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Mr. Anuj follow up with my case + Eczema14 year old girl eczema3Graphites & Eczema2Eczema9dyshidrotic eczema4Scrotal Eczema6for rishmiba pls- allergic rhinitis asthma and atopic dermatitis315 months old baby severe eczema9Eczema4Perioral Dermatitis5


The ABC Homeopathy Forum

6 month old baby with dermatitis / Eczema Page 7 of 16

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It does sound like he caught something.

Hmmm....considering the 200c hasn't done anything, I would give him a single dose of the 1M.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
Only issue I have I can't get the 1m til Monday cause it's in the city. Would I be able to give him the 200 in some way or am I better off waiting til Monday night when I will get it from my husband?

I think the panadol has now made him constipated
VenessaM last decade
VenessaM last decade
Hi David, my son had diarrehea once this morning. He hasn't eaten hardly anything in the last 3 days.

I will be getting the cina 1m tomorrow, however every time I put food in my sons mouth he either refuses or cry, so his gums are clearly in pain. But more concerning is that he is refusing milk too. I've had to rock him to sleep like jumping up and down to actually get him to sleep a few times yesterday and Friday.

I have had some mums say to try chamomilla for teething, but of course I don't want too without your guidance. His stools are not green though and my son is not chubby, so I don't see how.

Should I just stick to Cina 1m? I'm just concern that he is not eating and his weight could be another issue.
VenessaM last decade
Yes we need to try the higher dose. That is always the first step.

Playing around with other remedies can make things worse so we should only do that if things are serious.

What other new symptoms does he have?

What kind of clingy is he?

Describe exactly what he does when he is upset.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
Ok here are his symptoms:

Pulling his ears constantly , ears going red
Does not want to eat or drink without chucking a tantrum.
Wants to be on me or my husband
Gets angry when we put him down or don't give him what he wants.
Has Occasionally needed to be rocked to sleep (bouncing up and down)
Has a really bad temper
Nothing makes him happy at the moment
Has a rash on one side of his face/ ears and on his knees

David, his seriously driving me crazy. I'm starting up work tomorrow and feeling really guilty to leave him this way. I need a miracle.

I took him to the another doctor again and he said its all teething symtoms and there is no signs of infection.
VenessaM last decade
The last two days he has been crying all day long until I give him panadol.
Also waking up really unhappy and crying
VenessaM last decade
Have you used Chamomilla on him before?
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
Sorry when he gets angry, he throws his head and back backwards and grabs his ears.

He is more clingy but his not really happy being on us either at times.

I'm really concern how he doesn't want ANY FOOD...like nothing
VenessaM last decade
What potencies of Chamomilla do you have there? I would normally use 200c or 1M for this kind of situation. I doubt 30c will hold very well.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
I have used chamomilla 30c on him before when he was about 3 months old, it did help him with his restlessness back than and calmed him down. But did not help with the reflux
VenessaM last decade
It is only indicated for his teething, not his chronic state.

You can give him 30c but you need to get 200c as well.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
I have 2 pellets of the 30c chamomilla at home

Otherwise I can tell my husband to buy the 200c or 1m in liquid in the city

What am I better off doing?
VenessaM last decade
Okay how do you want me to make up the bottle for the 30c?

Im putting the two pellets in the amber bottle with water and alcohol as usual. How many drops do I give him? And how much water?
And just give him the once?

I'll buy the Cham 200c as back up ready to go.
VenessaM last decade
You will likely need the 200c. I don't find 30c very useful for such intense situations.

2 hit, 1 drop, 1/2 cup, stir, 1 teaspoon.

You can start with 30c right now though. It will do something.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
Okay have given it to him...if I dont see much improvement by tonight.

Could I give him the 200c tomorrow morning or tonight before I go to work?

I'm giving him the 200c the same way as the 30c right...in half a cup?
VenessaM last decade
Give him a dose every hour, up to a maximum of 4 doses. Stop whenever you see marked improvement (or noticeable aggravation).

Only give him the 200 if he is not better tomorrow. You can do that tonight if he does not improve on the 30c. Wait an hour after the last dose of 30.

Dose the same way for the 200.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
Haven't notice much difference with the 30c so far...
I'll follow your directions

His dribbling excessively too
VenessaM last decade
Okay after giving him another dose

My son actually ate dinner for the first time after 4 days without crying. Can't believe it

His rash on his face is looking a bit better too.

So far so good
VenessaM last decade
How are things going?
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
Hi David

His a lot better thank god, I gave him two doses of the 30c on Monday and than gave 1 dose of the 200c Monday night and than another 200c on Tuesday morning. I haven't given him anymore since.

His appetite is back, the rash is looking better, his not crying, has no temper, looks happier and his drinking his milk. His like a new child. I can't believe it.

The only thing that is still there is, he vomited a bit more than usual after his milk yesterday morning and had hiccups after his last bottle last night.

Do you think I need to give him anymore doses?

Me on the other hand am not doing well. Ive woken up with conjunctivitis after two days of work. I need to get back to you regarding my health. I'm just hanging in there by a thread.
VenessaM last decade
Hi David

His a lot better thank god, I gave him two doses of the 30c on Monday and than gave 1 dose of the 200c Monday night and than another 200c on Tuesday morning. I haven't given him anymore since.

His appetite is back, the rash is looking better, his not crying, has no temper, looks happier and his drinking his milk. His like a new child. I can't believe it.

The only thing that is still there is, he vomited a bit more than usual after his milk yesterday morning and had hiccups after his last bottle last night.

Do you think I need to give him anymore doses?

Me on the other hand am not doing well. Ive woken up with conjunctivitis after two days of work. I need to get back to you regarding my health. I'm just hanging in there by a thread.
VenessaM last decade
Hi David,

Andre keeps getting alot of little red pimples on his face and now it's also just under his neck. I'm not sure if it's a heat rash, or from teething or from his salvia/dribbling. It was looking a bit bad today, could this be an aggravation or from all the acid in his salvia u think?

He has started hiccuping again after some meals too.

Good news his weight is still average, it has not dropped. Just concern with the pimples and occasionally hiccups i after meals.
VenessaM last decade
Hi David,

My son is running a high temperature again as of yesterday, nurofen or panadol aren't working. His really upset, clingy and has a bad temper. His also managed to lose his voice at childcare again last week. I don't know what to do
His pooh has been really foul, I nearly gagged yesterday. Also he vomited a lot yesterday night after I gave him the nurofen...like I mean a ltr worth of fluid.

I don't know if this is teeth or a bug from childcare again

Pls help...I really don't want to take him to a medical centre.

David I did give him a dose of chamomilla on Sat morning cause he was really clingy...but that has been it.
VenessaM last decade
You do realise that suppressing his fever with medicaton will only make him worse don't you?

You need to be more descriptive with the symptoms. What smell, what kind of anger, what kind of fever, when is he worse or better, what is his thirst like, is he sweating - I need more to make prescriptions.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
Yah I do, but at 10pm last night I didn't know what else to do?

He has been drinking alot more water than usual.
Fever only occurred last night it was high 38.8...has dropped this morning to 37.4 I did give him a bath this morning too
Stool smells like rotten eggs, really mustard looking
What makes him happy, outside and being carried
Temper arching his back, throwing himself on the floor, so his tummy is on the floor and his legs are in the air. Also screaming to himself and I don't even know what has upsetted him. And also waving his hands in the air. Tensing his body and short shouts
No sweating
He is worse when he is left alone or when he doesn't get his way
VenessaM last decade

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