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Posts about Dermatitis, Eczema

Mr. Anuj follow up with my case + Eczema14 year old girl eczema3Graphites & Eczema2Eczema9dyshidrotic eczema4Scrotal Eczema6for rishmiba pls- allergic rhinitis asthma and atopic dermatitis315 months old baby severe eczema9Eczema4Perioral Dermatitis5


The ABC Homeopathy Forum

6 month old baby with dermatitis / Eczema


Just wanted a recommendation for my 6 month old baby boy who has suddenly broken out with dermatitis/eczema on his face, hair, neck, behind ears (cut under ear lobes), tummy, his back and the back of his legs. At times his eye lids appear red as well. What it looks like is little red pimples and it gets worse after baths, his cheeks can get quite red and moisturiser makes it better. He is also really itchy particularly on his hair, behind ears and behind his neck.

He is also suffering from acid reflux, and constipation. He is not over weight, he is quite slim, he does not sleep well during the day or night… not sure if its because of his reflux or him being woken up from the itchiness. He is on Zantac for his reflux.

He started rolling at 5 ½ months, he does need encouragement to do a double roll. He does not sweat and his hands and feet are always quite cold. He is also teething I think, he is dribbling a lot.

He is suddenly not interested in solids again.

He is a very sensitive baby but also very happy, does not like a lot of people around him, likes to be rocked at times to sleep. I have also done an allergy test and nothing came out of that. So it could be an inherited thing

I have put him on Sulphur 30c a couple of months ago due to his reflux which was recommended to us by a classical homeopath. Was wondering if Sulphur can bring out dermatitis or eczema in a child? My homeopath recommends for us to go back on Sulphur 30c but Im too scared to try again. She wasn't too sure between Calc Carb 30c or Sulphur 30c.

If someone can suggest their recommendations that would be much appreciated and if you could also specify dosage.

Thanks in advance for your help
  VenessaM on 2011-09-15
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Your son should not have developed a new symptom if the Sulphur was a curative remedy.

How often did you give the Sulphur, and when did you stop using it? How did you adminster the doses to him?

There are a number of issues here - he could be suffering side effects from the Sulphur, or he could have had some symptoms suppressed which caused new ones to appear.

I can attempt to make suggestions for a better remedy if you like, but I would need a more complete case given.

David Kempson
Professional Classical Homoeopath
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
1. Describe in detail the main problem - appearance, colour, shape etc. What happens, when it happens etc.

2. Describe any pains or behaviours associated with the symptoms.

3. Describe anything that makes the problem worse ie. position, temperature, food etc.

4. Describe anything that makes the problem better ie. pain is better for cold bathing or at night in bed.

5. Go through each symptom or problem he has, doing the same thing, even if the problem does not seem connected to any others.

6. When did each problem start? What happened around that same time?

7. What is his character like? What kinds of fears or anxieties does he have? What makes her irritable? Flesh out his personality as much as you are able (age can make this difficult)

8. What foods does he crave or hate? What drinks does he crave or hate? Is he sensitive to anything he eats or drinks? How does he feed?

9. How does the weather or season or temperature affect him?

10. How have all his milestones gone? Does she have any issue with speaking, learning, walking, climbing etc

11. How is he with socializing with others?

12. What is his bowel habit like? Any problems? Any odours, strange colours or stool shapes?

13. Where does he sweat? Does it have a smell or does it stain a particular colour?

14. History of illnesses in his life?

15. Has he reacted to any vaccines or medical drugs?

16. Problems with sleep? Position he sleeps in?

17. How is he with animals?

18. How is he with adults or strangers?

19. What is the family history of illness and disease?

20. What was the pregnancy like? Any odd symptoms or feelings that disappeared once he was born?

Obviously some of these questions cannot be answered easily for someone so young. Just answer what you can.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
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Joe De Livera last decade
hi David,

he was on Sulphur liquid (amber glass bottle, which had a dropper) she would put 2 pellets and dilute it with water and alcohol. I started giving him 5 drops 3 x times a day for the first few days and than once a day there after, I did see results with his stool, not needing to be rocked as much and also with his reflux when I first started on it....but than it stopped working once I started him on solids. I stopped the sulphur cause it wasn't helping with his stool, but just before I stopped it I did notice some spots of dermatitis on his face. He got worse once I stopped the sulphur. I shall answer your questions and await for your reply.
Thanks for your help
VenessaM last decade
Hi David,

Hope the below makes sense, thanks in advance for your help with my baby boy. Im quite worried about him.

