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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

I have a question, is my remedy working? Page 4 of 13

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Does not matter.
sameervermani last decade
Hey Dr. Sameer,
I want to give a quick update. I had to travel suddenly and haven't been able to get the remedy, yet. I got back a couple days ago, but the stuff still hasn't arrived. I plan on calling tomorrow to inquire as to why it's taken so long. Just wanted to let you know...

Kind regards,
anabanana last decade
Dr. Sameer, I just got the Ars 1M yesterday and had assumed that I had to take it in the same way as the other remedies. So I diluted in spring water and just took one dose a few minutes ago.

I just now read this:

'We are going to try Arsenicum in a higher potency, so please procure Arsenicum Album 1M, and let me know when you have the remedy with you.'

Sorry for not reading more carefully!

What can I do???
anabanana last decade
Dr. Sameer, I hope I'm doing the right thing here and not ruining the situation altogether, but I've decided to wait until further notice from you and not take the other 2 doses (Of the usual 3), which I am supposed to take in a couple minutes.

I'll try not to eat or drink anything until I hear back from you today...in case I can still take the other two doses...I hope I haven't diverted too much from whatever it was I was supposed to do...

anabanana last decade
You had to take one dose only. So, you have done the right thing.

Now just wait and watch for next 3 weeks.
sameervermani last decade
Oh, great! I'm so relieved!

Thank you so much!
anabanana last decade
Hey Dr. Sameer,

I have a question and it's out of pure curiosity and a yearning to learn and understand more about homeopathy, I'm totally not questioning your judgement and fully trust you...just wanted to get that out of the way. :)

I've been reading about remedies and I noticed that I have many of the symptoms from both Ars and Phos. I wanted to ask if you have considered Phos for me and if so, why have you opted for Ars, first? The phos is SO much like me, especially in the mental stuff.


Even the radio provides company.
Fears: THUNDERSTORMS. SOMETHING BAD WILL HAPPEN. Diseases. Future. For others. Ghosts. Insanity. Robbers. Insects. Water. Earthquakes. Any fear.

Out of the body experiences.
Startles easily.
Mentally distractible and 'spacey'.
Slow, apathetic, dull-minded state (late stage).
Unable to exert the mind.
Answers slowly.

Wow! That's me in a nutshell to a T! Even the part about being clairvoyant since I do Tarot cards and the out of body experience!

I love that site by the way, I got it from another post of yours on here and it's so helpful with soooo much info!

anabanana last decade
Hi Ana,

A layman can read many remedies and think it describes them very well.

There are various aspects to remedies, and Ars was picked after careful analysis. Wether we will need Phos at some point of time (Ars. and Phos are complementary remedies by the way !) is a different story.

Please wait as advised, and we will know what to do from the way you respond to Ars. But, a 1M will take atleast 2 to 3 weeks to show effect.
sameervermani last decade
I understand this and I wasn't questioning your judgement at all because I trust that you know what you're doing! : ) I was just curious since I love reading about and learning about homeopathy.

I have been craving coffee lately, can I have some or is it totally otu of the question??? I think I've been watning some since before the remedy, but haven't had any. A while ago my mother brought some home.
anabanana last decade
Occasional coffee will not anti-dote but better to avoid as long as you can.
sameervermani last decade
Dr. Sameer, I feel horrible today! I have a head cold or something like that with a fever, off and on, and I am in pain, stuffy nose, ears hurt and feel stuffy and itchy, very weak. I know this isn't from the remedy because it had been coming on before I took it. Is there anything I can take?

I used to NEVER get these and the last time I felt this bad was about 7 years ago. My children never get them, either, but even my daughter got sick this year and my son has been sick a couple times (WHen we went to Miami and now)...

Anyhoo, what can I do to shorten it or get some relief. Thankfully my husband was home today (Which is rare) from work and took my son with him all day, otherwise I don't know how I could have taken care of him this morning.

Normally, when anyone gets sick I make them a homemade concoction of tea with oranges, lemons, apples, cinnamon, chamomille and some raw honey and it works. I also give elderberry extract...can I take some of that? I was wondering about the cinnamon in the tea, whcih I can totally leave out and the elderberry extract?

Any other suggestions?
anabanana last decade
Hi ana,

You can take the tea concoction. No problem.
sameervermani last decade
It's been about a week, now,and not any notable difference. MAybe some physical aggravations...lots of itching, dry stinging skin...I'll keep watching.
anabanana last decade
We need to wait for about 3 weeks before we pass a verdict here.
sameervermani last decade
My muscles feel VERY weak, almost like paralysis-type weakness. I usually have this already, but now it's worse. I think I remember getting this the last time on Ars, too...

Also feeling weepy and very emotional, depressed, sad...

I actually felt it kick in today, it was sudden and very strong and it just happened a few hours ago with a huge wave of sadness.

I understand we have to wait a while longer...I just don't want to forget this later.

Oh, yeah, speaking of 'forgetting!' : ) I'm forgetting everything. I mean, my age, words, birthdays. IN the middle of sentences I loose track...looking for something I forget what it was...etc. I get this a lot normally, but now it's whoa! When I think or force my brain I can actually feel pressure. :-/

Right leg is very swollen, which does not normally happen and is contributing to the paralysis feeling.

Thanks! :-)
anabanana last decade
YOu know, Dr. Sameer, I'm thinking that remedies are VERY slow-acting in me. I went back and read through this thread and I noticed that every time I took a remedy it was right near that first day of my period where I feel really great, like yesterday. I felt the same weakness in the legs, as the last times, and same itching, but no improvement in intrusive thoughts and fears, though I do feel motivated, like before.

