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Mr. Anuj follow up with my case + Eczema14 year old girl eczema3Graphites & Eczema2Eczema9dyshidrotic eczema4Scrotal Eczema6for rishmiba pls- allergic rhinitis asthma and atopic dermatitis315 months old baby severe eczema9Eczema4Perioral Dermatitis5


The ABC Homeopathy Forum

6 month old baby with dermatitis / Eczema Page 4 of 16

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I'm in the western suburbs, but my husband works in the city...so he can pick up for us on his way home. So north Sydney and Eastern suburbs would be harder to get too. Perhaps Inner west or city would be better
VenessaM last decade
In the city you have Newtons Pharmacy at 119 York St. The number there is ph.92677889.

You can also try Ken D'aran';s clinic Sydney Homoeopathic Centre, level 9, 60 Pitt St ph.92478500
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
Awesome, we should be able to get this tomorrow. Btw my son heard an unusual baby scream today and he cried historically ...so I think your on to something with the Borax

Thanks for your help.

Only wish I can get my remedy sooner
VenessaM last decade
Hi David,

Bought the borax in liquid form. How would you like me to make it up for him?
It's a 50ml bottle
VenessaM last decade
Do you have a separate dosing bottle? This would be the normal method for dosing:


Firstly, you need to create a separate dosing bottle. Get a bottle with a dropper, 15-30mls in size, and fill it with a mixture of water and alcohol (5 parts to 1 part). Dissolve 2-4 granules or 2-4 drops of the medicine you bought from the pharmacy into this mixture. Your doses will be made from this bottle.

Hit the bottle firmly against the palm of your hand, or another elastic surface like a book. It should be a firm hit not a tap. 2 hits is enough to begin with, and should not be increased unless it is clear that it is needed. The water in this bottle will 'remember' the number of times you have hit it, so that subsequent doses will be stronger (necessary to overcoming the resistance of your disease).

Place 1 drop into an amount of water - I may start with anything from 1/4-1 full cup (62ml-250ml) depending on the sensitivity of the patient. In this case start with 1/2 cup. Stir thoroughly and take 1 teaspoon into the mouth. Throw the rest of the cup away.

This is one dose. Repeat doses would be started from the 2 hits on the bottle.

Each step of this process can be adjusted to reduce aggravation or to increase the effect of the medicine. In order to be able to do this, it is important to measure each step (count the hits, the drops, measure the water etc).

Only do one dose to begin with.

If you do not have a separate empty bottle and dropper, you can just use the stock bottle to make the dose (hitting it as per previous instructions) as long as it has water in it and is not pure alcohol.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
I do have a separate dropper if so

However, on the bottle it says - for children put 3-4 drops in a small amount of water and to repeat every 3-4 hours or as directed.

Not sure if it's a 100% alcohol or diluted in water. I can ring and find out tomorrow.

What do you suggest I do?
VenessaM last decade
David, I spoke to the pharmacy and it is diluted in water and ready to use.. So if its okay I will use the stock bottle.

Just to clarify I am hitting the bottle twice, putting 1 drop in 1/2 a cup of water and taking a teaspoon out of that.
VenessaM last decade
Ignore the instructions on the bottle. Homoeopathy requires individualised and careful dosing.

If it has water in it you can use it as is. Yes hit twice firmly, 1 drop in 1/2 cup of water, stir thoroughly and give him 1 teaspoon.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
I gave him the dosage and 20 mins after he did a pooh with a little of my help, but the consistence and colour looked better - no green. Brownish/yellowish

So far so good.
VenessaM last decade
Hi David,

So i gave the drops on Friday and Sat and Sunday My sons stool was getting a bit better and poohing on his own. However, today his gone back to being constipated and he has also been vomiting a bit more yesterday and today.
His behaviour has been not too bad and his sleeps are okay.

What you think?
VenessaM last decade
Okay so his pooh is okay today, but his cough, reflux and hiccups are still pretty bad
VenessaM last decade
So what is the overall reaction - can you list his symptoms and say which is better, which is worse, and which is the same. Perhaps give a score or percentage to represent the change.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
Here are all the symtoms we started with

Skin - a lot better, I would probably give 90-100%
Stool - 50-60% better he is able to go on his on, but he does a little bit at a time, so I may change his nappy 3 times
Reflux - a little worse and vomiting more in the afternoons 20%
Cough - sounds worse and has lasted long this time 20%
sleep - better day and night, but still can't get past 530am in the mornings 70%
Solids - he still prefers sweet over savory, and cold food over hot food
VenessaM last decade
What order did all these symptoms appear in (so which are oldest and which are newest)?
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
Old symptoms were reflux, sleep and constipation.

Skin problem occurred with sulphur but rectified with Phos

Fussy with solids is a strange one, he loved solids when he was 4-5 months and than became really fussy at 6 months

Also forgot to mention a new symtom has been not putting on much weight, as of 1-2 months and has dropped slightly below average

Just also with his development, he is a little slow with teething, saying new words, clapping, crawling, sitting up he does but is not too strong ...not sure if anything to worry about though.
VenessaM last decade
When did the cough appear?
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
Yes forgot to mention the cough, it came when he was on sulphur after the start of the reflux, he has had it on and off in the past. But now I'm been hearing it everyday since 2 weeks ago

I went to paed yesterday and he said the cough is reflux related, there is nothing in the chest. He wants me to increase his solid intake to come off the Zantac. He said Zantac can cause liver problems if he is on it long term.
VenessaM last decade
It could be that the remedy has aggravated the reflux although did you say that generally he seems more settled?

As the older symptom, the reflux will take the longest to improve (hopefully not very long though).

I would give him one more dose of the Borax.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
Yes he does seem a bit more settled and his stool seem a bit better too

Actually this morning I put him down to sleep at 840am and he woke up screaming from a loud motor bike sound at 920, so perhaps another dose of borax might help
VenessaM last decade
Sounds like there is more to clear yet.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
Hi david, hiss stool has gone hard again not sure if it's from increasing solids or an aggravation?

His cough is still sounding really bad

I did also take him to a baby chiro to help with the reflux last Wednesday not sure if that can cause aggravation. His been sleeping a lot though...
VenessaM last decade
Did you give him another dose? If not you should do that right away.

If the cough will not submit to Borax we may need to try something more specific for it.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
Yap I gave it to give on Thursday just a drop in a half a cup

When he was on Phos it did help with the cough, but obviously not entirely.

Should we give it more time?
VenessaM last decade
Hi David,

So this is where we are at with my son, I haven't heard the bark cough in over a week or so, his stool hasn't been so bad, but still not 100%. The only real issue left now is his acid reflux and also my son only likes eating dairy food at the moment or protein. The only foods he likes is rice cereal with prunes, yoghurt, custard, egg, milk, chicken, biscuits.

Not sure if that is telling us something?
VenessaM last decade
Actually I have been hearing a bit of that bark cough again this morning. I think he gets it more after I give him more Zantac, cause he has been bringing up more reflux from having too much dairy products.
VenessaM last decade
Ok give him one more dose of the Borax, but I want you to dilute it more.

That teaspoon you take out of the full cup, I want you to put it in another 1/4 cup of water. Stir and then give him a teaspoon out of that.

It could be that the Zantac is causing problems for him. Soon we may need to consider reducing the dose, then treating what changes occur as we do that.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade

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