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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

I have a question, is my remedy working? Page 7 of 13

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I've also been extremely obssessed with being online to where I'm neglecting my responsibilities. I have also felt like taking up smoking again (Haven't smoked for about 5 years); having dreams about it.
anabanana last decade
'I'm extremely paranoid, looking over my shoulder. Keep thinking that when I look out the windows someone is going to be there staring...sudden nervousness, too.'

When you look over your shoulder you think someone is behind you ? What are you afraid of ?
sameervermani last decade
Yes. It's as if I'm going to look back and someone is going to be there. It sounds childish, but I'm afraid of seeing like a dead person. It's ridiculous, I know.

I have never seen anything, to clarify. : D

I come from a family that believes in the supernatural, santeria, et c. and it's always freaked me out. I don't know if this is where my fear stems from...

More than seeing someone there, I'm afraid of the element of surprise.
anabanana last decade
I saw too many inappropriate movies as a child, I guess. :-/
anabanana last decade
Hmm.. have you ever read about a remedy named Staphysagriya ?


Please read and tell me what you think.
sameervermani last decade
That doesn't sound like me at all, actually.

Sweet is not usually the word people use to describe me. ;-)

There is definitely a lot of suppressed anger that began to surface in my adulthood, though.

I do talk to myself outloud, all the time.

I USED TO throw things a lot, especially in my early teens. And I feel like throwing stuff all the time, but don't.

There's no weeping, though. I can't remember the last time I cried, though I feel like it a lot.

Low self-esteem...maybe, but just because I'm overweight right now.

There is depression.

Rage, yes, sometimes.

Fear of height, anger, doctors...yes.

Hanging on to a marriage...well, I beleive that I should. I've been married before and I know it's never perfect. People should work things out or try their hardest.

'Constant and often distressingly frequent sexual fantasies' Yes.

And there was a history of sexual abuse.

So a lot of the mental aspects match up, but what doesn't is the general personality and mild and sweet character of the remedy. I've always been all over the place; rebellious, irresponsible, wild, etc.

About the 'suppression of anger,' however... I've always been pretty angry and that caused me to make some bad decisions as a teen and put my mother through a lot. However, I've always convinced myself that the abuse I suffered didn't affect me. Even at a very young age I thought I was 'above,' that. I would think: 'Well, it happened, crap happens to all sorts of people. It wasn't my fault. It didn't affect me in a long-term way.' Yet the way I behaved was typical of an abused child, but I've always blamed my behavior on other things...like my brother being abused, my mother staying with the guy and being abusive herself, etc. and I've always separated myself from everything, as if I was looking at the situation from an outsider's perspective.

Gosh, this is long, sorry.

I think the remedy sounds a lot like me as a child, before we got out of the abusive situation. After we got out was when I began to rebel.

I don't know, I keep going back and forth with this one...Once I continued reading down past the mental part, yes, I have a lot of that.
anabanana last decade
Hi Ana,

Staph doesn't have to be 'sweet' , they are nice when they 'are' being abused and they don't necessarily remain 'sweet' once the abuse has affected them to a reasonable extent. They can be very rebellious once they have been affected by the abusive situation.

It covers the fear on waking from dreams , obsessive desire to read about medical literature, suppressed anger, feeling that someone is behind them, fear that something bad will happen, and the general miasmatic state here.

Please take 3 doses of Staphysagria 30c potency, and report in 10 days.
sameervermani last decade
Just updating that I took it this morning.

anabanana last decade
I've had a bunch of the same aggravations as usual (cracked skin, swelling at the knee,et c), but no difference otherwise. I think I'm actually a bit more forgetful and am having trouble focusin and typing (I keep getting the letters messed up in a word and I have to correct several times before I get it right.).

The aggravations are starting to go away now.
anabanana last decade
I'm feeling afraid, anxious, depressed, hopeless, self-pitying etc.

I've been having dreams of being sexual with women or of having a penis. :-/

I really don't feel good...I feel sad and worried.

I'm about to get my period, soon, maybe this is why. Also, it's been raining and cloudy and this normally has a depressing effect on me.

Did I ever mention that right before a severe lightning storm I get stiffness and pain in my neck and a dull painful feeling in my lungs?
anabanana last decade
Hi Ana,

I will analyze this again and get back to you in a day or 2.
sameervermani last decade
Thanks, Dr. Sameer.

