it and it was horribly painful and I was so afraid to turn on the lights in the bathroom that I spent the entire night in darkness...I just didn't want to see anything.

Still, my body did not expel and by March 11th I was back in the ER again. A week before that they had given me this pill again and it didn't work, either. In the ER it finally all came out, naturally, and without intervention and I didn't require a D&C.

I think I got pregnant again right after that, definitely the same month. With my son I got an ultrasound right away and found out that it was a good pregnancy and after that I was fine.

My son was born on January 5, 2007, so on the day that the other ordeal began. He was early by about 4 weeks, so I thought the worse. I was so paranoid and thought he would die. I had to have a c-section and when I saw that he was breathing and crying I thought that I had such a horrible feeling because I was going to die. I shook violently the entire time and even for about an hour afterwards.

The main feeling through our this pregnancy was worry and paranoia, in fact, this has been my feeling toward my son all along.
anabanana last decade
Oh, about the symptoms that started after that...I guess nothing new, but everything just got worse. I was more paranoid, more fearful, more intrusive thoughts and everything happens more often.

A lot of my fears have to do with my son or myself (because I fear what would happen to him if something happened to me.)
anabanana last decade
Now I'm thinking you were maybe asking me to describe my pregnancy with my son and not my miscarriage... :-/

If so... I was pretty miserable the entire time. Severely nauseated the entire time with excessive salivation (I still sort of have this). I gained unreal amounts of weight and my body sort of got all deformed. I was in a lot of pain. I got this thing, forget what it's called, where you get excruciating pain in the pubic area and after the 7th mos I don't think there was one night I didn't wake from my sleep crying because of pain. My husband was NO help and even a quick rub was like asking him to donate an organ. If I had a craving (which was perpetual, LOL!) he didn't care enough to go out of his way. He didn't care if I cried (I'm not a big cryer, either. It's actually too difficult for me, but when I'm pregnant...it's easy!). He was just mean.

I wrote about the incident after I had my son where my c-sec opened up and he was just staring at me, hatefully.

I already mentioned my fear and stuff. Another thing is extreme back pain that I get periodically, on my right side, mostly. It runs from my chest to my back..probably bad posture. I was also diagnosed with steatosis at the ER and my hypothyroidism. Hypothyroidism is nothing new, but it comes and goes. Mostly after a preg it goes.

I had a very bad birth experience, too, and was also mistreated by the hospital staff.

I was very organized before my pregnancy. I had my home impecable. I would clean every Saturday and it was something I looked forward to. I would also clean daily, but Sat was a big cleaning day.

I remember it felt awesome afterwards!

My clothes were organized to where they were color-coded and evenly separated. Each thing had to face the same way and would hang a certain way. This felt really good to me. When I got pregnant I had no energy and I wasn't able to keep up with my demanding cleaning routine. This was very depressing to me and it made a lot of things just feel wrong. Even now, my home is a mess. If anyone sees it they wouldn't really think so, but it's not where I want it to be. Things aren't where I want them to be. But it's so difficult for me to move around that it takes me all day just to clean the kitchen and dining room (and my place is SMALL!) and this is just basic cleaning. My son doesn't make it easy, either. Since it's so difficult and I couldn't get it to where I want it I feel like it's useless to even try, so I don't, but it bothers me. I try to not think about this.

I don't really remember where the cleaning thing started because I haven't been like this all my life...I think my daughter was about 7ish.

My daughter, btw, was taken from me from ages 3-7 by my ex-husband and during those years I was more dead than alive. He only did it to hurt me for leaving him. He's in law enforcement and is very influential. That was a mess. One day he, out of the blue, decided to give her back to me.
anabanana last decade
Will analyze this again and get back to you.
sameervermani last decade
thank you. : )
anabanana last decade
Hi ,

Please answer the following:

Please answer the following :

1./) Can we say that you are overburdened with domestic responsibilities which overwhelms you to the point of anger and irritability?
2./) Can we say that there is strong antagonism and anger with the self ?
3./) Do you feel better after physical exercise or dancing ?
4./) Can we say most of the 'current' problems started with child-birth or pregnancy ?
sameervermani last decade
1./) Can we say that you are overburdened with domestic responsibilities which overwhelms you to the point of anger and irritability?

Yes. I feel like it shouldn't be too much for me, though.

2./) Can we say that there is strong antagonism and anger with the self ?


3./) Do you feel better after physical exercise or dancing ?

For a short while. It's like a quick high.

4./) Can we say most of the 'current' problems started with child-birth or pregnancy ?

Somewhat. I think they began in childhood, though, but they are really bad now. We can say that with each birth/preg the problems worsen considerably.
anabanana last decade
I have always felt overburdened by responsibilities, actually. It's like an aversion. I wish I could do things when and if I wanted to, not because I have to. I've always been like that.
anabanana last decade
3./) Do you feel better after physical exercise or dancing ?

For a short while. It's like a quick high.

I wanted to add: I feel better when I'm active. Like today, I got out for a great part of the day and I felt great. The problem is getting out there and it is not long-lasting.

It's easy for me to walk in the house after being out and walk right out the door again, but not after a while and not even after days.
anabanana last decade
And, how do you feel overall now since the Calcarea Carb 30c doses ? Any changes ?
sameervermani last decade
Only that I've been more short-tempered and so has my son. I don't know if it's developmental with him...it's hard to tell because he shifts so much, depending.

I'm extremely paranoid, looking over my shoulder. Keep thinking that when I look out the windows someone is going to be there staring...sudden nervousness, too.
anabanana last decade
I've also been extremely obssessed with being online to where I'm neglecting my responsibilities. I have also felt like taking up smoking again (Haven't smoked for about 5 years); having dreams about it.
anabanana last decade

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