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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

I have a question, is my remedy working? Page 8 of 13

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Okay, thanks.
anabanana last decade
Hey Dr. Sameer,

I think today is the 10th or 11th day and I'm feeling pretty good in some ways.

I've had a lot of motivation to clean and organize my home and this has made me feel better or in control a little more. It's not to where I'd like it to be, but everyday it's a little closer.

I've also had a lot more patience with my toddler, but this hasn't been every day...just some. We really seem to be in tune, either way. When I'm short tempered, he acts up the most and when I'm feeling good so is he.

Yesterday I woke from a full nights sleep and feel that this is probably why I had such a good day yesterday. I'm noticing that when I do sleep my days are better, great, actually.

My problem is getting myself to sleep when I don't knock out accidentally.

So there is improvement, but not the way I thought it would come. I haven't been so depressed. Since I've been in a good mood my husband is also, so we've been getting along better.

I've had aggravations. Every night from about 8-10pm I will get a burning cramp on my right hip, like on the side. Around 2 or 3am I will get annoying itching on the top of my right foot. The past couple nights the cramps on the hip have been replaced with cramps on my left side of my upper back, near my shoulder blade. It's quite painful. At least it's not all happening at the same time and it only lasts a couple hours. :-)

Today I can feel that strong motivation to do things to get my home organize kind of dwindle. It's like a little voice is telling me to go lay down, watch TV and relax or as if I would like to escape. But it's very slight.

This all coincides with my mother moving out, so I can't tell if it's that which has affected me ina positive way (although I'm very sad about it) or if it's the remedy. :-/

What do you think? In a way I feel like I got out of a bad relationship.
anabanana last decade
Please wait for 1 more week, and procure Phosphorus 200c.
sameervermani last decade
I'm not feeling good at all today. I didn't even notice, but I was feeling good physically, too. More energetic, not fatigued, etc. Today it's all come back.

I shall procure the Phosphorus 200c and it will probably take about a week to get here anyways.

anabanana last decade
Dear Dr. Sameer,
I just received the Phosphorus 200c in the mail. What do I do now?

anabanana last decade
2 pellets in 250 ml spring water, and a teaspoon from there.

Nothing enters the mouth 1 hr before and 1 hr after the dose.

Report in 2 weeks.
sameervermani last decade
Hey Dr. Sameer,

I just took the remedy last night. I've been having symptoms of what may seem like aggravations and wanted to wait until that passed.

Today I feel great. I don't know if this is because of the remedy, but I remember with the 30c I felt pretty good immediately after, for 2 or 3 days.

So, just in case, I'm updating today...I feel very motivated. Like I want to do SOOOOO many things and there isn't enough time. I have been active all day since I woke up even though I didn't get enough sleep last night.

I'll update if and when there is any change.

anabanana last decade
Good to know, this is perfect.

Update me in 2 weeks.
sameervermani last decade
Hey Dr. Sameer,

I think that first day of feeling great was a fluke because it didn't last. A few days after I took the remedy I began to get the aggravations (itching, rash in the bubic area and worse on my body, etc. but it went away rather quickly).

I've been feeling extremely fearful lately, although today I think it's a bit better. I watched a documentary about 'December 2012' and that isn't helping at all!

My skin rash is improving, so I don't know if that's a bad sign. It's not as itchy and my arms feel smoother, not like the usual sand-paper rough.

I feel a strange pressure on the top of my head, like a pulling/tightening sensation...probably from thinking too much.

I don't think it's been 2 weeks, yet.

I have a question...the first remedy that that homeopath gave me...Nat Mur, is it possible that at a lower dose it can be curative? Or is that possibility messed up because I proved it with that crazy dosing at such a high potency? I ask this purely out of curiosity because I am still optimistic that the Phosphorus will work, but I've been wondering about that for the longest time now. Would it have been curative with the dosing if it was going to be anyways?
anabanana last decade
Hey Dr. Sameer,

There's been no change and I'm still feeling extremely fearful...of everything. We were in the dark all night last night until early this morning because there was a power outage and I was very anxious.

I think I'm getting the flu.

anabanana last decade
Hi Ana,

Let us wait for 5 more days, and if this does not improve, we will intervene.

sameervermani last decade
Okay, thanks!
anabanana last decade
Dr. Sameer,

My worries and fears are getting worse. I'm more depressed, too. The strange pressure (or lack of?) in my head is spreading and becoming more intense.

Can we antidote?

anabanana last decade


It's still pretty bad. I'm afraid of going under bridges because they may come crashing down on us. I'm afraid of concrete bu ildings because there may be an earthquake or a bomb! I'm afraid of planes flying over my home because they may be falling, not flying...etc, etc.

I hadn't felt like this in a while, so I'm pretty certain it's the remedy.
anabanana last decade
Have you given up on me, Dr. Sameer?

anabanana last decade
Dr. Sameer, I'm just going to go ahead and anti-dote with the Nux-v, as I did before.

I just need some rest, emtotionally. I feel exhausted from thinking, analyzing, and worrying.

Everything's gotten so much worse and my son is not behaving well, either. He's also had a cough that isn't going away. It's happening a lot early in the night, but throughout the day.

I don't know if this is from me taking the phosphorus...
anabanana last decade
Hi Ana,

You can anti-dote with Nux-V 6c.

I have not given up. Just missed your post as I have been traveling a lot over the past 2 weeks.

Report after the single dose of Nux-V 6c in 3 days.
sameervermani last decade
Hey, Dr. Sameer. It's taken me a while to reply because I've been painting my place so my PC has been disconnected for a few days. : )

I did take the Nux and in a day or two I began to improve. I was really going nuts with the Phosphorus! I'm back to normal, I think.

Please advise on what to do now.

Thanks! : )
anabanana last decade
And, all symptoms you originally told about still hold ?
sameervermani last decade
Yes. After taking the Nux some stuff got better, like my fears, but now I'm pretty much back to 'normal.'
anabanana last decade
Dr Sameer, I'm back to how I was before the Nux and then some. I'm SO extremely fearful of world catastrophes and the end of the world, black holes, etc. It's eating me up. I don't get a moment's rest anymore. I used to only be very fearful at night, but now it's daytime, too, 24/7.

Another thing that has resurfaced was something that had gotten a bit better. It's this thing where if I'm holding an object in my hand, like a knife, for example, I get images of stabbing someone or myself. Or if I'm near water I get images of drowing, etc.

I'm considering speaking to my medical doctor about this. Something has to help. I can't take this anymore.
anabanana last decade
Dear Ana,

It seems all the well indicated remedies are failing, hence, please take a single dose of

MEDORRHINUM 200c, and report back in 2 weeks.

Dissolve 2 pellets or 2 drops in 120 ml water, stir, and take a teaspoon.

This remedy will have to be ordered from Helios UK.
sameervermani last decade
Thank you, Dr. Sameer. I will order it as soon as I can.

I've been thinking, each time I've taken Nux (I think it's been twice) there has been some improvement. Why is that not an option as a remedy? Just curious.
anabanana last decade
Dr. Sameer,

I just looked at Helios and they have a minimum purchase of £8.75, is there another remedy I should get while I'm at it...so I can get to that amount? Or else I can just order two of the MEDORRHINUM 200c or another one of higher potency?

I'll probably have to order tomorrow night.

anabanana last decade
One last thing...just to be sure:

They have two remedies listed. One is Medorrhinum (Gonorrheal virus) and the other says Medorrhinum Amer. (Gonorrhoal discharge from America). Which one?
anabanana last decade
Medorrhinum 200c and Medorrhinum 1M should be ordered. Gonorrheal virus is correct.

sameervermani last decade

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