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Posts about Dermatitis, Eczema

Mr. Anuj follow up with my case + Eczema14 year old girl eczema3Graphites & Eczema2Eczema9dyshidrotic eczema4Scrotal Eczema6for rishmiba pls- allergic rhinitis asthma and atopic dermatitis315 months old baby severe eczema9Eczema4Perioral Dermatitis5


The ABC Homeopathy Forum

6 month old baby with dermatitis / Eczema Page 12 of 16

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A little cooler a night, but still comfortable. I wouldn't say to cold, but the temperature has been dropping at night
VenessaM last decade
What is the eczema/eruptions like? What do they look like?
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
It just looks like red little pimples, and at times he has white little pimples.

It's not dry though. Looks more like a rash of red pimples on the cheeks.

It comes and goes too
VenessaM last decade
Ok what I want you to do is get the Alumina 200 for later, but for right now I want him to take a single dose of Dulcamara 30c.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
Okay I will buy two of those remedies.

I am giving it to him the same way as always.

One drop in a cup of water and a teaspoon out of that?
VenessaM last decade
Yep same way.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
Thanks heaps! :)
VenessaM last decade
Morning David,

Just thought I'll let you know how we went last night. I gave him the drop as soon as I got home and than shortly after he had his milk. He was a bit unsettled after he had his bottle...just wanted to be held and than shortly after he vomited a bit on me. After he vomited he was fine and than went to sleep. So his stomach may have been uncomfortable prior to that.

He didn't wake up at all last night crying, so we all managed to get a good night sleep. (Actually my husband now has a sore throat, so he has now come down with something too.)

Than this morning I gave him the milk and when I went to get him, he burped and than got hiccups. So he may still have a few issues there digesting the milk.

He still sounds congested though. I need to drop him off to family day care today cause im off to work, just don't know if I should give him another dose or just leave it for now?
VenessaM last decade
How is he generally now?
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
well im at work now, so im not really sure how his going.

But I left him quite happy and he woke up happy (which is the first in 4 days), so im pretty happy with that.

I will know more when I get home. I guess Im just more concern that its good friday tomorrow and easter over the weekend and dont know what to do in case it flares up?
VenessaM last decade
You can repeat the remedy if he relapses, but if he remains happy I would hold off.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
I must admit Im really understaning more on how homeopathy medicine works now, from my own experience.

So will definitely hold off unless he relapses.

thanks for the confirmation
VenessaM last decade
Hi David,

So ive given him my son the remedy three times now.... But his stool is still hard and pellet looking. Yesterday he didn't even go at all toilet and today he just did a few pellets by straining. He still sounds blocked in the nose too. His nose is not really running during the day, but I notice it runny at the end of the day. The last two nights his been crying just before he goes to sleep when he finally sleeps he does wake up crying during the night .

The pimples on his face is only a very little better.

Just don't understand why his still getting constipated
VenessaM last decade
Sorry correction

He has been crying prior to sleeping (fighting his sleep) but when he finally goes to sleep he doesn't wake up crying in the middle of the night like he did before.

Also I just gave him orange juice and his finally gone toilet
VenessaM last decade
Is this baby still on dairy? David I have a question if a child is allergic or intolerant can homeopathy cure this or would the allergen need to be removed 1st? This truly sound like a milk intolerance which is so so common and I have had lots of experience and done lots of research and just a trial of no dairy and wheat for a minimum of 3 weeks will give the answer to this and you can slowly introduce them back into the diet one at a time to see which one it is and sometimes it's both good luck
My nephew has Hurrendous constipation he won't go for days and screams with pain it's getting worse but my sister in law is blind to the fact it's his diet and when he is at my mums from fri till Monday he will poop normally after the weekend as she removes these 2 items from his diet, just an idea to try Vanessa I'm just letting you know what I know and wish I was told when my 1st child was younger and would of saved alot of pain!
[message edited by pixie wood on Sat, 07 Apr 2012 09:47:45 BST]
pixie wood last decade
Hi pixie, yes his still on dairy... Formula though. To be honest I do think it's also the chicken and bread making him constipated. So it's not only dairy..carbs and protein is also a problem. I do believe homeopathy can help him cure him, when he was a baby and was only drinking milk he had no problems going toilet. Than he started on solids and that's when all the problems started. David managed to help him get through that phase. His food is no longer purée now, it's whole pieces, so not sure if that is the problem too.

