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Posts about Dermatitis, Eczema

Mr. Anuj follow up with my case + Eczema14 year old girl eczema3Graphites & Eczema2Eczema9dyshidrotic eczema4Scrotal Eczema6for rishmiba pls- allergic rhinitis asthma and atopic dermatitis315 months old baby severe eczema9Eczema4Perioral Dermatitis5


The ABC Homeopathy Forum

6 month old baby with dermatitis / Eczema Page 3 of 16

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Hi there

No bad breath issues. He doesn't really sweat unnaturally and his salvia stains around the mouth/chin region

Have commenced Zantac again

VenessaM last decade
Sorry just with the breath, I do sometimes smell the acidity sour smell, im not sure if that is what you need to know.
VenessaM last decade
What colour is the staining?
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
Perhaps I'm not really sure what you mean by salvia staining, basically his salvia makes his skin go red. His salvia is clear looking and when it drys up on the bibs it can look whitish/clear looking
VenessaM last decade
Hi david

I went to the drs yesterday and my son has not put on any weight in the last 4 weeks and has now fallen below average. I'm really worried it is due to his reflux.
Don't know what to do?
The dr said not to worry but to keep on top of his weight
VenessaM last decade
Ok let me look at this again. He shouldn't be losing weight if we have him on the right prescription.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
Hi David,

I've been advised to increase his solids to increase his weight, so the last couple of days I've been doing that. But I've now noticed his constipated again, should I give him a dose of Phos? A little confuse to how often to give him Phos?
The other day his stool was really green too, lately his stool has been green a lot. Only on Sulphur did I notice his stool was yellowish. His skin is looking better though
VenessaM last decade
Don't give him more phosphorous yet.

What did not change on the phos?

Where is he at with all his other symptoms?

Have any of those symptoms changed in any way?

What kind of green is the stool? How else would you describe the appearance of it - what does it look like? Any unusual odour?

How is his behaviour?
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
What hasn't changed is his reflux problem - sour vomits, hiccups and bowel problem

Other symptoms skin has improved, hoarse cough haven't noticed it in the last 2 weeks, he hasn't been sounding so congested either in the nose

stool- still hardish, its green mixed with some dark colour not sure if it's black or dark brown. The stool have been smaller looking and fatter in size. No funny odour, but he has been more gassy and they have been smelly. He still needs me to help him at times though to be able to do a good pooh

His behaviour - still likes me to hold him at times, he can be a bit sooky still at times, he has a bit of a temper and does this grunting noise when he is not happy, he is very active, cheeky, he always needs to have a dummy in his mouth or something in his mouth. Doesn't require me to rock him to sleep. His behaviour has improved a little

Sleep - he has good days and than bad days, I'm still giving him the Zantac ...but His not waking up during the night anymore

He did have his vaccinations this week
VenessaM last decade
What happened after the vaccinations?
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
He hasn't been sleeping that great and just more active, not as sooky as either times though. I had to give him panadol on the day he had the vaccination cause he woke up crying
VenessaM last decade
Also I find it so difficult to feed him solids, particularly vegetables and he needs to be distracted to eat like have something in his hand. He barely opens his mouth and he gets full really quick or loses interest
VenessaM last decade
Hi David, the hoarse cough has come back again today and his reflux has really been bothering him these last two days. What do you think I should do?
VenessaM last decade
So are you having to manually evacuate his stool?

How does he react to loud noise? What would be the quietest noise he reacts to?

What do you have to do if he wakes up screaming, to quiet him?

How does he seek attention?

Can you remember what the constipation felt like that you had during pregnancy?

Describe the painful haemorrhoids you had as well.

What kind of music does he like to sleep to?
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
He does do a little stool on his own at times, but Often when I hold his legs up, that is when he is able to do more. He did do one pooh this week that smelt like rotten eggs.

He doesn' t really like loud noise or a lot of people around him. He does startled at times when he is unexpected of that noise. He does cry when he sees old ppl with white hair.
The quietest noise would be someone's voice, my husband and mum do have louder voices than myself.

Wakes up screaming? I have to give him his dummy, or Check if he needs burping, give him gripe water or Zantac. Pat his head.

How does he seek attention? He lies on his tummy flaps his hands/arms in the air and kicks his legs. He has this constant sooking noise that he makes and grunts. He has a red mark on his forehead that goes red, it's a nervous thing.

My constipation and hamerrhoids? It felt really dry, big and hard. It felt like it was stuck, and I needed to go in hospital to get it out. And than when it finally came out, the blood appeared. The pain travelled down my legs and back, it made me feel really weak and I couldn't even move.

What kind of music he sleeps too? Soft lullabies, like twinkle twinkle
VenessaM last decade
Ok my suggestion would be to get Borax 200c, and give him a dose just as you did with the Phosphorous.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
Just wanted to find out David with Borax, I thought it was used for thrush?

Also in terms of his bark cough that he has at the moment....I remember getting told to try merc sol on him. My homeopath gave it to me but we never really gave it a go properly.

What are your thoughts?
VenessaM last decade
Also David, do you know where is a good place in Australia to buy the remedy Borax?
VenessaM last decade
You are in Australia? - what part?

I get all my remedies from overseas, I do not trust the Australian pharmacies we currently have.

Simillimum pharmacy in NZ is quite affordable and postage is not too much.

I actually posted a reply earlier in this thread, but as seems to happen a bit recently, it never appeared.

I decided on Borax for several reasons. The main one was the unusual sensitivity to noise. The second was the greenish stools which are very typical for Borax. Thirdly, the screaming on trying to pass stool is a well known Borax symptom. Overall this remedy has a good reputation for all sorts of digestive complaints, intestinal inflammation, diarrhea, cramping and colic. The nature of such children is to be oversensitive.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
I'm in Sydney, would be great if we had a good pharmacy here.

I guess I will buy from overseas, just the post time is what I find annoying. Would like to start him on this remedy soon, but will have to wait a couple of weeks before I receive it

Also just about his stool, he doesn't scream anymore...but he does need me from time to time to hold his legs up and help him. But yes colour is green.
VenessaM last decade
David, I ordered the Borax from that NZ pharmacy. I just wanted to know if Borax will also be able to help with his bark cough and reflux?

Yesterday his reflux was really bad even with Zantac. He hardly slept and woke up screaming 3 times. I had to give him Panadol in the end. I feel helpless and so upset that he is suffering. I'm seeing his pedetrician next Monday and I know his just going to tell me to change the medication. So am really helping Borax is going to help him
VenessaM last decade
If Borax is right for him, it will affect all his symptoms.

There are plenty of homoeopaths in Sydney. I studied there so all my teachers still work there I believe. It might be possible to get something through one of them, if I let them know that I had prescribed it.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
I wonder if it's worth getting it sooner, just don't know how long it will take from NZ.

If you can let me know that will be great, he is just unable to sleep and so am I
VenessaM last decade
Any luck with trying to locate someone in Sydney who I can get the drops from?
VenessaM last decade
What part of sydney are you in
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
I'm in the western suburbs, but my husband works in the city...so he can pick up for us on his way home. So north Sydney and Eastern suburbs would be harder to get too. Perhaps Inner west or city would be better
VenessaM last decade

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