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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

I have a question, is my remedy working? Page 3 of 13

This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Sorry my posts are so long, I could probably try to shorten them a bit, but I tend to type as I think, what I think. :-)

anabanana last decade
Hi Anabel,

Please answer the following questions:

Are you able to wear tight clothing or high neck clothes?

Are you suspicious ?

Do you ever have exceptional loquacity marked by a rapid change of subject i.e. jumping abruptly from one idea to another ?

Do you use your tongue in a very refined but cynical and critical way ? As if you have an intuition about the weakness of others and hence an ability to hurt them with precise sarcastic words ?

Do you ever get jealous ? If so, in what situations?

Are you intense and passionate ?
sameervermani last decade
Please answer the following questions:

Are you able to wear tight clothing or high neck clothes?

Are you suspicious ?
Sometimes, but not of my family. However, if I let my mind get the best of me I can become suspicious of my husband, although he never gives me a reason to be, but this is once in a blue moon. It's like I'll see 'signs,' where there aren't any, start piecing things together, and I'll drive myself nuts for a few days.

Do you ever have exceptional loquacity marked by a rapid change of subject i.e. jumping abruptly from one idea to another ?
Yes, it feels like there are more thoughts in my brain than can fit or than I can keep up with.

Do you use your tongue in a very refined but cynical and critical way ? As if you have an intuition about the weakness of others and hence an ability to hurt them with precise sarcastic words ?
Yes, though I've been trying to work on not doing this. People just say I sound arrogant when I speak and demean others.

Do you ever get jealous ? If so, in what situations?
I'm very jealous; of family, friends, husband, even of old bosses & teachers. I just get jealous of people I care about spending time with others. If my husband talks about someone he knew being a great artist I'll become jealous, as if he should only acknowledge that I'm the best artist ever, just as an example, or if he says that he once knew a beautiful girl...even if it's family. I never voice this, though. Another example is when my mother goes to visit my brother; I feel, even against my better judgement, that she should be here with me...

Are you intense and passionate ?
Yep, when I feel strongly about something or someone.
anabanana last decade
Hi Anabel,

Please take 3 doses of LACHESIS MUTUS 30c in the exact same manner as the original Ars doses.

Report in 1 week.

sameervermani last decade
Okay. It may take me a couple days to get it.

I have a question: Do you think that me starting the Synthroid could have had an effect on the remedy, or vice-versa?

This remedy is not a 'constitutional,' one, right? I was reading about it; snake poison...very freaky. Hey, at least it's not some sort of toad extract or something cuz I have a severe phobia of frogs and you couldn't get me to take it to save my life! LOL! :p

This is all safe while I'm breastfeeding, right? Just want to make sure... I did notice some changes in my toddler after taking the Ars. Some were good, but not sure if it's just a developmental thing or if it really was the remedy...it's so hard to tell with them.

I'll try to get the remedy ASAP.

Thanks so much!
anabanana last decade
Well, synthroid will surely interfere.

It will be good for your toddler if you are in balance.

The remedy is based on the totality of symptoms.
sameervermani last decade
Hey Dr. Sameer,

I have the remedy, but I was thinking that it's better I wait about another week before taking it.

Since I just started on the thyroid med I want to make sure that that's the reason I'm having all these symptoms (extremely tired, swollen gland, weakness, cramping, etc) and that the improvements I'm having are from the same med (generally happier, though physically exhausted, mentally feeling pretty good...).

The thing is that I read that the med will take a couple weeks to penetrate and for the body to become used to it. Many people react to it at very first, but then show improvements in a couple weeks. The symptoms I'm having are very common for when someone starts this med.

So when I do start improving I want to make sure it's because of the med and not the remedy and vice-versa, kwim? That way I won't be calling the Endo and telling her that it's not working out and I won't be telling you that the snake poison is killing me if it's really the thyroid med! :p

I'd just like to space it out a bit until my body gets used to this med.

I think I'm still having some aggravations from the Ars; itchy skin (prickly, like ants biting), often, dry cracking skin on feet (to a new level), worse on left, rash on arms is still there, but feels dryer, nose feels really dry and sensitive...like it's got scabs or it's dirty. Well, it actually does have a scab in there, now (this is new). I have improved mentally, like I said, but not sure if it's the synthroid or the ARs.

Would the Ars still be having an effect?
anabanana last decade
Ars is a deep acting medicine so the effect to high potency like 200c can come in a delayed fashion.

Since you are seeing improvements right now, lte us just wait and watch.

Hold off on the Lachesis doses.

Update in 1 week.
sameervermani last decade
Okay, glad I updated then!

Hey, Dr. Sameer, let me ask you something. Would a patch of gray hair on the front/left side of the head be considered a 'peculiarity?' I have tons premature gray hair, but most of it came with my last preg (I only got a couple with my first preg), but even before my preg I was getting this patch on the left side. I wouldn't mind it so much if it was just that cuz I think it looks kinda kewl against my black hair, but the rest of it...it must go! ; ) Is there a way to get rid of gray?

Thanks! :)
anabanana last decade
Hi, I am pretty sure we would need Lachesis at some point and that is confirmed even further by the left sided nature of hair and skin complaints.

