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Thanks David will do

Without knowing so much, is there any remedy I can give my husband? I feel he is living on codral, panadol, nasal spray and soothers. Just a mixture of badthings.

I know he has a sore throat, lethargic, achy body, blocked and runny nose and drowsy from all the drugs.

I understand you may not be able to treat him. His a stubborn man, but i would like to prove him wrong with homeopathy.
VenessaM last decade
I would have to have symptoms, have a case given. There is no way to guess with homoeopathy as there are too many possible choices. I think it is better to know that we can help him, rather than prove to him that homoeopathy doesn't work by making a poor choice.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
David sambucol is just Elderberry exctract not the homeopathy sambucus did you realise this or maybe I misread, Vanessa there is a kiddies one did you get that I cannot remember the age on it though , anyhow you managed to get hold of David which is good , hope your all well ASAP!
pixie wood last decade
Hi pixie

They don't actually have a kids one because the product is natural, adults and kids can use it. My husband is using it and finding some relief and maybe I can half the dose for my son if he gets any worse. Like the fact that product is natural though.

But for the time being my son is doing okay he just has a congested nose.
VenessaM last decade
Sambucol is the herb Sambucus nigra, which we know very well in homoeopathy. Its common name is Elderberry. Like all herbs, they are medicines, and if used just for symptoms instead of being applied more generally, they can be suppressive.

The symptoms are the same, regardless of the preparation. You would get non-suppressive cures by using the symptoms I gave, since they are the symptoms of the plant.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
Ok Vanessa i have both here adults and kids one the kids one is for 1yr and up. i give this to my youngest and the older one has the adult one.
Are yousaying its not good to use David? i wasn't sure what you meant. i have been using it daily for my kids and i just use it when get a cold or flu like last week, it was very good.
Hope you husbands ok Vanessa!
pixie wood last decade
Hi Pixie,

Not sure if we have the kids one in Australia are you in the UK?

If you look at the website for Sambucol under Australia, there is only one liquid product. And when I went to my local pharmacy they said this is the only one used for both adults and children. But I guess that's because we don't have e kids one here


The dose is from 2 yrs of age.

Can you tell me what is the dose to be taken for a one year old pls?

My husband is getting a bit better thankfully
VenessaM last decade
It is better to apply medicines properly. There is nothing inherently wrong with using Elderberry, but like all medicines it should be used properly. Continually suppressing colds with something like this herb will result in more chronic problems, unles the proper picture is prescribed on. You may not even realise that your chronic problems are being aggravated by it, until you understand how health and disease works.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
Daviid, I actually like taking echinacea in a vitamin form when I feel like I'm catching a cold. Is this herb safe to use or am I suppressing symtoms aswell?

Never thought about if til now, but I have been taking it these last couple of days to prevent the cold.
VenessaM last decade
Echinacea has its uses too, and if selected when the time is right it can be very effective.

Lots of inflammation
Soreness and a bruised feeling (relative of Arnica)
Colds with lots of exhaustion
Colds that come on after being run down by too much work (or study)
Chilly, but desires cold water
Slow, confused, drowsy, unable to apply the mind
Much worse for exerting themselves either physically or mentally
[message edited by brisbanehomoeopath on Tue, 10 Apr 2012 13:14:39 BST]
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
I guess I'm a little naive with homeopathy but I'm now a little worried since I've taken echinacea would it interfee with kreos?

Also I hear eucalyptus interferes with homeopathic medicine is this true?
VenessaM last decade
The kids one isn't as strong but the same dosage over here.
David is it best i stop giving daily then. this certainly hasn't stopped them getting colds it just makes them less severe they have constant cough and colds. i started using it as was scary when the cold leads to croup and asthma and seems to make it much milder. i did not realise a herb would surpress things. i thought it just helped the immune system?
Glad your husband is feeling better Vanessa i do swear by that stuff.. for me anyhow it worked amazingly well the 2 times i have used it.

I see what you mean Vanessa. we have a better range over here http://sambucol.co.uk/the-sambucol-range.html
i'd like to hear what David says though about using i truly thought herbal would nit suppress things as it's natural, i have used this daily since lasy November as get so fed up with my kids ill all the time.
[message edited by pixie wood on Tue, 10 Apr 2012 14:04:49 BST]
pixie wood last decade
I would suggest not using any other medicine while under homoeopathic treatment, unless it is an emergency. That is the standard condition I ask of all my clients. Herbs work on the same principles as homoeopathy, which are simply the laws of nature and do not change based on the style of medicine you choose. So there is the possibility they can interfere with the process set in motion by the remedy.

Remeber Pixie, that Arsenic is natural, Belladonna is natural, snake poison is natural - natural does not make something safe. Herbs have power, undoubtedly, so they should be used with caution like anything with power. It is really just a matter of knowing when to use those herbs, when they are appropriate, when they are not (suppressive).
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
Thanks for that info David, its really good to know that. I guess I was in the same view as Pixie thinking herbs were safe to use as an immune booster.