I should also mention that I've had swollen taste buds for a while now, right at the tip/left of my tongue. It comes and goes.
anabanana last decade
My son and I have been sneezing all day and I feel like I'm starting to come down with something.

He's also been nursing a lot, which is usually an indicator that we've caught something.

Is there anything y ou can suggest to us so that we don't get very sick? I'd hate for us to get like my husband is right now.

Ever since I started with homeopathy it seems we're always getting sick now. Before we never really did. We would feel a bit sick one day, but it would never develop into full-blown anything and was usually gone by the next day.
anabanana last decade
When a person goes homeopathic treatment, the susceptibility moves from mental to physical levels very often, and that is the reason that physical complaints do come as a part of treatment.

You can take a dose of ACONITE 30, tonight.
sameervermani last decade
Thank you! Should this be in spring water...I do have some...or just take the tablet?
anabanana last decade
Just dissolve 2 pellets on the tongue.
sameervermani last decade
Dr. Sameer, the Aconite seems to have prevented me from getting the flu, but I am depressed beyond belief. I don't think I've ever felt this way before.

I tried to leave this morning and abandon my family. The only reason I came back was because I didn't have any money and nowhere to go. I feel very sad and suicidal.

I Can't stand being touched by my child when he nurses and he is adamant about feeling on my skin whenhe nurses and it's driving me mad. No matter what I do or say to him he doesn't stop...I stopped breastfeeding him all day and when I did so again he did it again. It's as if he's doing it on purpose. He is being extremely difficult, too.

I normally have a sensory disorder where I hate being touched or hate feeling textures on my skin, but it's more than ever right now. Just the though tof it is torturous.

And my head feels heavy.
anabanana last decade
Hi Ana,

So is it slight touch which gives you problems or is it firm touch which gives you problems ?

What is it that causes the problem ? What do you feel ?

sameervermani last decade
It's slight touch. It makes me feel like I want to crawl out of my skin and it makes me angry, anxious and stressed. It's certain textures, too.

My son has made it a point to lightly feel my breast while he's nursing. He will look at me and wait for a reaction and get close, slowly. I will remove him and he will cry. I'll let him do that until I calm down, a couple minutes and then he does it again. His hands will usually feel clamy or he'll poke me with a sharp nail or soemthing.

When this happens if I'm thinking about anything it will become negative and magnified.

I can't stand my legs being touched or anything tickly on my neck.

My main problem is my thighs and my upper body, like above my chest.

It's worse certain times of the month...I think it's on a cycle with my period.
anabanana last decade
Hi Ana,

Please take 3 doses of PHOSPHORUS 30c, and report in 1 week.

sameervermani last decade
I also have sores on my genital area. Not sure what this is... It sort of came on with my period and it is painful.
anabanana last decade
Okay, will do in a few minutes since I actually have this on hand (I'm pretty sure). I've been buying stuff to build up my supply. : ) If I dont' have it I'll just pick it up tomorrow.

Thank you,
anabanana last decade
I've been meaning to mention somethign else and keep forgetting. I'll post it now so I don't forget and in case it's of any importance. Both my son and I have been getting ridges on the nails lately. I can see it starting on my right thumb and he's got deep ones on both his big toes.

This practically happened over night. I just noticed it maybe 3 or 4 weeks ago.
anabanana last decade
Hey Dr. Sameer,

I took the remedy as I said I would. I think it was at night on Monday (From 11:15-12:15am).

I don't know if it was coincidence because this day was also the day my period went away, but I felt pretty good on Tuesday and Wednesday. I was very active and went out. I had plans for Thursday, but the good feeling began to dwindle by late afternoon. I started out motivated, but then got down again.

Today I've been short tempered and depressed.

I actually have a reaason for being depressed since I'm not on talking terms with my mother since Monday and she's the only person I spend my time with, so I feel very lonely.

I also hate that my son keeps asking for her since he's very close and she used to live with us.

This didn't seem like the end of the world on Tues and Wed, though. Now I'm upset about it again.

Like I said, I don't know if any of this is the remedy or circumstantial.

I didn't get a whole lot of aggravations this time, but my bottom lip almos immediately cracked. Now it's healing over.

I don't know if it's possible that a remedy would kick in so fast, though. I'm used to it taking 2 or 3 days...

Oh, another thing that was better on those days was that my dreams were better. I either don't remember or they weren't anything frightening. Now I'm having bad dreams again.
anabanana last decade
Let us give this atleast 10 days from when the remedy was taken.
sameervermani last decade
Okay, thanks.
anabanana last decade

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