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Please help me figure out my son's constitutional Page 18 of 32

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Go ahead with the Silicea doses.

This is a good time to see the effect.

Space the doses a bit more ~ 2 hours maybe , and stop dosage as soon as any change , (if it occurs after second or first dose, do not give further doses)
sameervermani last decade
Ok, will do. Thanks. :D
littlefinn last decade
Hi Sameer. I just wanted to let you know that things are going well following the silicea doses. I suspected there may have been a small improvement after the second dose, but I wasn't sure enough, so he got all three, spaced by 2 hours. His mood lifted by evening and he slept much better. This morning he had a little accident and scraped his face quite badly, but surprisingly he got over the shock very quickly and his mood has been quite good all day. He didn't sleep well today though.

Anyway, good so far, so I though you should know. I'll update again in a few more days.
littlefinn last decade
Good to know :)
sameervermani last decade
Good morning. Just wanted to continue updating. Not sure whether the 6c has finished doing it's work, or is still going, but if I don't update here, I'll forget. Feel free to respond, or wait until I update next time.

He was in good spirits all day Friday. Slightly more precocious than usual, but in a good way. He slept badly that night, waking several times throughout the night, and started the day quite early the next morning.

On Saturday morning he was very clingy, fearful of things/people and crying easily. He seemed more sensitive than usual, and was being unusually shy with friends of ours, but by the afternoon, he was in good spirits again. He slept very well that night.

On Sunday, he was up and down. He hurt his toe in the afternoon and was particularly sensitive. Actually, he has had an unusual amount of scrapes and little accidents since taking the silicea - could be just a co-incidence..?

Sunday night he woke at 10.30pm and we were up with him for more than 3 hours, then he woke up at 6am and wouldn't go back to sleep. He was screaming/crying inconsolably and just did not want to be in his bed. At first I thought he'd just had a nightmare, but when it continued, we knew it was more than that. We gave him pain relief after an hour, but it didn't help. He was happy to sit in our arms and chat, or go back to sleep, but as soon as he went back to bed, he was beside himself crying. He was acting really hyperactive, it was very odd.

No change in appetite or food habits. Bowel habits are the same. Haven't noticed any discharges or other physical changes.
littlefinn last decade
The little accidents seem to be co-incidence.

Let us give this 3-4 more days, and see where we are at that time.
sameervermani last decade
littlefinn last decade
Hi Sameer. It's been another 5 days, and sadly we are still no closer to getting a good night's sleep, however I do have some interesting things to report.

Monday: we kept him home from daycare and he was in pretty good spirits all day, despite being more tired than usual. Monday night was another really bad night, and we were up with him between midnight and 6am (he wasn't awake that whole time, but we didn't really get any sleep) We couldn't work out what was wrong with him, but he just kept waking up incessantly.

Tuesday: His mood was still good, and that night we gave pain relief on the first wake up because we were so exhausted and couldn't face another night with no sleep. He slept fine after that.

Wednesday: Again in good spirits. A reasonable night too, but he started the day too early once again, and was upset when he woke.

Thursday: He woke several times during the night, and eventually I gave him some pain relief. Then when I went into him at 2.30am, he suddenly had a very blocked, snotty nose. It was odd because it happened so suddenly - an hour previously he was fine. He again started the day early and was unsettled, but probably because his nose was blocked.

Friday: All morning his nose streamed thick green/yellow mucus. Unusual for him. I don't recall him ever having a cold like this before. No other symptoms and still eating/drinking normally. By midday the discharge had stopped and didn't reappear all day. That night he was woke a few times around 11pm, when I gave pain relief, and then woke again at 6am, but went back to sleep.

This morning his nose was again streaming thick mucus, which started to clear as the morning wore on. It's now midday and it's not running as much - it's now cloudy/clear.

His day naps have been ok. His mood on waking is variable - sometimes he cries and is very needy/upset, and other times he wakes chatting to his toys and is in a great mood.

Overall, his mood has improved significantly since taking the silica. He is very easy going, amicable and obeying us much more than usual.

I think that this 'cold' is part of the secondary action, and not actually a virus - what do you think? I find it interesting how it's coming and going, and how suddenly it started, with immediately nasty looking discharge and no other symptoms or change in his mood. Normally a cold starts with clear discharge and then slowly progresses, but this wasn't like that.

Behaviourally, I noticed that when the discharge started, he became more affectionate again. We haven't seen his affectionate nature for a while now, but it was very much there again yesterday.

I have also noticed he is particularly wary of strangers and quite shy at the moment. This is out of character for him too.

I'm glad we waited and didn't jump in with another potency. I think that he must be extra sensitive to remedies, especially if this is a secondary action that he's experiencing now. When I compiled at that information from the past year, I really noticed that every single time we gave a remedy, he had a strong secondary action a week or two after the remedy, and each time he was too intense for his/our comfort level and we were forced to intervene with allopathy. This seems very mild and he is not at all bothered by this mucus, except when he's trying to sleep.

Anyway, I'm thinking this is a good result so far...?
littlefinn last decade
Hi ,

'Overall, his mood has improved significantly since taking the silica. He is very easy going, amicable and obeying us much more than usual. '

This coupled with the mucous discharge is saying that, we hit the right remedy. Let us keep waiting for as long as there are changes occurring.

Update me in another 5 days.

sameervermani last decade
Hi Sameer,

My gosh, I can't believe it's been 9 days, oops! I'm sorry.

However, the news is good, and you know you would have heard from me if it were otherwise!

I can't remember all the specifics now, but I believe his sleeping started to improve last Monday night, and has been consistent ever since. He is generally waking once a night (time varies), having a drink and going straight back to sleep with no further dramas.