1. Describe in detail the main problem - appearance, colour, shape etc. What happens, when it happens etc. Eczema/Dermatitis – little red pimples on his stomach, back, neck and face – it feels rough, it looks patchy, doesn’t seem dry, just red and risen. He itchies his head a lot and his tummy and behind his ears. He also has cuts under his ear lobes.

2. Describe any pains or behaviours associated with the symptoms. Disturbed sleep, wakes up scratching

3. Describe anything that makes the problem worse ie. position, temperature, food etc. – Clothing – synthetic, nylon, wool. When his tired, stressed, dribbles a lot, heat and baths. Not sure about foods at this stage, I’m only giving him rice cereal, fruits and vegetables. I am starting him on Wheat now.

4. Describe anything that makes the problem better ie. pain is better for cold bathing or at night in bed. Organic Moisturizers makes it better, sleep and cold water

5. Go through each symptom or problem he has, doing the same thing, even if the problem does not seem connected to any others.
- Constipation – hard, long, dark green colour – strains to get it out. Sometimes it’s a really dark brown colour.
- Reflux – his currently on zantac. Reflux has improved now that he is 6 months and on solids, but he still brings up acidity regurgitation that causes him discomfort. Some foods make it worse and he wakes up screaming, could be from the acid reflux. Its not projectile vomit.

6. When did each problem start? What happened around that same time?
Reflux – started at 3 months
Constipation – since 5 months and also a little bit when he was born
Eczema started 5 ½ months

7. What is his character like? What kinds of fears or anxieties does he have? What makes her irritable? Flesh out his personality as much as you are able (age can make this difficult)
I would say that he is a very sensitive baby, he does not like loud noise, he doesn’t like being around a lot of people, he loves being on me or my husband, he seeks attention a lot, struggles to go to sleep without either having me rock him or hearing music. He does panic if he has anything over his face, where he can’t breathe. He is generally a very cheeky and happy baby. He cries when he is in pain generally. Sensitive to certain medications e.g. – I tried him a different medication called Losec for his Reflux and after 2 weeks his body came out with a rash and his eyes were swollen/ red. He was also on Sulphur during this time – so not sure if the sulphur caused it or if it was helping him get rid of it from his system. Since than his skin has been flaring up, on and off. He was on sulphur for a while before that medication and he did not react. But Im still scared to try him on Sulphur for some reason.

8. What foods does he crave or hate? What drinks does he crave or hate? Is he sensitive to anything he eats or drinks? How does he feed?
At the moment he only graves savory foods, he doesn’t seem to like sweets anymore, However he use to love fruit, now he doesn’t like it. He stopped drinking milk a month ago, now he only wants to have milk and not solids. His hardly eating solids like he did a month ago. He is a really difficulty feeder, this could be because of his reflux too. I can not feed him in front of others because he easily gets distracted. He is also a slow feeder and eater.
He is definitely not an over weight baby, he is tracking on average and if anything I do worry about his weight at times. He is not breast fed and I have tried many different formulas. But we have now stuck out with this one formula

9. How does the weather or season or temperature affect him? Not sure about this answer

10. How have all his milestones gone? Does she have any issue with speaking, learning, walking, climbing etc - He was slow at learning how to suck the bottle, he took a long time to grab and play with toys, he rolled at 5 ½ months, he still can not seat up, he struggles with a double roll and needs encouragement a lot.

11. How is he with socializing with others? To young to tell. Certain people he smiles at and some others he acts shy. Depends on their face and if he knows them. Takes him a little time to get use too a new face.

12. What is his bowel habit like? Any problems? Any odours, strange colours or stool shapes? Gets constipated a lot, farts a lot, stool colour is dark green, sometimes even dark brown. They are hard, they look like dog pooh and he strains a lot.

13. Where does he sweat? Does it have a smell or does it stain a particular colour? He doesn’t sweat, not that I can see. He hands and feet are generally really cold.

14. History of illnesses in his life? None

15. Has he reacted to any vaccines or medical drugs? He is always unsettled after vaccinations and it can go on for over a week or so. Reflux commenced after first vaccination.

16. Problems with sleep? Position he sleeps in? He sleeps on his back, but when I check up on him, his face is on the side and sometimes he sticks his tummy out and tilts his head further back.