What are you thoughts about flu vaccinations? I work for a Pharmaceutical company and they provide staff a flu shot every year. I have had it in the past but am apprehensive to take it now
VenessaM last decade
Thanks david I have used sambucol regularly with homeopathy even with the whooping cough but will certainly hold back now,
My personal view on the flu jab is no way, you have sambucol and homeopathy lol read up on it Vanessa there's some horrific stuff and no actual proof the flu jab works, the decision is all yours though, I can't decide on gettin my youngest vaccinated because the other is, he caught whooping cough and I'd made my mind up he was being vaccinated but David cured it with homeopathy and now I can't decide again, so difficult to decide !
[message edited by pixie wood on Wed, 11 Apr 2012 01:48:02 BST]
pixie wood last decade
It is very wise to avoid the flu vaccinations. So much evil has come from those, it has created a permanent influenza epidemic in our communities. Where you would just see it at certain times, you now have year long flu appearances. It is a terrible thing. Of course all vaccination is terrible, often deadly. It is one of the greatest evils inflicted on mankind, especially because parents line up to allow their children to be harmed this way under the reassurances of the companies making money out of it. Our medical professionals and governments use fear and lies to make parents do this. Vaccination is very lucrative and while it makes so much money it will probably never stop.
[message edited by brisbanehomoeopath on Wed, 11 Apr 2012 02:35:48 BST]
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
Wow that is so scary to know that. They really do make parents feel guilty if you give your child the vacinations. In fact there is a law with childcare and day care lady's that they are unable to look after children without having your childs vacinations up to date. So they literally force you to do it. Otherwise I will not have anyone be able to look after my son..

I myself have not taken the flu shot for the last 3 years now, but use to in the past. I swear by echinacae personally. And I must admit David, I dont think Kreos and echineaca are interfeering at present, because I have taken echineaca with other homeopath remedies in the past and did not find the relief that I am fiding it now. But will definitely try to hold off as much as I can. I only use it sparingly, thats probably why.

thanks again for your time and for explainging to us what other professionals lack to tell us
VenessaM last decade
Actually there is no such law in Australia. There is only policy. The law specifically states that you cannot discriminate on the basis of vaccination status, but unvaccinated children must be sent home during an epidemic. The Australian Constitution allows any person (or guardian of such) to choose or reject medical treatment. This does of course beg the question, who exactly is sick during that epidemic?

You can see how insidious vaccination is, that they will lie to you about 'the law' that allows them to discriminate against you, when it is exactly the opposite.

However I understand that the social pressure applied to parents is extreme. The idea of having to sue daycare centres is expensive and difficult. Orthodox healthcare professionals won't support you either, so you are on your own in having to fight such battles. However, it is worth your while to go to the Australian Vaccination Network's website to learn what is and isn't true about 'the law' and vaccination, and possibly to get some support for making more reasonable decisions about your child's health.

The only way we would know echinacea is causing problems, is when it causes them. I can't say it will for sure.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
hi David,

I think my son's chronic state needs to be looked at again.

These last two nights he has been waking up feeling congested in the nose, but during the day his nose is fine. Unfortunately I've had to give him Panadol to calm him down

Than this morning he burped and actually vomited a bit.

He has been getting hiccups about 2-3 times a day lately.

His cheeks were raw red this morning as well and around the mouth area – however the weather here has been really cold

His stool is more on the hard side, but he at least is able to go on his own. But perhaps unable to push all the stool all at once, so may need to go 2-3 times a day.

His behaviour has been a bit cranky and yesterday I tried rocky him to sleep but every time I would put him down in his cot he would end up crying - hence why I had to give him the Panadol. To be honest it was almost in possible to put him to sleep during the day too – I had to go for a walk to calm him down too. (He did hit his head yesterday, so I don’t think that made the matters better)

Would love for you to review him again. He was doing well for a little while there.

I guess all the symptoms outstanding:

- Congested nose
- Hiccups
- Red inflammed little red pimples
- Hard stool
VenessaM last decade
I will have a look later today.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
Hi David,

His been coughing a bit today...after he eats food or drinks his milk or water. Sounds dry and chesty a bit. Not so much a bark cough as yet
VenessaM last decade
Morning David,

His cough is really bad today, he sounds like he has a cold. The cough is very chesty, flamie and his coughing a lot now. He has a little runny clear nose. Is there anything I can give him for this bad cough. He sounds like he is unable to breathe. I'm sure he picked it up from day care.

I just can't believe how frequent he is getting sick. I'm not sure If its because his chronic state that is doing this.

I'm hoping your checking emails this weekend
VenessaM last decade
David, how would I know if this is an asthma cough perhaps?

It sounds like a bark cough and has a rattle noise, sounds very flamie and mucous
VenessaM last decade
Get hold of Lycopodium 200c and give him a dose.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
Hi David,

I've got the 30c would that be okay til I get the 200?

I've got a wedding today, so might be able to go in the afternoon to the city to the the 200.

Can the 30c help for now?

And how would he take the 30c if okay toO?
VenessaM last decade
Use 30c now if you have it.

There is an epidemic of whooping cough going around Australia. We need to be alert for that with him. I would also suggest getting Drosera and Spongia as well.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade

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