His mood has continued to be good, although he had a bad day on Saturday - probably an anomaly.

He still has quite a lot of mucus - not sure where it is coming from - but it is not streaming green/yellow anymore. It is running clear a little bit every now and then, but mostly solidifying in his nose.

His eye teeth (all four of them) are imminent and he is being particularly fussy and difficult with his food over the past 4 or 5 days. There was one night over the weekend where he woke twice and both times was absolutely screaming in distress or pain. We couldn't work out what the matter was at all, but he calmed down and went back to sleep. Bad dream maybe, or his teeth were hurting.

No ear infection in sight, which is great to see!

His bowel habits have still been all over the place. Over the weekend he seemed to be quite constipated (which is unusual), but then it all sorted itself out last night.

He is particularly attached his dad at the moment, and gets quite upset when he is separated from him for whatever reason. This may be because I haven't had as much time for him lately as I usually do, or it may be something else. Still, it is a new development, and worth mentioning.

I can't think of anything else at the moment.
littlefinn last decade
Good to know :)

Please keep on waiting.
sameervermani last decade
Hi Sameer. Just over another week has passed.

Currently, he is cutting four teeth (these are his final baby teeth apart from his '2 yr molars') and this has disturbed his sleep for the past 3 nights. We have given him pain relief during the night for the past 2 nights, but this is the first time since he had the green mucus discharge almost 3 weeks ago. The teething has also caused his mood to deteriorate, but again this is the first time in quite a while. He is throwing more tantrums and crying more easily. It is much worse in the evenings, particularly at dinner time.

He has been waking up happy in the mornings rather than crying as soon as he wakes. This is happening almost every day now. He is also more likely to wake happy from his afternoon nap, but it's not consistent yet.

The teething has also caused a little bit of a runny nose (clear) and he had a red irritated bottom for a couple of days too (better now).

In regards to other changes, we recently discovered that he loves to suck on lemons. Doesn't even pull a sour face. He might have had this for a while, but we never gave him a piece of lemon deliberately before - we discovered this quite accidentally! He is totally off his yoghurt at the moment (perhaps the cold irritates his gums...?).

He is no longer aggravated by thunderstorms.

His bowel movements are still unpredictable, although have been a little more frequent over the last few days.

That's about it. What do you think?
littlefinn last decade
Time to go to 3 doses of 12c, 1/2 teaspoon doses.
sameervermani last decade
Hi again Sameer.

We haven't given him the 12C yet. The night I posted, he slept right through, so we held off the next day to see what would happen. He was of course disturbed again that night, so we were going to give it to him yesterday, but he ate some chocolate (which he doesn't normally eat), so I thought it best to wait. He wasn't too bad last night, although he has woken quite early (and upset) for the past two mornings and his mood was pretty terrible yesterday afternoon. I think the main problem is the pain and discomfort of teething, and I wonder if this will pass once the teething is finished. He also has a snotty nose, possibly a mild cold, or possibly from teething, I don't know.

On the whole, I would say that his bowel movements are a lot harder/dryer since he took the silica than they've ever been before.

I was thinking that this morning might be a good time to give him the doses, but I will wait to hear from you first, just in case you think it's worth waiting or trying something else. I'm not seeing any of the angry chamomilla thing.
littlefinn last decade
Actually, in the past hour, the amount of mucus coming out of his nose has doubled. It is thick and green/yellow, similar to what happened a few weeks back.
littlefinn last decade
Go ahead with a SINGLE dose of 12c, and NOT three.
sameervermani last decade
Ok, will do. Thanks a lot.
littlefinn last decade
Hi Sameer. It's been 5 days since the 12c. There was an improvement almost straightaway and he is once again sleeping better. The improvement wasn't as DRAMATIC as it was after the 6c, and he is still prone to irritable, cranky moods, but on the whole, he is easier to deal with. He has has a couple of night time disturbances since then, but is mostly pretty good.

The nasal discharge cleared up within 24 hours of taking the 12c.

His bowel movements are unchanged.
littlefinn last decade
Hmm.. good, you have a 15c at hand ?
sameervermani last decade
No, but we have 30c. I can try and get hold of some on the weekend, but I'm not sure the dispensary stocks much in 15c - they seem to go straight from 12 to 30 for most remedies.
littlefinn last decade
Okay, you can try, otherwise a 30c will be our next step.

Update me once you have tried.
sameervermani last decade
I just rang them and they go straight from 12 to 30, so no 15c easily available.

Should we wait a bit longer? The 6c seemed to work for quite a long time, a lot longer than I expected, and I'm not sure he had the full effect of the secondary action until a full week after the dose.
littlefinn last decade
Actually reading back, although he improved immediately and dramatically following the 6c, a few days later he had some bad effects with the secondary action which didn't calm down until about 10 days after the dose (mostly affecting his sleep). Then it was continual and gradual improvement all the time.
littlefinn last decade
I was not going to prescribe it today anyways.

Update me on Saturday.
sameervermani last decade
Ok, will do. Thanks. :)
littlefinn last decade
Hi again!

Well after I posted, we had two days of the best moods ever! He was absolutely delightful. Today he is very clingy and crying a lot again. It is hard to know how much of this is normal toddler behaviour/development and how much is related to his health and wellbeing.

His sleep is much the same. The night before last he woke at 3am for a cuddle and drink of water, but otherwise slept through. Last night he slept through.

His bowel movements have increased in the past 2 days. He is going roughly ever 12 hours, still quite dry and hard (often like small pebbles) and insubstantial amounts.

I would say his bowel movements have become very predictable now, since we began the silicea, but even more so since the 12c dose. They pretty much always smell the same, are the same consistency and size and come at predictable times.

No further changes.
littlefinn last decade

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