17. How is he with animals? He has not been near animals yet

18. How is he with adults or strangers? He can easily cry if he doesn’t like their appearance or if Im not near by.

19. What is the family history of illness and disease? My husband and I do have IBS problems; my husband has some skin problems on his back and feet. We are both highly sensitive people. My body doesn’t respond well to medication. We are both on lactose free milk. I also have a condition called endometriosis

20. What was the pregnancy like? Any odd symptoms or feelings that disappeared once he was born?
Overall good, I use to get constipated a lot and had bad hemorrhoids and lower back problems. I use to crave a lot of savory foods too.
Not sure if this is relative, but a Naturopathy that I was seeing at the time I was pregnant use to prescribe me Homeopathy medicine. She clearly did not know what she was doing because she use to chop and change my medicine depending on my symptoms and moods. Sometimes I was taking 2 on the same day. I now know this is wrong. Anyhow she did prescribe me Caul 200 to induce my labour, not sure if this was a bad move or not. I hope he is not suffering from it now.
VenessaM last decade
Joe De Livera last decade
Hi Joe Di levra

Thanks for your links. I am currently taking Sepia 200 for my endo. I have seen some improvements, but still feeling occasional back pain and my flow is still some what heavy. No clots or cyst at this stage though,, which is good news. Do you suggest I keep taking Sepia or try Bellis Perenis and Arnica? I've been on Sepia for 4 months and see slow improvements. I thought in homeopathy you should only take one medicine to treat the whole body (that's what my homeopath tells me) is this true?
VenessaM last decade
To VenessaM

'Hi Joe Di levra'

It is an accepted norm in etiquette that a person is addressed by his name and NOT a Pseudonym.

My given name is Joe De Livera and if you wish to be treated by me for your Endometriosis, I would appreciate if you will please correct your address.
Joe De Livera last decade
Hi David,

sorry just a correction, his skin does seem dry (I accidentally wrote doesn't) His upper eye lids sometimes also go red and a few weeks ago they were swollen, but that's come down now.

He also has redness around the bum hole and some redness on the sides too.

I would consider him a stubborn baby at times, he does gets what he wants.
His scalp is dry and flaky, I've been putting oil on it to keep it moist as well as his whole body.

At times he does sound like he has a hoarse cough....his been like that for ages. Also when I administer the Zantac he always sneezes after I give it to him in the morning, which I find weird. I would prefer not to give him Zantac, but we have not yet found a homeopath remedy to help with his reflux. When I do not give him Zantac, it affects his sleep and feeds, so that's why I continue to give the minimum dose of 2mls a day. The doctor said he needs more, but I don't give it to him.

There is one odor I do notice on him, his ears smell....not sure if that's normal or not.

He does sneeze, burp and hiccup a lot, even still now at 61/2 months.

During pregnancy the two remedies I took for me and baby were phosphorus 200 and calc carb 30. As I was and still am an extremely worried and anxious mother.

Thanks in advance
VenessaM last decade
That is interesting. Sepia mothers actually feel burdened by their children and develop indifference or an aversion to them.

I am looking over all this information today.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
Hi David

Sorry just in relation to his stool, at times it almost looks black and a bit sticky...not sure if that means constipation

VenessaM last decade
Hi David,

sorry forgot to mention something else about my son and the homeopath lady I see. After the outbreak of rash, eczema or dermatitis..what ever it is. Whether that be from the sulphur or losec medication. She put him on Calc Carb 30, this cleared up his swollen eyes and dried up his body a lot. It helped clear a lot of his skin problem. But he was still badly constipated. Anyhow, that was the last remedy he administered. He is still getting flare ups thoughts and his skin is still very rough, not as red though, but he is still itchy on his head and itches is tummy in the bath. He did administer the calc carb in a qtr of a glass with 5 drops and a spoon was taken from this. Do you think my son is still reacting from the sulphur? Is there a way to antidote the sulphur? Than again it could have been the reflux medication. How will I ever know?
The doctors don't believe the losec medication could do this...so that's why I think it's the sulphur. But my homeopath doesn't think to believe it's the sulphur.

She thinks it's the Zantac or the previous losec medication to be causing the flare ups and also the constipation.

I have stopped everything now, cause I'm really confused, but am still giving him the minimum dose of Zantac.

It's had to treat a baby I think

Thanks in advance.

Thanks in advance
VenessaM last decade
It is hard to say what is causing the problem. Sulphur is well known to aggravate or cause skin eruptions, and Calc carb is well known to cause constipation. We will need to be very cautious with your son as he sounds like he is quite sensitive to medicines.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
Your totally right David about those two remedies and about my son being sensitive. Ideally I like to stay away from both of those remedies. I just hope I haven't done any permanent damage to him. I thought I was helping his reflux, not starting new problems. As I am a first time mum I am quite upset about all this.

Can those remedies cause permanent side effects? Or will it subside after a while?

