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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

I have a question, is my remedy working? Page 5 of 13

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By the way, I am constipated, but have no desire to go, either.
anabanana last decade
I also have excessive salivation. This is something I get with pregnancy, but it hasn't gone away this time. It's been a bit worse lately. It mostly happens after I eat sweets or breads. Just thinking of sour things sets it off...I hate sour things!
anabanana last decade
I think we have waited enough now, Ars is not going to be curative here.

Please give me a couple of days as I am travelling right now.
sameervermani last decade
Okay, thank you so much.
anabanana last decade

I was reading through this, Nux Vomica, and it seems like I have all of that! Especially the stuff in CAPS.
anabanana last decade
I'm thinking of going ahead and doing the antidote...it's getting pretty bad at night. I'm having a lot of negative thoughts...old memories are coming back and I'm getting angrier.

Unless this is part of the healing process...stuff coming back to the surface?
anabanana last decade
Please go ahead and anti-dote with Nux-v 6c
sameervermani last decade
Dear Ana,

How do you feel now ? Did you anti-dote with Nux ?
sameervermani last decade
Hey Dr. Sameer,
I did antidote, but just did so a couple days ago, on Wednesday, so it's just about 48 hours since.

I actually do think I feel slightly better (as of last night) as far as the intrusive thoughts... I feel VERY tired, exhausted, sleepy.

Also, on Wednesday I was feeling horrible. Very emotional, felt like crying and breaking down, and depressed. This was better the next day.

I'm still feeling down, but there is some improvement. The cracked skin on my hands is drastically improving, but it had begun to improve before the Nux.

anabanana last decade
Okay, let us wait for 2 more days then.

Please update at that time.
sameervermani last decade
Dear Dr. Sameer,
I just wanted to give a quick update. There's really not much change, though I'm still having some aggravations.

It's begining to itch around my pubic area and the skin between my pubic area and my thigh has cracked. It looks like a bright red line. This has also happened with the Ars each time, but I always forget to say it.

I've had a headache today, my face hurts and it felt like my sinuses were burning/stinging.

I'm still extremely tired and just feel like zoning out and not doing anything.

The intrusive thoughts are still there. It's like anything going on I kind of just imagine the worst possible scenario. If someone is handing me a pencil images flash of what I or someone else can do to hurt someone with that pencil, what their reaction would be, etc. stuff like that, but even worse than that. This is still happening, but it's not as strong as when I'm on the Ars...it just seems easier to control or set the thougth aside or as if the thoughts are quick, but with the Ars they were persistent.

I think I'm pretty much back to normal except for the aggravations. My son seems MUCH better, too.
anabanana last decade
Dear Ana,

Please take 3 doses of Calcarea Carb 30c, where each dose is 1 teaspoon and report in 1 week.
sameervermani last decade
I just messed up! I was taking the remedy and had done my first dose and about 20 minutes later I ate a piece of orange. then I had the 2nd dose and now I just realized that I ate in between doses.

Should I start over?
anabanana last decade
That is fine.

Do not take again.

Just take the third dose, and report back in 1 week.
sameervermani last decade
I think I'm feeling pretty good mentally, so far, but I'm getting cold symptoms. I have a cough and an irritated feeling in my lungs. NOt sure if it's the remedy, but it began tonight.
anabanana last decade
Good to know :), this is perfect response.

The disease is moving from mental to physical levels which is a curative response.

Do not do anything, just wait and watch.
sameervermani last decade
OKay, something's wrong. My son has not stopped tantruming since I took this remedy. He is being horrible, unconsollable. It's like you just can't win with him. This has been getting progressively worse by the day, but today it's unbearable.

I had a couple VERY good days, but last night I couldn't sleep and kept having intrusive thou ghts. Today I have felt angry all day long. I don't know if this has been set off by how he is acting (which is the worse I've ever seen him, btw) or because I have severe stress coming in from another direction...don't know.

I'm just feeling very overwhelmed with him right now.

Please help!

anabanana last decade
You can give your son a single dose of Nux Vomica 6c. 1 teaspoon.

For you, we need to wait for 1 more week.
sameervermani last decade
Ok, thanks, will do!

: )
anabanana last decade
Oh, I forgot to ask, is it okay to do purified water instead of Spring water? I only have purified right now, I think, and won't be able to make it to the store today.
anabanana last decade
that's fine.
sameervermani last decade
I think my son is a little better. He's still doing the tantrum thing, but it's not lasting as long and it's not as wild as it was before (flailing arms, jumping and letting himself fall on the floor, etc).
HE's also had a strange rash on the right side of his body for the past couple weeks (started from a few spots on the thigh), from his right thigh to the right side of his belly. It wasn't itchy, just a bunch of skin colored dots. A lot of them. But I think they're going away or at least it's stopped spreading.

I'm just getting a bunch of physical stuff. I'm swollen at the right knee as I have been with every remedy and a lot of swelling around the neck and face, arms and hands. I got an annoying crack on my bottom lip. Usually it's just dry there, on a couple spots, but now it's actually cracked.

I'll keep you updated.

anabanana last decade
Dear Dr. Sameer,

I think all the aggravations have improved, but no difference otherwise.

There's somethng very slight, though. Normally when my memories surface it's only bad or tragic things, but I've gotten a few good ones. It's as if there was a slight shift in that area. The other things that have been coming up are things that made me embarrased. It's like I can't let these things go...they are just as annoying as the gruesome thoughts.

All in all I don't think there was a lot of emotional improvement because I've been very angry and resentful and holding grudges...like against my mother and my husband. After those first two good days it was downhill from there, but I can feel myself leveling off now.
anabanana last decade
I should mention that my anal fissure seems to be gone. Yay! :-)

I know that this means the remedy is probably going in the wrong direction, but it's so great to be able to go to the bathroom normally for the first time in years!

I've been having a lot of dreams of falling over a ledge or that my son is falling over (or both.) A lot of nightmares where I wake shaking.
anabanana last decade
Hi Ana,

I will analyze this in a day or 2.

sameervermani last decade
Hi Ana,

Please take a single dose of Calcarea Carb 200c, dissolve 1 pellet in 250 ml water, and take a teaspoon from there.

Report in 10 days.
sameervermani last decade

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