I did try goats milk, but didn't have much luck him drinking it, nor did he want to drink lactose free milk. So I'm really hoping that homeopathy will help us through this phase too.

He hardly eats fruits and veggies, so his diet is not great.

I do think your on to something about dairy though, if only I knew this when he was a baby. I just don't know if I can convert him now

David what do you think?
VenessaM last decade
We moved to an acute remedy, which will not affect his chronic state. We will need to move back to chronic treatment now.

I assume all those new symptoms have receded?
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
I agree David, we need to go back to his chronic state.

The constipation is part of his chronic state

Another day where his stool was hard and only one pellet
VenessaM last decade
Morning David,

I'm a bit worried that my son is going to get the flu from his dad. Last night he woke up crying at 5am, but I gave him the dummy and went back to sleep but at 6am he got up again. His nose is congested, runny and sneezing. His been congested all week and my son probably gave it to my husband

My husband has a sore throat, a blocked and runny nose and achy body.

Do I have anything I can give him?
VenessaM last decade
Hi Vanessa just a tip until you get hold of David as I know it's difficult for him at the weekend I use sambucol daily for my kids adults can use it too it's amazing for flu especially if used early I use this along side homeopathy, check the age on the kiddies one, adult one great it rid my flu in 2-3 days when I say rid I mean the whole feeling rubbish achey and feverish its great!
pixie wood last decade
Thanks Pixie, so great to know little tips like that...I'm going to go buy it for both of them.

Sounds like a very safe product.

Thanks again!
VenessaM last decade
You should be giving him the remedy I prescribed for his URTI (Dulcamara). It is fine to repeat remedies when there is a relapse or similar symptoms occurring.

Sambucus nigra is a medicine, like any herb, and may act suppressively in any case. Only use them if there is no other choice.

On the weekend I often stay with my mother who is quite chronically ill, and she has no internet connection.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
There is a specific kind of cold or 'flu' that Sambucus will suit, and can be curative (or at least not dangerously palliative).

It is primarily useful for dry snuffles - there is coryza without any discharge. There is obstruction of the nose which is again dry. This obstruction forces the patient to breath through the mouth. Dryness is usually prominent through the whole case.

The symptoms generally are worse for lying down, better for moving about, and especially for constantly moving. The patients feel worse for uncovering and better for wrapping up, especially the head. They get dry burning fevers while asleep, and sweat while awake. They are usually thirstless with a dry mouth (like Nux-moshcata), and if the throat is involved it is typically a choking, constricted feeling they get.

Sambucus is a well known remedy for the lungs, for asthma. The breathing is fast, and there is more difficulty breathing after midnight. Patients may spring out of bed as if in fright. The breathing is loud, rough, almost like crowing or sawing.

The problems with those studies that show things like '90% of patients recovered faster' is that they never look at the long term consequences of such treatment, because they are mainly unable to recognize that there is any connection between how we deal with our acutes and how our chronics are affected.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
Hi David,

I ended up buying Sambucol but it says that you shouldn't give to children under 2 so I was a bit worried to give it to him. My husband is going to use it instead.

I may just repeat the remedy, but his nose ....has a lot of dry mucous in it and not so much runny any more. His sleeping now, so I will see how he wakes up. But he does seem okay when his awake, I think he is worse when sleeping.

My husband is the one I'm actually worried about, his taking all different orthodox medicine that I don't like him taking.

Me on the other hand am feeling great....I guess the kreos is still in me. Thank god too, cause I need to be strong when the others aren't.
VenessaM last decade
Repeat the Dulc when he wakes up, unless he has no symptoms then.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
Thanks David will do

Without knowing so much, is there any remedy I can give my husband? I feel he is living on codral, panadol, nasal spray and soothers. Just a mixture of badthings.

I know he has a sore throat, lethargic, achy body, blocked and runny nose and drowsy from all the drugs.

I understand you may not be able to treat him. His a stubborn man, but i would like to prove him wrong with homeopathy.
VenessaM last decade

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