I now understand how powerful homeopath medicine is. And to think I had a naturopath treating me during my pregnancy and giving me all different medicines to take depending on my symptom on the day. At times I was taking 2 or 3 on the same day. What was she thinking by telling me that's how to take homeopath medicine.

Thanks for reviewing my sensitive son!
VenessaM last decade
The effects will be cancelled out by the correct remedy so you don't need to worry about permanent harm.

Yes alot of Naturopaths misuse our medicines, quite dangerously. Mostly because the only get about 6 months worth of training in them.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
What odour can you smell around the ears? Can you describe it?
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
Hard to describe the odour smell. You know when girls wear ear rings and they take the earrings off, you can sorta smell this bad odour. It's sorta like that but not as strong. I'm not sure if it's coming from the cut under his ear lobes or in his actual ear.

It's not a strong odour, but it's the only smell I can smell on him. Just can't find words to describe it for you.
VenessaM last decade
What is savory food? Is it similar what he likes to what you liked in pregnancy?
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
He loves rice cereal, he could eat it 2 or 3 times a day. He does have a little sweet, but only if he is in the mood for him. The other day I gave him pear and grape and he was fine. But I tried him mango and banana and he didn't want it. Mind you he liked mango and banana a month ago. He loves sweet pototoe, but doesn't like all vegetables.

Not sure if he changed from liking sweet after calc carb. On sulphur he preferred more solids and less milk. Now he is drinking more milk

I guess it is similar to my pregnancy, I did prefer more savory, salty foods and protein. I did have sweet also, but not as much. There was a couple of fruits that gave me a really sore tummy, plums/nectarines
VenessaM last decade
Just in relation to that ear smell, it's on his left ear...smells a bit like off wax maybe. He only has the cut on his left ear, his right looks okay.
VenessaM last decade
Every time I give him custard from the jar and than put him to bed he wakes up screaming ...I think it's from the milk in the jar causing him discomfort and also apple gives him discomfort at times too. I think it aggravates his reflux or causes wind. His reflux smells very sour and because he dribbles a lot he gets little pimples around his cheeks and chin and neck. I think from the acid in his salvia
VenessaM last decade
It is normal for infants and children to go on and off certain foods, as they experiment and grow. Unfortunately unless they are pecuilar or consistent, they don't help with choice of remedy.

Even with adults, food choices are so much determined by external factors, that it makes them unreliable for prescribing.

What I would like you to do, is use Phosphorous 200c for him. I will give instructions on how to administer it.


Firstly, you need to create a separate dosing bottle. Get a bottle with a dropper, 15-30mls in size, and fill it with a mixture of water and alcohol (5 parts to 1 part). Dissolve 2-4 granules or 2-4 drops of the medicine you bought from the pharmacy into this mixture. Your doses will be made from this bottle.

Hit the bottle firmly against the palm of your hand, or another elastic surface like a book. It should be a firm hit not a tap. 2 hits is enough to begin with, and should not be increased unless it is clear that it is needed. The water in this bottle will 'remember' the number of times you have hit it, so that subsequent doses will be stronger (necessary to overcoming the resistance of your disease).

Place 1 drop into an amount of water - I may start with anything from 1/4-1 full cup (62ml-250ml) depending on the sensitivity of the patient. Stir thoroughly and take 1 teaspoon into the mouth. Throw the rest of the cup away.

This is one dose. Repeat doses would be started from the 2 hits on the bottle.

Each step of this process can be adjusted to reduced aggravation or to increase the effect of the medicine. In order to be able to do this, it is important to measure each step (count the hits, the drops, measure the water etc).

To begin with, use only 2 drops/pillules in the dosing bottle. Use a full cup of water. Only give one dose.
[message edited by brisbanehomoeopath on Mon, 19 Sep 2011 02:48:49 BST]
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
Thanks David, will give the Phos ago. I actually have a proper homeopath Phos 200 already made up. Its in a Brown amber Dropper glass mixed with water and proper alcohol ....she puts 2 pellets in the solution. I use to take this before Sepia. Can I use this?

So just to clarify, I hit the amber bottle hard on my palm 2 times, I fill up a full glass of water and place - is it 1 or 2 drops? Than I stir well
VenessaM last decade
How old is that bottle? I would say you should prepare a fresh one if it is more than 3 months old.

Place 1 drop in the cup, stir and 1 teaspoon or the equivalent taken out and put in his mouth.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
No worries, will try to make a new one. Or order a new one.

Once I give him the teaspoon, I will watch and observe and keep you posted.

Thanks in advance for your time and reassurance.
VenessaM last decade

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