I'm thinking this is all just part of my period and the remedy benefits, the mental ones, really come later on. You probably noticed this already, though.

This probably doesn't matter now, but in looking back I noticed some things that were inaccurate. When I saw this:

'Do you ever have exceptional loquacity marked by a rapid change of subject i.e. jumping abruptly from one idea to another ?
Yes, it feels like there are more thoughts in my brain than can fit or than I can keep up with.

Do you use your tongue in a very refined but cynical and critical way ? As if you have an intuition about the weakness of others and hence an ability to hurt them with precise sarcastic words ?
Yes, though I've been trying to work on not doing this. People just say I sound arrogant when I speak and demean others.

Do you ever get jealous ? If so, in what situations?
I'm very jealous; of family, friends, husband, even of old bosses & teachers. I just get jealous of people I care about spending time with others. If my husband talks about someone he knew being a great artist I'll become jealous, as if he should only acknowledge that I'm the best artist ever, just as an example, or if he says that he once knew a beautiful girl...even if it's family. I never voice this, though. Another example is when my mother goes to visit my brother; I feel, even against my better judgement, that she should be here with me...

Are you intense and passionate ?
Yep, when I feel strongly about something or someone.'

As far as loquacity, I didn't really know what that word meant and imagined it something totally different than what it is. The answer to that would be 'no,' now. I thought it meant something like craziness. LOL!

As far as jealousy, it's more possesiveness...everything's mine! : )
anabanana last decade
Dr. Sameer, I keep forgetting to mention something here and wanted to do so before my short update.

A couple years ago I saw a homeopath here for my son and she gave me some Sulphur 200c to take for myself when I told her about the rash on my arms and the hot hands & feet. She asked me a few quick questions and told me that (Now, this homeo was an RN prior to being a homeo) the hot hands & feet are a predisposition for diabetes. (I've been checked a few times and nothing, outside of being borderline gestational diabetes and considering that I practically survive off of sweets!) Anyhoo, I took the Sulphur and was extremely sleepy for a couple days, but didn't notice anything else after that. However, I was expecting my rash to go away...and loosing weight...that's what I was really looking for and I don't remember how I felt with my mind. :/ I Know that if anything, my rash got worse and I think that was what got my rash to spread to other parts of my body...

I just want to let you know in case it matters that I took this. Then, I repeated the remedy several times (30c) when I found out I had the fatty liver thing because I know that sulphur helps the liver heal and detoxify (LIke foods high in sulphur), so I figured it would be the same in homeopathy. (I didn't know better)

OF course, I HAven't taken anything since you've been treating me.

I just wanted to let you know in case it matters.

Short update:

My skin is getting worse, cracking especially on right hand, on the side, where the pinky finger is. Itching is worse and I often feel like I'm getting bitten by ants..stinging and itchign. The skin on my feet is worse, more cracked. My neck is more swollen. Generally, I'm more swollen, weak, etc.

Mentally, I don't feel much of a difference. There is some slight improvement in my will power. Though I'm not motivated, I get bursts of energy and strengh to do what I need to do; like household stuff.

My son's skin is also getting bad with a couple patches of rough eczema and I'm wondering if it's the Ars...??? I'm thinking it is.

Can I put some lotion on my skin? I mainly need it for the patches that are cracked and stinging. Everything I use is all natural/organic and I have some that's mainly lemongrass and shea butter, vegetable wax and asidic acid.

anabanana last decade
You can out the lotion, however let us wait more on the Arsenic.

Your son can get some skin rashes if he is being breast fed.
sameervermani last decade
Today I'm feeling very short-tempered and my son is pretty much acting the same. I'm sort of feeling the way I was when I took the Kali And Nat Mur that first homeopath gave me...

Yesterday I felt pretty good, today, not so much. I have the same heaviness/pressure (headache) in my head that I did with the Nat Mur.

Is this normal? Just an aggravation?
anabanana last decade
Hi Ana,

Please bear with this for 1 more week, and if this does not improve, we can anti-dote.
sameervermani last decade
I will try, but it seems to be getting worse. My son seems like a child with autism or severe ADHD and neither of us are doing very well with sleep. There's lots of anxiety.

We'll see how it is tomorrow, hopefully it's just today and a part of my normal nutty schedule.

I have lots of stomach upset, too. Lots of little weird things...like there's a spot on my tongue that feels like I burnt it with hot food or drink, but I'm pretty sure I didn't burn myself.. :-/
anabanana last decade
Hmm.. ok lets anti-dote as this is getting worse.

Please take a single dose of Nux Vomica 6c, just 1 teaspoon as dose.

This should halt the worsening.

Also keep Hepar Sulphuris Calcareum 6c at hand.
sameervermani last decade
Hey, Dr. Sameer, I didn't see your reply to me until today so I haven't done the antidote.

I think it was just that one day that was very stressful and I think it was set off because of my husband's sudden change to his old self and my son ignoring every single thing said to him. Anyways, a little of everything led me to feel very out of control.

There is still no improvement, but it's not like it was that day, so it's bearable and I can wait about another week.

If there is no improvement with the Ars am I goign to have to antidote anyways? ...Or is antidote somethign that is done when there are very bad reactions?
anabanana last decade
We will only anti-dote if you feel worse than where we started.
sameervermani last decade
I haven't seen any results, yet. Is it possible that it may still work? The three weeks is almost over, in a couple days.

One thing: I am horribly constipated. It's been like 6 days already and I feel very uncomfortable and swollen.

anabanana last decade
By the way, I am constipated, but have no desire to go, either.
anabanana last decade

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