However, let us keep waiting for a few days.

sameervermani last decade
Hey, Dr. the past few days I've been having the intrusive thoughts, paranoia (looking over my shoulder), irrational fears (monsters, zombies, dead people, the sun falling on the earth, disease, et c.).
anabanana last decade
Hi Anabel,

Please take 3 doses of LACHESIS MUTUS 30c in the exact same manner as the original Ars doses.

Report in 1 week.

sameervermani last decade
Hey, Dr. Sameer,
I haven't been able to take the remedy, yet. I've had a bunch of stuff going on where I've needed to be functional and some family issues have been surfacing which have left me...doubtful and confused.

I will try to start it on Saturday morning.

anabanana last decade
HEy Doc,
I took the remedy today, this morning (well, on Sunday AM, literally yesterday now.). I'll update back in about a week.

anabanana last decade
Hey, Dr. Sameer, I'm reporting back.

The first few days I felt extremely sleepy, lazy, lethargic, lack of motivation, depressed, et c. Also, as the days progressed my skin has gotten worse, especially on my right hand. It's dry and cracked.

Begining Friday afternoon, Day 6, I began to feel great. Very motivated and with loads of energy. Yesterday was even better, I was active all day and could hardly get to sleep at night thinking of how many more things I could do. I even got sleepy early on, but as always I resist sleep (I guess because it's my alone time). I went to bed around 2:00am, early for me, normally it's around 4 or 5 am.

Today...I already feel crappy. Short-tempered, tired...and have had a couple intrusive thoughts.

I have felt like eating red meat a lot, like burgers, and have had a lot of stomach upset...like a burning feeling in my stomach after I eat.

HOWEVER, it's hard to tell if this is just a normal part of my cycle because I usually do have periodic ups and downs. In fact, I got my period yesterday and I remember last time I got it I also had a very energetic day on that particular day...May 8th. So I'm a couple weeks late...I didn't think I would get it at all. Normally I am VERY tired before my period, too.

If I had to guess I'd say this is all normal for me and the remedy didn't have any effect.

Is this something we can repeat?
anabanana last decade
I was thinking that while I do have some symptoms on the left side of the body, these are all superficial...skin & hair. The deeper things that are bothering me seem to be on the right.

I have a spot on my back that severely aches and has done so for years, since I got preg. Also, I have pain where my liver is and it gets better and worse. I have a huge birth mark on my right hand, those coffee stain type of birthmarks. It's very light, but about an inch and a half in diameter.

I tend to complain more about the superficial things... :/ I have a scab that will never completely heal inside my right nostril and a couple dry patches that won't heal on my bottom lip...both left and right.

You asked my husband if he had an aversion to bathing and it made me think that I do. My mother would have to argue with me when I was little for me to take a bath...it was an ongoing battle. Even now I hate to get in there...once I'm in the bath I'm fine and will stay there for hours (if I could), but taking action to get in there is the issue.

I hate washing my hair, too, will put that off. Though it's not so much the washing part at all, but the waiting for it to dry once it's washed. I hate the feeling of wet hair...I guess that goes with all my touch/feel aversions...

I didn't think that mattered, but since you asked my husband, maybe it does???
anabanana last decade
'I have a spot on my back that severely aches ...'

This is actually an 'area,' on my back. Right side of my rib cage. It always feels like something is out of place there.
anabanana last decade
Hi ,

It is too soon to assess things right now, please wait for another week, and report back at that time.
sameervermani last decade
anabanana last decade
Hey, Dr. Sameer, just letting you know that not much has changed...if anything I'm a bit more depressed.

I'll keep waiting, though.
anabanana last decade
Hey Dr.

I'm still not seeing any improvement. Metally, still the same.

I did have some aggravations where my skin was very bad on my right hand, cracking, and my right foot.
anabanana last decade
I will analyze this again and get back to you.
sameervermani last decade
I thought I'd offer a bit more info, and I'll try to be as honest as possible. There are some things that I'm too ashamed to admit.

I'm obssessed with being online and this is what mostly causes me insomnia. It's like something I can't control...or won't. When I wake up after having gone to bed early it's because the need to be online wakes me up. All I do is read and I'm on some message boards, too. It feels like an outlet to me and my day doesn't feel complete unless I do it.

I used to smoke, but quit with a preg that ended in a 'blighted ovum' which is a preg where there is no baby, but continues like a normal preg. This was right before I got preg with my 2.5 year old... I quit October 2005 and I still so badly want to smoke!

I have an aversion to drinking...I'm just lazy for it.

In a nutshell I'm the biggest procrastinator on the face of the planet. I will put off anything and everything, even things like eating or going to the bathroom.

Lately things from my past have been surfacing. I feel angry, lots of resentment and sadness. Also lots of blame for others and on the other hand, I have guilt of my own and blame myself for many things. I'm a vengeful person, but since I have morals (now) I don't act on it.

Just some extra things...I Don't know if this will help any?

Oh, I'm also selfish with food. :/

anabanana last decade
We are going to try Arsenicum in a higher potency, so please procure Arsenicum Album 1M, and let me know when you have the remedy with you.
sameervermani last decade
Okay, Dr. Sameer. Thanks!

OH, is this in pill form or liquid or does it matter?
anabanana last decade
Does not matter.
sameervermani last decade

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